Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design
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N A T OU N C L A S S I F I E DREPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE1. Recipient's Reference: 2. Further Reference:3. Originator's Reference: 4. Security Classification:AC/243(Panel 8)TR/7NATO UNCLASSIFIEDVol. 2 5. ate: Total Pages:1 1JUL 92 P _225 p.7. Title (NU):ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES FOR MAN-MACHINE SYSTEM DESIGN8. Presented at:9. Author's/Editor's:Mr. D. Beevis10. Author(s)/Editor(s) Address: 11. NATO Staff Point of Contact:DCIEMDefence Research SectionP.O. Box 2000 NATO Headquarters1133 Sheppart Ave. W. 8-1110 BrusselsDownsview, Ontario M3M 3B9BelgiumCanada(Not a Distribution Centre)12. Distribution Statement:This document is for official use only. It should be announcedand supplied only to NATO, Government Agencies of NATO nationsand their bona fide contractors. Distribution to other recipientsrequires authorization by the Head of the Defence ResearchSection.13. Keywords/Descriptors:MAN-MACHINE, HUMAN ENGINEERING, FUNCTION ALLOCATION, TASKANALYSIS, PERFORMANCE PREDICTION, COGNITIVE TASKS, P.08/RSG.1414. Abstract:Human engineering (known in some countries as human factors indesign or ergonomics) is a discipline by which data on humancapabilities and limitations are taken into account during theengineering design and development process. NATO AC/243(Panel8/RSG.14) completed a study of analysis techniques used for humanengineering. The RSG collected information on the of kinownhuman engineering analysis techniques, compiled descriptions ofthirty-one existing techniques, reviewed them to identify theneed for new and improved techiques, reviewed the current stateof standardization of such techniques, and compiled examples offunctional decompositions of typical manned systems. The twovolumes of this report review the state-of-the-art of humanengineering analysis and its relationship to systems engineering.

NATO UNCLASSIFIED- i- AC/243(Panel-8)TR/7Volume 2TABLE OF CONTENTSVOLUME 2PART 1: AVAILABLE HUMAN ENGINEERING ANALYSIS TECHNTOUESPage No.INTRODUCTION 21 MISSION AND SCENARIO ANALYSIS 3 - 41.1 Narrative Mission Descriptions 5 - 71.2 Graphic Mission Profiles 8 - 122. FUNC7ION ANALYSIS 13 -162.1 Function Flow Diagrams 17 - 202.2 Sequence and Timing (SAT) Diagrams 21 - 222.3 Structured Analysis and Design Techniques (SADT) 23 - 272.4 Information Flow and Processine analvsis 28 - 302.5 State Transition Diagrams 31 - 342.6 Petri Nets 35 -382.7 Behaviour Graphs 39 - 423. FUNCTION ALLOCATION 43 -473.1 Ad Hoc Function Allocation 48 - 503.2 Fltts' List 51 - 533.3 Review of Potential Operator Capabilities 54 - 553.4 Function Allocation Evaluation Matrix 56 - 593.5 Requirements Allocation Sheets tRAS) 60 - 624. TASK ANALYSIS 63 - 674.1 Time Lines 68 -704.2 Flow Process Charts 71 - 744.3 Operational Sequence Diagrams (OSDs) 75 - 774.4 Information/Action or Action/Information Tabulation 78 - 804.5 Critical Task Analysis 81 - 834.6 Decision Tables 84 - 865. PERFORMANCE PREDICTION 87 -905.1 Time Line Analvsis of Workload 91 - 935.2 Systems Analysis by Integrated Networks of Tasks (SAINT) 94 - 995.3 Simulation for Workload Assessment and Modelling (SIMWAM) 100 - 1015.4 Subjective Workload Ratings 102 - 1045.5 Subjective Workload Assessment Technique (SWAT) 105 - 107INATO UNCLASSIFIED

N A T OU N C L A S S I F I E DREPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE1. Recipient's Reference: 2. Further Reference:3. Originator's Reference: 4. Security Classification:AC/243(Panel 8)TR/7NATO UNCLASSIFIEDVol. 2 5. ate: Total Pages:1 1JUL 92 P _225 p.7. Title (NU):ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES FOR MAN-MACHINE SYSTEM DESIGN8. Presented at:9. Author's/Editor's:Mr. D. Beevis10. Author(s)/Editor(s) Address: 11. NATO Staff Point of Contact:DCIEMDefence Research SectionP.O. Box 2000 NATO Headquarters1133 Sheppart Ave. W. 8-1110 BrusselsDownsview, Ontario M3M 3B9BelgiumCanada(Not a Distribution Centre)12. Distribution Statement:This document is for official use only. It should be announcedand supplied only to NATO, Government Agencies of NATO nationsand their bona fide contractors. Distribution to other recipientsrequires authorization by the Head of the Defence ResearchSection.13. Keywords/Descriptors:MAN-MACHINE, HUMAN ENGINEERING, FUNCTION ALLOCATION, TASKANALYSIS, PERFORMANCE PREDICTION, COGNITIVE TASKS, P.08/RSG.1414. Abstract:Human engineering (known in some countries as human factors indesign or ergonomics) is a discipline by which data on humancapabilities and limitations are taken into account during theengineering design and development process. NATO AC/243(Panel8/RSG.14) completed a study of analysis techniques used for humanengineering. The RSG collected information on the of kinownhuman engineering analysis techniques, compiled descriptions ofthirty-one existing techniques, reviewed them to identify theneed for new and improved techiques, reviewed the current stateof standardization of such techniques, and compiled examples offunctional decompositions of typical manned systems. The twovolumes of this report review the state-of-the-art of humanengineering analysis and its relationship to systems engineering.

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