Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network
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snw jpqI hir hir nIq ] rasnaa japtee har har neet. come to one whose tongue continually chants the Lord's Name, Har, Har. BlI su krnI soBw DnvMq ] bhalee so karnee sobhaa Dhanvant. His actions are good, he is glorious and wealthy; ihrdY bsy pUrn gur mMq ] hirdai basay pooran gur mant. the Mantra of the Perfect Guru dwells within his heart. swDsMig pRB dyhu invws ] saaDhsang parabh dayh nivaas. O God, grant me a home in the Company of the Holy. srb sUK nwnk prgws ]8]20] sarab sookh naanak pargaas. ||8||20|| All pleasures, O Nanak, are so revealed. ||8||20|| sloku ] salok. Shalok: srgun inrgun inrMkwr suMn smwDI Awip ] sargun nirgun nirankaar sunn samaaDhee aap. He possesses all qualities; He transcends all qualities; He is the Formless Lord. He Himself is in Primal Samaadhi. Awpn kIAw nwnkw Awpy hI iPir jwip ]1] aapan kee-aa naankaa aapay hee fir jaap. ||1|| Through His Creation, O Nanak, He meditates on Himself. ||1|| AstpdI ] asatpadee. Ashtapadee:

jb Akwru iehu kCu n idRstyqw ] jab akaar ih kachh na daristaytaa. When this world had not yet appeared in any form, pwp puMn qb kh qy hoqw ] paap punn tab kah tay hotaa. who then committed sins and performed good deeds? jb DwrI Awpn suMn smwiD ] jab Dhaaree aapan sunn samaaDh. When the Lord Himself was in Profound Samaadhi, qb bYr ibroD iksu sMig kmwiq ] tab bair biroDh kis sang kamaat. then against whom were hate and jealousy directed? jb ies kw brnu ichnu n jwpq ] jab is kaa baran chihan na jaapat. When there was no color or shape to be seen, qb hrK sog khu iksih ibAwpq ] tab harakh sog kaho kiseh bi-aapat. then who experienced joy and sorrow? jb Awpn Awp Awip pwrbRhm ] jab aapan aap aap paarbarahm. When the Supreme Lord Himself was Himself All-in-all, qb moh khw iksu hovq Brm ] tab moh kahaa kis hovat bharam. then where was emotional attachment, and who had doubts? Awpn Kylu Awip vrqIjw ] aapan khayl aap varteejaa. He Himself has staged His own drama;

snw jpqI hir hir nIq ]<br />

rasnaa japtee har har neet.<br />

come to one whose tongue continually chants the Lord's Name, Har,<br />

Har.<br />

BlI su krnI soBw DnvMq ]<br />

bhalee so karnee sobhaa Dhanvant.<br />

His actions are good, he is glorious and wealthy;<br />

ihrdY bsy pUrn gur mMq ]<br />

hirdai basay pooran gur mant.<br />

the Mantra of the Perfect Guru dwells within his heart.<br />

swDsMig pRB dyhu invws ]<br />

saaDhsang parabh dayh nivaas.<br />

O God, grant me a home in the Company of the Holy.<br />

srb sUK nwnk prgws ]8]20]<br />

sarab sookh naanak pargaas. ||8||20||<br />

All pleasures, O Nanak, are so revealed. ||8||20||<br />

sloku ]<br />

salok.<br />

Shalok:<br />

srgun inrgun inrMkwr suMn smwDI Awip ]<br />

sargun nirgun nirankaar sunn samaaDhee aap.<br />

He possesses all qualities; He transcends all qualities; He is the<br />

Formless Lord. He Himself is in Primal Samaadhi.<br />

Awpn kIAw nwnkw Awpy hI iPir jwip ]1]<br />

aapan kee-aa naankaa aapay hee fir jaap. ||1||<br />

Through His Creation, O Nanak, He meditates on Himself. ||1||<br />

AstpdI ]<br />

asatpadee.<br />


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