Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network
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kil klys qn mwih imtwvau ] kal kalays tan maahi mitaava-o. Worry and anguish shall be dispelled from your body. ismrau jwsu ibsuMBr eykY ] simra-o jaas bisumbhar aykai. Remember in praise the One who pervades the whole Universe. nwmu jpq Agnq AnykY ] naam japat agnat anaykai. His Name is chanted by countless people, in so many ways. byd purwn isMimRiq suDwK´r ] bayd puraan simrit suDhaakh-yar. The Vedas, the Puraanas and the Simritees, the purest of utterances, kIny rwm nwm iek AwK´r ] keenay raam naam ik aakh-yar. were created from the One Word of the Name of the Lord. iknkw eyk ijsu jIA bswvY ] kinkaa ayk jis jee-a basaavai. That one, in whose soul the One Lord dwells qw kI mihmw gnI n AwvY ] taa kee mahimaa ganee na aavai. - the praises of his glory cannot be recounted. kWKI eykY drs quhwro ] kaa N khee aykai daras tuhaaro. Those who yearn only for the blessing of Your Darshan nwnk aun sMig moih auDwro ]1] naanak un sang mohi uDhaaro. ||1|| - Nanak: save me along with them! ||1||

suKmnI suK AMimRq pRB nwmu ] sukhmanee sukh amrit parabh naam. Sukhmani: Peace of Mind, the Nectar of the Name of God. Bgq jnw kY min ibsRwm ] rhwau ] bhagat janaa kai man bisraam. rahaa-o. The minds of the devotees abide in a joyful peace. ||Pause|| pRB kY ismrin griB n bsY ] parabh kai simran garabh na basai. Remembering God, one does not have to enter into the womb again. pRB kY ismrin dUKu jmu nsY ] parabh kai simran dookh jam nasai. Remembering God, the pain of death is dispelled. pRB kY ismrin kwlu prhrY ] parabh kai simran kaal parharai. Remembering God, death is eliminated. pRB kY ismrin dusmnu trY ] parabh kai simran dusman tarai. Remembering God, one's enemies are repelled. pRB ismrq kCu ibGnu n lwgY ] parabh simrat kachh bighan na laagai. Remembering God, no obstacles are met. pRB kY ismrin Anidnu jwgY ] parabh kai simran an-din jaagai. Remembering God, one remains awake and aware, night and day. pRB kY ismrin Bau n ibAwpY ] parabh kai simran bha-o na bi-aapai. Remembering God, one is not touched by fear.

suKmnI suK AMimRq pRB nwmu ]<br />

sukhmanee sukh amrit parabh naam.<br />

<strong>Sukhmani</strong>: Peace of Mind, the Nectar of the Name of God.<br />

Bgq jnw kY min ibsRwm ] rhwau ]<br />

bhagat janaa kai man bisraam. rahaa-o.<br />

The minds of the devotees abide in a joyful peace. ||Pause||<br />

pRB kY ismrin griB n bsY ]<br />

parabh kai simran garabh na basai.<br />

Remembering God, one does not have to enter into the womb again.<br />

pRB kY ismrin dUKu jmu nsY ]<br />

parabh kai simran dookh jam nasai.<br />

Remembering God, the pain of death is dispelled.<br />

pRB kY ismrin kwlu prhrY ]<br />

parabh kai simran kaal parharai.<br />

Remembering God, death is eliminated.<br />

pRB kY ismrin dusmnu trY ]<br />

parabh kai simran dusman tarai.<br />

Remembering God, one's enemies are repelled.<br />

pRB ismrq kCu ibGnu n lwgY ]<br />

parabh simrat kachh bighan na laagai.<br />

Remembering God, no obstacles are met.<br />

pRB kY ismrin Anidnu jwgY ]<br />

parabh kai simran an-din jaagai.<br />

Remembering God, one remains awake and aware, night and day.<br />

pRB kY ismrin Bau n ibAwpY ]<br />

parabh kai simran bha-o na bi-aapai.<br />

Remembering God, one is not touched by fear.

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