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Your key to over600 airport VIP loungesLX411018<strong>LOUNGE</strong> <strong>DIRECTORY</strong>

ContentsThe Priority Pass Lounge DirectoryHow to get inside a VIP loungeEnglishFrançaisDeutschEspañolHow you will be billedEnglishFrançaisDeutschEspañolLounge information on the moveLounge Listing – by continentLounge Listing – alphabeticallyStop Press – latest additionsConditions of useEnglishFrançaisDeutschEspañolPages1234523456-79-1314-167168-171172173174175How to Contact UsUK (London)Tel:Fax:email:Web:USA (Dallas)Tel:Tel:Fax:Fax:email:Web:Hong Kong SARTel:Fax:email:Web:Phone lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Follow us on:UK +44 (0)20 8680 1338UK +44 (0)20 8688 6191info@prioritypass.co.ukwww.prioritypass.comtoll-free in USA/Canada/Mexico 800 352 2834outside North America USA +1 972 735 0536toll-free in USA/Canada/Mexico 800 352 2863outside North America USA +1 972 380 8808ppass@prioritypassusa.comwww.prioritypass.comHong Kong +852 2866 1964Hong Kong +852 2865 6850pp@prioritypass.com.hkwww.prioritypass.comwww.facebook.com/prioritypasscommunitywww.linkedin.comwww.twitter.com/prioritypasscomAlways check www.prioritypass.com for the latest lounge information

TM018 0000 888MR JAMES S. C. LEEEXPIRY DATE 12/2013The Priority Pass TMLounge DirectoryThis Directory has been designed to help you make the mostof your membership and provides directions to, and detailsfor, all our lounges.Be sure to take your Priority Pass card with you whenever you travel.You can use the Priority Pass lounges detailed here regardless ofyour choice of airline, class of airline ticket or whether you’re amember of an airline frequent flyer club.Priority Pass is the world’s leading independent lounge program,with over 600 airport VIP lounges worldwide, making membershipa must for any frequent traveler.As a Priority Pass member, wherever you travel, you can be surethat you’ll always experience outstanding standards of comfort andservice – a world away from chaotic airport terminals.Do some business. Catch up on calls. Send a few emails.Browse through a favorite magazine.Enjoy refreshments of your choice. Or – simply indulge yourself bydoing nothing at all. Enjoy your visit!For the most up-to-date lounge information, visit our websitewww.prioritypass.com or take advantage of our easy to uselounge information services, see pages 6 and 7 for details.© September 2012 Priority Pass Ltd. Information correct at time of going to press.Opening times and availability of facilities may be subject to change. Conditionsof Use are listed at the back of this Directory and at www.prioritypass.com.LX411018Always check www.prioritypass.com for the latest lounge information 1

How to get inside an airport VIP lounge– three easy steps.Locate the Priority Pass lounge you want to visit.Present your Priority Pass card to the receptionist. When travelingwith individuals who are also Priority Pass members, pleaseensure all cards are presented.You will be asked to sign a ‘Record of Visit’ voucher. Prior tosigning please check the lounge has recorded the correctnumber of guests. In some lounges your card will beelectronically swiped.It’s that easy!How you’ll be billed – it’s just as easy.On a regular basis Priority Pass receives from the loungesdetails of your visits, the date and the number of guests whoaccompanied you.Where applicable, your designated credit card will be chargedfor each visit as well as the same amount per accompanyingguest.Each charge will appear on your credit card statement.Priority Pass airport VIP lounges – there is simply no better wayto make travel more pleasant and productive.Lounge facility symbolsAir conditioningRefreshments (soft drinks)Refreshments(alcoholic drinks)Newspapers/magazinesConference facilitiesFlight information monitorFaxTelephoneDisabled accessTelevisionInternet/dataportWi-FiShower facilitiesNon-smoking2Always check www.prioritypass.com for the latest lounge information

Comment accéder à un salon VIP?Petit guide pratique en trois étapes.Choisissez le salon Priority Pass que vous souhaitez visiter.Présentez votre carte Priority Pass à la réception. Lorsque vousvoyagez avec des membres de Priority Pass, assurez-vous quechaque membre présente sa carte.Le personnel d’accueil vous invitera à signer un bordereau de visite.Avant de signer, veuillez vérifiez que le nombre d’invités enregistrépar le salon est correct. Dans certains salons, votre carte serainsérée dans un lecteur électronique.Un vrai jeu d’enfant!Un mode de facturation en toute simplicité.A intervalles réguliers, les salons nous font parvenir unrécapitulatif indiquant le nombre de visites effectuées, les dateset lenombre d’invités qui vous ont éventuellement accompagné.Chacune de vos visites et de vos invités sera facturé sur la carte depaiement que vous avez désignée.Le montant débité apparaîtra sur votre relevé bancaire.Priority Pass pour salons VIP - la meilleure garantie pour desvoyages plus agréables et plus productifs.Symboles des aménagements prévusClimatisationRafraîchissements(boissons non alcoolisées)Rafraîchissements(boissons alcoolisées)Journaux/magazinesInstallations pour conférenceEcran d’informations des volsFaxTéléphoneAccès auxpersonneshandicapéesTélévisionInternet/portd’accèsWi-FiDouchesNon fumeurConnectez-vous sur www.prioritypass.compour les mises à jour concernant nos Lounges3

So erhalten Sie Zutritt zu einerVIP lounge – in drei einfachen Schritten.Orten Sie die Priority Pass-Lounge die Sie besuchen möchten.Zeigen Sie Ihre Priority Pass-Karte am Empfang. Wenn Sie mitPersonen reisen die auch Priority Pass Mitglieder sind, stellen Siebitte sicher dass alle Karten vorgezeigt werden.Sie werden darum gebeten einen Aufenthaltsbeleg zuunterschreiben. Bevor Sie unterschreiben pruefen Sie bitte dassdie Lounge die korrekte Anzahl der Gaeste eingetragen hat. Ineinigen Lounges wird Ihre Karte elektronisch gelesen.So einfach ist es!Berechnung Ihres Besuchs – genausoeinfach.Die Lounges übermitteln regelmäßig an Priority Pass Angabenüber Ihre Besuche, das Datum und die Anzahl der Gäste, dieSie begleitet haben.Gegebenenfalls wird Ihre angegebene Kreditkarte mit einerGebühr pro Aufenthalt sowie mit demselben Betrag pro Gast fürjede Begleitperson belastet.Jede Gebühr wird auf dem Auszug Ihrer Kreditkarte aufgeführt.Priority Pass VIP lounges es gibt keine angenehmere undproduktivere Art zu reisen.SymbolerläuterungenKlimaanlageErfrischungen (alkoholfrei)Erfrischungen(alkoholische Getränke)Zeitungen/ZeitschriftenKonferenzeinrichtungenAbflugmonitorFaxTelefonBehinderten-zugangFernsehenInternet/dataportWi-FiDuscheNichtraucher4Besuchen Always check Sie www.prioritypass.com für for die the neueste latest lounge Loungeinformation

