1 Samuel - Odessa, Missouri Community of Christ

1 Samuel - Odessa, Missouri Community of Christ

1 Samuel - Odessa, Missouri Community of Christ


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2007 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on 1 <strong>Samuel</strong> 123Edwards, Gene. A Tale <strong>of</strong> Three Kings: A Study in Brokenness. Auburn, Maine: <strong>Christ</strong>ianBooks, 1980.Eichrodt, Walther. Theology <strong>of</strong> the Old Testament. 2 vols. Translated by J. A. Baker.Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1961.Eslinger, Lyle. Kingship <strong>of</strong> God in Crisis: A Close Reading <strong>of</strong> 1 <strong>Samuel</strong> 1—12. Bible andLiterature monograph 10. Sheffield, Eng.: Almond, 1985._____. "Viewpoints and Point <strong>of</strong> View in 1 <strong>Samuel</strong> 8-12." Journal for the Study <strong>of</strong> theOld Testament 26 (June 1983):61-76.Eves, Terry L. "One Ammonite Invasion or Two? 1 Sam 10:27-11:2 in the Light <strong>of</strong>4QSama." Westminster Theological Journal 44:2 (Fall 1982):308-26.Fensham, F. Charles. "Did a Treaty Between the Israelites and the Kenites Exist?"Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the American Schools <strong>of</strong> Oriental Research 175 (October 1964):51-54.Finkelstein, Emunah. "An Ignored Haplography in <strong>Samuel</strong>." Journal <strong>of</strong> Semitic Studies4:4 (October 1959):356-57.Fretheim,Terence E. "Divine Foreknowledge, Divine Constancy, and the Rejection <strong>of</strong>Saul's Kingship." Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47:4 (October 1985):595-602.Gaebelein, Arno C. The Annotated Bible. 4 vols. Reprint ed. Chicago: Moody Press, andNew York: Loizeaux Brothers, Inc., 1970.Gehrke, R. O. I and II <strong>Samuel</strong>. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1968.Geyer, John B. "Mice and Rites in 1 <strong>Samuel</strong> V-VI." Vetus Testamentum 31:3 (July1981):293-304.Gnuse, Robert Karl. The Dream Theophany <strong>of</strong> <strong>Samuel</strong>: Its Structure in Relation toAncient Near Eastern Dreams and Its Theological Significance. Lanham, Md.:University Press <strong>of</strong> America, 1984.Goldman, S. <strong>Samuel</strong>. London: Soncino Press, 1951.Gordon, Robert P. I & II <strong>Samuel</strong>: A Commentary. Library <strong>of</strong> Biblical Interpretationseries. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, Regency Reference Library,1986._____. "David's Rise and Saul's Demise: Narrative Analogy in 1 <strong>Samuel</strong> 24—26."Tyndale Bulletin 31 (1980):37-64.

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