1 Samuel - Odessa, Missouri Community of Christ

1 Samuel - Odessa, Missouri Community of Christ

1 Samuel - Odessa, Missouri Community of Christ


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2007 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on 1 <strong>Samuel</strong> 107have access to it God did not answer him. One writer suggested that Saul may have madea new Urim and Thummim, and that one is in view here. 298Saul then proceeded to try to obtain information about the future, specifically about theimminent encounter with the Philistines, from another supernatural source. Publicly Saulwas against these diviners (v. 3), but privately he now sought one out. This is hypocrisy.". . . Saul's attempts at inquiry were <strong>of</strong> so unworthy a nature that it wouldbe an abuse <strong>of</strong> language to speak <strong>of</strong> him as really 'inquiring <strong>of</strong>Jehovah.'" 299Endor stood on the north slope <strong>of</strong> the hill <strong>of</strong> Moreh, on the other side from that on whichthe Philistines camped.Saul's conversation with the medium 28:8-14Evidently Saul knew the woman wouldnot cooperate with him if she knew whohe was, so he disguised himself (v. 8). Hefurther hid his hypocrisy by visiting herunder cover <strong>of</strong> darkness. Saul sank so lowas to swear to the woman in the Lord'sname that he would not punish her forbreaking the Lord's Law (v. 10). This toowas hypocrisy. He wanted to give a publicimpression <strong>of</strong> upholding the Mosaic Law,but really he broke it by seeking her out.Saul asked her to bring <strong>Samuel</strong> up fromSheol, the place <strong>of</strong> departed spirits.THE BATTLE OFMT. GILBOAI think it is most likely that God allowed<strong>Samuel</strong>, or a vision or apparition <strong>of</strong><strong>Samuel</strong>, to appear, as the text states (vv.12, 15, 16), with another prophecy fromthe Lord (vv. 16-19). The woman also sawwho Saul really was, and this surpriseterrified her because she discovered thather life was in danger. Some interpretershave concluded that a demon whoAphekJezreel ValleyHill <strong>of</strong>MorehShunem *Jezreel *Jabeshgilead** EndorBethshan*Mt.Gilboaimpersonated <strong>Samuel</strong> came up. However what this being proceeded to say in verses 16-19 argues against this. It was a message from God. Others have suggested that the womantricked Saul into thinking that the person he saw was <strong>Samuel</strong>, but he was not. Howeverher own surprise argues against this view (v. 12). 300 Evidently she expected contact with298 Wood, Israel's United . . ., p. 167299 John W. Haley, An Examination <strong>of</strong> the Alleged Discrepancies <strong>of</strong> the Bible, pp. 359-60.300 See ibid., pp. 194-95; Archer, Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> . . ., pp. 180-81.

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