Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design


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NAT O UNCLAS SIFTEDAC/3(Panel-8 7 -12-(d) To recommend courses of action for improving the standardization of techniques forhuman-machine system design.22. The RSG conducted a survey among major contractors and human factors specialistsin each of the member nations, to sample the rate of use of "standard" human engineeringanalysis techniques and user experience with them. Following this survey, the RSG confirmedthe following plan of work:* Review existing analysis techniques, and the use made of them, and their compatibilitywith engineering processes.* Review the limitations of existing techniques. and the need for new or improvedtechniques.* Prepare examples to aid analysts in compiling system functions.* Compile a directory of experienced analysts who can act as resource persons.* Prepare recommendations for the standardization of human engineerinuIergonomicsanalysis techniques.* Produce a report based on the above work.1.5 REFERENCES1. Booher H.R. (Ed) (1990). MANPRINT: An aprroach to systems intenration. New York:Van Nostrand Reinhold.2. Chambers, G.J. (1986). The system engineering process: a technical bibliography. IEEETransacns on DSMC. (5) 712 - 722.3. Chapanis, A. & Van Cott, H.P. (1972). Human engineering tests and evaluations. In: H.P.Van Cott & R.G. Kincade (Eds.), Htuman entineeri i- iuide to equipment design. Chapter15. New York: Witley-Interscience.4. Davidson. R.A., Beevis, D., Buick, F., Donati. A.L.M.. Kantor, L., Bannister, S.H.R.,Brook. E.A., Rochefort, J.A.P., & Turner, J.R. (1991). Human factors in the CF- 18 pilotenvironment (Report 91-11). Toronto: DCIEM.5.Defense <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Man</strong>agement College (1990). <strong>Systems</strong> endineerin- mana ement 2uide.Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.6. Demming, W.E. (1982). qualit. oroductwitv and competitive position. Cambridge MA:Massachusetts Institute of Technogyn Advanced Engineering Study.7. Doring, B. (1983). <strong>Systems</strong> ergonomics, an approach for developing well-balanced, costeffectiveman-machine systems. In: The human as a limiting element in military systems.Vo. 1. (NATO DRG DS/A/DR (83)170), Brussels: NATO Defence Research Group.8. Haberfellner, R. (1978). Lebebsphasen eines systems. In: W.F. Daenzer (Ed.), SvstemsIenginen.g Koeln: Peter Hanstein Verlag Gmbh.9. Hardy, (1975). A survey into the response to a proposal for the distribution of humanengineering data to NATO countries. (Panel VIII EG Report), Brussels: NATO DefenceResearch Group.NATO UNCLA S SIFTED

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