Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design


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.N AI U N C L A Itt110iAC/243(Panel 8')TR/7 - 110 .Volume 2Relationship to system performancerequirementsThere is no direct relationship between workload ratings and performance (see, for example Hart.& Wickens, 1990).When a task sequence becomes more difficult. performance depends on the amount of effort invested in the task. So itis possible that performance does not change as the subjective workload increases, or that performance can decreasealthough the TLX ratings do not change significantly.References and BibliographyEr1. Bortolussi, M.R., Kantowitz, B.H.. & Hart, S.G. (1986). Measuring pilot workload in a motion base trainer. thttoApplied Ergonomics 17 (4), 278-283.2. Byers, J.C., Bittner, A.C., Hill, S.G., Zaklad, A.L., & Christ, R.E. (1988). Workload assessment of a remotely anpiloted vehicle (RPV) system. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 32nd Annual Meeting, (pp. 1154-1149).sa3. Hart, S.G., & Staveland, L.E. (1988). Development of NASA-TLX (TAsk Load Index): results of empirical and S.theoretical research. In: P.A. Hancock and N. Mcshkati (Eds.), Human mental workload (pp. 139-184 ). NorthRHolland. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.4. Hart, S.G., & Wickens, C.D (1990). Workload assessment and prediction. In: H.R. Boohrcr (Ed.), MANPRINT- NAn approach to systems integration. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. O;5. Hill, S.G., 7ZkAld, A.L., Bittrer, A.C. Jr., Byers, J.C. & Christ, R.E. (1988). Workload assessment of a mobile dair defense system. Proceedings of the Human Factors Societv 32nd Annual Meeting, (pp. 1068-1072).s6. Parks, DL. & Boucek, G.P. (1989). Workload prediction. diagnosis, and continuing challenges. In: G.R. pMcMillan, D. Beevis, E. Salas, M.H. Strub, R. Sutton & L. van Breda (Eds.), Anplications of humanrperformance models to system design, (pp. 47-64). New York: Plenum Press.t7. Shively, RJ., Battiste, V., Hamerman-Matsumoto, J., Pepitone, D.D., Bortolussi, M.R. & Hart, S.G. (1987).Inflight evaluation of pilot workload measures for rotorcraft research. Proceedinrs of the fourth internationalsymnosium on aviation nsychology, (pp. 637-643). Columbus Ohio.WINATO UNCLASSIFIED- 110-

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