1 Samuel - Odessa, Missouri Community of Christ

1 Samuel - Odessa, Missouri Community of Christ

1 Samuel - Odessa, Missouri Community of Christ


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24 Dr. Constable's Notes on 1 <strong>Samuel</strong> 2007 EditionThe fact that the Israelites suffered a devastating slaughter (Heb. makkah, v. 10), manytimes worse than their earlier recent defeat (v. 2), proved that victory did not come fromthe ark but from the Lord. Defeat was due to sin in the camp, specifically Hophni andPhinehas' sin (cf. 2:25). Israel had suffered defeat at Ai about 300 years earlier for thesame reason: sin among the people (Josh. 7:11). Trying to duplicate previous spiritualvictories by going through the same procedures is no substitute for getting right with God(cf. Judg. 16:20; Matt. 23:25).God did not record the destruction <strong>of</strong> the tabernacle at Shiloh, but some writers assumethe Philistines razed it after they captured the ark. 64 However, the writer <strong>of</strong> Chroniclesmentioned that the tabernacle still stood in David's day (1 Chron. 21:29) and whenSolomon began to reign (2 Chron. 1:3). The writer <strong>of</strong> <strong>Samuel</strong> showed less interest in thesanctuary structure than in the ark. The Philistines may have destroyed the town <strong>of</strong>Shiloh, but it "revived sufficiently to produce a few worthy citizens in later generations(cf. 1 Ki. 11:29; Je. 41:5)." 65THE TWO TABERNACLES AND THE ARKMoses' Tabernacle at: The Ark at: David's Tabernacle at:Gilgal (Josh 5:10; 10:15, Gilgal (Josh. 6:12)43)Shiloh (Josh. 18:1, 9-10) Shiloh (Josh. 18:10)Bethel (Judg. 20:18-28; Bethel (Judg. 20:27)21:1-4)Shiloh (1 Sam. 1:3) Shiloh (1 Sam. 4:3)Ebenezer (1 Sam. 4:4-5)Ashdod (1 Sam. 5:1)Gath (1 Sam. 5:8)Ekron (1 Sam. 5:10)Bethshemesh (1 Sam. 6:12-14)Kiriath-jearim (1 Sam.7:1)Mizpah ? (1 Sam. 7:9-10)Gilgal ? (1 Sam. 10:8;13:8-10; 15:10-15)Nob (1 Sam. 17:54; 21:1-9)Gibeon (1 Chron. 16:39-40; 21:29; 1 Kings 3:4; 2Chron. 1:3)64 Joyce Baldwin, 1 & 2 <strong>Samuel</strong>, p. 71; Charles Pfeiffer and Howard Vos, The Wycliffe HistoricalGeography <strong>of</strong> Bible Lands, p. 143. The town probably did suffer destruction then (cf. Jer. 7:12, 14; 26:6).See John Bright, A History <strong>of</strong> Israel, p. 165.65 Gordon, p. 96.

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