Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design
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NATO UNCLASSIFIEDAC,243(Panel-8)TRt - 54 -Volume I(1) Analyse missions to specify operational mission requirements.(2) Identify those system functions that are necessary to fulfill mission requirements.(3) Analyse system functions to determine functional requirements. Decomposefunctions to an appropriate level. in order to:(4) Allocate system functions to the various subsystems. e.g., sensor. weapon.command and control sub-systems and to their respective human and machineelements. Consider several altematives.(5) Consider those functions which are additionally introduced by the interfacebetween sub-systems and elements (basic types human-human, human-machine,and machine-machine).(6) Perform a feasibility study of alternatives with regard to costs. reliability,development risk, required quantity and quality of personnel, workload etc. (Thehuman engineering/ergonomics part of the feasibility study inciudes task analysisand human performance prediction).(7) Iterate 1-6 until satisfied.107. These steps paralleled the human engineering analyses which are discussed inChapters 2 and 3, and described in Volume 2. The weakness of function allocation tegiiniquesidentified in Chapter 3 argues tor improvements to them. Current developments in sortvareengineering may contribute to such improvements. Guidelines are used in structuredanalysis/design to determine which modules (basic software components), and whichinteractions between them, will best implement the functional requirements. This parallels theallocation of functions to operators. The guidelines might therefore be described as a functionallocation technique.108. The more important guidelines which are relevant to human engineering are theprinciples of cohesion, coupling, and span of control (Yourdon, 1989).Cohesion reflects the need for activities to he related. The content of a software module(task) should contain a single, well-defined activity, not a combination of unrelated activities.Cohesion should be high.Coupling reflects the degree to which modules (tasks) are interconnected with, or relatedto one another. The stronger the coupling between modules (tasks) in a system. the moredifficult it is to implement and maintain the system (operate the system). The coupling should below.Span of Control reflects the number of lower level modules (sub-tasks): the numbercalled by a module should be limited, in order to avoid complexity. The span of control shouldbe limited.Computer software is available that can assist function allocation, based on these guidelines.4.5 CONCLUSIONS109. Available task analysis techniques cannot deal effectively with knowledge-basedbehaviour. More work is required to develop effective function allocation and cognitive taskanalysis techniques.110. As the application of decision aids and knowledge-based systems spreads, so theneed for suitable user task-analytical techniques will increase.NATO UNCLASSIFIED- 54 -

NATO UNCLASSIFIED55 ACP,43(Panel-8)TR/7Volume I111. The growing emphasis on taking a truly integrated approach to projectdevelopment, including an integrated project data base. argues for finding a common approach tothe definition of system functional and performance requirements, in order to include humanfactors in system performance.112. There is a need to find the most effective way to combine task analysis and rapidprototyping, and to use them within a design process that is more iterative than previous ones.113. More widespread use of user centred design approaches and user analysis mayrequire developments or modifications to existing task analysis techniques.114. The steps recommended for developing systems specifications parallel those forhuman engineering. The techniques discussed in Chapter 2 and described in Volume 2 are animportant means of developing a specification for the human system components. Improvementof existing techniques may benefit from the application of approaches used for structuredanalysis/design of software.4.6 RECOMMENDATIONS115. Panel-8 should support research and development of improved function allocationtechniques and task analysis techniques to deal with knowledge-based behaviour.116. The DRG should collaborate with the NAGs to explore how current technologicaldevelopments such as CASE and CALS can be used to integrate the human. software. andhardware aspects of project development ir such a way that human engineering becomes aninseparable part of the design/development process.4.7 REFERENCES1. AGARD (1987). The design. development and testing of complex avionics systems.Conference Proceedings No. 417. Neuillv-sur-Seine. France: Advisory Group forAerospace Research and Development.2. AGARD. (1989). Systems engineering. AGARD Lecture Series No. 164. Neuilly-sur-Seine. France: Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development.3. Bachert, R.F., Evers, K.H., & Rolek, E.P. (1983). IDEF/SAINT SAM simulation:hardware/human submodels. Proceedings. National Aerospace Electronics Conference(NAECON)4. Banks, S.B., & Lizza, C.S (1991). Pilot's associate: a cooperative knowledge-basedsystem application. IEEE Experts.5. Booher. H.R. & Hewitt, G.M. (1990). MANPRINT tools and techniques. In: H.R.Booher (Ed.), MANPRTNT: An approach to systems integration (pp. 343-390). New York:Van Nostrand Reinhold.6. Connor, M.F. (1980). SADTr h ' structured analysis and design technique introduction. 1980IEEE Engineering Management Conference Record (pp.138-1 4 3 ).7. Diaper, D. (Ed.) (1989). Task analysis for human-computer interaction. Chichester, U.K.:Ellis Horwood Ltd.NATO UNCLASSIFIED- 55 -

NATO UNCLASSIFIED55 ACP,43(Panel-8)TR/7Volume I111. The growing emphasis on taking a truly integrated approach to projectdevelopment, including an integrated project data base. argues for finding a common approach tothe definition of system functional and performance requirements, in order to include humanfactors in system performance.112. There is a need to find the most effective way to combine task analysis and rapidprototyping, and to use them within a design process that is more iterative than previous ones.113. More widespread use of user centred design approaches and user analysis mayrequire developments or modifications to existing task analysis techniques.114. The steps recommended for developing systems specifications parallel those forhuman engineering. The techniques discussed in Chapter 2 and described in Volume 2 are animportant means of developing a specification for the human system components. Improvementof existing techniques may benefit from the application of approaches used for structuredanalysis/design of software.4.6 RECOMMENDATIONS115. Panel-8 should support research and development of improved function allocationtechniques and task analysis techniques to deal with knowledge-based behaviour.116. The DRG should collaborate with the NAGs to explore how current technologicaldevelopments such as CASE and CALS can be used to integrate the human. software. andhardware aspects of project development ir such a way that human engineering becomes aninseparable part of the design/development process.4.7 REFERENCES1. AGARD (1987). The design. development and testing of complex avionics systems.Conference Proceedings No. 417. Neuillv-sur-Seine. France: Advisory Group forAerospace Research and Development.2. AGARD. (1989). <strong>Systems</strong> engineering. AGARD Lecture Series No. 164. Neuilly-sur-Seine. France: Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development.3. Bachert, R.F., Evers, K.H., & Rolek, E.P. (1983). IDEF/SAINT SAM simulation:hardware/human submodels. Proceedings. National Aerospace Electronics Conference(NAECON)4. Banks, S.B., & Lizza, C.S (1991). Pilot's associate: a cooperative knowledge-basedsystem application. IEEE Experts.5. Booher. H.R. & Hewitt, G.M. (1990). MANPRINT tools and techniques. In: H.R.Booher (Ed.), MANPRTNT: An approach to systems integration (pp. 343-390). New York:Van Nostrand Reinhold.6. Connor, M.F. (1980). SADTr h ' structured analysis and design technique introduction. 1980IEEE Engineering <strong>Man</strong>agement Conference Record (pp.138-1 4 3 ).7. Diaper, D. (Ed.) (1989). Task analysis for human-computer interaction. Chichester, U.K.:Ellis Horwood Ltd.NATO UNCLASSIFIED- 55 -

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