Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design
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NATO UNCLASSIFIEDAC/243(Panel 8)TR/7 5°Volume utility spaces. workshops, laboratories etc.Living spaces, offices. control centres, machinery spaces7. Armament7.1. Guns & gun mounts7.2. Ammunition handling & stowage7.3. Special weapons handling & stowage7.4. Rocket & missile launching devices7.5. Torpedo tubes handling & stowage7.6. Small arms & pyrotechnic stowage. air-launched weapons handling systems7.7. Cargo munitions handling and stowage3.3.2. Functions of a merchant vessel's bridge system3.3.2.1. Listing of the function hierarchy1. Navigate1.1. Prepare voyage1.1.1. Gather information1.1.1.1. Gather ship related information1.1.1.2. Gather navigational information1.1.2. : Plan route1.1.2.1. Select routes1.1.2.2. Determine plan phases1.1.2.3. Determine route sections1.1.2.4. Select means and methods to navigate1.1.2.5. Assign watch-standers1.2. Conduct the passage1.2.1. Observe air and water1.2.2. Observe fairway and traffic1.2.3. Monitor heading, speed. position1.3. Monitor internal conditions1.3.1. Provide information in progress of travel1.3.2. Monitor time zones1.3.3. Monitor watch procedures2. Communicate2.1. Visual communication2.1.1. Internal communication2.1.2. External communication2.2. Auditory communication2.2.1. Internal communication2.2.2. External communication3. Control ship's speed3.1. Control propulsion3.1.1. Adjust propulsion direction3.1.2. Adjust propulsion due to speed3.1.3. Monitor travel progress due to speed3.1.4. Monitor speed adjustment with regard to safety and economy3.2. Monitor propulsion systems3.2.1. Anticipate incorrect use3.2.2. Anticipate disturbancesNATO ITNCILASSIFIED50

NATO LTNCLASSD=IEAC/243(Panel 8)TR/751- Volume 24. Control ship's path4.1. Control heading4.1.1. Adjust heading4.1.2. Monitor desired and actual heading4.1.3. Adjust rate4.1.4. Monitor desired and actual rate4.2. Monitor steering system4.2.1. Anticipate incorrect use4.2.2. Anticipate disturbanceS. Control auxilliary power generating5.1. Anticipate need5.2. Monitor supply5.3. Control supply6. Handle cargo6.1. Monitor cargo6.1.1. Anticipate incorrect conditions6.1.2. Anticipate disturbance6.2. Control cargo conditions7. Monitor ship status7.1. Monitor sea worthiness7.2. Monitor load and strength ol hull and superstructure7.3. Monitor temperature and smoke detectors7.4. Monitor leakwater detectors3.3.2.2. Diagrams of the function hierarchyA. Upper hierarchy levelMerchant vesul sI ridag systemControlom ucae Control ship's C onrl ship's autiliary ia MonitorsliapgeneratingA.1.Hierarchv of the function "Navigate"f cdo d |.Maitw intro|| e oYlF|| ge|cddaNATO UI NCLASSM FI

NATO LTNCLASSD=IEAC/243(Panel 8)TR/751- Volume 24. Control ship's path4.1. Control heading4.1.1. Adjust heading4.1.2. Monitor desired and actual heading4.1.3. Adjust rate4.1.4. Monitor desired and actual rate4.2. Monitor steering system4.2.1. Anticipate incorrect use4.2.2. Anticipate disturbanceS. Control auxilliary power generating5.1. Anticipate need5.2. Monitor supply5.3. Control supply6. Handle cargo6.1. Monitor cargo6.1.1. Anticipate incorrect conditions6.1.2. Anticipate disturbance6.2. Control cargo conditions7. Monitor ship status7.1. Monitor sea worthiness7.2. Monitor load and strength ol hull and superstructure7.3. Monitor temperature and smoke detectors7.4. Monitor leakwater detectors3.3.2.2. Diagrams of the function hierarchyA. Upper hierarchy levelMerchant vesul sI ridag systemControlom ucae Control ship's C onrl ship's autiliary ia MonitorsliapgeneratingA.1.Hierarchv of the function "Navigate"f cdo d |.Maitw intro|| e oYlF|| ge|cddaNATO UI NCLASSM FI

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