FA Family Newsletter Fall 04 - Fanconi Anemia Research Fund

FA Family Newsletter Fall 04 - Fanconi Anemia Research Fund

FA Family Newsletter Fall 04 - Fanconi Anemia Research Fund


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Honoring the Beloved Memory ofOur <strong>Fall</strong>en Diamondcontinued from 14We decided to attempt to reconnectDiamond’s esophagus, one ofher birth defects associated with <strong>FA</strong>.We thought that we had done all theresearch and had complete confidencein Diamond’s medical team.They advised us that this was a trickyprocedure, but was not life-threatening.Unfortunately for my littleDiamond, she did not do well postsurgeryand passed away on March29, 2003, before my very eyes.At this point I thought my lifehad ended. I believed that I nolonger wanted to be a part of the <strong>FA</strong>family. I wanted to get as far awayfrom <strong>Fanconi</strong> anemia as I could.But as time went by and we gotcloser to the one-year anniversary ofDiamond’s passing, we started tothink how we could use Diamond’slife story to help others who are facingthe same battles. We realized wemissed our <strong>FA</strong> family and wonderedhow the families that we had met atthe regional meetings and the <strong>FA</strong><strong>Family</strong> meeting in Maine were doing.I began again to follow the e-mailgroup and the newsletters. I realizedthat, even though my daughter’s fightwith this horrible disease had ended,we could honor Diamond’s memoryby raising funds for the <strong>FA</strong> <strong>Research</strong><strong>Fund</strong>.So we planned a dinner/dancefundraiser. Our goals were verysmall, because we knew this fundraiserwould be very tough on usfollowing the one-year anniversary ofDiamond’s passing. A small group offamily and friends helped greatly. Webrought in a local band and receiveddonations from local businesses.Even with some costs we can reducenext year, we exceeded our goals andwere able to donate $1,500 to the<strong>Fund</strong>. We developed a scholarshipin Diamond’s memory that wasHow You Can HelpYour donations have helped move this fatal disease from anorphaned status in 1989 to a disease with treatments that now buyprecious time for <strong>FA</strong> patients. As the genetic basis of <strong>Fanconi</strong> anemiacontinues to be deciphered, your donations are also having an impacton the lives of millions in the general population. To help us continuethe fight, consider these ways to donate:Gifts to celebrate an occasion: If you are celebrating a birth, a birthday,an anniversary, a graduation, a marriage or other gift-worthyevent, consider asking that donations be made to the <strong>Fund</strong> in honorof the reason for the event.Gifts to commemorate a loved one: Families who have lost a lovedone may ask that a donation to the <strong>FA</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Fund</strong> be made inmemory of the deceased individual.Bequests: If you are preparing or reviewing your Last Will and Testament,consider making a bequest to the <strong>Fund</strong>.Matching Gifts: Many employers will match the charitable gift of anemployee. This is an excellent way to double your donation.United Way or Combined Federal Campaign: If you work foran organization covered by either of these organizations, considermaking a donation via your workplace and asking your colleagues todo the same.Donations Online: Look for the PayPal button in the Donationssection of our web page (w)Donations by Telephone: Call us at (541) 687-4658 or toll free at(800) 828-4891.Donations by Mail: 1801 Willamette Street, Suite 200, Eugene, OR97401.The <strong>FA</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Fund</strong> has an outstanding record of fiscal responsibility.Administrative costs of the <strong>Fund</strong> have consistently been far belowaverage for similar organizations. Our recent annual audit, completed bythe accounting firm of Moss Adams, documented that the <strong>Fund</strong>’s 2003administrative costs were 3.80% and the fundraising costs were 2.10%,for a combined total of 5.90%, exemplary by any standard.presented to a graduating seniorfrom the local high school whointends to pursue a degree in themedical field.The fundraiser was a big step forus in the healing process. We usedDiamond’s life story to help educateothers on the needs for organ andbone marrow donors. It also helpedus to stay connected to anotherfamily that was very important to usduring Diamond’s life, and that wasthe <strong>FA</strong> family. We know our donationwas small, but we hope that wecan build on this year’s success. Everylittle bit helps and, if each family canjust do a little, maybe someday wewill find that cure that will save thelives of all of our wonderful children.My heart, thoughts, and prayerscontinue to be with all of you as youfight this battle. ◆<strong>Fall</strong> 20<strong>04</strong> 19

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