Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design


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NATO UNCLASSIFIED- 85 - AC/243(Panel-8)TR/7Volume 2Inputs to the techniqueTo describe a decision situation with decision tables, theanalyst has to specify the conditions and their possiblecombinations. The analyst also requires information on theactions that belong to the various combinations.Outputs of the techniqueThe technique produces a comprehensive description of arule-based decision situation.When to useThe technique can be used at any stage of system development when decisions have to be analysed. The earliest stageat which the decisions are likely to be documented sufficiently well is at the conclusion of a function allocationanalysis.RelatedtechniquesFlowcharts, decision-action diagrams, and decision trees are related.ResourcesrequiredExperienced analysts are required. Computer programmes for developing and checking the Decision Tables aredesirable.AdvantagesRules are available for checking the tables forconsistency and redundancy. Thus, the use of DTsensures a systematic review of possible conditions andcondition combinations. DTs can be preparedindividually, so the documentation is easily updated. Thetechnique can be learned easily and in a short time.DisadvantagesDecision Tables do not show the sequence of decisionsand acuons.Relative contributionNo dama available.ApplicationsThe technique has been used in projects to develop complex data-processing systems.Quality assurance considerationsThe technique is dependent on an exhaustive list of conditions.NATO UNCLASSIFIED- 85 -

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