1 Samuel - Odessa, Missouri Community of Christ

1 Samuel - Odessa, Missouri Community of Christ

1 Samuel - Odessa, Missouri Community of Christ


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64 Dr. Constable's Notes on 1 <strong>Samuel</strong> 2007 Edition<strong>Samuel</strong> judged Jesse's sons by their external qualities just as the Israelites judged Saulacceptable because <strong>of</strong> those characteristics (v. 6). Verse 7 clarifies how God evaluatespeople, namely, on the basis <strong>of</strong> their hearts (affections), not their appearance or abilities(cf. Matt. 3:17; Mark 10:31; 1 Cor. 1:27). As He had done earlier in Scriptural history,God chose the son that was not the natural choice showing that He does not bind Himselfto what is traditional. It is unusual that Jesse did not have David present for <strong>Samuel</strong>'sinspection since he too was one <strong>of</strong> his sons. 190 This may suggest that Jesse did not thinkas highly <strong>of</strong> David as he did <strong>of</strong> his other sons (cf. Ps. 27:10, where David wrote <strong>of</strong> hisparents forsaking him). Was David a neglected or even an abused child that his fatherviewed more as hired help than as a son?"It's remarkable, isn't it, how Jesse reveals two very common mistakesparents make. Number one, he didn't have an equal appreciation for all <strong>of</strong>his children. And number two, he failed to cultivate a mutual self-respectamong them. Jesse saw his youngest as nothing more than the one whotended the sheep." 191"The shepherd/flock image is a kind <strong>of</strong> Leitmotif for David from this pointon. . . . The book's last story shows David deeply concerned for the flock[2 Sam. 24:17]." 192David (probably meaning "beloved <strong>of</strong> the Lord") was physically attractive (v. 12; cf. Isa.53:2). Nevertheless God did not choose him for that reason but because <strong>of</strong> God'ssovereign election and because <strong>of</strong> David's heart attitude. 193"What does it mean to be a person after God's own heart? Seems to me, itmeans that you are a person whose life is in harmony with the Lord. Whatis important to Him is important to you. What burdens Him burdens you.When He says, 'God to the right,' you go to the right. When He says, 'Stopthat in your life,' you stop it. When He says, 'This is wrong and I want youto change,' you come to terms with it because you have a heart forGod." 194David and his family were the first after <strong>Samuel</strong> to learn that he would be the next king,or perhaps that he would become <strong>Samuel</strong>'s successor, as Elisha became to Elijah. 195 Intime all Israel would learn that David would become the next king as he became theinstrument through whom God blessed the nation. He became successful because God's190 Jesse had eight sons (17:12; cf. 1 Chron. 2:13-15; 27:18).191 Swindoll, p. 20.192 S. D. Walters, "The Light and the Dark," in Ascribe to the Lord: Biblical and Other Studies in Memory<strong>of</strong> Peter C. Craigie, p. 574, n. 17. A leitmotif, literally a leading or guiding motive, is a phrase or imagerepresenting and recurring with a given character, situation, or emotion in a piece <strong>of</strong> literature or music.193 God's sovereign election to salvation does not depend on human initiative (Rom. 9:16), but Hissovereign election to service does (1 Tim. 1:12).194 Swindoll, p. 6.195 Young, p. 286.

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