Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network
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suKdweI pvnu pwvku Amulw ] sukh-daa-ee pavan paavak amulaa. You have peaceful breezes and priceless fire. ijh pRswid Bogih siB rsw ] jih parsaad bhogeh sabh rasaa. By His Grace, you enjoy all sorts of pleasures. sgl smgRI sMig swiQ bsw ] sagal samagree sang saath basaa. You are provided with all the necessities of life. dIny hsq pwv krn nyqR rsnw ] deenay hasat paav karan naytar rasnaa. He gave you hands, feet, ears, eyes and tongue, iqsih iqAwig Avr sMig rcnw ] tiseh ti-aag avar sang rachnaa. and yet, you forsake Him and attach yourself to others. AYsy doK mUV AMD ibAwpy ] aisay dokh moorh anDh bi-aapay. Such sinful mistakes cling to the blind fools; nwnk kwiF lyhu pRB Awpy ]2] naanak kaadh layho parabh aapay. ||2|| Nanak: uplift and save them, God! ||2|| Awid AMiq jo rwKnhwru ] aad ant jo raakhanhaar. From beginning to end, He is our Protector, iqs isau pRIiq n krY gvwru ] tis si-o pareet na karai gavaar. and yet, the ignorant do not give their love to Him.

jw kI syvw nv iniD pwvY ] jaa kee sayvaa nav niDh paavai. Serving Him, the nine treasures are obtained, qw isau mUVw mnu nhI lwvY ] taa si-o moorhaa man nahee laavai. and yet, the foolish do not link their minds with Him. jo Twkuru sd sdw hjUry ] jo thaakur sad sadaa hajooray. Our Lord and Master is Ever-present, forever and ever, qw kau AMDw jwnq dUry ] taa ka-o anDhaa jaanat dooray. and yet, the spiritually blind believe that He is far away. jw kI thl pwvY drgh mwnu ] jaa kee tahal paavai dargeh maan. In His service, one obtains honor in the Court of the Lord, iqsih ibswrY mugDu Ajwnu ] tiseh bisaarai mugaDh ajaan. and yet, the ignorant fool forgets Him. sdw sdw iehu BUlnhwru ] sadaa sadaa ih bhoolanhaar. Forever and ever, this person makes mistakes; nwnk rwKnhwru Apwru ]3] naanak raakhanhaar apaar. ||3|| O Nanak, the Infinite Lord is our Saving Grace. ||3|| rqnu iqAwig kaufI sMig rcY ] ratan ti-aag ka-udee sang rachai. Forsaking the jewel, they are engrossed with a shell.

suKdweI pvnu pwvku Amulw ]<br />

sukh-daa-ee pavan paavak amulaa.<br />

You have peaceful breezes and priceless fire.<br />

ijh pRswid Bogih siB rsw ]<br />

jih parsaad bhogeh sabh rasaa.<br />

By His Grace, you enjoy all sorts of pleasures.<br />

sgl smgRI sMig swiQ bsw ]<br />

sagal samagree sang saath basaa.<br />

You are provided with all the necessities of life.<br />

dIny hsq pwv krn nyqR rsnw ]<br />

deenay hasat paav karan naytar rasnaa.<br />

He gave you hands, feet, ears, eyes and tongue,<br />

iqsih iqAwig Avr sMig rcnw ]<br />

tiseh ti-aag avar sang rachnaa.<br />

and yet, you forsake Him and attach yourself to others.<br />

AYsy doK mUV AMD ibAwpy ]<br />

aisay dokh moorh anDh bi-aapay.<br />

Such sinful mistakes cling to the blind fools;<br />

nwnk kwiF lyhu pRB Awpy ]2]<br />

naanak kaadh layho parabh aapay. ||2||<br />

Nanak: uplift and save them, God! ||2||<br />

Awid AMiq jo rwKnhwru ]<br />

aad ant jo raakhanhaar.<br />

From beginning to end, He is our Protector,<br />

iqs isau pRIiq n krY gvwru ]<br />

tis si-o pareet na karai gavaar.<br />

and yet, the ignorant do not give their love to Him.

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