Como acceder a una sala VIP en tressencillos pasos.Localice la sala Priority Pass que desee visitar.Presente su tarjeta Priority Pass en la recepción. Cuando viajacon otras personas que también sean socios de Priority Pass,por favor asegúrese que todas las tarjetas sean presentadas.Se le pedirá que firme un “cupón de registro de visitas”. Porfavor, antes de firmar, asegúrese que el número de loshuéspedes sea registrado correctamente. En algunas salas, sutarjeta será incluso controlada electrónicamente.¡Es así de fácil!Como se le facturará. ¡Es tan fácil!Priority Pass recibe regularmente los datos de sus visitas, lafecha y el número de invitados que le acompañaron desde lassalas.Cuando sea aplicable, se cargará cada visita en su tarjeta decrédito designada, así como la misma cantidad por cadainvitado acompañante.Cada cargo aparecerá en su extracto de tarjeta de crédito.Salas VIP Priority Pass: sencillamente, no hay un modo mejorde hacer que sus viajes sean más agradables y productivos.Símbolos de serviciosAire acondicionadoRefrescos(bebidas sin alcohol)Refrescos(bebidas alcohólicas)Periódios/revistasSalas de reunionesPantalla de informaciónde vuelosFaxTeléfoneAccesos paraminusválidosTelevisiónInternet/puerto de datosConexióninalámbricaDuchasProhibido fumarCompruebe siempre en www.prioritypass.comAlways check www.prioritypass.com for the latest lounge information 5la información de última hora relativa a las salas

“I’m in the airport.But where’s the lounge?”Wherever you are in the world, the location of the nearestPriority Pass lounge is always close to hand, thanks to ourinvaluable lounge information services.Smart deviceapplicationsIf you are an Android,Blackberry, iPad or iPhoneuser, we recommend youdownload our ‘Priority PassLounge Finder’ application.It’s free to download and isideal if you need loungeinformation on the move.These apps use GPS technology which cleverly works out yourcurrent location and then finds the nearest lounge available toPriority Pass members – ideal if you are in a rush.The apps also have great features including ‘Lounge Images’,‘Favorites’ and ‘Recent Searches’.Once downloaded you can use the app without being online andavoid expensive data-roaming costs. Be sure to refresh the loungedata on your app regularly though as lounge details do change.Visit the applicable online app store today and search for‘Priority Pass’ to download your free app.www.prioritypass.com/iphonewww.prioritypass.com/ipadwww.prioritypass.com/androidwww.prioritypass.com/blackberry6Always check www.prioritypass.com for the latest lounge information

‘Lounge Finder’ – informationdirect to your mobileIf you don’t have access to your Lounge Directory don’t worry.Simply text the three letter airport code to our automated LoungeFinder service on +44 7624 809977 and you will receivedetails of all available lounges by return text*.Please send only the official three letter code for your chosenairport e.g. LHR for London Heathrow, or HKG for Hong KongSAR International. If you’re unsure of the airport code checkyour ticket or ask a member of staff.It is important that you do not include the terminal number,punctuation or any other information in your text message asdoing so will generate no results.Add +44 7624 809977 to your Contacts on your mobilephone today!Mobile-friendly websiteIf you have mobile internet access on yourphone, our mobile-friendly website can befound at:www.prioritypass.com/mobileThis website allows you to perform quickand easy lounge searches by simplyentering any three letter airport code(e.g. LHR for London Heathrow).Portable Lounge DirectoryTo download the latest Lounge Directory inPDF format to your PC, laptop or tablet, simplyclick on the link on the ‘PDF Download’ link on the‘airport lounges’ page at www.prioritypass.com.You’ll then have the very latest loungeinformation at your fingertips wherever you are.*The Priority Pass text service provides basic lounge information. This information is for guidanceonly. Our goal is to be 100% accurate, however Priority Pass cannot be held responsible for missingor inaccurate information. Please note your network rates apply to sent and received messages.The Priority Pass Lounge Finder is accessible from all main international mobile networks. Pleasecheck with your mobile network operator in the event of any difficulties. We cannot guaranteecoverage from all networks of the USA, Japan or Korea. Priority Pass is not liable for mobile operatorerrors. Mobile users are liable for the cost of all texts sent and received.Always check www.prioritypass.com for the latest lounge information 7

<strong>LOUNGE</strong> LISTINGAfricaPageBENINCotonou 47CAMEROONDouala 51EGYPTCairo 38GAMBIABanjul 24GHANAAccra 15GUINEA, REPUBLIC OFConakry 46KENYAMombasa 104Nairobi 110LIBYATripoli 157MAURITIUSMauritius 100MOROCCOCasablanca 42Fés 55Marrakech 99Rabat 128Tangier 151MOZAMBIQUEMaputo 98PageNAMIBIAWindhoek 164NIGERIALagos 80RWANDAKigali 77SOUTH AFRICACape Town 40Durban 52East London 53George 58Johannesburg 74Port Elizabeth 123TANZANIADar-Es-Salaam 49Kilimanjaro 77Mwanza 109TUNISIAEnfidha 54Tunis 158UGANDAEntebbe 54ZAMBIALivingstone 87Lusaka 93ZIMBABWEHarare 64Asia/PacificPageAUSTRALIACairns 38Melbourne 101BANGLADESHDhaka 50CHINA, PEOPLES REP. OFBeijing 27Dalian 48Fuzhou 57Guangzhou 61Guilin 63Haikou Hainan 64Hong Kong SAR 66Lijiang 84Macau SAR 94Nanning 110Ningbo 115Qingdao 127Sanya 136Shanghai Hongqiao 140Shanghai Pudong 141Shenyang 142Shenzhen 143Tianjin 152Wuxi 164Xiamen 165PageYantai 165Zhengzhou 170Zhuhai 166FIJINadi 109GUAMGuam 61INDIAAhmedabad 15Bangalore 22Chennai 43Cochin 45Goa 59Guwahati 63Hyderabad 69Kolkata 78Mumbai 107New Delhi 111Pune 126Vadodara 159INDONESIABali 21Balikpapan 22Banda Aceh 22Bangka Belitung 23Bangka Island 23Always check www.prioritypass.com for the latest lounge information 9

