Technology of Q 2500 colour TV set

Technology of Q 2500 colour TV set Technology of Q 2500 colour TV set
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Technology of Q 2500 colour TV setquencies of 5.5 /5.74 MHz or even othersound transmission standards. These two IFchannels can be programmed by the operatingsoftware to different sound carrier frequencies.For the digitally filtered sound/IFcarrier full modulation is carried out in bothchannels. The digital sound signals are felt onthe output of the demodulator/decoder block.In the second sound/IF channel decoding ofthe pilot sound carrier takes place with soundtransmission by the two carrier frequencies5.5 /5.74 MHz. In addition to the FM modulatedVF signal, the 5.74 MHz carrier is modulatedwith an AM modulated 54,7 kHz pilotsound carrier. The pilot sound carrier is variouslymodulated depending on the transmittedVF signals (mono, stereo or two-tone).The name "Nicam" is an abbreviation andstands for "Near instantaneously compoundedaudio multiplex".In this system the digital audio information ismodulated by an additional sound carrier.The signal gets its name QPSK signal from"Quadrature phase shift keying" from the typeof modulation, which is quadrature modulationwith rotating phase,Owing to the various television standards twodifferent sound carrier frequencies are usedfor the Nicam transmission. For PAL-I thesound carrier is 6.552 MHz and for PAL-B/G itis 5.85 MHz.5.2.4 Audio signals from the interfaceswitchingModulation type from pilot sound carrierOperating typeMonoStereoTwo toneNatural frequencyunmodulated117.5 Hz274.1 HzDetection of the pilot sound carrier is carriedout in the second IF channel, in which the5.74 MHz sound carrier processing takesplace, The result of the continuous pilot soundcarrier evaluation is written to the "Stereo DetectionRegister" of the MSP. This register isread cyclically by the CCU via the I²C bus,and depending on the operating mode set theCCU communicates to the MSP via the I²Cbus the type of de-matricising that must beswitched on.5.2.3 Nicam processingNicam is a sound transmission system designedfor terrestrial transmission. It was developedin the United Kingdom for stereo TVtransmission and is now used in a number ofother European countries.If audio signals are fed to the Scart sockets,the selected VF signal pair is applied directlyto pins 53/54 of the multi-standard soundprocessor via the audio interface switch (seeAudio Signal Path). If the signal board is fittedwith 3 AV sockets the audio signal is output bythe AV3 socket directly to pins 56/57 of theMSP. The audio signal passes via an internalswitch to two ADCs. The audio signal is digitisedby the two ADCs for further processingand then led internally to the audio base bandprocessor.5.2.5 AM audio signals at L standardIf AM signals are processed in the device, theIF preparation and demodulation is carried outin the HF/IF block.The VF signal comes from pin 23 of the cabletuner to pin 60 of the MSP 3411. Furthermore,the signal path is the same as the signals thatcome from the interface transfer to pins 53, 54of the MSP.Document Q 2500 114 © Loewe ProCollege

Technology of Q 2500 colour TV set5.2.6 Audio base band processorIn the DFP there is a pre-amplifier for all threedigital VF signal pairs; Nicam A/B, FM 1/2 andScart L/R. The adjustment of the pre-amplifierfor each VF input pair is independent and isdetermined by the software. This means thatfor further processing nearly the same digitalVF level is available.For the FM 1/2 and Nicam A/B signal pairs thepre-amplifier is followed by the necessary deemphasis.The FM 1/2 VF signal pair is fedonward to the FM matrix. For an FM stereotransmission the stereo L and R signals arere-constituted from the L+R/2 signal of FM 1and the R signal of FM 2 in the FM matrix.The FM matrix is controlled by SDA 6000 viathe I²C bus according to the selected operatingmode - stereo or mono. In the followingchannel selection, after the selected operatingmode, the selected VF signal is switched tothe VF output branches in the MSP, which arecontrolled independently of one another, forloudspeaker, headphones and interface selection.MonoAudio Base Processor (DFP)Loudspeaker branchScart / LScart / RFM 1FM 2DeemphasisMatrixChannel selectionMatrixMatrixBassTrebleLoudnessbase widthHeadphones branchVolumeBalance2xD/ABeeper2xD/ALRLRNicam / ANicam / BDeemphasisMatrixInterface out.2xD/ALR5.2.7 Loudspeaker branchAfter channel selection the two VF channelsare led to the digital filter and control stages,which are all controlled from the CCU via theI²C bus. As the processing for both channelsis identical, the following description will dealwith one channel only.louder than deeper or higher frequencies. Thefilter coefficient necessary for the reduction isdetermined and is applied in varying strengthsto the signal, depending on the volume.5.2.8 LoudnessThe signal comes from the matrix and is fedinitially to a filter with which an ‘as heard’loudspeaker control (Loudness) is implemented.Depending on the loudspeaker settingfrequencies around 1 kHz are reduced, asfor same sound pressure the human earsenses these frequencies as being a lot5.2.9 Sound settingThe sound control stage consists of two separatefilters for the height and bass settings.The control range for the two filters is +12 dB.Document Q 2500 115 © Loewe ProCollege

