Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network
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inQwvy kau nwau qyrw Qwau ] nithaavay ka-o naa-o tayraa thaa-o. To the homeless, Your Name is home. inmwny kau pRB qyro mwnu ] nimaanay ka-o parabh tayro maan. To the dishonored, You, O God, are honor. sgl Gtw kau dyvhu dwnu ] sagal ghataa ka-o dayvhu daan. To all, You are the Giver of gifts. krn krwvnhwr suAwmI ] karan karaavanhaar su-aamee. O Creator Lord, Cause of causes, O Lord and Master, sgl Gtw ky AMqrjwmI ] sagal ghataa kay antarjaamee. Inner-knower, Searcher of all hearts: ApnI giq imiq jwnhu Awpy ] apnee gat mit jaanhu aapay. You alone know Your own condition and state. Awpn sMig Awip pRB rwqy ] aapan sang aap parabh raatay. You Yourself, God, are imbued with Yourself. qum@rI ausqiq qum qy hoie ] tum H ree ustat tum tay ho-ay. You alone can celebrate Your Praises. nwnk Avru n jwnis koie ]7] naanak avar na jaanas ko-ay. ||7|| O Nanak, no one else knows. ||7||

srb Drm mih sRyst Drmu ] sarab Dharam meh saraysat Dharam. Of all religions, the best religion hir ko nwmu jip inrml krmu ] har ko naam jap nirmal karam. is to chant the Name of the Lord and maintain pure conduct. sgl ik®Aw mih aUqm ikirAw ] sagal kir-aa meh ootam kiri-aa. Of all religious rituals, the most sublime ritual swDsMig durmiq mlu ihirAw ] saaDhsang durmat mal hiri-aa. is to erase the filth of the dirty mind in the Company of the Holy. sgl audm mih audmu Blw ] sagal udam meh udam bhalaa. Of all efforts, the best effort hir kw nwmu jphu jIA sdw ] har kaa naam japahu jee-a sadaa. is to chant the Name of the Lord in the heart, forever. sgl bwnI mih AMimRq bwnI ] sagal baanee meh amrit baanee. Of all speech, the most ambrosial speech hir ko jsu suin rsn bKwnI ] har ko jas sun rasan bakhaanee. is to hear the Lord's Praise and chant it with the tongue. sgl Qwn qy Ehu aUqm Qwnu ] sagal thaan tay oh ootam thaan. Of all places, the most sublime place,

inQwvy kau nwau qyrw Qwau ]<br />

nithaavay ka-o naa-o tayraa thaa-o.<br />

To the homeless, Your Name is home.<br />

inmwny kau pRB qyro mwnu ]<br />

nimaanay ka-o parabh tayro maan.<br />

To the dishonored, You, O God, are honor.<br />

sgl Gtw kau dyvhu dwnu ]<br />

sagal ghataa ka-o dayvhu daan.<br />

To all, You are the Giver of gifts.<br />

krn krwvnhwr suAwmI ]<br />

karan karaavanhaar su-aamee.<br />

O Creator Lord, Cause of causes, O Lord and Master,<br />

sgl Gtw ky AMqrjwmI ]<br />

sagal ghataa kay antarjaamee.<br />

Inner-knower, Searcher of all hearts:<br />

ApnI giq imiq jwnhu Awpy ]<br />

apnee gat mit jaanhu aapay.<br />

You alone know Your own condition and state.<br />

Awpn sMig Awip pRB rwqy ]<br />

aapan sang aap parabh raatay.<br />

You Yourself, God, are imbued with Yourself.<br />

qum@rI ausqiq qum qy hoie ]<br />

tum H ree ustat tum tay ho-ay.<br />

You alone can celebrate Your Praises.<br />

nwnk Avru n jwnis koie ]7]<br />

naanak avar na jaanas ko-ay. ||7||<br />

O Nanak, no one else knows. ||7||

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