Technology of Q 2500 colour TV set

Technology of Q 2500 colour TV set Technology of Q 2500 colour TV set
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Technology of Q 2500 colour TV set2.11 NF output stagesThe two amplitude controlled VF signals areoutput from pins 56 and 57 of MSP 3411 onthe signal board. The signals are applied tothe base of transistors Q2081/2083. The transistorsare switched as impedance convertersto prevent, as far as possible, the coupling ofinterference pulses on the VF wires betweenMSP and the output ICs.The VF signals reach the two output stagesvia the coupling capacitors C 2082/476. Inbetween are the two mute transistorsQ 1586/88. (See signal board).U+NFC466U+NFR466Q2500 Stereo sound output stageC468R468LS-RLS-L12RSIGUMUTE345W61013pol13polW211123Mute456U-NFU-NF9 pin Cubeconnector123456789123456789W470C467B210B214U12B222R46721W47121W481R478L479C478L489C488C473C471U+NF13 27 10R4796 414 I474TDA7296 1R47598 3C477 15C475U-NFU+NFR488R489C481U+NF14C485R485C483U+NF13 27 106 4I484TDA7296 198 315C487U-NFR473 C472C474C489C484D474R474R476R483 C482C476R484C486R472R477R471C079R482UMUTEC492R492Q469R469D491The output stages are implemented easily asall control processors (volume, tone, balance)as well as base width switching are processedin the MSP.Compared to previous models the Q 2500 hasnew output stages. TDA 7296 is equippedwith an internal mute function that removesany residual on and off switching interferencethat is not fully suppressed by the additionalmute switching.The internal mute switching is controlled onpins 9/10. If the voltage on the pins is

Technology of Q 2500 colour TV setOn start-up C 479/22 µF is very quicklycharged up by R 471/22 k. For C 489/22 µFcharging occurs more slowly via R 477/10 kand R 4476/33 k. This means that in thecharging phase pin 9 is more positive withrespect to pin 10. On shut down C 489 dischargesrapidly via D 474 (which releases R476) and R 477. Pin 9 is again more positivewith respect to pin 10 and mute is implementedagain internally.TDA 7296 can be considered to be an operationalamplifier. It is controlled by its noninvertinginput pin 3. The amplification is calculatedfrom the negative feedback combinationR 478/473.This results inR 478 22 kV = 1 + --------- = 1 + -------- = 33R 473 0.68 kThe amplified signal is felt on pin 14 and forthe left channel is fed to the loudspeakers viaL 479.The R 479/C 471 combination is necessary foran internal bootstrap. In addition, the outputphase is equipped with an overload and temperatureprotection circuit.The two output stages are supplied with voltagesymmetrically. It is taken from the transformerat zero potential and rectified andsmoothed by D 686/687 and C 687. With thehelp of the R/C combination 466 and 468 it issplit into +/- 18 V (see also power supply).This measure achieves a halving of the peakcurrent by the rectifier diodes D 686/687 and ahigher undistorted output performance, especiallyfor low frequencies.An output stage without any electrolytic capacitorscontributes to this.Document Q 2500 43 © Loewe ProCollege

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>of</strong> Q <strong>2500</strong> <strong>colour</strong> <strong>TV</strong> <strong>set</strong>On start-up C 479/22 µF is very quicklycharged up by R 471/22 k. For C 489/22 µFcharging occurs more slowly via R 477/10 kand R 4476/33 k. This means that in thecharging phase pin 9 is more positive withrespect to pin 10. On shut down C 489 dischargesrapidly via D 474 (which releases R476) and R 477. Pin 9 is again more positivewith respect to pin 10 and mute is implementedagain internally.TDA 7296 can be considered to be an operationalamplifier. It is controlled by its noninvertinginput pin 3. The amplification is calculatedfrom the negative feedback combinationR 478/473.This results inR 478 22 kV = 1 + --------- = 1 + -------- = 33R 473 0.68 kThe amplified signal is felt on pin 14 and forthe left channel is fed to the loudspeakers viaL 479.The R 479/C 471 combination is necessary foran internal bootstrap. In addition, the outputphase is equipped with an overload and temperatureprotection circuit.The two output stages are supplied with voltagesymmetrically. It is taken from the transformerat zero potential and rectified andsmoothed by D 686/687 and C 687. With thehelp <strong>of</strong> the R/C combination 466 and 468 it issplit into +/- 18 V (see also power supply).This measure achieves a halving <strong>of</strong> the peakcurrent by the rectifier diodes D 686/687 and ahigher undistorted output performance, especiallyfor low frequencies.An output stage without any electrolytic capacitorscontributes to this.Document Q <strong>2500</strong> 43 © Loewe ProCollege

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