Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network
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ssIAr sUr nK´qR mih eyku ] sasee-ar soor nakh-yatar meh ayk. In the moon, the sun and the stars, He is the One. bwxI pRB kI sBu ko bolY ] banee parabh kee sabh ko bolai. The Bani of God's Word is spoken by everyone. Awip Afolu n kbhU folY ] aap adol na kabhoo dolai. He Himself is unwavering - He never wavers. srb klw kir KylY Kyl ] sarab kalaa kar khaylai khayl. With absolute power, He plays His play. moil n pweIAY guxh Amol ] mol na paa-ee-ai gunah amol. His value cannot be estimated; His virtues are invaluable. srb joiq mih jw kI joiq ] sarab jot meh jaa kee jot. In all light, is His Light. Dwir rihE suAwmI Eiq poiq ] Dhaar rahi-o su-aamee ot pot. The Lord and Master supports the weave of the fabric of the universe. gur prswid Brm kw nwsu ] gur parsaad bharam kaa naas. By Guru's Grace, doubt is dispelled. nwnk iqn mih eyhu ibswsu ]3] naanak tin meh ayhu bisaas. ||3|| O Nanak, this faith is firmly implanted within. ||3||

sMq jnw kw pyKnu sBu bRhm ] sant janaa kaa paykhan sabh barahm. In the eye of the Saint, everything is God. sMq jnw kY ihrdY siB Drm ] sant janaa kai hirdai sabh Dharam. In the heart of the Saint, everything is Dharma. sMq jnw sunih suB bcn ] sant janaa suneh subh bachan. The Saint hears words of goodness. srb ibAwpI rwm sMig rcn ] sarab bi-aapee raam sang rachan. He is absorbed in the All-pervading Lord. ijin jwqw iqs kI ieh rhq ] jin jaataa tis kee ih rahat. This is the way of life of one who knows God. siq bcn swDU siB khq ] sat bachan saaDhoo sabh kahat. True are all the words spoken by the Holy. jo jo hoie soeI suKu mwnY ] jo jo ho-ay so-ee sukh maanai. Whatever happens, he peacefully accepts. krn krwvnhwru pRBu jwnY ] karan karaavanhaar parabh jaanai. He knows God as the Doer, the Cause of causes. AMqir bsy bwhir BI EhI ] antar basay baahar bhee ohee. He dwells inside, and outside as well.

ssIAr sUr nK´qR mih eyku ]<br />

sasee-ar soor nakh-yatar meh ayk.<br />

In the moon, the sun and the stars, He is the One.<br />

bwxI pRB kI sBu ko bolY ]<br />

banee parabh kee sabh ko bolai.<br />

The Bani of God's Word is spoken by everyone.<br />

Awip Afolu n kbhU folY ]<br />

aap adol na kabhoo dolai.<br />

He Himself is unwavering - He never wavers.<br />

srb klw kir KylY Kyl ]<br />

sarab kalaa kar khaylai khayl.<br />

With absolute power, He plays His play.<br />

moil n pweIAY guxh Amol ]<br />

mol na paa-ee-ai gunah amol.<br />

His value cannot be estimated; His virtues are invaluable.<br />

srb joiq mih jw kI joiq ]<br />

sarab jot meh jaa kee jot.<br />

In all light, is His Light.<br />

Dwir rihE suAwmI Eiq poiq ]<br />

Dhaar rahi-o su-aamee ot pot.<br />

The Lord and Master supports the weave of the fabric of the<br />

universe.<br />

gur prswid Brm kw nwsu ]<br />

gur parsaad bharam kaa naas.<br />

By Guru's Grace, doubt is dispelled.<br />

nwnk iqn mih eyhu ibswsu ]3]<br />

naanak tin meh ayhu bisaas. ||3||<br />

O Nanak, this faith is firmly implanted within. ||3||

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