Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design
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NATO tNCLASSIFFEDAC/243(Panel 8)TR/7Volume 2b) Identify failed systemc) Evaluate failure consequencesd) Decide compensation requirede) Compensate failure(1) Identify alternative actions for compensating(2) Evaluate alternative actions(3) Select appropriate action(4) Execute selected actionf) Find disturbed component(1) Select check point(2) Compare desired/actual state(3) Decide failure found(4) Identify disturbed componentg) Eliminate failure cause(1) Identify alternative actions for eliminating(2) Evaluate alternative actions(3) Select appropriate action(4) Execute selected action3. Handle failures of energy transfer svstemsa) Detect failureb) Identify failed systemc) Evaluate failure consequencesd) Decide compensation requirede) Compensate failure(1) Identify alternative actions for compensaUng(2) Evaluate alternative actions(3) Select appropriate action(4) Execute selected actionf) Find disturbed component(1) Select check point(2) Compare desired/actual state(3) Decide failure found(4) Identify disturbed componentg) Eliminate failure cause(1) Identify alternative actions for eliminating(2) Evaluate alternative actions(3) Select appropriate action(4) Execute selected actionI. Manage energy supply111. Manage ship safetyNATO ITNC'LASS l In68

NATO UNCLASSIFIEDIANNEX I to~ACP243(Panel-8)TR/7Volume 2ANNEX 1: GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ACRONYMSallocation of functions - The process of deciding how system functions shall beimplemented, by human, by equipment, or by both, and assigning them accordingly.analysis - the resolution of anything complex into its simple elements.ANEP - Allied Naval Engineering Publication.CAD - Computer Aided Design.CALS - Computer aided Acquisition and Logistics Support. A US DoD and industry initiativeto transfer the design process from one based on paper to one based on computer data bydeveloping data exchange standards and data bases for design, reliability, and maintenanceinformation.CASE - Computer Aided Software Engineering.C 3 1 - Command, Control, Communications and Information. A command and control system.cognitive behaviour - All aspects of knowledge, including perceiving, remembering,imagining, conceiving, judging, and reasoning.cohesion - A term used in structured analysis/design approaches to software developmentreferring to the extent to which a software module deals with a single, well-defined activity.contractor - An organization, usually in industry, which contracts to perform engineeringactivities to develop and build a system or equipment.CORE - Controlled Requirements Expression. A proprietary technique for identifying systemrequirements through structured decomposition.coupling - A term used in structured analysis/design approaches to software developmentreferring to the which the software modules are related to one another.critical task - A task which, if not accomplished in accordance with system requirements,will have adverse effects on cost, system reliability, efficiency, effectiveness, or safety (afterUS MIL-H-46855B).demonstrator - Equipment built to illustrate future trends and possibilities in design.Demonstrators may resemble the real-life counterpart dynamically. Operationally, ademonstrator may range from a functioning laboratory set-up to a complete system.designer - One who designs or plans or makes patterns for manufacture.NATO UNCLASSIFIED

NATO tNCLASSIFFEDAC/243(Panel 8)TR/7Volume 2b) Identify failed systemc) Evaluate failure consequencesd) Decide compensation requirede) Compensate failure(1) Identify alternative actions for compensating(2) Evaluate alternative actions(3) Select appropriate action(4) Execute selected actionf) Find disturbed component(1) Select check point(2) Compare desired/actual state(3) Decide failure found(4) Identify disturbed componentg) Eliminate failure cause(1) Identify alternative actions for eliminating(2) Evaluate alternative actions(3) Select appropriate action(4) Execute selected action3. Handle failures of energy transfer svstemsa) Detect failureb) Identify failed systemc) Evaluate failure consequencesd) Decide compensation requirede) Compensate failure(1) Identify alternative actions for compensaUng(2) Evaluate alternative actions(3) Select appropriate action(4) Execute selected actionf) Find disturbed component(1) Select check point(2) Compare desired/actual state(3) Decide failure found(4) Identify disturbed componentg) Eliminate failure cause(1) Identify alternative actions for eliminating(2) Evaluate alternative actions(3) Select appropriate action(4) Execute selected actionI. <strong>Man</strong>age energy supply111. <strong>Man</strong>age ship safetyNATO ITNC'LASS l In68

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