Asia/PacificPageBanjarmasin 24Batam 27Jakarta 72Kendari 76Lombok 87Manado 96Medan 100Palangka Raya 118Palembang 118Pekanbaru 120Pontianak 123Semarang 138Solo City 146Yogyakarta 166JAPANFukuoka 56Nagoya 109Osaka 118Tokyo Narita 154MALAYSIAJohor Baru 75Kuala Lumpur 79Langkawi 82MALDIVESHanimaadhoo 64Male 96MONGOLIAUlaanbaatar 158NEPALKathmandu 76PageNEW ZEALANDAuckland 20PAKISTANIslamabad 70Karachi 75Lahore 81PHILIPPINESManila 98SAIPANSaipan 131SINGAPORESingapore 144SOUTH KOREABusan 37Daegu 48Gwangju 63Jeju Island 73Seoul Gimpo 138Seoul Incheon 139SRI LANKAColombo 45TAIWANKaohsiung 75Taichung 149Taipei 150THAILANDBangkok 23Phuket 122Samui 132VIETNAMHo Chi Minh 66EuropePageALBANIATirana 154ARMENIAYerevan 166AUSTRIAGraz 60Vienna 161BELGIUMBrussels 35BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINASarajevo 137Tuzla 158BULGARIASofia 145CAPE VERDESal Island 131CROATIADubrovnik 52Zagreb 166CYPRUSLarnaca 82Paphos 119CZECH REPUBLICBrno 35Prague 125PageDENMARKBillund 31Copenhagen 46ESTONIATallinn 150FINLANDHelsinki 65FRANCEBiarritz 31Bordeaux 33Lyon 94Marseille 99Nice 114Paris Charles de Gaulle 119Paris Orly 120Toulouse 157GEORGIABatumi 27Tbilisi 151GERMANYBerlin Schönefeld 30Berlin Tegel 30Bremen 35Cologne/Bonn 45Düsseldorf 5310Always check www.prioritypass.com for the latest lounge information

EuropePageFrankfurt 56Hamburg 64Hannover 64Leipzig 84Lübeck 93Munich 108Münster-Osnabrück 108Nuremberg 116Stuttgart 149GREECEAthens 19Heraklion 66Rhodes 129Thessaloniki 152HUNGARYBudapest 36IRELAND (EIRE)Cork 46Dublin 52Knock 78Shannon 142ITALYBologna 33Catania 42Florence 55Genoa 58Lamezia 82Milan Bergamo Orio al Serio 102Milan Linate 103Milan Malpensa 103Palermo 118Pisa 122Rome 131 & 169Trieste 157Turin 158Venice 160Verona 160LATVIARiga 129LITHUANIAVilnius 162LUXEMBOURGLuxembourg 94MACEDONIAOhrid 116Skopje 145MALTAMalta 96NETHERLANDSAmsterdam 16POLANDGdańsk 57Katowice 76Kraków-Balice 79Poznan 124Warsaw 162Wroclaw Strachowice 164PORTUGALFaro 55Funchal 57PageHorta 68Lisbon 86Ponta Delgada 123Porto 124Terceira Island 152ROMANIACluj-Napoca 44Timisoara 153RUSSIAMoscow-Domodedovo 106Moscow - Sheremetyevo 106Moscow - Vnukovo 107St. Petersburg Pulkovo 147SERBIABelgrade 30SLOVAK REPUBLICBratislava 34Kosice 79Zilina 167SLOVENIALjubljana 87SPAINAlicante 16Barcelona 25Gran Canaria 60Lanzarote 82Madrid 94Malaga 95Palma de Mallorca 118Tenerife North 151Tenerife South 152Valencia 159SWEDENGothenburg 59Malmö 96Stockholm Arlanda 148Stockholm Bromma 149SWITZERLANDBasel-Mulhouse 26Berne 31Geneva 58Lugano 93St. Gallen-Altenrhein 147Zürich 167TURKEYAnkara 17Antalya 17Dalaman 48Istanbul 71Izmir 72UKRAINEKharkiv 76Kiev 77UNITED KINGDOMAberdeen 14Belfast City 29Belfast Int’l 30Birmingham 31 & 168Blackpool 32Bristol 35Always check www.prioritypass.com for the latest lounge information 11

EuropePageCardiff 41Derry 50Durham 53Edinburgh 54Exeter 55Glasgow 59Guernsey 62Humberside 69Inverness 70Isle of Man 70Jersey 74Leeds Bradford 83Liverpool 86PageLondon Gatwick 87London Heathrow 88London Luton 90London Southend 90London Stansted 90Manchester 97Newcastle 111Newquay 112Norwich 115Nottingham 116Southampton 146Latin America/CaribbeanPageANTIGUAAntigua 18ARGENTINABuenos Aires 36ARUBAOranjestad 117BAHAMASNassau 110BARBADOSBarbados 24BRAZILBelém 29Curitiba 47Recife 129Rio de Janeiro Galeão Int’l 130Rio de Janeiro Santos Dumont 130São Paulo 136CHILEAntofagasta 18Calama 39Concepcion 46Iquique 70Puerto Montt 125Punta Arenas 127Santiago 134COLOMBIAArmenia 18Barranquilla 26Bogotá 32Bucaramanga 36Cali 39Cartagena 41Cúcuta 47Manizales 98Medellin JM Cordova 101Pereira 120COSTA RICALiberia 84San Jose 133DOMINICAN REPUBLICCasa de Campo 42Puerto Plata 126PagePunta Cana 127Samana 131Santo Domingo Dr J.B. Int’l 135Santo Domingo Las Americas Int’l 135ECUADORCuenca 47Galapagos 57Guayaquil 62Quito 128EL SALVADORSan Salvador 134GUATEMALAGuatemala 62GUYANAGeorgetown 59JAMAICAKingston 78Montego Bay 105NETHERLANDS ANTILLESCuracao 47St. Maarten 147PANAMAPanama 119 & 169PERUArequipa 18Cajamarca 168Chiclayo 168Cusco 48Iquitos 168Juliaca 169Lima 85Piura 169Pucallpa 169Tarapoto 170Trujillo 170PUERTO RICOSan Juan 133ST. LUCIAVieux-Fort 161TRINIDAD & TOBAGOPort of Spain 12412Always check www.prioritypass.com for the latest lounge information

