Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design


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NATO UNCLASSIFIED7~ AC/243(Panel 8)TR/7Volume Diagram of system oriented hierarchical relationshipsExample:Hierarchical decomposition of a ship system focussed on its human operatorslevel I level 2 level 3Ssvigation systemHuman operator|HMI propuldon |Control systemControl hardw/are|Control ss ftwtarel Control wirin |a- Diesel enrine | -Propulsi ,n svslem1Hydraulic ClotShS|Diesel ciutch|I Gas tqjrbino 1Gas turbine --lutch |Hediscal gear |Shaft || Ship Pitch prop7,1r |Auxilliary systems|luman H operator|rlElectrical soply I11. eiectricalH luman operalor|Damaite wfarning tXM aoesnri{ syrrm Pltior tIf luman operator|Fire fighting systemHMI fire fightin|processing system | nor rC.syst |superstruclur |-: HMI:. human-mnachine interfaceNATO) I TNCLIASSIFIMT

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