Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design


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NATO UNCLASSIFIED- 67 - AC243(Panel-8)TR17Volume I5.6 RECOMMENDATIONS140. The RSG makes the following recommendations with respect to thestandardization of human engineering analysis techniques:(1) The NATO agencies responsible for standardization should consider thedevelopment of standards and specifications which identify human engineeringanalysis techniques.(2) The DRG should consider publication of Volume 2 of this report as NATOguidelines for human engineering analysis techniques, and as a basis for thedevelopment of user specific guidelines.(3) The NATO agencies responsible for standardization should consider the use ofcomputer software, application-specific specifications. and commercialspecifications in future procurement projects.5.7 REFERENCES1. Bognor, S., Kibbe, M., & Lane. R. (1990). Directory of design support methods. SanDiego, CA: US Department of Defense, M.lanpower and training Research InformationSystem.2. Department of Defense. (1979). Human engineering requirements for military systems.equipment. and facilities. MIL-H-46855B. Washington D.C.: US Army Missile R&DCommand.3. Department of Defense (1987). Human engineering procedures guide. DoD-HDBK-763.Washington D.C.4. Department of Defense (1987). Human engineering program plan. DI-DFAC-80740.Washington D.C.5. Department of Defense (1987). Human engineering dynamic simulation plan. DI-HFAC-80742. Washington D.C.6. Department of Defense (1987). Human engineenna system analysis report. DI-HFAC-80745. Washington D.C.7. Department of Defense (1987). Task performance analysis report. DI-HFAC-81197.Washington D.C.8. DGA. Human factors guide. DGA/MAQ/4114.Paris-Armnes: Ministere de la defense,Delegation Gendrale pour l'Armament, Mission assurance de la qualit&9. DGA (1988). Guide for performing functional analvsis.DEN/CMQ No. 88610. Paris-Armees: Ministere de la defense, D1lectation Gendrale pour l'Armament.10. Fleger, S., Permenter, K. & Malone. T. (1987). Advanced HFE tool technologies. FallsChurch, Virginia: Carlow Inc.11. MoD PE (1987). Human factors for designers of equipment: Part 12 systems. DEF STD00-25. London: Ministry of Defence Procurement Executive.12. NATO MAS (1991). Application of human engineering to advanced aircraft systems.(STANAG 3994 Al (Edition 1)), Brussels: NATO Military Agency for Standardization.13. NATO NNAG (1992). Human factors/ergonomics in the development and acquisition ofship weapon systems. Brussels: NATO Naval Armaments Group, Information ExchangeGroup 6.14. Sawyer, C.R., Fiorello, M., Kidd, J.S. & Price, H.E. (1981). Measuring and enhancingthe contribution of human factors in militarv system development: case studies in theNATO UNCLASSIFIEDA. A/

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