Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network
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pRBu Apnw nwnk jn iDAwieAw ]4] parabh apnaa naanak jan Dhi-aa-i-aa. ||4|| O Nanak, God's humble servants meditate on Him. ||4|| swjn sMq krhu iehu kwmu ] saajan sant karahu ih kaam. O friends, O Saints, make this your work. Awn iqAwig jphu hir nwmu ] aan ti-aag japahu har naam. Renounce everything else, and chant the Name of the Lord. ismir ismir ismir suK pwvhu ] simar simar simar sukh paavhu. Meditate, meditate, meditate in remembrance of Him, and find peace. Awip jphu Avrh nwmu jpwvhu ] aap japahu avrah naam japaavhu. Chant the Naam yourself, and inspire others to chant it. Bgiq Bwie qrIAY sMswru ] bhagat bhaa-ay taree-ai sansaar. By loving devotional worship, you shall cross over the world-ocean. ibnu BgqI qnu hosI Cwru ] bin bhagtee tan hosee chhaar. Without devotional meditation, the body will be just ashes. srb kilAwx sUK iniD nwmu ] sarab kali-aan sookh niDh naam. All joys and comforts are in the treasure of the Naam. bUfq jwq pwey ibsRwmu ] boodat jaat paa-ay bisraam. Even the drowning can reach the place of rest and safety.

sgl dUK kw hovq nwsu ] sagal dookh kaa hovat naas. All sorrows shall vanish. nwnk nwmu jphu gunqwsu ]5] naanak naam japahu guntaas. ||5|| O Nanak, chant the Naam, the treasure of excellence. ||5|| aupjI pRIiq pRym rsu cwau ] upjee pareet paraym ras chaa-o. Love and affection, and the taste of yearning, have welled up within; mn qn AMqir iehI suAwau ] man tan antar ihee su-aa-o. within my mind and body, this is my purpose: nyqRhu pyiK drsu suKu hoie ] naytarahu paykh daras sukh ho-ay. beholding with my eyes His Blessed Vision, I am at peace. mnu ibgsY swD crn Doie ] man bigsai saaDh charan Dho-ay. My mind blossoms forth in ecstasy, washing the feet of the Holy. Bgq jnw kY min qin rMgu ] bhagat janaa kai man tan rang. The minds and bodies of His devotees are infused with His Love. ibrlw koaU pwvY sMgu ] birlaa ko-oo paavai sang. Rare is the one who obtains their company. eyk bsqu dIjY kir mieAw ] ayk basat deejai kar ma-i-aa. Show Your mercy - please, grant me this one request:

pRBu Apnw nwnk jn iDAwieAw ]4]<br />

parabh apnaa naanak jan Dhi-aa-i-aa. ||4||<br />

O Nanak, God's humble servants meditate on Him. ||4||<br />

swjn sMq krhu iehu kwmu ]<br />

saajan sant karahu ih kaam.<br />

O friends, O Saints, make this your work.<br />

Awn iqAwig jphu hir nwmu ]<br />

aan ti-aag japahu har naam.<br />

Renounce everything else, and chant the Name of the Lord.<br />

ismir ismir ismir suK pwvhu ]<br />

simar simar simar sukh paavhu.<br />

Meditate, meditate, meditate in remembrance of Him, and find<br />

peace.<br />

Awip jphu Avrh nwmu jpwvhu ]<br />

aap japahu avrah naam japaavhu.<br />

Chant the Naam yourself, and inspire others to chant it.<br />

Bgiq Bwie qrIAY sMswru ]<br />

bhagat bhaa-ay taree-ai sansaar.<br />

By loving devotional worship, you shall cross over the world-ocean.<br />

ibnu BgqI qnu hosI Cwru ]<br />

bin bhagtee tan hosee chhaar.<br />

Without devotional meditation, the body will be just ashes.<br />

srb kilAwx sUK iniD nwmu ]<br />

sarab kali-aan sookh niDh naam.<br />

All joys and comforts are in the treasure of the Naam.<br />

bUfq jwq pwey ibsRwmu ]<br />

boodat jaat paa-ay bisraam.<br />

Even the drowning can reach the place of rest and safety.

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