Latin America/CaribbeanPageVENEZUELABarcelona 26Barquisimeto 26Caracas 41PageMaracaibo 99Maturín 100Porlamar 123Puerto Ordaz 126Middle EastNorth AmericaPageBAHRAINBahrain 20ISRAELTel Aviv 151JORDANAmman 16KUWAITKuwait 80LEBANONBeirut 29OMANMuscat 108QATARDoha 51PageCANADACalgary 39Edmonton 54Montreal 105Québec 127Toronto 155Vancouver 159MEXICOCancún 40Guadalajara 60Los Cabos 93Mexico City 101Monterrey 105Puerto Vallarta 126Tijuana 153USAAnchorage (AK) 17Atlanta (GA) 20Austin (TX) 20Baltimore (MD) 22Boston (MA) 34Buffalo (NY) 37Chicago (IL) 43Cleveland (OH) 44Dallas (TX) 49Denver (CO) 49Fort Lauderdale (FL) 56PageSAUDI ARABIAAbha 14Dammam 49Jeddah 73Riyadh 130Tabuk 149Taif 150Yanbu 165UNITED ARAB EMIRATESAbu Dhabi 14Dubai 51Ras Al-Khaimah 129Sharjah 142PageGreensboro (NC) 60Hartford (CT) 65Honolulu (HI) 67Houston (TX) 68Las Vegas (NV) 83Los Angeles (CA) 91Miami (FL) 102Minneapolis-St. Paul (MN) 104New York J.F.K (NY) 112New York La Guardia (NY) 113New York Newark (NJ) 113Orange County (CA) 116Orlando Int’l (FL) 117Orlando Sanford (FL) 117Philadelphia (PA) 120Phoenix (AZ) 121Pittsburgh (PA) 122Portland (OR) 123Raleigh-Durham (NC) 128San Antonio (TX) 132San Diego (CA) 132San Francisco (CA) 132Seattle (WA) 137Tampa (FL) 150Washington Dulles Int’l (DC) 162Washington R.R. National (DC) 163Always check www.prioritypass.com for the latest lounge information 13

ABERDEENDyce (ABZ)SERVISAIR <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - proceed through Central Departures and turn right towardsInternational Gate 1. The Lounge is located after Security.04:30 - 20:30 Sunday - Friday.04:30 - 18:00 Saturday.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.Dress code applicable • Children under 2 years are admitted free.ABHARegional (AHB)TASHEEL FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - the Lounge is located after Security Checks.07:00 - 02:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Two children under 12 years are admitted free.ABU DHABIInternational (AUH)AL DHABI <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located on the right hand side ofImmigration Control. Enter the corridor and take the lift or stairs to the 1stFloor. Passengers departing from Terminal 3, follow the signs to Terminal 1.Once in Terminal 1, turn left and walk straight ahead for 50 meters, wherethe Lounge is located. For passengers arriving into Terminal 3, follow thearrival signs. Prior to reaching the Arrival Immigration Control, on the lefthand side, go past the transfer desks and take the stairs down to the 1stFloor, turn right and follow signs to Terminal 1, then upon arrival intoTerminal 1, turn left and walk for 50 meters where the Lounge is located.24 hours daily.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Separate children’s play area available • Smart casual dress at all times(no shorts or vests allowed) • Separate smoking room available.Telephone calls and fax facilities are subject to payment.AL REEM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located on the left hand side of theImmigration Control about 15 meters. Passengers departing from Terminal3, follow the signs to Terminal 1. Once in Terminal 1, turn left and walkstraight for 40 meters. The Lounge will be on your right hand side justpast the information desk. For passengers arriving in Terminal 3, followthe arrival signs. Prior to reaching the arrival Immigration Control on theleft hand side, go past the transfer desks and take the stairs down to the1st Floor, turn right and follow signs to Terminal 1, then upon arrival intoTerminal 1, turn left and walk for 40 meters and the Lounge is located onthe right hand side just past the information desk.24 hours daily.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free• Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts or vests allowed).14

ABU DHABIInternational (AUH)AL GHAZAL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks, proceed past Duty Freeand the Coffee Shop to the Lounge located on the right hand side ofthe waiting hall.24 hours daily.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts or vests allowed).Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.ACCRAKotoka International (ACC)ADINKRA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and PassportControl. The Lounge is located just outside of the Duty Free Area, in themiddle of the public international departure lounge.10:00 - 23:30 daily.Children under 2 years are not admitted.AKWAABA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Immigration and Security Checksproceed towards Gate 1. Follow signs to the Lounge.24 hours daily.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 12 years are admitted free.Telephone calls are subject to payment.AHMEDABAD Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Int’l (AMD)PORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Departure Terminal. Landside - proceed through theInternational Terminal Building departure gate, straight up to theImmigration counter and turn left. The Lounge is located on the 1st Floor.16:00 - 10:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.BICA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Departure Terminal. Landside - before Security Checks andPassport Control, on the 1st Floor of the NDDB Building.24 hours daily.Limited to one child or two infants per adult • Children under 12 yearsare admitted free.Wi-Fi access may be subject to payment. Long distance telephone calls andfax facilities are both subject to payment.15

ALICANTE(ALC)SALA VIP - SALON IFACHAirside - after Check-in on the 2nd Floor, proceed through Security andDuty Free to the main departures area between Gates B and C. Take thestairs or lift up to the 3rd Floor where the Lounge is located. Followsigns ‘VIP Lounge’.06:00 - 23:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment. Alcoholicdrinks are available upon request.AMMANQueen Alia International (AMM)CROWN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - 3rd Floor, opposite the Adiesa Duty Free Shop.Passengers departing from Terminal 2 can access the Lounge bytaking the escalator upstairs after clearing Customs. Proceed throughthe Duty Free Shop to Terminal 1 then after exiting the Duty Free Shopthe Lounge entrance is straight ahead.24 hours daily.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Children under 16 years must be accompanied by an adult • Accessmay be restricted due to space constraints • Separate prayer roomavailable • Separate smoking room available.Shower facilities, private rooms, long distance telephone calls and faxfacilities are all subject to payment.AMSTERDAMSchiphol (AMS)SERVISAIR <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (No.26)Departure Lounge 1. Airside - after Passport Control, turn right and followsigns to the Lounge.05:30 - 21:00 Sunday - Friday.05:30 - 20:00 Saturday.The Lounge doors close half an hour before the Lounge closes.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Children under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult • Alcoholicdrinks are only available for passengers 18 years of age or older • Smartcasual dress at all times.Telephone calls are subject to payment. Complimentary Wi-Fi access islimited to 60 minutes and subsequent usage is subject to payment.16

