Hull Crawler Data Sheet - QinetiQ North America

Hull Crawler Data Sheet - QinetiQ North America Hull Crawler Data Sheet - QinetiQ North America
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Hull CrawlerExplosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Underwater Hull InspectionQinetiQ North America, along with its teammate Applied Research Laboratory atPennsylvania State University (PSU-ARL), has developed the Hull Crawler, an unmannedunderwater vehicle (UUV) with an imaging sensor payload, crawler and operator controlunit that performs EOD hull inspections.with fixed permanent magnets,it provides a unique underwaterinspection tool to augmentthe capabilities of the sonarimaging system on the SCV andprovides unique access to areasunreachable by any swimmingrobot.Hull Crawler removes theimmediate danger associatedwith EOD diver inspections.It provides operators withhigh-quality sonar imagery(tagged with appropriate targetlocalization information) coupledwith up-close video to minimizefalse detections.Hull Crawler is a two-vehiclesystem deployed to surveyan underwater structure;determine the presence ofan object of interest (OOI);transmit the image for operatorevaluation; mark the positionfor further evaluation; andreturn to the object for detailedvisual assessment and potentialneutralization.The Swimmer Carrier Vehicle(SCV) is ideal for harbor incursion.Its dual thrusters allow it to turnwithin its hydrodynamic center sothat it is highly maneuverable intight spaces. In addition to housingthe inspection sonar, the SCVcarries the small, crawling robot fordeploying near OOI’s for up-closevisual inspections as needed.The small crawling robot can bedeployed from the SCV, placedfrom the ships deck or manuallyplaced onto the hull. CrawlingCONOPS depicting an EOD technicianoperating the OCU unit remotely from arigid-hulled inflatable boat. Illustrationalso shows the SCV performing a hullsweep independently of its deployedcrawler robot. This saves time whilestill allowing up-close inspections ofidentified OOI’s when WHEN IT’S CRITICAL, IT’S QINETIQ

<strong>Hull</strong> <strong>Crawler</strong>Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Underwater <strong>Hull</strong> Inspection<strong>QinetiQ</strong> <strong>North</strong> <strong>America</strong>, along with its teammate Applied Research Laboratory atPennsylvania State University (PSU-ARL), has developed the <strong>Hull</strong> <strong>Crawler</strong>, an unmannedunderwater vehicle (UUV) with an imaging sensor payload, crawler and operator controlunit that performs EOD hull inspections.with fixed permanent magnets,it provides a unique underwaterinspection tool to augmentthe capabilities of the sonarimaging system on the SCV andprovides unique access to areasunreachable by any swimmingrobot.<strong>Hull</strong> <strong>Crawler</strong> removes theimmediate danger associatedwith EOD diver inspections.It provides operators withhigh-quality sonar imagery(tagged with appropriate targetlocalization information) coupledwith up-close video to minimizefalse detections.<strong>Hull</strong> <strong>Crawler</strong> is a two-vehiclesystem deployed to surveyan underwater structure;determine the presence ofan object of interest (OOI);transmit the image for operatorevaluation; mark the positionfor further evaluation; andreturn to the object for detailedvisual assessment and potentialneutralization.The Swimmer Carrier Vehicle(SCV) is ideal for harbor incursion.Its dual thrusters allow it to turnwithin its hydrodynamic center sothat it is highly maneuverable intight spaces. In addition to housingthe inspection sonar, the SCVcarries the small, crawling robot fordeploying near OOI’s for up-closevisual inspections as needed.The small crawling robot can bedeployed from the SCV, placedfrom the ships deck or manuallyplaced onto the hull. CrawlingCONOPS depicting an EOD technicianoperating the OCU unit remotely from arigid-hulled inflatable boat. Illustrationalso shows the SCV performing a hullsweep independently of its deployedcrawler robot. This saves time whilestill allowing up-close inspections ofidentified OOI’s when needed.<strong>QinetiQ</strong> WHEN IT’S CRITICAL, IT’S QINETIQ

<strong>Crawler</strong> Specifications<strong>Hull</strong> <strong>Crawler</strong> side-sonar image collected and stitched in real-time for a530 ft long vessel, with automatically identified OOI’s marked for furtherinvestigation. Complete scan took approximately 25 minutes to complete.Side-sonar (with a resolution of ~ 1 cm/pixel), provides adequate imagequality to detect and classify OOI’s on the vessel hull; deployment of thecrawler provides classification and identification of OOI’s.• Weight: ~13 lbs• Dimensions: 10” L x 7” W x 3.5” H• Range, Depth: Continuous (120VAC or battery available), 200feet• Vehicle Control: Autonomous orsemi-autonomous/manual• Obstacle Avoidance: Detectscliffs and walls• Imaging: Video camera• Maximum Speed: ~ 3 meters/minute• Programmability: Non-contactIR communications• Towing Capacity: Up to 50 lbsverticallySCV Specifications• Weight: ~130 lbs• Dimensions: 36” L x 18” W x 8” H• Range, Depth: 4 nautical mileson a single charge, 200 feet• Vehicle Control: Autonomous orsemi-autonomous/manual• Obstacle Avoidance: Profilingsonar for hull detection andstand-off• Imaging: Side scan sonar• Longitudinal Resolution:~ 1cm/pixel• Maximum Speed: ~ 4 knots• <strong>Hull</strong> Imaging Rate: ~ 200 m 2 /minuteFOR MORE INFORMATION<strong>QinetiQ</strong> <strong>North</strong> <strong>America</strong>11091 Sunset Hills RoadSuite 200Reston, VA 20190Tel: (571)©<strong>QinetiQ</strong> <strong>North</strong> <strong>America</strong>, Inc.13-4-300

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