Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design
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NATO UNCLASSIFIEDAC/243(Panel-8)TR/7 - 32 -Volume I2.5 REFERENCES1. Beevis, D. (1984). The ergonomist's role in the weapon system development process inCanada. In: Applications of systems ergonomics to weapon system development. Panel 8Workshop, NATO DS/A/DR(84)408. Brussels: NATO Defence Research Group.2. Beevis, D. (1987). Experience in the integration of human engineering effort withavionics systems development. In: The design. development and testing of complexavionics systems. AGARD CP 417.3. Behr, E. (1984). On an integrated ergonomic procedure for the development and acquisitionof defense materiel. In: Applications of systems ergonomics to weapon systemdevelopment. Panel 8 Workshop, NATO DS/A/DR(84)408. Brussels: NATO DefenceResearch Group.4. Defense Systems Management College (1990). Systems engineering management guide.Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.5. De Greene, K.B. (1970). Systems analysis techniques. In: K.B. De Greene (Ed.), Systemspsvchology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 79-130.6. Diamond, F.I. (1989). Avionics System Engineering - An Introduction. I-n? SystemsEngineering. AGARD-LS-164. Neuilly-sur-Seine. France: Advisory Group for AerospaceResearch and Development.7. Doring, B. (1983). Systems Ergonomics, An Approach for Developing Well-Balanced,Cost-Effective Man-Machine Systems. In: The human as a limiting element in militarysystems. Vol. 1. NATO DRG DS/A/DR (83)170. Brussels: NATO Defence ResearchGroup.8. Hennesy, R.T. (1981). Activities of the committee on human factors. Annual summaryreport. National Research Council, Washington, Contract No. N00014-8 l-C-0017.9. Hunt, G.R., Bosman, D., Forshaw, S., Eggleston, R., Glickstein, I., Hollister, W., &Helie, P. (1987). Impact of future developments in electronic technology on cockpitengineering AGARD-R-757. Neuilly-sur-Seine, France: Advisory Group for AerospaceResearch and Development.10. Kloster, G.V., Braathen, K., & Tronstad, Y.D. (1989). Defining complex man-machinesystems: Problems and solutions. AFCEA Europe Oslo Symposium, 26-28 April.11. McMillan, G.R., Beevis, D., Salas, E.. Stein, W., Strub, M.H., Sutton. R., & Van Breda,L. (1991). A directory of human performance models for system design. Report AC/243(Panel-8) TR-1. Brussels: NATO Defence Research Group.12. Meister, D. (1985). Behavioral analysis and measurement methods. New York: John Wiley& Sons.13. Merriman, S.C., Muckler, F., Howells, H., Olive, B.R., & Beevis, D. (1984).Applications of systems ergonomics to weapon system development. ReportDS/AADR(84)408.Brussels: NATO Defence Research Group.14. National Research Council (1983). Research needs for human factors. Chapter 7: Appliedmethods in human factors. Washington, D.C.: National Research Council Committee onHuman Factors. January 19.15. NATO (1982). Ergonomics design guide-lines. Report DS/A/DR(82)350. Brussels: NATODefence Research Group.16. NATO (1989). Handbook on the phase annaments programming system (PAPS). Volume1: PAPS framework and procedures. Volume 2: PAPS related activities and managementconsiderations. Report AAP-20. Brussels: NATO International Staff - Defence SupportDivision.17. NATO RSG.14 (1988). Analysis techniques for man-machine system design: interim reporton the utilization of existing techniques. Brussels: NATO Defence Research Group, Panel-NATOUNCLASSIFIED- 32 -

NATO UNCLASS IFIED.33 - AC/243(Panel-8)TRn7Volume I8.18. Papin, J.P. (1988). Ergonomie: cours superior des systems d'armes terrestres. Courssuperior d'armament. Ministere De La Defense, Direction Des Armaments Terrestres,Service Facteurs Humains.19. Sanders, M.S., & Smith, L. (Eds). (1988). Directory of undergraduate programs. TheHuman Factors Society, Santa Monica, CA.20. Schuffel, H. (1984). The ergonomist's role in the design of workspaces on vessels of theRoyal Netherlands Navy. In: Ao1Iications of systems ergonomics to weapon systemdevelopment. Panel 8 Workshop, NATO DS/A/DR(84)408sResearch Group.21. Stringer, F.S. (Ed) (1978). Optimization of avionic system design, AGARD-AR-118.Neuilly-sur-Seine, France: Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development.22. Tooze, M.J. (1989). Avionic system design methodology. In: Systems engineering.AGARD Lecture Series No. 164. Neilly-sur-Seine, France: Advisory Group for AerospaceResearch and Development.23. Van Cott, H.P., & Altman, J.W. (1956). Procedures for including human engineeringfactors in the development of weapon systems. WADC TR 56-488. Ohio: Wright AirDevelopment Center. AD-97305.NATO UNCLASSIFIED- 33 -

NATO UNCLASS IFIED.33 - AC/243(Panel-8)TRn7Volume I8.18. Papin, J.P. (1988). Ergonomie: cours superior des systems d'armes terrestres. Courssuperior d'armament. Ministere De La Defense, Direction Des Armaments Terrestres,Service Facteurs Humains.19. Sanders, M.S., & Smith, L. (Eds). (1988). Directory of undergraduate programs. TheHuman Factors Society, Santa Monica, CA.20. Schuffel, H. (1984). The ergonomist's role in the design of workspaces on vessels of theRoyal Netherlands Navy. In: Ao1Iications of systems ergonomics to weapon systemdevelopment. Panel 8 Workshop, NATO DS/A/DR(84)408sResearch Group.21. Stringer, F.S. (Ed) (1978). Optimization of avionic system design, AGARD-AR-118.Neuilly-sur-Seine, France: Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development.22. Tooze, M.J. (1989). Avionic system design methodology. In: <strong>Systems</strong> engineering.AGARD Lecture Series No. 164. Neilly-sur-Seine, France: Advisory Group for AerospaceResearch and Development.23. Van Cott, H.P., & Altman, J.W. (1956). Procedures for including human engineeringfactors in the development of weapon systems. WADC TR 56-488. Ohio: Wright AirDevelopment Center. AD-97305.NATO UNCLASSIFIED- 33 -

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