AMSTERDAMSchiphol (AMS)SERVISAIR <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (No.41)Departure Lounge 3. Airside - after Passport Control in Departures 2,turn left. Take the stairs or escalator to the 1st Floor and follow signs tothe Lounge.06:00 - 23:00 daily.The Lounge doors close half an hour before the Lounge closes.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Non-Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Children under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult • Alcoholicdrinks are only available for passengers 18 years of age or older • Smartcasual dress at all times • Separate smoking room available.Shower facilities, internet access and telephone calls are all subject topayment. Complimentary Wi-Fi access is limited to 60 minutes andsubsequent usage is subject to payment.ANCHORAGETed Stevens International (ANC)ALASKA AIRLINES BOARD ROOMConcourse C. Airside - the Lounge is located between Gates C1 and C3.05:00 - 01:30 daily.All cardholders and guests are required to show a Boarding Pass withconfirmed same-day travel for access to the Lounge • Cardholder mustbe 18 years of age or older • Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints • Alcoholic drinks are limited to three per adult.Conference facilities are subject to payment.ANKARAEsbenboga (ESB)PRIMECLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - proceed to Departures Level. AfterPassport Control take the escalator on the right hand side to where theLounge is located.24 hours daily.International flights only • Children under 6 years are admitted free.ANADOLU JET PRIMECLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - proceed to Departures Level via theescalator located next to Gate 109.24 hours daily.Domestic flights only • Children under 6 years are admitted free.ANTALYAInternational (AYT)ICF <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - after Passport Control, on the Mezzanine Floor of theDuty Free Area.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.17

ANTALYAInternational (AYT)ICF <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - after Passport Control, on the Mezzanine Floor of theDuty Free Area.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.ANTIGUA V. C. BIRDInternational (ANU)BIG BANANA (CLUB 1761) EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks on the 1st Floor, proceed straight up thestairs and directly ahead the Lounge is located on the left hand side. Ifclearing Immigration and Security Checks on the 2nd Floor the Lounge islocated right next door to the Security Checkpoint.10:00 - 22:00 Monday, Wednesday - Friday.12:00 - 22:00 Tuesday & Sunday.11:00 - 22:00 Saturday.Children under 5 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at alltimes (no swimwear allowed).ANTOFAGASTACerro Moreno (ANF)SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUBLandside - after entering the main airport entrance to the left of theticket counters, proceed towards the wooden mural indicating theLounge entrance.07:15 - 23:30 Monday - Friday.08:30 - 21:00 Saturday.09:00 - 21:00 Sunday.Children under 2 years are admitted free.AREQUIPA Rodríguez Ballón International (AQP)SALA MISTIAirside - after Security Checks proceed to the Domestic Departure Hall,turn right through the Lounge access door and continue to the Loungereception. The Lounge is located on the 1st Floor in the PassengerTerminal Hall.08:00 - 22:00 daily.Children 12 years and under are not admitted.ARMENIA (Colombia)El Eden (AXM)AVIANCA SALA VIPAirside - the Lounge is located in the main Boarding Area on the 1st Floor.05:00 - 21:00 Monday - Friday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Closed: Saturday & Sunday.Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to local rum only.18

ATHENSEleftherios Venizelos International (ATH)ARISTOTLE ONASSIS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal A. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, near to GateA13 in the Extra-Schengen Area.05:00 - 01:00 daily.Priority Pass cardholders have access to the Melina Merkouri Loungelocated in the Schengen Area between the hours of 01:00 - 05:00 daily.Non-Schengen (international) flights only • Maximum 4 hour stay • Accessmay be restricted due to space constraints • Children under 5 yearsare admitted free and must be accompanied by an adult • Dress codeapplicable • Separate children’s play area available.Complimentary Wi-Fi access is limited to 60 minutes and subsequentusage is subject to payment. Telephone calls are also subject to payment.SWISSPORT EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal A. Airside - after Passport Control, proceed towards GatesA11-A13. The Lounge is located directly opposite Gate A11, next to GateA12 in the Extra-Schengen Area.07:30 - 22:00 Monday - Friday & Sunday.07:30 - 21:00 Saturday.Non-Schengen (international) flights only • Children under 5 years areadmitted free.Complimentary use of massage chair available on-site.GOLDAIR HANDLING CIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal B. Landside - before Security Checks in the main terminal building.The Lounge is located in the Schengen Area of the Departure Hall on Level1, opposite Gate B13.03:00 - 20:00 daily.Schengen (international and domestic) flights only • Children under 12 yearsare admitted free • All children must be accompanied by an adult.MELINA MERKOURI <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal B. Airside - after the first Security Checks and Passport Control,near Gate B11 in the Intra-Schengen Area, before the Boarding SecurityControl.24 hours daily.Schengen (international and domestic) flights only • Maximum 4 hour stay •Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under 5 yearsare admitted free and must be accompanied by an adult • Dress codeapplicable • Separate children’s play area available.Complimentary Wi-Fi access is limited to 60 minutes and subsequentusage is subject to payment. Telephone calls are also subject to payment.19

ATLANTAHartsfield Jackson International (ATL)UNITED CLUBConcourse D. Airside - across from Gate 11A.05:00 - 19:15 Monday - Friday.05:00 - 18:30 Saturday.05:30 - 19:15 Sunday.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.AUCKLANDInternational (AKL)EMPEROR <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - Level 1. After Security Checks, proceedto Duty Free Shops and turn right. Follow signs to Airline Lounges.The Lounge is located on the left hand side opposite the escalator.06:00 - 23:00 Monday, Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday.06:00 - 00:00 Tuesday, Thursday & Friday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.International flights only • Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints • Children under 5 years are admitted free • Children mustbe supervised by an adult • Smart casual dress at all times.AUSTINBergstorm International (AUS)UNITED CLUBWest Concourse. Airside - Mezzanine Level, across from Gate 13.05:00 - 19:00 Monday - Friday.05:00 - 17:00 Saturday.06:00 - 19:00 Sunday.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.BAHRAINInternational (BAH)DILMUN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Main Terminal. Airside - Departure Level, take the escalators to the1st Floor. The Lounge is located opposite Gate 16.24 hours daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • All children must be accompanied by an adult.20

BALINgurah Rai International (DPS)DEWA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Immigration turn left and follow signsto the DEWA Lounge. The Lounge is located opposite Gates 7 and 8 onthe 2nd Floor.05:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 02:00).Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separate smoking area available.Reflexology therapy is available subject to payment. Local telephonecalls only.PARAI CYBER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - 2nd Floor. The Lounge is located nearGates 7, 8 and 9 on the right hand side.06:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 01:00).Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 6 years are admitted free • Separate smoking room available.Long distance telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.PRADA PRIORITY <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control, turn right and followthe signs to ‘Prada Priority Lounge’ which is located near to Gates 1 and 2.06:00 - 03:00 daily.Separate prayer room available • Separate smoking room available.PREMIER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - near Gates 1 and 2 on the 3rd Floor.06:00 - 02:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 04:00 Saturday & Sunday.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Access may be restricted dueto space constraints • Complimentary drinks are limited to two per person,subsequent drinks are subject to payment • Smart casual dress at all times• Separate games room available • Separate smoking area available.Wi-Fi access, international telephone calls and fax facilities are all subjectto payment. Reflexology therapy is also available subject to payment.SANUR <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Check-in, pass the Airport Tax counter,turn right and proceed to the 2nd Floor. Pass further Security Checks, turnleft and the Lounge is located approximately 60 meters to the right.05:30 - 23:30 daily.21

