Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...

Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...

Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...


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18 <strong>Women</strong> <strong>offenders</strong>: <strong>after</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Corston</strong> <strong>Report</strong>more respectful places; a better focus on promoting purposeful activity and resettlement;<strong>the</strong> end of routine strip searching of women; better reception and first night arrangements;better physical health care (although with some exceptions); and better treatment andmanagement of women with substance use problems which has “undoubtedly contributedto <strong>the</strong> drop in self-inflicted deaths.” 72 The Acting HM Chief Inspector of Probation foundthat <strong>the</strong> “strong lead given by <strong>the</strong> MoJ and NOMS” had been “successful in promotingconsiderable activity” at a regional and local level. For example, Probation Trusts hadworked well with NOMS and <strong>the</strong> MoJ as well as partners and o<strong>the</strong>r agencies to develop a“sound strategic framework” for working with women <strong>offenders</strong>. However, measures toassess <strong>the</strong> progress made on implementing this framework were generallyunderdeveloped. 73 Probation Chiefs’ Association found that <strong>the</strong> National ServiceFramework coupled with updated guidance issued in March 2012, had helped streng<strong>the</strong>npartnership activity in probation trusts in: developing specific service provision for women;developing a women-centred approach; and promoting a greater understanding of <strong>the</strong>needs of women <strong>offenders</strong>. 74 Lancashire Probation Trust described <strong>the</strong> strategic approachthat had been taken to developing provision in <strong>the</strong> county, which focused on reducing <strong>the</strong>use of custody and remand, and improving a range of outcomes, including reducingreoffending, as well as health and social outcomes. 7538. Never<strong>the</strong>less, <strong>the</strong>re was clearly more to be done. A joint inspection of <strong>the</strong> use ofalternatives to custody by women <strong>offenders</strong> by HM Inspectorate of Probation, HM CrownProsecution Service Inspectorate and HM Inspectorate of Prisons in 2011 concluded thatdespite efforts made to improve <strong>the</strong> use of gender-specific interventions, some offendermanagers working with women <strong>offenders</strong> demonstrated a lack of empathy towards <strong>the</strong>mand insufficient knowledge to work with <strong>the</strong>m effectively. 76 We also encounterednumerous examples where it appeared that <strong>the</strong> Ministry of Justice and NOMS had notgiven sufficient thought to gender differences. For example, Bedfordshire Probation Trustexplained that service specifications fail to take account of <strong>the</strong> additional support, liaisonand crisis management that women <strong>offenders</strong> require during periods of communitysupervision. Similarly, while <strong>the</strong> Trust had received gender awareness training for staff, thishad tended to focus on female workers supervising male <strong>offenders</strong>. 77 HMP Eastwood Parkfelt that that various recent initiatives including <strong>the</strong> benchmarking programme,development of prison industries and integrated <strong>offenders</strong> management schemes have notbeen approached in a gendered way. 78 Nicola Padfield of <strong>the</strong> University of Cambridgeobserved that women remain “remarkably invisible’ in some Ministry of Justice statistics,for example, <strong>the</strong> Parole Board publishes statistics by ethnicity, and not by gender. 79 TheLucy Faithfull Foundation had seen limited impact of <strong>the</strong> gender equality duty on72 Ev 6673 Ev 8074 Ev 120. See A Distinct Approach75 Ev w10176 Ev 8077 Ev w1678 Ev w94. See also Q 227 [Mr Hardwick]79 Ev w36

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