Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...

Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...

Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...


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Justice Committee: Evidence Ev 87After three weeks, I hit <strong>the</strong> bottle, I couldn’t cope, I couldn’t get help, I knew I needed to comeback to prison to get away from <strong>the</strong> hostel, ‘S’ and get help for my anxiety as it was out of control.Due to <strong>the</strong> ‘Under 35’ Housing Rule, which I didn’t know about, I saw no hope, no future of beingable to have a chance to rebuild my life. I think <strong>the</strong> ‘Under 35’ rule is a disgrace and will causemore street homeless—I had it, lost <strong>the</strong> plot and I walked down to <strong>the</strong> police station to get recalled.I had breached as I had drunk. My bags were packed and ready and two days later, I was back inEastwood until 15/9/12.This time, ‘DM’ a church lady from ‘M’ is trying to house me into <strong>the</strong>ir dry community. But due to<strong>the</strong> ‘under 35’ Housing rule, Housing only pay £63 a week and she is struggling to find me a placeI can afford. It is still looking grim. She has voluntary work ready for me and daily support awayfrom addicts.So in a nutshell, I came back to prison to get well. I’m now on beta blockers for <strong>the</strong> anxiety andnew anti depressants to help me sleep. I feel a lot better.But when I go out in five weeks, I’ll have nothing again and yet again ano<strong>the</strong>r battle with <strong>the</strong>benefits, <strong>the</strong>y don’t even give you time to adjust before calling you for a medical even when a doctortells <strong>the</strong>m I was unfit to work for a few months due to my anxiety.I get really hope next time I get through it. I have not family support and if it wasn’t for ‘D’, ‘R’and ‘C’ for <strong>the</strong> church I would have no one.So I’m back in ‘EWP’ to get well, for <strong>the</strong> mo. That is my story briefly and I was just wondering ifyou could offer me any support as I’m trying to be organised this time so I do not fail.I feel probation are trying to set me up to fail.It would be good if you could give me any help or advice.”3.4 Starving hungry and freezing cold on <strong>the</strong> outside— “I just thought I’d write you a little letter to say thank you for all your support whilst I was in prisonI’m now home which I am glad about but also still really scared about what may happen with mylife on <strong>the</strong> out side I am living with my partner but am back to square one. No money, no food, Iam using candles for light as whilst I was in prison all my money got stopped so I am living onnothing at all as your aware I haven’t got any family to help me out due to <strong>the</strong> life I have choosefor so many years. ……. I have been out since <strong>the</strong> 8th of April its now <strong>the</strong> 13th and haven’t touchedany drugs and have just been trying really hard to be a better person I need my family back in mylife. Id also like to thank you for trying to get me a grant for when I got out of jail but I got <strong>the</strong>grant form on <strong>the</strong> Wednesday and was going home on <strong>the</strong> Friday so didn’t have long enough to getit all done it would of really helped me but even though I never managed to get it you have still youhave still helped me mentally. I have made an appointment for a new claim. Its not till <strong>the</strong> 21st ofthis month so I don’t know what Im going to do till <strong>the</strong>n. I have asked my Probation Officer forsome vouchers to get some food shopping and some gas + electricity but <strong>the</strong>y said <strong>the</strong>y don’t dothat. I cant understand why <strong>the</strong>y cant help me <strong>the</strong>y say <strong>the</strong>y are hear to help us women when we getout of prison but yet <strong>the</strong>y don’t. I haven’t got a penny and am sitting in a flat with no Hot water,heating electric or food but don care. It gives me no option apart from going to commit a crimewhich I really don’t wont to do I really wont to turn my life around but am starving hungry andfreezing cold I have been going to my local Church to keep warm in <strong>the</strong> day till <strong>the</strong>y close.”— “Why more is not being done to ensure housing on release. Why it is so difficult to get appointmentwith OMO—I appreciated <strong>the</strong>y are pushed to <strong>the</strong> brink with workloads, should <strong>the</strong>re not be moreOMO supervisors in situ in prisons. Why more money is not spent in providers such as WIP +Newbridge.”4. Some Questions <strong>the</strong> <strong>Women</strong> would like <strong>the</strong> Committee to ask <strong>the</strong> GovernmentQ.1 Why so many women especially single parents are given custodial sentences for minor crimes costing <strong>the</strong>taxpayer thousands instead of community sentences?Q.2 Why are male prison officers able to work with vulnerable women (eg domestic abuse victims etc) whenthis is intimidating and often humiliating for women?Q.3 Would you put it to <strong>the</strong> Government that heroin withdrawal need to be looked into, methodone and subotexis a tradeable commodity.Q.4 I am IPP and I’m five and a half years over tariff, is <strong>the</strong>re any new news or information about IPPs rottingin prison?Q.5 Why are pregnant women still handcuffed?Q.6 Why more is not being done to ensure housing on release?Q.7 Why isn’t <strong>the</strong>re a specialist service for women being told <strong>the</strong>y are losing <strong>the</strong>ir children, when <strong>the</strong>y aregoing into custody?

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