Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design
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NATO UNCLASSIFIEDAC/243(Panel 8)TR/7Volume 2AdvantagesSAINT was developed specifically for simulatingmanned systems. Some users have found that itsadoption forces the project team to carry out a thoroughtask analysis, thereby improving the level ofapplication of human engineering and the understandingof human factors problems.It can be used to identify critical features of systemperformance prior to hardware being available for manin-the-looptesting. The results are readily accepted byother project personnel. By using user-wriatenprogramme modules, the output can be madecompatible with statistical packages such as GPSS,SYSTAT, or LOTUS 1-2-3.DisadvantagesSAINT is not very easy to use. The programme"interface" requires knowledgeable users. and they find thedocumentation difficult to use. Some published versionsof the code have included errors, which users have had toidentify and correcLThe commercial versions such as MicroSAINT are easierto use, but are limited in their capability to run largenetworks, and their use of dynamic state variables. Theydo not have all the features of the full SAINT program.They do not include an interface to a programminglanguage, but use a reduced set of FORTRAN, so theycannot represent complex logic.Relative contributionSome users rate the technique as making a relatively high contribution One user expressed concern about the cost oflearning and familiarization, compared with the results obtained.ApplicationsSAINT and MicroSAINT have been used in a number of projects in the Canada, France, F.R.G., The Netherlands,U.K. and USA (see references). Applications have included destroyer combat systems, the study of pilot behaviourduring an instrument approach to an airport, the comparison of different submarine control systems, remotely pilotedvehicles (RPV) and surface-to-air (SAM) missile systems.Quality assurance considerationsThe technique lends itself to sensitivity analysis. This has been conducted on some projects, although no suchactivity has been reported in the literature.Relationship to system performance requirementsThe output of a SAINT simulation can usually be related directly to system performance requirements in terms of thedistribution of times required for the completion of a series of tasks, or the probability of completion of those tasks.References and Bibilography1. Cherry, W.P., & Evans, S. (1989). Use of crew performance models and the development of complementarymathematical techniques to promote efficient use of analytic resources. In: G.R. McMillan, D. Beevis, E. Salas,M.H. Strub, R. Sutton, & L. van Breda (Eds.), Applications of human lerformance models to system design.(pp. 285-311). New York: Plenum Press. Defense Research Series, Volume 2.NATO UNCLASSIFIED-98 -

NATO UNCLASSIFIED- 99 - AC/243(Panel-8)TR/7Volume 22. Chubb, G.P. & Hoyland. C.M. (1989). Systematic modeling of multi-operator systems to evaluate designconcepts. In: G..R. McMillan, D. Beevis, E. Salas, M.H. Strub, R. Sutton, & L. van Breda (Eds.). Applicationsof human nerformance models to system design, (pp. 295-311). New York: Plenum Press. Defense ResearchSeries, Volume 2.3. Chubb, G.P., Laughery, K.R. Jr.. & Pritsker, A.A.B. (1987). Simulating manned systems. In: G. Salvendy(Ed.) Handbook of human factors. New York: John Wiley & Sons.4. Kraiss, K.E. (1981) A display design and evaluation study using task network models. IEEE Transactions onSystems Science and Cybernetics 11 (5), 339-351.5. Kraiss, KE., Schubert, E., and Widdel, H. (1983). Untersuchungen zur manuellen Lenkung von U-booten.Wachtberg-WerthOven, F.R.G.: Forschungsinstitut fur Anthropotechnik.6. Mills. R. (1988). The user-assisted GENeric Systems Analyst Workstation (GENSAW): Summary. Presentationto NATO AC/243 Panel-8/RSG.9,Wright-Panerson Air Force Base, Ohio: Aerospace Medical ResearchLaboratory.7. Pritsker, A.A.B. (1986). Introduction to simulation and SLAM II (Third edition). West Lafayette, Indiana:Systems Publishing Corp.8. Siegel, A.I., and Wolf, JJ. (1961). A technique for evaluating man-machine system designs. Human Factors 3.(1), 18-25.9. van Breda, L. (1989). Analysis of a procedure for multiple operator task performance on submarines using anetwork model. In: G.R. McMillan, D. Beevis, E. Salas, M.H. Strub, R. Sutton, & L. van Breda (Eds.),Applications of human performance models to system design, (pp. 231-242). New York: Plenum Press. DefenseResearch Series, Volume 2.10. Wortman, D.B., Duket, D.D., & Leifert, DJ. (!976). SAINT simulation of a remotely piloted vehicle/dronecontrol facility: Model development and analysis. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio: Aerospace MedicalResearch Laboratory.NATO UNCLASSIFIED99-

NATO UNCLASSIFIED- 99 - AC/243(Panel-8)TR/7Volume 22. Chubb, G.P. & Hoyland. C.M. (1989). Systematic modeling of multi-operator systems to evaluate designconcepts. In: G..R. McMillan, D. Beevis, E. Salas, M.H. Strub, R. Sutton, & L. van Breda (Eds.). Applicationsof human nerformance models to system design, (pp. 295-311). New York: Plenum Press. Defense ResearchSeries, Volume 2.3. Chubb, G.P., Laughery, K.R. Jr.. & Pritsker, A.A.B. (1987). Simulating manned systems. In: G. Salvendy(Ed.) Handbook of human factors. New York: John Wiley & Sons.4. Kraiss, K.E. (1981) A display design and evaluation study using task network models. IEEE Transactions on<strong>Systems</strong> Science and Cybernetics 11 (5), 339-351.5. Kraiss, KE., Schubert, E., and Widdel, H. (1983). Untersuchungen zur manuellen Lenkung von U-booten.Wachtberg-WerthOven, F.R.G.: <strong>For</strong>schungsinstitut fur Anthropotechnik.6. Mills. R. (1988). The user-assisted GENeric <strong>Systems</strong> Analyst Workstation (GENSAW): Summary. Presentationto NATO AC/243 Panel-8/RSG.9,Wright-Panerson Air <strong>For</strong>ce Base, Ohio: Aerospace Medical ResearchLaboratory.7. Pritsker, A.A.B. (1986). Introduction to simulation and SLAM II (Third edition). West Lafayette, Indiana:<strong>Systems</strong> Publishing Corp.8. Siegel, A.I., and Wolf, JJ. (1961). A technique for evaluating man-machine system designs. Human Factors 3.(1), 18-25.9. van Breda, L. (1989). <strong>Analysis</strong> of a procedure for multiple operator task performance on submarines using anetwork model. In: G.R. McMillan, D. Beevis, E. Salas, M.H. Strub, R. Sutton, & L. van Breda (Eds.),Applications of human performance models to system design, (pp. 231-242). New York: Plenum Press. DefenseResearch Series, Volume 2.10. Wortman, D.B., Duket, D.D., & Leifert, DJ. (!976). SAINT simulation of a remotely piloted vehicle/dronecontrol facility: Model development and analysis. Wright-Patterson Air <strong>For</strong>ce Base, Ohio: Aerospace MedicalResearch Laboratory.NATO UNCLASSIFIED99-

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