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CONDITIONS OF USE1. The Priority Pass card is not transferable and is only valid up to its date of expiry and when it has been signedby the cardholder. The card may not be used by any person other than the cardholder.2. The Priority Pass card is not a payment card nor is it proof of creditworthiness and attempts to use it as such couldconstitute fraud.3. Admittance to the lounges is conditional upon presentation of a valid Priority Pass card only (some restrictions mayapply to Priority Pass Select cardholders and Priority Pass cardholders in the U.S. that receive their membershipthrough a U.S. financial institution). Payment cards will not be accepted as substitutes for the Priority Pass card.4. Lounge visits are subject to a per person per visit charge. Where applicable (dependent upon membership plan), allsuch visits, including those by accompanying guests, shall be debited to the cardholder’s payment card by(i) Priority Pass or (ii) the card issuer as per the rates and terms notified by (i) Priority Pass or (ii) the cardissuer to the cardholder in respect of his/her Priority Pass membership. Any changes in lounge visit charges shallbe notified to the card issuer, who is responsible for advising the cardholder. The Priority Pass group of companiescannot be held responsible for any disputes that may occur between the cardholder and the card issuer, nor for anyloss incurred by the cardholder relating to any lounge visit charges debited by the card issuer.5. When presenting the Priority Pass card on entering the lounge, lounge staff will take an imprint of the card and issue a‘Record of Visit’ voucher to the cardholder or make a log entry. Some lounges have electronic card readers, which willtake the cardholder’s details off the magnetic strip on the reverse side of the Priority Pass card. Where applicable,the cardholder must sign the ‘Record of Visit’ voucher, which will also reflect the exact number of accompanyingguests, if any, but does not show any per person per visit charge. The charge per visit for the cardholder, whererelevant, and that for any guests will be based on the ‘Record of Visit’ voucher/log submitted by the lounge operator.6. While it is the responsibility of the lounge staff to ensure a voucher imprint/log is made of the Priority Pass card,the cardholder is responsible for ensuring the ‘Record of Visit’ voucher/log correctly reflects their own usage andthat of any guests at the time of using the lounge. Where applicable, the cardholder is responsible for retaining the‘Cardholder’s’ copy of the ‘Record of Visit’ voucher presented to them at the lounge.7. All participating lounges are owned and operated by third party organizations. The cardholder and accompanyingguests must abide by the rules and policies of each participating lounge/club. Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints, but this will be wholly at the discretion of each individual lounge operator. The Priority Pass group ofcompanies has no control over the facilities offered, the opening/closing times or the personnel employed by thelounges. The administrators of Priority Pass will use every endeavor to ensure the benefits and facilities are availableas advertised, but the Priority Pass group of companies does not warrant nor guarantee in any way that said benefitsand facilities will be available at the time of the cardholder’s visit. Neither is the Priority Pass group of companiesliable for any loss to the cardholder, or any accompanying guests, arising from the provision or non-provision(whether in whole or in part) of any of the advertised benefits and facilities. All accompanying children (wherepermitted) will be subject to the full guest fee unless otherwise stated in the lounge description.8. Participating lounges may reserve the right to enforce a maximum stay policy (usually 3-4 hours) to preventovercrowding. This is at the discretion of the individual lounge operator who may impose a charge for extended stays.9. Participating lounges have no contractual obligation to announce flights, and the Priority Pass group of companies shallnot be held liable for any direct or indirect loss resulting out of any cardholder and/or accompanying guests failing toboard their flight(s).10. The provision of free alcoholic drinks (where local law permits) is at the discretion of each lounge operator andin some cases may be limited. In such cases the cardholder is responsible for paying any charges for additionalconsumption direct to the lounge staff. See individual lounge descriptions for details.11. Telephone facilities (where available) vary from lounge to lounge and are provided at the lounge operator’s discretion.Free usage is normally limited to local calls only. Telephone, Fax, Shower, Internet, Wi-fi, Refreshment and Spatreatment charges (where applicable) are at the discretion of each lounge operator and the cardholder is responsiblefor paying these direct to the lounge staff.12. Admittance to lounges is strictly subject to cardholders and any guests being in possession of a valid flight