Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network Sukhmani Sahib - Eng-Rom-Gurm - Raj Karega Khalsa Network
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nwnk cauQy pd mih so jnu giq pwey ]5] naanak cha-uthay pad meh so jan gat paa-ay. ||5|| - O Nanak, in the fourth state, those humble servants attain salvation. ||5|| rUpu siq jw kw siq AsQwnu ] roop sat jaa kaa sat asthaan. His form is true, and true is His place. purKu siq kyvl prDwnu ] purakh sat kayval parDhaan. His personality is true - He alone is supreme. krqUiq siq siq jw kI bwxI ] kartoot sat sat jaa kee banee. His acts are true, and true is His Word. siq purK sB mwih smwxI ] sat purakh sabh maahi samaanee. The True Lord is permeating all. siq krmu jw kI rcnw siq ] sat karam jaa kee rachnaa sat. True are His actions; His creation is true. mUlu siq siq auqpiq ] mool sat sat utpat. His root is true, and true is what originates from it. siq krxI inrml inrmlI ] sat karnee nirmal nirmalee. True is His lifestyle, the purest of the pure. ijsih buJwey iqsih sB BlI ] jisahi bujhaa-ay tiseh sabh bhalee. All goes well for those who know Him.

siq nwmu pRB kw suKdweI ] sat naam parabh kaa sukh-daa-ee. The True Name of God is the Giver of peace. ibsÍwsu siq nwnk gur qy pweI ]6] bisvaas sat naanak gur tay paa-ee. ||6|| Nanak has obtained true faith from the Guru. ||6|| siq bcn swDU aupdys ] sat bachan saaDhoo updays. True are the Teachings, and the Instructions of the Holy. siq qy jn jw kY irdY pRvys ] sat tay jan jaa kai ridai parvays. True are those into whose hearts He enters. siq inriq bUJY jy koie ] sat nirat boojhai jay ko-ay. One who knows and loves the Truth nwmu jpq qw kI giq hoie ] naam japat taa kee gat ho-ay. - chanting the Naam, he obtains salvation. Awip siq kIAw sBu siq ] aap sat kee-aa sabh sat. He Himself is True, and all that He has made is true. Awpy jwnY ApnI imiq giq ] aapay jaanai apnee mit gat. He Himself knows His own state and condition. ijs kI isRsit su krxYhwru ] jis kee sarisat so karnaihaar. He is the Creator Lord of His world.

siq nwmu pRB kw suKdweI ]<br />

sat naam parabh kaa sukh-daa-ee.<br />

The True Name of God is the Giver of peace.<br />

ibsÍwsu siq nwnk gur qy pweI ]6]<br />

bisvaas sat naanak gur tay paa-ee. ||6||<br />

Nanak has obtained true faith from the Guru. ||6||<br />

siq bcn swDU aupdys ]<br />

sat bachan saaDhoo updays.<br />

True are the Teachings, and the Instructions of the Holy.<br />

siq qy jn jw kY irdY pRvys ]<br />

sat tay jan jaa kai ridai parvays.<br />

True are those into whose hearts He enters.<br />

siq inriq bUJY jy koie ]<br />

sat nirat boojhai jay ko-ay.<br />

One who knows and loves the Truth<br />

nwmu jpq qw kI giq hoie ]<br />

naam japat taa kee gat ho-ay.<br />

- chanting the Naam, he obtains salvation.<br />

Awip siq kIAw sBu siq ]<br />

aap sat kee-aa sabh sat.<br />

He Himself is True, and all that He has made is true.<br />

Awpy jwnY ApnI imiq giq ]<br />

aapay jaanai apnee mit gat.<br />

He Himself knows His own state and condition.<br />

ijs kI isRsit su krxYhwru ]<br />

jis kee sarisat so karnaihaar.<br />

He is the Creator Lord of His world.

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