Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...

Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...

Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...


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Ev 18 Justice Committee: Evidence15 January 2013 Peter Kilgarriff, Jackie Russell, Sharon Spurling and Joy Doal63% for those coming out <strong>after</strong> a short prison sentenceat, say, Foston Hall. It does not make any sense. If youare talking about reducing reoffending, <strong>the</strong> servicesthat we provide do make sense. But yes, we haven’t gotnational coverage. We can’t even deal with <strong>the</strong> wholeof Birmingham. In some areas <strong>the</strong>re is no provision forthose women, but <strong>the</strong>re could be—at a hugely reducedcost.Going back to your original question, <strong>the</strong>re areo<strong>the</strong>r things. One of <strong>the</strong> dangers with “TransformingRehabilitation” is that all <strong>the</strong> people below tier 3<strong>offenders</strong> are to be managed by a private company,because <strong>the</strong>y are all deemed to be low-risk. But withwomen, you also have to understand that, although <strong>the</strong>yare low-risk in terms of harm to o<strong>the</strong>rs, <strong>the</strong>y are veryhigh-risk in terms of need, and of risk to <strong>the</strong>mselvesand <strong>the</strong>ir children, because <strong>the</strong>ir lives are often chaotic.They will be classed as a low tier of risk of harm to<strong>the</strong> public, so under <strong>the</strong>se proposals nearly all <strong>the</strong>sewomen will be managed outside. You can pretty muchstick all <strong>the</strong> women in that box, because <strong>the</strong>y will allbe in tier 3.Q92 Jeremy Corbyn: I am very interested in <strong>the</strong>points you are making. What would be <strong>the</strong> equivalentcommunity sentence to a very short prison sentence,such as five or 10 days?Joy Doal: We do specified activity requirements,which are anything up to 60 days. That could be 60days for up to 12 months.Q93 Jeremy Corbyn: Sixty full days.Joy Doal: Yes. Someone may attend our centre 60times—60 days—over 12 months, but it could be 30days or 20 days.Q94 Jeremy Corbyn: What would she do on thosedays?Joy Doal: She would access all sorts of support, andshe would also access courses—offending behaviourcourses, anger management courses, DV coursesand drug awareness courses. There would be a fulltimetable.Q95 Jeremy Corbyn: Who monitors this?Joy Doal: Probation. We work in conjunction withprobation. We have co‐located offender managersin <strong>the</strong> centre who manage <strong>the</strong> cases, but our supportworkers do <strong>the</strong> actual front-line support with thatwoman. She will have a worker who will deal withall her issues and help her with housing, issues with<strong>the</strong> children, social services and parenting courses.We have a crèche on site. It is holistic: everything is<strong>the</strong>re for her in one place. She is receiving <strong>the</strong> support,but she is also undergoing punishment in terms of herliberty. She has to attend, because obviously that ispart of <strong>the</strong> court order; o<strong>the</strong>rwise, you have also gotcommunity payback by unpaid work. She can do hoursin <strong>the</strong> community.Chair: Perhaps we could stop <strong>the</strong>re, because we aregoing to come back to <strong>the</strong> nature of what you are ableto do with your organisations.Q96 Mr Llwyd: Arising from that, 60 days is quiteintensive and obviously worth while, but, bearing inmind that a lot of <strong>the</strong>se women have chaotic lives, howmany fall off and do not complete?Joy Doal: Not that many.Q97 Mr Llwyd: Roughly how many?Joy Doal: We have a really good success rate. I cannotgive you <strong>the</strong> exact figures, but very few orders arebreached. If <strong>the</strong>y are breached, usually it is at <strong>the</strong>very initial stages, when someone has not even comethrough <strong>the</strong> door.Jackie Russell: I don’t think that 60 days would be<strong>the</strong> order for somebody as an alternative to five-daycustody. That lower tier would have less contact timein a sense, although it could be, as Joy said—Q98 Jeremy Corbyn: What is <strong>the</strong> equivalent? Ifsomebody would have been given, for example, a 10-day prison sentence, how much community work orcommunity attendance would <strong>the</strong>y get instead?Joy Doal: It varies.Q99 Jeremy Corbyn: It is not that scientific.Joy Doal: No.Q100 Chair: It is not that consistent.Sharon Spurling: What also varies is that not allareas have access to specified activity requirements.In <strong>the</strong> Northumbria Probation Trust that is particularlyaround ETE, not anything specific to women. Thatarea does not do conditional cautioning, so <strong>the</strong>re arechanges across <strong>the</strong> patch as to what you can access forwomen. If that was a bit more joined up, we would beable to give you lots more data, because we would allbe working in <strong>the</strong> same kind of regime of monitoringand collection.Q101 Andy McDonald: Putting to one side <strong>the</strong>efficacy and appropriateness of non‐custodial sentencesand focusing on those occasions when custodialsentences are necessary, Her Majesty’s chief inspectorof prisons suggests that women do best in smaller open,or semi-open, establishments. Given that, do you share<strong>the</strong> disappointment expressed by Baroness <strong>Corston</strong> tous in December at <strong>the</strong> Government’s decision not toaccept her recommendation to establish small custodialunits for women?Jackie Russell: Yes, absolutely.Peter Kilgarriff: Very much.Jackie Russell: We have heard that small custodialunits would be expensive, but what we have not seenis a fully costed proposal of what that would looklike. You also have to remember that that proposalwas based alongside o<strong>the</strong>r proposals that would havereduced <strong>the</strong> prison population. Whereas <strong>the</strong>re are4,000-plus women in prison today, <strong>the</strong> small custodialmodel was about asking questions such as: how manyof those women should not be <strong>the</strong>re because <strong>the</strong>yare <strong>the</strong>re for breach of an order that would not haveresulted in prison anyway? How many of those womenare <strong>the</strong>re on remand? How many of those women are<strong>the</strong>re for under three months, or under six months?Once you start to deal with those women appropriately,your prison population drops, which gives you aproper model, and it is that model that should havebeen costed for small custodial units. We have not seen

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