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>of</strong> Q <strong>2500</strong> <strong>colour</strong> <strong>TV</strong> <strong>set</strong>quencies <strong>of</strong> 5.5 /5.74 MHz or even othersound transmission standards. These two IFchannels can be programmed by the operatings<strong>of</strong>tware to different sound carrier frequencies.For the digitally filtered sound/IFcarrier full modulation is carried out in bothchannels. The digital sound signals are felt onthe output <strong>of</strong> the demodulator/decoder block.In the second sound/IF channel decoding <strong>of</strong>the pilot sound carrier takes place with soundtransmission by the two carrier frequencies5.5 /5.74 MHz. In addition to the FM modulatedVF signal, the 5.74 MHz carrier is modulatedwith an AM modulated 54,7 kHz pilotsound carrier. The pilot sound carrier is variouslymodulated depending on the transmittedVF signals (mono, stereo or two-tone).The name "Nicam" is an abbreviation andstands for "Near instantaneously compoundedaudio multiplex".In this system the digital audio information ismodulated by an additional sound carrier.The signal gets its name QPSK signal from"Quadrature phase shift keying" from the type<strong>of</strong> modulation, which is quadrature modulationwith rotating phase,Owing to the various television standards twodifferent sound carrier frequencies are usedfor the Nicam transmission. For PAL-I thesound carrier is 6.552 MHz and for PAL-B/G itis 5.85 MHz.5.2.4 Audio signals from the interfaceswitchingModulation type from pilot sound carrierOperating typeMonoStereoTwo toneNatural frequencyunmodulated117.5 Hz274.1 HzDetection <strong>of</strong> the pilot sound carrier is carriedout in the second IF channel, in which the5.74 MHz sound carrier processing takesplace, The result <strong>of</strong> the continuous pilot soundcarrier evaluation is written to the "Stereo DetectionRegister" <strong>of</strong> the MSP. This register isread cyclically by the CCU via the I²C bus,and depending on the operating mode <strong>set</strong> theCCU communicates to the MSP via the I²Cbus the type <strong>of</strong> de-matricising that must beswitched on.5.2.3 Nicam processingNicam is a sound transmission system designedfor terrestrial transmission. It was developedin the United Kingdom for stereo <strong>TV</strong>transmission and is now used in a number <strong>of</strong>other European countries.If audio signals are fed to the Scart sockets,the selected VF signal pair is applied directlyto pins 53/54 <strong>of</strong> the multi-standard soundprocessor via the audio interface switch (seeAudio Signal Path). If the signal board is fittedwith 3 AV sockets the audio signal is output bythe AV3 socket directly to pins 56/57 <strong>of</strong> theMSP. The audio signal passes via an internalswitch to two ADCs. The audio signal is digitisedby the two ADCs for further processingand then led internally to the audio base bandprocessor.5.2.5 AM audio signals at L standardIf AM signals are processed in the device, theIF preparation and demodulation is carried outin the HF/IF block.The VF signal comes from pin 23 <strong>of</strong> the cabletuner to pin 60 <strong>of</strong> the MSP 3411. Furthermore,the signal path is the same as the signals thatcome from the interface transfer to pins 53, 54<strong>of</strong> the MSP.Document Q <strong>2500</strong> 114 © Loewe ProCollege

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