ticket forthe same day of travel. Airline, airport and other travel industry employees traveling on reduced-rate tickets may notbe eligible for access. Outside the US, flight tickets must be accompanied by a valid boarding pass for a departingflight, i.e. outbound passengers only. Please note some lounges in Europe are located within designated Schengenareas of the airport which means that access is only provided to these lounges if members are traveling betweenSchengen countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland).13. Admittance to lounges is subject to members and any guests (including children) behaving and dressing (no shortsallowed outside of the USA) in an orderly and correct manner. Any infants or children causing upset to other users’comfort may be asked to vacate the lounge facilities. The Priority Pass group of companies is not liable for any losssuffered by the member and any guests where a lounge operator has refused admission because the member and/orguests have not complied with these conditions.14. Lost, stolen or damaged Priority Pass cards are to be notified immediately to (i) the Priority Pass office from whichthe card was issued or (ii) to the card issuer, who shall be responsible for providing a replacement card. A charge ofUS$25 may be levied.15. In the event of the cardholder canceling or not renewing their (i) Priority Pass membership or (ii) payment card withthe card issuer, the Priority Pass card shall be invalid effective from the cancellation date of their (i) Priority Passmembership or (ii) payment card. Any lounge visits made by a cardholder using an invalid card, including anyguests, shall be charged to the cardholder.16. Renewal terms and conditions are at the discretion of Priority Pass Ltd. Priority Pass Ltd has the right to refusemembership to people who are employed by or contracted to an airline, airport or a Government in respect of airlineor airport security.17. The Priority Pass group of companies shall not be held responsible for any disputes that may occur between thecardholder and/or any guests and a lounge operator.18. The Priority Pass group of companies reserves the right at any time at its absolute discretion, and without notice,to revoke membership in Priority Pass. Where applicable a proportional refund of the annual fee/enrollment fee(whichever is applicable) will be made provided revocation has not been made because of fraud by the cardholder.19. The cardholder agrees that s/he will defend and indemnify the Priority Pass group of companies, its directors,officers, employees and agents (collectively ‘the indemnified parties’) against and hold each indemnified partyharmless from all liabilities, damages, losses, claims, suits, judgments, costs and expenses (including reasonableattorney’s fees) for injury to or death of any person or damage to or destruction of any property arising out of the useof any lounge by the cardholder or any guests or any person in said lounge at the behest of the cardholder, except thatsuch indemnification shall not extend to acts of gross negligence or willful misconduct by the indemnified parties.172

CONDITIONS D’UTILISATION1. La carte Priority Pass ne peut être cédée ni échangée. Elle est valide jusqu’à la date d’expiration et doit être signéepar le titulaire. La carte est exclusivement réservée au titulaire.2 La carte Priority Pass n’est pas une carte de paiement et ne constitue pas une preuve de solvabilité. Toute tentatived’en faire un tel usage sera considérée comme une fraude.3. L’accès aux salons est sous réserve exclusive de présentation d’une carte Priority Pass en cours de validité(certaines restrictions peuvent s’appliquer aux titulaires de carte Priority Pass Select et, aux Etats-Unis, aux titulairesayant obtenu leur carte Priority Pass par l’intermédiaire d’une institution financière américaine). Aucune carte de paiementne pourra être acceptée à la place de la carte Priority Pass.4. L’accès aux salons est facturé au nombre de visites et de personnes. Le cas échéant (selon la formule choisie),le montant facturé pour chacune des visites effectuées et pour les éventuels invités présents, sera débité de lacarte de paiement du titulaire par (i) Priority Pass ou (ii) par l’émetteur de carte, aux conditions et aux tauxindiqués par (i) Priority Pass ou (ii) par l’émetteur de carte au titulaire de carte, en fonction du programmePriority Pass auquel le titulaire est abonné. Tout changement du montant facturé pour l’accès aux salons serasignalé à l’émetteur de carte, qui sera chargé d’en aviser le titulaire de la carte Priority Pass. Le groupe Priority Passne peut être tenu responsable de tout éventuel litige existant entre le titulaire de la carte et l’émetteur de carte, ni detoute perte subie par le titulaire de la carte découlant de la facturation pour l’accès aux salons, dont le montant auraété débité par l’émetteur de carte.5. Lors de l’accès aux salons et sur présentation de la carte Priority Pass, le personnel d’accueil, selon le cas, prendraune empreinte de la carte et remettra un bordereau de visite au titulaire de la carte ou