BALIKPAPANSepinggan (BPN)JAS PREMIER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks in the main departurelounge of the B-Square Building.07:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separate prayer roomavailable • Separate smoking room available.Wi-Fi access, alcoholic drinks and shower facilities are all subject topayment.PADI <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Check-in, turn right.Pass further Security Checks and proceed straight ahead for approximately50 meters to where the Lounge is located.05:30 - 19:00 daily.Domestic flights only • Separate smoking area available.BALTIMORE Thurgood Marshall International (BWI)CHESAPEAKE CLUB <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the UpperLevel. After Security Checks, walk towards the Pier Exit and turn right atthe ‘Chesapeake Club Lounge’. Proceed down the ramp towards the glassdoors and ring the bell.18:00 - 21:00 daily.International flights from Pier E only • Children under 2 years are admittedfree • Alcoholic drinks are only available to passengers 21 years of age or older.Local telephone calls only.BANDA ACEHSultan Iskandar Muda International (BTJ)EL JOHN SMOKING <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, take the escalator tothe 2nd Floor, where the Lounge is located.05:30 to last scheduled flight departure.Children under 6 years are admitted free.BANGALOREInternational (BLR)EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks on the 1st Floor.Proceed through the Duty Free Area and turn right. The Lounge entrance islocated next to the ‘Kingfisher Sports Bar’, opposite Gate 17.24 hours daily.International flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Smart casual dress at all times.Local telephone calls only. Complimentary Wi-Fi access is limited to15 minutes and subsequent usage is subject to payment.22

BANGKA BELITUNG H.A.S. Hanandjoeddin (TJQ)EL JOHN EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Departure Terminal. Airside - before the second X-ray Area,near to the main departure lounge.06:30 - 10:00 & 13:00 - 16:00 daily.Domestic flights only • Children under 6 years are admitted free.Long distance telephone calls are subject to payment.BANGKA ISLANDDepati Amir (PGK)EL JOHN EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Control, follow signs to the‘Executive Lounge’ which is located in the main departure lounge.05:30 - 19:00 daily.Domestic flights only • Children under 5 years are admitted free.BANGKOKSurvarnabhumi International (BKK)LOUIS’ TAVERN CIP FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - Concourse A, Block 2, Level 3 (East Side).24 hours daily.International flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Children 2 years andunder are admitted free.International Terminal. Airside - Concourse C, Level 3 (East Side).24 hours daily.International flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Children 2 years andunder are admitted free.International Terminal. Airside - Concourse F, Level 3 (West Side).24 hours daily.International flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Children 2 years andunder are admitted free.Local telephone calls only.International Terminal. Airside - Concourse G, Level 3 (West Side).24 hours daily.International flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Children 2 years andunder are admitted free.23

BANGKOKSurvarnabhumi International (BKK)LOUIS’ TAVERN CIP FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - Concourse G, Level 3.Opposite Gate 2 (West Side).24 hours daily.International flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Children 2 years andunder are admitted free • Separate smoking room available.International calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.International Terminal. Airside - Concourse G, Level 4.Opposite Gate 2 (West Side).24 hours daily.International flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Children 2 years andunder are admitted free • Separate smoking room available.BANJARMASINSyamsudin Noor (BDJ)EL JOHN EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Departure Terminal. Airside - after Check-in (1st Floor), go to the 2nd Floor.The Lounge is located in front of the boarding gates.06:00 - 20:00 daily.Children under 5 years are admitted free.BANJULInternational (BJL)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - proceed through Departures, turn left and take the stairs up tothe 1st Floor. Follow signs to the ‘First Class Lounge’.08:00 - 12:00 & 17:00 - 21:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Closed: Dec 25.Complimentary drinks are limited to two per person • Smart casual dressat all times (no shorts allowed).BARBADOSGrantley Adams International (BGI)AIRLINES EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, betweenGates 12 and 13. Access is via elevator or stairs. Follow signs.05:30 - 20:30 daily.Closed: Dec 25.Dress code applicable • Children 11 years and under are admitted free.24

BARBADOSGrantley Adams International (BGI)CLUB CARIBBEAN EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Landside - proceed up the stairs between Air Canada andAmerican Airlines Check-in counters and turn left, then right. The Loungeentrance is through the second door on the right hand side and is signpostedas ‘Caribbean Airways’.07:00 - 19:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flights schedules.Closed: Dec 25.Dress code applicable • Children under 12 years are admitted free.Flight information is available upon request. International telephone calls,international fax and conference facilities are all subject to payment.BARCELONAEl Prat (BCN)SALA VIP COLOMERTerminal 1. Airside - Barcelona-Madrid Shuttle Area. After passingthrough Security Checks, turn left and proceed to the end of the corridor.06:30 - 22:30 daily.T1 Barcelona-Madrid Shuttle flights only • Smart casual dress at all times• Children under 2 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subject to payment.SALA VIP MIROTerminal 1. Airside - turn left after Passport Control and Security Checks(towards Gate D). Take the first set of stairs in front of ‘McDonalds’ (orelevator) down to the Lounge and follow the VIP signs.06:30 - 22:30 daily.Intercontinental Non-Schengen T1 flights only • Smart casual dress atall times • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separate smokingroom available.Towel hire, Wi-Fi access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subjectto payment.SALA VIP PAU CASALSTerminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks take the stairs down to theSky Center and turn right. Follow VIP signs and take the stairs orelevator up to the Lounge.05:00 - 22:30 daily.Schengen and domestic T1 flights only • Smart casual dress at alltimes • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separate smokingroom available.Towel hire, Wi-Fi access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subjectto payment.25

BARCELONAEl Prat (BCN)SALA VIP CANUDASTerminal 2. Airside - B Gates. After entering Módule 3, the Lounge islocated opposite Gates 30-39.06:30 - 22:30 daily.T2 flights only • Smart casual dress at all times • Children under 2 yearsare admitted free.Wi-Fi access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subject to payment.BARCELONAGral. J. A. Anzoategui Int’l (BLA)PREMIER CLUBAirside - take the escalator to the Upper Level and turn left.05:30 - 20:00 daily.Dress code applicable (no shorts allowed).BARQUISIMETO Jacinto Lara International (BRM)PREMIER CLUBLandside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor, before Security Control.05:00 - 20:00 daily.BARRANQUILLAErnesto Cortissoz (BAQ)AVIANCA SALA VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - proceed to the 2nd Floor. The Loungeis located in front of Gate 5.09:00 - 18:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.National Terminal. Landside - proceed to the 2nd Floor, towards theNational Departure Area. The Lounge is located in front of Gate 7 on theleft hand side.05:20 - 20:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.BASEL-MULHOUSEEuroAirport (BSL)EUROAIRPORT SKYVIEW <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Y-Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located in the center of the terminalnext to the Duty Free Shop on the Departures Level.05:00 - 20:00 Sunday - Friday.05:00 - 19:00 Saturday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable •Separate smoking area available.26

