Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network
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pRB kau ismrih sy muK suhwvy ] parabh ka-o simrahi say mukh suhaavay. Those who remember God - their faces are beautiful. pRB kau ismrih iqn sUiK ibhwvY ] parabh ka-o simrahi tin sookh bihaavai. Those who remember God abide in peace. pRB kau ismrih iqn Awqmu jIqw ] parabh ka-o simrahi tin aatam jeetaa. Those who remember God conquer their souls. pRB kau ismrih iqn inrml rIqw ] parabh ka-o simrahi tin nirmal reetaa. Those who remember God have a pure and spotless lifestyle. pRB kau ismrih iqn And Gnyry ] parabh ka-o simrahi tin anad ghanayray. Those who remember God experience all sorts of joys. pRB kau ismrih bsih hir nyry ] parabh ka-o simrahi baseh har nayray. Those who remember God abide near the Lord. sMq ik®pw qy Anidnu jwig ] sant kirpaa tay an-din jaag. By the Grace of the Saints, one remains awake and aware, night and day. nwnk ismrnu pUrY Bwig ]6] naanak simran poorai bhaag. ||6|| O Nanak, this meditative remembrance comes only by perfect destiny. ||6|| pRB kY ismrin kwrj pUry ] parabh kai simran kaaraj pooray. Remembering God, one's works are accomplished.

pRB kY ismrin kbhu n JUry ] parabh kai simran kabahu na jhooray. Remembering God, one never grieves. pRB kY ismrin hir gun bwnI ] parabh kai simran har gun baanee. Remembering God, one speaks the Glorious Praises of the Lord. pRB kY ismrin shij smwnI ] parabh kai simran sahj samaanee. Remembering God, one is absorbed into the state of intuitive ease. pRB kY ismrin inhcl Awsnu ] parabh kai simran nihchal aasan. Remembering God, one attains the unchanging position. pRB kY ismrin kml ibgwsnu ] parabh kai simran kamal bigaasan. Remembering God, the heart-lotus blossoms forth. pRB kY ismrin Anhd Junkwr ] parabh kai simran anhad jhunkaar. Remembering God, the unstruck melody vibrates. suKu pRB ismrn kw AMqu n pwr ] sukh parabh simran kaa ant na paar. The peace of the meditative remembrance of God has no end or limitation. ismrih sy jn ijn kau pRB mieAw ] simrahi say jan jin ka-o parabh ma-i-aa. They alone remember Him, upon whom God bestows His Grace. nwnk iqn jn srnI pieAw ]7] naanak tin jan sarnee pa-i-aa. ||7|| Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of those humble beings. ||7||

pRB kY ismrin kbhu n JUry ]<br />

parabh kai simran kabahu na jhooray.<br />

Remembering God, one never grieves.<br />

pRB kY ismrin hir gun bwnI ]<br />

parabh kai simran har gun baanee.<br />

Remembering God, one speaks the Glorious Praises of the Lord.<br />

pRB kY ismrin shij smwnI ]<br />

parabh kai simran sahj samaanee.<br />

Remembering God, one is absorbed into the state of intuitive ease.<br />

pRB kY ismrin inhcl Awsnu ]<br />

parabh kai simran nihchal aasan.<br />

Remembering God, one attains the unchanging position.<br />

pRB kY ismrin kml ibgwsnu ]<br />

parabh kai simran kamal bigaasan.<br />

Remembering God, the heart-lotus blossoms forth.<br />

pRB kY ismrin Anhd Junkwr ]<br />

parabh kai simran anhad jhunkaar.<br />

Remembering God, the unstruck melody vibrates.<br />

suKu pRB ismrn kw AMqu n pwr ]<br />

sukh parabh simran kaa ant na paar.<br />

The peace of the meditative remembrance of God has no end or<br />

limitation.<br />

ismrih sy jn ijn kau pRB mieAw ]<br />

simrahi say jan jin ka-o parabh ma-i-aa.<br />

They alone remember Him, upon whom God bestows His Grace.<br />

nwnk iqn jn srnI pieAw ]7]<br />

naanak tin jan sarnee pa-i-aa. ||7||<br />

Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of those humble beings. ||7||

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