consignera la visite dans unjournal électronique des visites. Certains salons sont équipés d’un lecteur de carte électronique capable de lire lesinformations contenues dans la bande magnétique au dos de la carte Priority Pass. Le cas échéant, le titulaire de lacarte devra signer un bordereau de visite, lequel indiquera, le cas échéant, le nombre exact d’invités l’accompagnant.Le montant par personne et par visite ne figurera cependant pas sur le bordereau. Le montant facturé pour les visitesdu titulaire de la carte et, le cas échéant, pour les éventuels invités l’ayant accompagné, sera établi sur la base desbordereaux de visite/journal de consignation remis par les exploitants des salons.6. S’il est de la responsabilité du personnel d’accueil de prendre l’empreinte de la carte Priority Pass ou de consigner lavisite correctement, il incombe au titulaire de la carte de s’assurer que le bordereau/journal de visite reflètel’utilisation faite du salon par lui-même ou toute personne l’accompagnant au moment de la visite. Le cas échéant,le titulaire de la carte doit conserver le volet « Titulaire de la carte » du bordereau de visite remis à l’accueil.7. Tous les salons participants appartiennent et sont gérés par des sociétés tierces. Le titulaire de la carte et les invitésl’accompagnant doivent respecter les règles et les conditions de chacun des salons/clubs. L’exploitant peut librementrefuser l’accès au salon en raison de capacité limitée. Le groupe Priority Pass n’a aucun contrôle sur lesaménagements proposés dans les salons, sur les heures d’ouverture et de fermeture, ni sur le personnel présent.Les administrateurs du programme Priority Pass s’engagent à vérifier que les caractéristiques et les aménagementsspécifiés sont bien mis à disposition des usagers mais le groupe Priority Pass ne saurait garantir que cescaractéristiques et aménagements seront disponibles au moment de la visite du titulaire de la carte. Le groupePriority Pass ne sera pas non plus tenu responsable d’éventuelles pertes subies par le titulaire de la carte ou partoute personne l’accompagnant, découlant de la présence ou de l’absence (en tout ou partie) des caractéristiqueset aménagements spécifiés. Les enfants (s’ils sont admis dans le salon) seront soumis au plein tarif appliqué auxinvités, sauf indication contraire.8. Les salons participants peuvent se réserver le droit de limiter les temps de visite (généralement à 3-4 heures) afind’éviter la saturation des salons. L’exploitant pourra librement facturer des frais supplémentaires pour lesvisites prolongées.9. Les salons participants ne sont contractuellement pas tenus d’annoncer les vols et le groupe Priority Pass ne sauraêtre tenu responsable de toute perte directe ou indirecte subie par le titulaire de la carte et/ou par un invité ayantomis de se présenter à l’embarquement.10. Il est de la décision de l’exploitant d’offrir des boissons alcoolisées (selon la réglementation locale en vigueur) etdans certains cas d’en limiter la consommation. Le titulaire de carte devra, le cas échéant, régler ses consommationsdirectement sur place. Voir descriptions individuelles des salons.11. Les téléphones mis à disposition (le cas échéant) sont susceptibles de varier d’un salon à l’autre. Les appelsgratuits sont généralement limités aux appels locaux. Les coûts liés (le cas échéant) à l’utilisation des téléphones,fax, douches, Internet, connexions Wi-fi, ou à l’achat de boissons et de traitements et massages sont laissés àl’appréciation des exploitants de salon et le titulaire devra les régler directement sur place.12. L’accès au salon est strictement réservé aux personnes en possession d’une carte et aux voyageurs en possessiond’un billet d’avion valable pour le même jour. Les employés des compagnies aériennes, dl’aéroports et du secteur dutourisme voyageant avec des billets à tarif réduit ne peuvent ne pas y avoir accès. En dehors des Etats-Unis, lesbillets d’avion doivent être accompagnés d’une carte d’embarquement valable pour le vol de départ, c’est-à-direuniquement pour les passagers sortants. Veuillez noter que certains salons en Europe se trouvent au sein del’espace Schengen de l’aéroport, ce qui signifie que l’accès à ces salons est uniquement autorisé aux membresvoyageant entre des pays de l’espace Schengen (Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie,Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne,Portugal, République Tchèque, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède et Suisse).13. L’accès aux salons peut être refusé aux membres et aux éventuels invités (y compris les enfants) si leur conduite etleur tenue vestimentaire sont jugées impropres (shorts interdits en dehors des Etats-Unis). Si des enfants viennenttroubler le confort d’autres membres, il pourra leur être demandé de quitter le salon. Le groupe Priority Pass nesaura être tenu responsable de toute perte subie par le membre et par tout éventuel invité si l’accès au salon leura été refusé par l’exploitant en raison du non-respect de ces conditions.14. Toute carte perdue, volée ou endommagée devra être signalée à (i) l’agence Priority