BATAMHang Nadim International (BTH)BINTAN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Departure Terminal. Airside - after the second X-ray Area,take the elevator to the 2nd Floor. Take the first left turn and then turnleft again, proceed straight ahead and follow signs to the Lounge locatedon the right hand side.07:00 - 20:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separate prayer room available• Separate smoking area available.EL JOHN EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Departure Terminal. Airside - after Security Control, go to the2nd Floor. The Lounge is located in front of Gate 4.06:00 - 18:00 daily.Children under 5 years are admitted free.BATUMIInternational (BUS)PRIMECLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control on the righthand side.24 hours daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Separate smoking areaavailable.Check-in facilities and agent services available inside the Lounge aresubject to payment.BEIJINGCapital International (PEK)AIR CHINA BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2 International. Airside - proceed past the Security Checkcounters. The Lounge is situated approximately 40 meters away on theright hand side, opposite Duty Free.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under2 years are not admitted • Dress code applicable • Separate smokingroom available.BGS PREMIER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2 International. Airside - proceed past the Security Checkcounters, turn right, the Lounge is opposite Gate 11.05:30 to last scheduled flight departure.Business Lounge access only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Separate smoking room available.Local telephone calls only.27

BEIJINGCapital International (PEK)AIR CHINA BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 3E International. Airside - proceed past the Security Checkcounters. The Lounge is situated approximately 100 meters away onthe right hand side.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under2 years are not admitted • Dress code applicable • Separate smokingroom available.AIR CHINA FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 3E International. Airside - proceed past the Security Checkcounters. The Lounge is situated approximately 100 meters away onthe left hand side.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under2 years are not admitted • Dress code applicable • Separate smokingroom available.BGS PREMIER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 3E International. Airside - near Gate E19 (Stand 519).24 hours Monday, Wednesday & Saturday.05:00 - 01:00 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Sunday.Business Lounge access only • Children under 2 years are admittedfree • Separate smoking room available.Local telephone calls only.BUSINESS TRAVELERS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 3E International. Airside - across from Gate E10.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Alcoholic drinks are limitedto beer only.Alcoholic drinks, telephone calls, fax and shower facilities are all subjectto payment. Check-in services and conference facilities are availableinside the Lounge but are also both subject to payment.AIR CHINA FIRST AND BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 3C Domestic. Airside - proceed past the Security Checkcounters. The Lounge is situated approximately 30 meters away onthe left hand side.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under2 years are not admitted • Dress code applicable • Separate smokingroom available.28

BEIRUTRafic Hariri International (BEY)CEDAR <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Passport Control, turn right and take the elevator or stairsup to the 2nd Floor where the Lounge is located.24 hours daily.Separate smoking area available.LAT BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Passport Control, turn right and take the lift or stairs up tothe 2nd Floor where the Lounge is located in the East Side of the building.24 hours daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment • Separate prayer room available • Separate smoking roomavailable.Long distance telephone calls are subject to payment.BELÉMVal de Cans International (BEL)VALEVERDE VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - the Lounge is located in the Boarding Area, near Gate 1.24 hours daily.Closed: Dec 24, 25, 31 & Jan 01.Children under 12 years are admitted free.BELFASTCity (BHD)FLYBE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks, take the stairs or escalator to 1st Floor.Turn left past the Duty Free Shop and continue to ‘Ritazza’ coffee bar.Turn right and the Lounge is located at the end of the corridor.05:15 - 21:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 18:30 Saturday.07:00 - 21:00 Sunday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Closed: Dec 25.Children under 2 years are admitted free • All children must be accompaniedby an adult • Dress code applicable.29

BELFASTInternational (BFS)THE BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - turn left after Duty Free and follow signs for Gates 16 and 17.The Lounge is located adjacent to Gates 16 and 17.05:30 - 21:15 daily.Hours are subject to change.Closed: Dec 25 - 27 & Jan 01.Children under 12 years are not admitted • Cardholder must be 18 yearsof age or older and any guests under 18 years must be accompanied byan adult • Smart casual dress at all times • Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to two per adult.BELGRADENikola Tesla (BEG)BUSINESS CLUBTerminal 2. Airside - after Passport Control, the Lounge is located on theright hand side, near Gate A4.05:30 - 21:30 daily.Children under 7 years are admitted free • All children must be accompaniedby an adult.BERLINSchönefeld (SXF)HUGO JUNKERS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal A. Airside - after Security Checks on the 1st Floor, follow signsand take the stairs to the 2nd Floor. The Lounge is situated on the lefthand side.08:00 - 19:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 2 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.BERLINTegel (TXL)AIRPORT CLUB BERLIN-TEGELTerminal A. Landside - before Security Checks and Passport Control inthe main departures hall. Proceed to the 1st Floor by elevator or stairsand the Lounge is located at the end of the hall on the right hand side.07:00 - 20:00 Monday - Saturday.09:00 - 20:00 Sunday.Closed: Dec 24 - 26, Easter Weekend & Whitsun.Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under12 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times (no shortsallowed).Wi-Fi access and internet facilities are both subject to payment.30

BERNEBelp (BRN)SKY<strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security, turn right and take the stairs to the 1st Floor.The Lounge is located in the main departure hall. It is essential thatcardholders do not proceed directly to the Lounge but first register as aPriority Pass cardholder at any Check-in desk.06:00 - 21:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Schengen flights only • Children under 12 years are admitted free.BIARRITZAnglet Bayonne (BIQ)HORIZON <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - before Security proceed to the Information desk andthe staff will provide escort to the Lounge located after Security Checks onthe left hand side, below the escalator.06:00 - 20:00 daily.Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under12 years are admitted free • Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.BILLUND(BLL)KING AMLET <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks take the elevator or stairs to the next floor.The Lounge is located on the right hand side.05:15 - 18:00 daily.Hours may vary according to Public Holidays and are subject toseasonal changes.Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to three per adult.BIRMINGHAM(BHX)4DECK <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security, proceed through the World Duty Free Shop andturn left. Follow signs for Gates 1-20 and the Lounge is located on theright hand side of the corridor.05:00 - 20:00 Sunday - Friday.05:00 - 18:00 Saturday.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times(no shorts or vests allowed).FLYBE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security and Passport Control turn left and the Lounge islocated in the left hand corner of the main departure hall, next to the‘Boots’ Store.05:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.All children must be accompanied by an adult • Dress code applicable.31

