Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design
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NATO UNCI ASSIFIEDC/-43(Panel 8)TR/7- 42 -Jo!',.e 2Relationship to system performance requirementsPcrfo....ance requirements are specified as an integral part of the model. Additionally, by establishing item arrivaltimes az- .or duration times for the functions, time performance requirements can bc identified by executing themooz..Referencesand Bibliography1. .ifard. M.W. (1985a). SREM at the agc of eight The distributed design system. IEEE Comnuter. 1. 36-46.2. . rd. M.W. (1985b). A graph model based approach to specification. In: M. Paul & HJ. Siegert (Eds.),Dipruted systems: methods and tools for specification. Springer-Verlag.3. .±dfard. M.W. (1989).Implementing scenario definition techniques using RDD-IOO. Proceedings of the IEEE realtirnsvstem sYmnosiuni EEE Press.r- 13.A.M. (1990). Software requirements: analysis and sccifications. New York: Prentice Hall.:--i. -. D. (1987). Statecharts: a visual formalism for complex systems. Science of Computer Programing, a (3),6. K-_s-r. G.V. & Tischer, K. (1987). Engineering the man-machine interface for air traffic control. IEEEC -r ( 2 ), 47-62./ Lzorovitz, D.R.. & Phillips, M.D. (1987). Human factors requircments for air traffic control systems. In: G.Saivendv (Ed.), Handbook of human factors.(pp. 1771 - 1789). New York: John Wiley & Sons.S. Phllips. M.D., Bashinski, H.S., Ammerman, H.L., & Fligg, C.M. (1987). A task analytical approach to--zocue design. In: E. Helander (Ed.), Handbook of human-computer interacLion. New York: North-Holland.9. Ve:M. KA., & Kramarics, A.M.S. (1990). Requirement driven development a system engineering method. In:?-cdines of the Norwecian Informatics Conferencc (NIK '90), (pp. 81-91). Tapir.NATO UNCLASSIFIED-42 -

NATO UNCLASSIFIED-43 -- AC/243(Panel-8)TR/7Volume 23 FUNCTION ALLOCATION- scenanoanalysis ; 7a3.a5sllocationWhat the tec3 analysis o inteaacei&3.1 * d hocfunction alctoianalysis d3.4 ioFunctionalctetask tis|predictionl3.t w For function allocationofutntpel(iw ),funtins anRevsks of theehuman compoenatofrh sysbiltiemThs i tclrytu fapiain cmuestsofwar is neessaryefreotimAllsystedsign. Fhnctios loainaaye rvd tebssfrsbeun otreclatig.t sueviin dcrwiors moioig e aoperto irection, d. task aunalyios otnsutiloeation andrdescriptonsopertorperftormance candtabiningaenties ue i analysis, ucina dipaye mande nlssrih imlcntrly inlectioordesign all.aio (including of Functions homunithslcation beauellocatin systeqimsesin), bevaluatifidonl and crwsotwar.Athonghsapoconefncinaloainteiioshvixe desgdvlpent hand ealueration. ad.Nn oinpartit culari,190,sc decisions ontealocyo of fuciosaffec crewhort opserator wonsdrklioad and thaei imasinfcat influene onmanntingsecto, and t huainin rsso requireents (Uo eafeto Dfne the system.Tiisprcual 97.I ueoapiains engineering tprocsks, functio aloctonircnuce promdanly.Aathrough formallyRaluirementsoAllocations (US Depefense) Sys dwre.msMotanaemesnteColeger 1990) othea sytemhniqesreiewed heretion a]lcatin conaibues trovthe Rhequaiemns Alocaubeqetio pffrocssBecauseg thcewooprtras analysesaeiaesoh functionswhchrcpin rpequredtor promeece systemis reqirmns.pthy seldcomto reflectpathecunadctioswichsemerge alonceadciionofuntns havfebee madew aout sysrtem moklanning Typ igiicalycrwfnctionsfsuech assuarviiong, moiornliection,cnutto rqient(UDpartenot and trainingifDfnclued 197In fntione anaystems onieringthallocatinso functions blcauseothey candu bed idenllytihedonly oneqfuirmnctio Allocation decisioenshae besenmad.Nnof five functional analyses of major military systems reviewed at random included these human crew functions (seethe examples in Part 2). Yet the performance of such functions can have a major influence on the design of mannedsystems (Beevis, 1987). Analyses must reiterate their function allocation decisions to include human crew functions.NATO UNCLASSIFIED-43 -

NATO UNCI ASSIFIEDC/-43(Panel 8)TR/7- 42 -Jo!',.e 2Relationship to system performance requirementsPcrfo....ance requirements are specified as an integral part of the model. Additionally, by establishing item arrivaltimes az- .or duration times for the functions, time performance requirements can bc identified by executing themooz..Referencesand Bibliography1. .ifard. M.W. (1985a). SREM at the agc of eight The distributed design system. IEEE Comnuter. 1. 36-46.2. . rd. M.W. (1985b). A graph model based approach to specification. In: M. Paul & HJ. Siegert (Eds.),Dipruted systems: methods and tools for specification. Springer-Verlag.3. .±dfard. M.W. (1989).Implementing scenario definition techniques using RDD-IOO. Proceedings of the IEEE realtirnsvstem sYmnosiuni EEE Press.r- 13.A.M. (1990). Software requirements: analysis and sccifications. New York: Prentice Hall.:--i. -. D. (1987). Statecharts: a visual formalism for complex systems. Science of Computer Programing, a (3),6. K-_s-r. G.V. & Tischer, K. (1987). Engineering the man-machine interface for air traffic control. IEEEC -r ( 2 ), 47-62./ Lzorovitz, D.R.. & Phillips, M.D. (1987). Human factors requircments for air traffic control systems. In: G.Saivendv (Ed.), Handbook of human factors.(pp. 1771 - 1789). New York: John Wiley & Sons.S. Phllips. M.D., Bashinski, H.S., Ammerman, H.L., & Fligg, C.M. (1987). A task analytical approach to--zocue design. In: E. Helander (Ed.), Handbook of human-computer interacLion. New York: North-Holland.9. Ve:M. KA., & Kramarics, A.M.S. (1990). Requirement driven development a system engineering method. In:?-cdines of the Norwecian Informatics Conferencc (NIK '90), (pp. 81-91). Tapir.NATO UNCLASSIFIED-42 -

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