Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network
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sloku ] salok. Shalok: Agm AgwiD pwrbRhmu soie ] agam agaaDh paarbarahm so-ay. Unapproachable and Unfathomable is the Supreme Lord God; jo jo khY su mukqw hoie ] jo jo kahai so muktaa ho-ay. whoever speaks of Him shall be liberated. suin mIqw nwnku ibnvMqw ] swD jnw kI Acrj kQw ]1] sun meetaa naanak binvantaa. saaDh janaa kee achraj kathaa. ||1|| Listen, O friends, Nanak prays, to the wonderful story of the Holy. ||1|| AstpdI ] asatpadee. Ashtapadee: swD kY sMig muK aUjl hoq ] saaDh kai sang mukh oojal hot. In the Company of the Holy, one's face becomes radiant. swDsMig mlu sglI Koq ] saaDhsang mal saglee khot. In the Company of the Holy, all filth is removed. swD kY sMig imtY AiBmwnu ] saaDh kai sang mitai abhimaan. In the Company of the Holy, egotism is eliminated. swD kY sMig pRgtY suigAwnu ] saaDh kai sang pargatai sugi-aan. In the Company of the Holy, spiritual wisdom is revealed.

swD kY sMig buJY pRBu nyrw ] saaDh kai sang bujhai parabh nayraa. In the Company of the Holy, God is understood to be near at hand. swDsMig sBu hoq inbyrw ] saaDhsang sabh hot nibayraa. In the Company of the Holy, all conflicts are settled. swD kY sMig pwey nwm rqnu ] saaDh kai sang paa-ay naam ratan. In the Company of the Holy, one obtains the jewel of the Naam. swD kY sMig eyk aUpir jqnu ] saaDh kai sang ayk oopar jatan. In the Company of the Holy, one's efforts are directed toward the One Lord. swD kI mihmw brnY kaunu pRwnI ] saaDh kee mahimaa barnai ka-un paraanee. What mortal can speak of the Glorious Praises of the Holy? nwnk swD kI soBw pRB mwih smwnI ]1] naanak saaDh kee sobhaa parabh maahi samaanee. ||1|| O Nanak, the glory of the Holy people merges into God. ||1|| swD kY sMig Agocru imlY ] saaDh kai sang agochar milai. In the Company of the Holy, one meets the Incomprehensible Lord. swD kY sMig sdw prPulY ] saaDh kai sang sadaa parfulai. In the Company of the Holy, one flourishes forever. swD kY sMig Awvih bis pMcw ] saaDh kai sang aavahi bas panchaa. In the Company of the Holy, the five passions are brought to rest.

swD kY sMig buJY pRBu nyrw ]<br />

saaDh kai sang bujhai parabh nayraa.<br />

In the Company of the Holy, God is understood to be near at hand.<br />

swDsMig sBu hoq inbyrw ]<br />

saaDhsang sabh hot nibayraa.<br />

In the Company of the Holy, all conflicts are settled.<br />

swD kY sMig pwey nwm rqnu ]<br />

saaDh kai sang paa-ay naam ratan.<br />

In the Company of the Holy, one obtains the jewel of the Naam.<br />

swD kY sMig eyk aUpir jqnu ]<br />

saaDh kai sang ayk oopar jatan.<br />

In the Company of the Holy, one's efforts are directed toward the<br />

One Lord.<br />

swD kI mihmw brnY kaunu pRwnI ]<br />

saaDh kee mahimaa barnai ka-un paraanee.<br />

What mortal can speak of the Glorious Praises of the Holy?<br />

nwnk swD kI soBw pRB mwih smwnI ]1]<br />

naanak saaDh kee sobhaa parabh maahi samaanee. ||1||<br />

O Nanak, the glory of the Holy people merges into God. ||1||<br />

swD kY sMig Agocru imlY ]<br />

saaDh kai sang agochar milai.<br />

In the Company of the Holy, one meets the Incomprehensible Lord.<br />

swD kY sMig sdw prPulY ]<br />

saaDh kai sang sadaa parfulai.<br />

In the Company of the Holy, one flourishes forever.<br />

swD kY sMig Awvih bis pMcw ]<br />

saaDh kai sang aavahi bas panchaa.<br />

In the Company of the Holy, the five passions are brought to rest.

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