Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design
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0oD0DcWoodimiiothFENV. 2 .IncomingobjcctscommuniiCatiulinCDDIncoming objectsI -NV. I |>. -Ref:I>DecompositionF-NetofAN)I)COof Dei)c o eotio of.... eonoDefence of.. .ENV.3pLrand basediltsillutliolls

NATO UNCLASSIFIED65 AC/243(Panel 8)TR/7Volume 23.3.6. Function hierarchy of a ship engine control centre1. Control propulsion subsystems (PSS)A. Execute PSS requests of the bridge1. Execute diesel requestsa) Start diesel(1) Acknowledge start diesel request(2) Check start readiness(3) Activate start(4) Monitor start(5) Report start completion(6) Identify start unreadiness cause(7) Report start unreadiness(8) Identify start failure(9) Report start failureb) Stop diesel(I) Acknowledge stop diesel request(2) Check stop readiness(3) Activate stop(4) Monitor stop(5) Report stop complction(6) Identify stop unreadiness cause(7) Report stop unreadiness(8) Identify stop failure(9) Report stop failurec) Change over to diesel(I) Acknowledge change over to diesel requcst(2) Check change over readiness(3) Activate change over(4) Monitor change over(5) Report change over completion(6) Identify change over unreadiness cause(7) Report change over unreadiness(8) Identify change over failure(9) Report change over failure2. Execute hidaulic clutch requestsa) Fill hydraulic clutch(I) Acknowledge fill request(2) Check fill readiness(3) Activate fill(4) Monitor fill(5) Report fill completion(6) Identify fill unreadiness cause(7) Report fill unreadiness(8) Identify fill failure(9) Report fill failureb) Empty hydraulic clutch(1) Acknowledge empty request(2) Check empty readinessNATO I TNCL ASSIFIED

0oD0DcWoodimiiothFENV. 2 .IncomingobjcctscommuniiCatiulinCDDIncoming objectsI -NV. I |>. -Ref:I>DecompositionF-NetofAN)I)COof Dei)c o eotio of.... eonoDefence of.. .ENV.3pLrand basediltsillutliolls

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