Technology of Q 2500 colour TV set

Technology of Q 2500 colour TV set Technology of Q 2500 colour TV set
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Technology of Q 2500 colour TV setThe end of data transfer (Stop condition) occurson signalisation of a positive flank (L > H)on the DATA line and concurrent H level onthe clock line.SDASCLMaster-Sender/Receiver(µC)Slave-Receiver(Display)SCL frommasterSDA signalvia transmitterSDA signalvia receiverStartSSlave-Sender/Receiver(RAM)Master-Sender(µC)1 2 8 9Slave-Sender/Receiver(E/A-Interface)9th clock bit for A• Multi-sound processor MSP 3410 to IFandVF processing.• The video processor VPC 3230, I 2271 fordigitising of input signals and processing inthe main signal path. It conducts the digitalY/UV signals to the I 491 memory.• SAA 4979 for conversion of the digital Yand C signals into analogue Y, R-Y and B-Y signals and for the control of the digital100 Hz processing with the two half picturememories and the SAA 4993.• The video/deflection processor TDA 9332for generation of the RGB control signalsfor the c.r.t. plate and for generation of thedeflection pulseUp to 400 kbit/s can be transferred via the I²Cbus interface of the SDA 6000. The data andclock impulses are switched by softwareswitching logic to the respectively requiredbus connections.The CCU operates on its I2C bus outputs witha level of 3.3 V. The other ICs and componentsoperate with TTL level. Adaptation ofthe CCU level to the TTL level is by transistorsQ 2883/86/88/91 and Q 2893.The following functions are controlled via theI²C bus systems:I²C bus 0 with SDA 0 and SCL 0Only the EAROM I 2931 is connected to theI²C bus 0. This memory contains all start valuesand customer specific values. The data isselected here on start up and when makingadjustments or writing to the EAROM on shutdown and for memory processes.If a DVB module is retro-fitted the secondEAROM I 2936 is also used. Programme datafrom 220 to 1470 is stored here.• Video processor VPC 3233, I 2151 for PIPsignal processing. The digitised Y/UVsignalsare fed to the two PIP synchronousmemories I 2161/71.The I²C bus has a maximum cycle rate of 400kHz.I²C bus 1 with SDA 1 and SCL 1Just like the I²C bus 0, fixed pins are also providedfor the I²C buses 1 and 2 in the SDA6000. Buses 1 and 2 operate with a commonclock line and separate data lines. Data isswitched to the respective line for the requiredbus in an internal transfer switch.The following are connect to the I²C bus 1:• The tuning and transfer IC’s on the receiverunits in the basic board.• The transfer IC’s for video (1 x TEA 6415)and audio (TEA 6422 and TEA 6420) forthe interface on the signal board.Document Q 2500 74 © Loewe ProCollege

Technology of Q 2500 colour TV setThe I²C bus 1 operates with a cycle frequencyof 100 kHz.I²C bus 2 with SDA 2 and SCL 1The Sat or Twin Sat unit is controlled from theSDA 6000 via the I²C-Bus 2.There are tuning ICs in the receiver unit. Generationof the tuning voltage and control of theband and standard transfer or LNC supply onthe SAT receiver.4.2.2 IC 24C64 memoryA 24C64 64 kbit memory is used. To distinguishthis EEPROM from the similarly soundingEPROM it is given the designationEAROM.In addition to system data for the digital ICsthe EAROM also contains user specific data.This is programme related location data suchas channel, reception range, standard, etc., aswell as customer specific tuning values forbrightness, volume and contrast, for example.The 24C64 has a memory capacity of 65536bits, and is organised into 8192 x 8 bits. Thememory life is at least 10 years, with morethan 1 million write and read actions guaranteed.Inputting and outputting of data is controlledby the SDA 6000 and implemented viathe I²C bus 0. For this the CCU generates an8-bit address word preceded by a start bit.The 8-bit value is composed of a 7-bit word forthe IC address and one bit, containing the onor off command.This address word is checked by the IC's connectedto the system for conformity with theaddress words they hold, and receipt is acknowledgedby an acknowledge bit from theappropriate IC. In the socket the master IC(SDA 6000) transfers the storage location address.This address consists of two 8-bitwords, receipt of which is acknowledged by anacknowledgement bit for each bit respectively.If this occurs, the 8 data bits are transferred toor from the memory IC and receipt is confirmedby the appropriate IC.Transfer of the data described is implementedvia line SDA 0 and is synchronised by theclock on line SCL 0. After transfer of the lastacknowledgement bit, the command "Input"sets the save procedure in motion. During thesave procedure the inputs SDA and SCL of24C64 are locked, in order to prevent any externalinterference with the memory during thistime.After the start up routine the system data isread from the memory by the SDA 6000 viathe I²C bus and and then the data is transferredvia the I²C bus systems to the appropriatedigital IC's.To prevent inadvertent deletion or overwritingof the memory on start up or shutdown, theWrite Protect line pin 7 of the two EAROMs isconnected via Q 2943 to the Reset line. In thestart up and shut down phase, pin 7 of bothEAROM`s is switched to the L level. Inadvertentdeletion or overwriting is thereby prevented.In the operating state H level is appliedto pin EPROM M 27 C 322Device specific software is held in EPROM I2926 as non-volatile data.An IC with 32 Mbit memory is used. Thememory is divided into 2097152 x 16 bit areas.Data transfer from the EPROM to the computeris implemented via connections D0 toD16. The memory addresses, from which thedata is recalled, are transferred previously vialines A0 to A 20.Document Q 2500 75 © Loewe ProCollege