Pass ayant émis la carte ou à(ii) l’émetteur de carte, lequel est tenu de fournir une carte de rechange. La somme de 25 dollars US pourra êtrefacturée.15. Si le titulaire venait à annuler ou à ne pas renouveler (i) son abonnement Priority Pass ou (ii) sa carte de paiementauprès de l’émetteur de carte, la carte Priority Pass deviendrait invalide à compter de la date d’annulation du(i) programme Priority Pass ou (ii) de la carte de paiement. L’accès au salon par un titulaire de carte utilisant unecarte non valide sera facturé au titulaire de carte.16. Priority Pass Ltd se réserve le droit de modifier librement les modalités de renouvellement et de refuser d’affiliertoute personne employée par ou travaillant pour le compte d’une compagnie aérienne, d’un aéroport ou d’ungouvernement, conformément aux règles relatives à la sécurité.17. Le groupe Priority Pass ne saurait être tenu responsable des litiges pouvant survenir entre le titulaire de carte et/ouun invité et l’exploitant d’un salon.18. Le groupe Priority Pass se réserve le droit de mettre fin librement, à tout moment et sans préavis, à l’abonnement d’unmembre au programme Priority Pass. Une partie proportionnelle des cotisations annuelles/frais d’abonnement (selon lecas) pourra être remboursée, dans la mesure où cette décision ne résulte pas de fraude de la part du membre.19. Le titulaire de la carte s’engage à dégager la responsabilité du groupe Priority Pass, de ses administrateurs, dirigeants,salariés et mandataires (ci-après désignés « les parties indemnisées ») et à les protéger en cas d’action en justiceintentée contre eux ou de réclamation présentée par les tiers (frais de justice raisonnables compris) en cas dedommages corporels, décès compris et de dommages matériels découlant de la fréquentation des salons par letitulaire de la carte ou par ses invités ou toute personne présente à la demande du titulaire de la carte, sauf fautelourde ou intentionnelle des parties indemnisées.173

CONDITIONS OF USE1. The Priority Pass card is not transferable and is only valid up to its date of expiry and when it has been signedby the cardholder. The card may not be used by any person other than the cardholder.2. The Priority Pass card is not a payment card nor is it proof of creditworthiness and attempts to use it as such couldconstitute fraud.3. Admittance to the lounges is conditional upon presentation of a valid Priority Pass card only (some restrictions mayapply to Priority Pass Select cardholders and Priority Pass cardholders in the U.S. that receive their membershipthrough a U.S. financial institution). Payment cards will not be accepted as substitutes for the Priority Pass card.4. Lounge visits are subject to a per person per visit charge. Where applicable (dependent upon membership plan), allsuch visits, including those by accompanying guests, shall be debited to the cardholder’s payment card by(i) Priority Pass or (ii) the card issuer as per the rates and terms notified by (i) Priority Pass or (ii) the cardissuer to the cardholder in respect of his/her Priority Pass membership. Any changes in lounge visit charges shallbe notified to the card issuer, who is responsible for advising the cardholder. The Priority Pass group of companiescannot be held responsible for any disputes that may occur between the cardholder and the card issuer, nor for anyloss incurred by the cardholder relating to any lounge visit charges debited by the card issuer.5. When presenting the Priority Pass card on entering the lounge, lounge staff will take an imprint of the card and issue a‘Record of Visit’ voucher to the cardholder or make a log entry. Some lounges have electronic card readers, which willtake the cardholder’s details off the magnetic strip on the reverse side of the Priority Pass card. Where applicable,the cardholder must sign the ‘Record of Visit’ voucher, which will also reflect the exact number of accompanyingguests, if any, but does not show any per person per visit charge. The charge per visit for the cardholder, whererelevant, and that for any guests will be based on the ‘Record of Visit’ voucher/log submitted by the lounge operator.6. While it is the responsibility of the lounge staff to ensure a voucher imprint/log is made of the Priority Pass card,the cardholder is responsible for ensuring the ‘Record of Visit’ voucher/log correctly reflects their own usage andthat of any guests at the time of using the lounge. Where applicable, the cardholder is responsible for retaining the‘Cardholder’s’ copy of the ‘Record of Visit’ voucher presented to them at the lounge.7. All participating lounges are owned and operated by third party organizations. The cardholder and accompanyingguests must abide by the rules and policies of each participating lounge/club. Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints, but this will be wholly at the discretion of each individual lounge operator. The Priority Pass group ofcompanies has no control over the facilities offered, the opening/closing times or the personnel employed by thelounges. The administrators of Priority Pass will use every endeavor to ensure the benefits and facilities are availableas advertised, but the Priority Pass group of companies does not warrant nor guarantee in any way that said benefitsand facilities will be available at the time of the cardholder’s visit. Neither is the Priority Pass group of companiesliable for any loss to the cardholder, or any accompanying guests, arising from the provision or non-provision(whether in whole or in part) of any of the advertised benefits and facilities. All accompanying children (wherepermitted) will be subject to the full guest fee unless otherwise stated in the lounge description.8. Participating lounges may reserve the right to enforce a maximum stay policy (usually 3-4 hours) to preventovercrowding. This is at the discretion of the individual lounge operator who may impose a charge for extended stays.9. Participating lounges have no contractual obligation to announce flights, and the Priority Pass group of companies shallnot be held liable for any direct or indirect loss resulting out of any cardholder and/or accompanying guests failing toboard their flight(s).10. The provision of free alcoholic drinks (where local law permits) is at the discretion of each lounge operator andin some cases may be limited. In such cases the cardholder is responsible for paying any charges for additionalconsumption direct to the lounge staff. See individual lounge descriptions for details.11. Telephone facilities (where available) vary from lounge to lounge and are provided at the lounge operator’s discretion.Free usage is normally limited to local calls only. Telephone, Fax, Shower, Internet, Wi-fi, Refreshment and Spatreatment charges (where applicable) are at the discretion of each lounge operator and the cardholder is responsiblefor paying these direct to the lounge staff.12. Admittance to lounges is strictly subject to cardholders and any guests being in possession of a valid flight ticket forthe same day of travel. Airline, airport and other travel industry employees traveling on reduced-rate tickets may notbe eligible for access. Outside the US, flight tickets must be accompanied by a valid boarding pass for a departingflight, i.e. outbound passengers only. Please note some lounges in Europe are located within designated Schengenareas of the airport which means that access is only provided to these lounges if members are traveling betweenSchengen countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland).13. Admittance to lounges is subject to members and any guests (including children) behaving and dressing (no shortsallowed outside of the USA) in an orderly and correct manner. Any infants or children causing upset to other users’comfort may be asked to vacate the lounge facilities. The Priority Pass group of companies is not liable for any losssuffered by the member and any guests where a lounge operator has refused admission because the member and/orguests have not complied with these conditions.14. Lost, stolen or damaged Priority Pass cards are to be notified immediately to (i) the Priority Pass office from whichthe card was issued or (ii) to the card issuer, who shall be responsible for providing a replacement card. A charge ofUS$25 may be levied.15. In the event of the cardholder canceling or not renewing their (i) Priority Pass membership or (ii) payment card withthe card issuer, the Priority Pass card shall be invalid effective from the cancellation date of their (i) Priority Passmembership or (ii) payment card. Any lounge visits made by a cardholder using an invalid card, including anyguests, shall be charged to the cardholder.16. Renewal terms and conditions are at the discretion of Priority Pass Ltd. Priority Pass Ltd has the right to refusemembership to people who are employed by or contracted to an airline, airport or a Government in respect of airlineor airport security.17. The Priority Pass group of companies shall not be held responsible for any disputes that may occur between thecardholder and/or any guests and a lounge operator.18. The Priority Pass group of companies reserves the right at any time at its absolute discretion, and without notice,to revoke membership in Priority Pass. Where applicable a proportional refund of the annual fee/enrollment fee(whichever is applicable) will be made provided revocation has not been made because of fraud by the cardholder.19. The cardholder agrees that s/he will defend and indemnify the Priority Pass group of companies, its directors,officers, employees and agents (collectively ‘the indemnified parties’) against and hold each indemnified partyharmless from all liabilities, damages, losses, claims, suits, judgments, costs and expenses (including reasonableattorney’s fees) for injury to or death of any person or damage to or destruction of any property arising out of the useof any lounge by the cardholder or any guests or any person in said lounge at the behest of the cardholder, except thatsuch indemnification shall not extend to acts of gross negligence or willful misconduct by the indemnified parties.172

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