Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design


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NATO UNCLASSIFIED-123 -AC/243(Partel-8)TR/7Volume 2Table 6.2:Example of critical design requirements analysisfor an air-intercept control systemFunction Task Output Critical operating Critical designvariablesrequirementsDetection and * monitor scope, * target track - track density (number and * design & location ofposition * detect new targets. data (position, frequency), displays,reporting - acquire target, course, speed) * probable distribution of * lighting,* re-acquire target, detection ranges; * number of operators,(Operator) * initiate tracking * probability of detecting * cursor control designtargets,- track initiation rate.* errors in cursor positioningThreat * observe tracks. * assignment * threat evaluation * design andlbcation ofevaluation and * decide which commands, effectiveness, displays,weapon interceptors should * acquisition data * evaluation and assignment - number of evaluators &assignment be used, rate target density,- means of communicatingA communicate(Evaluator) assignments to airwith air controller,controllerAir intercept - receive - intercept data, probable distribution of * design and location ofcontrol assignments. * interceptor vectoring errors, displays,* develop intercept status reports intercept data * communication with(Controller) data, communication rate, aircraft ops.,* communicate data to * intercept report - communication withaircraft operations. communication rate evaluator.- number of controllers* receive interceptreports,* communicate reportsto evaluatorAdvantagesThe use of this technique formalizes the designdecision- making process for critical operator tasks andsystem variables. It is suited to a wide range of designproblems, from simple, hand-held devices to complexcommand and control systems.DisadvantagesAs with many of the techniques reviewed, the analysis ofcritical design requirements requires expert knowledge ofthe type of operation being analysed, the problemstypically encountered with the operation, and the possibletechnical implementations for the human-machineinterface. The technique can be labour intensive, if appliedto a detailed task analysis.Relative contributionNo data available.NATO UNCLASSIFIED- 123 -

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