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>of</strong> Q <strong>2500</strong> <strong>colour</strong> <strong>TV</strong> <strong>set</strong>The I²C bus 1 operates with a cycle frequency<strong>of</strong> 100 kHz.I²C bus 2 with SDA 2 and SCL 1The Sat or Twin Sat unit is controlled from theSDA 6000 via the I²C-Bus 2.There are tuning ICs in the receiver unit. Generation<strong>of</strong> the tuning voltage and control <strong>of</strong> theband and standard transfer or LNC supply onthe SAT receiver.4.2.2 IC 24C64 memoryA 24C64 64 kbit memory is used. To distinguishthis EEPROM from the similarly soundingEPROM it is given the designationEAROM.In addition to system data for the digital ICsthe EAROM also contains user specific data.This is programme related location data suchas channel, reception range, standard, etc., aswell as customer specific tuning values forbrightness, volume and contrast, for example.The 24C64 has a memory capacity <strong>of</strong> 65536bits, and is organised into 8192 x 8 bits. Thememory life is at least 10 years, with morethan 1 million write and read actions guaranteed.Inputting and outputting <strong>of</strong> data is controlledby the SDA 6000 and implemented viathe I²C bus 0. For this the CCU generates an8-bit address word preceded by a start bit.The 8-bit value is composed <strong>of</strong> a 7-bit word forthe IC address and one bit, containing the onor <strong>of</strong>f command.This address word is checked by the IC's connectedto the system for conformity with theaddress words they hold, and receipt is acknowledgedby an acknowledge bit from theappropriate IC. In the socket the master IC(SDA 6000) transfers the storage location address.This address consists <strong>of</strong> two 8-bitwords, receipt <strong>of</strong> which is acknowledged by anacknowledgement bit for each bit respectively.If this occurs, the 8 data bits are transferred toor from the memory IC and receipt is confirmedby the appropriate IC.Transfer <strong>of</strong> the data described is implementedvia line SDA 0 and is synchronised by theclock on line SCL 0. After transfer <strong>of</strong> the lastacknowledgement bit, the command "Input"<strong>set</strong>s the save procedure in motion. During thesave procedure the inputs SDA and SCL <strong>of</strong>24C64 are locked, in order to prevent any externalinterference with the memory during thistime.After the start up routine the system data isread from the memory by the SDA 6000 viathe I²C bus and and then the data is transferredvia the I²C bus systems to the appropriatedigital IC's.To prevent inadvertent deletion or overwriting<strong>of</strong> the memory on start up or shutdown, theWrite Protect line pin 7 <strong>of</strong> the two EAROMs isconnected via Q 2943 to the Re<strong>set</strong> line. In thestart up and shut down phase, pin 7 <strong>of</strong> bothEAROM`s is switched to the L level. Inadvertentdeletion or overwriting is thereby prevented.In the operating state H level is appliedto pin EPROM M 27 C 322Device specific s<strong>of</strong>tware is held in EPROM I2926 as non-volatile data.An IC with 32 Mbit memory is used. Thememory is divided into 2097152 x 16 bit areas.Data transfer from the EPROM to the computeris implemented via connections D0 toD16. The memory addresses, from which thedata is recalled, are transferred previously vialines A0 to A 20.Document Q <strong>2500</strong> 75 © Loewe ProCollege

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