Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design

Analysis Techniques For Man-Machine Systems Design


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ANNEX Ito6Aca41(Pane}-8)TRn7VolumL i- 6 -specification - The document which prescribes in detail the requirements to whichsupplies or services must conform. NOTE: It may refer to drawings, patterns. or other relevantdocuments and may indicate the means and criteria whereby conformance can be checked(AGARD Multilingual Dictionary).- A document intended primarily for use in procurements which clearly andaccurately describes the essential and technical requirements for items. materials. or services.including procedures by which it can be determined that the requirements have been met (CANA-LP-0054OOOIAG-006).staff requirement - A detailed statement of the required design parameters and operationalperformance of the equipment or weapon system. This document-represents the specification ofthe system upon which project definition is based (NATO PAPS).staff target - A broad outline of the function and desired performance of new equipment orweapon system(s), before the feasibility or the method of meeting mne requirement. or otherimplications have been-fully assessed (NATO PAPS).statement of requirement (SOR) - A statement of the capability required of a new system.to meet an existing or posutlatd threat. synonyl lOu A h aT6 Staff are . ne ...clutl s estimated costs and technical factors.STANAG - A NATO standardization amreemcat.standard - An exact value. a physical entity. or an abstact conceL;t, established and defineCLby authority, custom, or common consent to serve as a reference, model, or rule in measuringquantities. establishing practices or procedures. or evaiuating results. A fixeda quantity or quauty(NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions).- A document that establishes eneineering and technical limitations andapplications for items. materials, processes. methods. designs, and engineering practices (CANA-LP-005-OOOIAG-006).STD - State Transition Diagram: a diagram showing system states and the reiated transitionsfrom one state to another.span of control - A term used in structured analvsis/design approacnes to sotrwaredevelopment referring to the number of lower-level modules which are called. or controlled. byone module.sub-task - Activities (perceptions. decisions, and responses) which fulfill a portion of theimmediate purpose within a task. e.g., "key i. latitucd."SWAT - Subjective Workload Assessment Technique: a technique for measuring the workloadexperienced by an operator performing a task.system - In general a set or arrangement of things so related or connected as to form a unity ororganic whole (Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Lanzuaae, 2nd CollegeEdition, 1970. The Publishing Company.)system design - The preparation of an assembly of methods. procedures. and techniquesunited by regulated iterations to form an an organized whole (NATO Glossarv of Terms).,N ATO U NCLA S SIFTED- 6 -

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