Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design
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ANNEX I toA~43(Panei-9)TRf7-Volume iDoD - U.S. Department of Defense.DRG - The NATO Defence Research Group.-duty - A set of operationally related tasks within a job. e.g, communicating, navigating.system monitoring (NATO STANAG 3994/1). Duties may be divided into primary andsecondary - All non-expendable items needed to outfit/equip an individual or organization(NATO Glossary).ergonomics - The systematic study of the relation between the human, machine, tools, andenvironment, and the application of anatomical. physioiogical. and psychological knowledge tothe problems arising therefrom. Synonymous with Human Factors.feasibility study - A study carried out bv industry or government agencies or a combinationof both, with the object of providing a technical appraisal of the feasibility of developing andproducing an equipment with the performance required bv the NATO Staff Target (NATOPAPS).front end analysis - Anaivses conducted at the earliest stages of system design andconcerned with a system's personnel. traininu and logistics requirements (U.K. DEF STA:,;00-25).function - A broad categorv of activity performed by a system. usuallv expressed as a verb +noun phrase. c.g., "control air-vehicle." "update way-point" (NATO STANAG399 4 /1). Afunction is a logical unit of behaviour of a system.function allocation - The process of deciding how system functions shall be implemented -by human, by equipment, or by both - and assigning them accordingly.functional analysis - An analysis of system functions describing broad activities which maybe implemented by personnei. and/or hardwarz and/or software.FFD - Function Flow Diagram: a block diagram representation of the functions required of asystem.Gantt charts - Charts used for project planning and control which show the necessary projectactivities listed in a column against horizontal lines showing the dates and duration of eachactivity.HARDMAN - A U.S. Navy programme for the integration of issues of manpower,personnel and training with the weapon system acquisition process.human engineering (HE) - The arsa of human factors which applies scientific knowledgeto the design of items to achieve effective human-machine integration (after US MIL-H-46855B). Human engineering includes developmental test and evaluation activities.human factors (HF) - A body of scientific facts about human capabilities and limitations. Itincludes principles and applications of human engineering, personnel selection, training, lifesupport. job performance aids, and human performance evaluation. Svnonymous withErgonomics.NATO UNCLASSIFTED-2-

NATO 1) N (L A 3 i li.cANNEXIto" AC7243(Panef-8YrR/7Volume ihum~an machine interface - An imaginary surface across which information and energy areexchanged between the human and machine components of a system. The interface is definedby the displays and controls used by the operatorlmaintainer to control, monitor or otherwiseinteract with the system.human-machine system - A composite of equipment. related facilities. material. softwareand personnel required for an intended operational role.human systems integration (HSI) - The technical process of integrating the humanoperator with a materiel system to ensure safe. effective operability and supportadility.Ishikawa diagram - A diagram. widely used in total quality management. showing thehierarchy of causes of problems as a "fish bone" or tree.job - The combination of all human performance required for operation and maintenance of onepersonnel position in a system. e.g., navigator (NATO STANAG 3994/1).IDEA - Integrated Decision Engineering Aid. A proprietary software program which providesan integrated set of tools and data files to keep track of front-end human engineering analvseswithin the framework of the US Army's MANPRINT approach.IDEF - (ICAM [Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing Officel DEFinition.) A US AirForce developed tool for building descriptive models of system functions and data.commercialized as SADT".ILS - Integrated Logistics Support. A method of assuring that a system can be supportedeffectively and economically, so as to conform to specified operational requirements. within theresources of available personnel sub-system logistic support and maintenance, for itsprogrammed life cycle. It considers jointly all resources needed. namely supplies. maintenance.humans and equipment. transportation. facilities and cost (CAN DND-ENG STD-3).IMPACTS - A U.S. Air Force programme for the integration of manpower, personnel. andtraining issues with the weapon svstem acquisition process.interval scale - A scale of measurement which has the characteristics of an ordinal scale. addition, uses equal intervals without reference to a true zero value. e.g. the Centigrade scaleof temperature. which does not refer to absolute zero.ISO - International Standards analysis - A technique for representing and attempting to optimize the interactionsbetween an operator or operators and equipment or between multiple operators.liveware - A U.S. term for the human component of systems (operators and maintainers)which complements the system hardware and soitware.maintainer - An individual responsible for retaining a defence system in, or restoring it to, aspecified condition.manpower - The demand for human resources in terms of numbers and organization.NATO T JNCL AS SIFTED-3 -

NATO 1) N (L A 3 i li.cANNEXIto" AC7243(Panef-8YrR/7Volume ihum~an machine interface - An imaginary surface across which information and energy areexchanged between the human and machine components of a system. The interface is definedby the displays and controls used by the operatorlmaintainer to control, monitor or otherwiseinteract with the system.human-machine system - A composite of equipment. related facilities. material. softwareand personnel required for an intended operational role.human systems integration (HSI) - The technical process of integrating the humanoperator with a materiel system to ensure safe. effective operability and supportadility.Ishikawa diagram - A diagram. widely used in total quality management. showing thehierarchy of causes of problems as a "fish bone" or tree.job - The combination of all human performance required for operation and maintenance of onepersonnel position in a system. e.g., navigator (NATO STANAG 3994/1).IDEA - Integrated Decision Engineering Aid. A proprietary software program which providesan integrated set of tools and data files to keep track of front-end human engineering analvseswithin the framework of the US Army's MANPRINT approach.IDEF - (ICAM [Integrated Computer Aided <strong>Man</strong>ufacturing Officel DEFinition.) A US Air<strong>For</strong>ce developed tool for building descriptive models of system functions and data.commercialized as SADT".ILS - Integrated Logistics Support. A method of assuring that a system can be supportedeffectively and economically, so as to conform to specified operational requirements. within theresources of available personnel sub-system logistic support and maintenance, for itsprogrammed life cycle. It considers jointly all resources needed. namely supplies. maintenance.humans and equipment. transportation. facilities and cost (CAN DND-ENG STD-3).IMPACTS - A U.S. Air <strong>For</strong>ce programme for the integration of manpower, personnel. andtraining issues with the weapon svstem acquisition process.interval scale - A scale of measurement which has the characteristics of an ordinal scale. addition, uses equal intervals without reference to a true zero value. e.g. the Centigrade scaleof temperature. which does not refer to absolute zero.ISO - International Standards analysis - A technique for representing and attempting to optimize the interactionsbetween an operator or operators and equipment or between multiple operators.liveware - A U.S. term for the human component of systems (operators and maintainers)which complements the system hardware and soitware.maintainer - An individual responsible for retaining a defence system in, or restoring it to, aspecified condition.manpower - The demand for human resources in terms of numbers and organization.NATO T JNCL AS SIFTED-3 -

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