1 Samuel - Odessa, Missouri Community of Christ

1 Samuel - Odessa, Missouri Community of Christ

1 Samuel - Odessa, Missouri Community of Christ


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18 Dr. Constable's Notes on 1 <strong>Samuel</strong> 2007 Editiongrow up (Ezek. 18:4, 20). Some choose to turn away from the Lord. Nevertheless thisstory shows what can happen. Children can grow up in an ungodly environment awayfrom their parents' personal supervision and still become godly. The influence <strong>of</strong> a wiseand godly parent can overcome many other ungodly influences in a child's life.C. GOD'S FIRST REVELATION TO SAMUEL 3:1—4:1AThis chapter records how God's blessing <strong>of</strong> and through <strong>Samuel</strong> continued and grew as aresult <strong>of</strong> his faithful commitment to God. This is a revelation <strong>of</strong> another call to ministrythat God extended to His servants the prophets (cf. Exod. 3; Isa. 6; Jer. 1; et al.). 43 It isalso another instance in which God revealed Himself to someone audibly in a dream. 441. <strong>Samuel</strong>'s call 3:1-18The Hebrew word used to describe <strong>Samuel</strong> in verse 1 (naar) elsewhere refers to a youngteenager (cf. 17:33). Consequently we should probably think <strong>of</strong> <strong>Samuel</strong> as a boy in hisearly teens as we read this section. 45 At this time in Israel's history (i.e., the late Judgesperiod), special revelations from God were rare. These normally came to the prophets invisions or dreams (cf. Num. 12:6; 1 Sam. 28:6). <strong>Samuel</strong>, who saw clearly, both physicallyand spiritually, contrasts with Eli, who could not see well either way (v. 2, cf. vv. 5, 6;4:15).The lamp <strong>of</strong> God (v. 3) is an expression that refers to the lamps on the sanctuarylampstand that continued to give light into the night until they ran out <strong>of</strong> oil in themorning (cf. Exod. 27:20-21; 30:8; Lev. 24:2-4; 2 Chron. 13:11). <strong>Samuel</strong> was probablysleeping in the holy place <strong>of</strong> the sanctuary. Eli evidently slept nearby (v. 5). <strong>Samuel</strong>'sself-discipline in getting up three times in response to what he thought was Eli's call wascommendable. His selfless, willing obedience qualified him to receive the ministry thatGod entrusted to him (cf. Gen. 22:1, 11; Exod. 3:4; Isa. 6:8; 1 Tim. 1:12).Verse 7 does not necessarily mean that <strong>Samuel</strong> did not then know the Lord at allpersonally, that he was an unbeliever. 46 Rather it means that the boy had not yet come toknow Yahweh as he was about to know Him having heard His voice speaking directly tohim. Even though <strong>Samuel</strong> knew God and His will, God had not previously communicatedwith him directly. Finally, God not only called to <strong>Samuel</strong> but also stood by him (v. 10, cf.Gen. 18:22) suggesting the possibility that <strong>Samuel</strong> could see Him (i.e., a theophany). TheLord's repetition <strong>of</strong> <strong>Samuel</strong>'s name added a note <strong>of</strong> urgency (cf. Gen. 22:11; Exod. 3:4;Acts 9:4).43 See John E. Johnson, "The Old Testament Offices as Paradigm for Pastoral Identity," Bibliotheca Sacra152:606 (April-June 1995):182-200.44 See Robert K. Gnuse, The Dream Theophany <strong>of</strong> <strong>Samuel</strong>: Its Structure in Relation to Ancient NearEastern Dreams and Its Theological Significance.45 Flavius Josephus, Antiquities <strong>of</strong> the Jews, 5:10:4, wrote that <strong>Samuel</strong> was 12 years old.46 Zane C. Hodges, "The Salvation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Samuel</strong>," Grace Evangelical Society News 9:3 (May-June 1994):1, 3-4, took terms such as "knew the Lord" and "did not know the Lord" as evidence <strong>of</strong> salvation or lack <strong>of</strong> it(cf. Jer. 31:34; John 17:3). However this may be reading too much into the text.

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