BIRMINGHAM(BHX)SERVISAIR <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security, proceed through the World Duty Free Shop andturn left. Follow signs for Gates 1-20 and the Lounge is located on theright hand side of the corridor.05:00 - 21:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Access is permitted 3 hours prior to scheduled flight departure and issubject to space available at the time of visit • Children under 2 years areadmitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.BLACKPOOLInternational (BLK)BLACKPOOL AIRPORT EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - proceed through Security into Departures, the Lounge is locateddirectly to the left. Cardholders must register as a Priority Pass cardholderat the Airport Duty Free Shop and a member of staff will provide escort tothe Lounge.Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first flight departure (approx. 05:00) andcloses after last scheduled departure (approx. 22:00).Closed: Dec 25.Children under 12 years are not admitted • Smart casual dress at all times.BOGOTÁEldoraldo (BOG)AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBInternational Terminal. Airside - after Immigration proceed throughSecurity Checks and towards Gate 7 where the Lounge is locateddownstairs below the departure gate.05:30 - 20:00 Monday, Wednesday & Friday.05:30 - 23:00 Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday.05:30 - 20:30 Sunday.Hours may be subject to change.All immediate family members can enter an American Airlines Admirals Clubwith the cardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit • Separate smoking area available.AVIANCA SALA VIPInternational Terminal. Airside - on 2nd Floor after entering the terminal.Proceed past the Duty Free Shops and the Lounge is located after PassportControl on the right hand side.05:30 - 19:00 daily.Priority Pass cardholders will not be admitted to the Lounge outsidethese hours.Ticketed passengers only • Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints.32

BOGOTÁEldoraldo (BOG)SALA ELITE COPA AIRLINES COLOMBIANational Terminal. Airside - North Wing. The Lounge is located betweenGates 3 and 5 at the main entrance to the concourse.05:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Alcoholic drinks are limitedto beer only.AVIANCA SALA VIPPuente Aéreo. Airside - in the Check-in Hall, take the stairs to the 2nd Floorlocated at the left hand side of the ticket counters. Turn right into SecurityChecks which are carried out at the Lounge entrance.06:30 - 16:00 & 19:00 - 22:30 daily.Priority Pass cardholders will not be admitted to the Lounge outsidethese hours.Access may be restricted due to space constraints.BOLOGNAG.Marconi (BLQ)MARCONI BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal A. Landside - follow the signs to Security Checks and turn rightin the direction of the glass lift. The Lounge is located on the 1st Floor.05:00 - 21:30 daily.Children under 10 years are admitted free • Alcoholic drinks are limitedto beer only.Complimentary ‘Left Luggage’ service is available inside the Lounge.Dedicated ‘Fast Track Corridor’ service is available inside the Loungebetween 05:30 & 19:00 Sunday - Friday only upon presentation of avalid Priority Pass membership card.BORDEAUXMerignac (BOD)SALON DES VIGNOBLESTerminal A. Airside - the Lounge is located after Security Checks inHall A, Departures Level. It is essential that cardholders do not proceeddirectly to the Lounge but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder toHall A Check-in staff, who will call extension 3336 or 11 to notify loungestaff.05:30 - 22:30 daily.Lounge closure may vary and is dependent on the last daily scheduledflight departure.Children under 2 years are admitted free.33

BOSTONLogan International (BOS)UNITED CLUBTerminal A. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 3rd Level directly abovethe Security Checkpoint between Gates 6 and 7.05:00 - 19:00 Sunday - Friday.05:00 - 17:30 Saturday.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.US AIRWAYS CLUBTerminal B. Airside - next to Gate 4, just past the Security Checkpointon the Upper Level.05:00 - 20:45 Sunday - Friday.05:00 - 18:00 Saturday.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with the cardholder,but the number of persons who are not immediate family will be limitedto two at any one visit • Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older •Children under 2 years are admitted free.Long distance telephone calls and conference facilities are both subjectto payment.UNITED CLUBTerminal C. Airside - adjacent to Gate 19.05:15 - 20:00 daily.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.AIR FRANCE GRAF <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal E. Airside - after Security, turn right towards Gate 4. Take thededicated Lounge elevator or stairs to where the Lounge is located.13:30 - 23:00 daily.Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older.BRATISLAVALetisko M.R. Stafánik (BTS)CAPRONI <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal A. Airside - after Security Checks on the 2nd Floor, proceedtowards the shops and departure gates. Turn right into a small corridorto where the Lounge is located on the left hand side. Follow signs.Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first flight departure and closes after lastscheduled departure.Schengen flights only • Limited to three guests per cardholder •Children under 2 years are admitted free.34

BREMEN(BRE)AHS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Landside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed directlyto the Lounge but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder at the AHS ticketdesk in Terminal 1 on the Ground Floor, near the escalator and stairs to the1st Floor. The Lounge is located on the 1st Floor opposite Security Checks.05:00 - 22:00 daily.BRISTOLInternational (BRS)CABOT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - proceed to the 1st Floor, through Security Control into the maindeparture lounge. Turn left and take the lift or stairs to the Mezzanine Floor.Turn left and continue along the corridor to where the Lounge is located onthe right hand side.04:00 - 21:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable.BRNOTurany (BRQ)BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Departure Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control,proceed to the 1st Floor where the Lounge is located next to ‘Aviette Bar’.Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first scheduled flight departure andcloses after last scheduled departure (approx. 18:00).Limited to three guests per cardholder • Children under 2 years areadmitted free.Conference facilities are subject to payment and availability.BRUSSELSNational (BRU)DIAMOND <strong>LOUNGE</strong>STerminal A. Airside - proceed through Passport Control and take theelevator to the 2nd Level. The Lounge is located on the right hand sideof the corridor.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Schengen flights only • Children 12 years and under are admitted free.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.Terminal B. Airside - pass through Customs and Security. Access to theLounge is via stairs approximately 20 meters ahead on the left hand side,to the left of the walking pad.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Non-Schengen flights only • Children 12 years and under are admitted free.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.35

BUCARAMANGAPalo Negro (BGA)AVIANCA SALA VIPAirside - after Security Checks take the escalator or ramp down to theLounge located on the left hand side.05:00 - 00:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at alltimes (no sandals, shorts or vests allowed) • Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to three per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment • Alcoholic drinks are only available 12:00 - 00:00 daily •Separate prayer room available.BUDAPESTLiszt Ferenc International (BUD)PLATINUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>STerminal 2A. Airside - Schengen Area, Departure Level. The Lounge islocated opposite Gates A12/A13.05:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free• Smart casual dress at all times.Local fax facilities only.Terminal 2B. Airside - Non-Schengen Area, Departure Level. Take thestairs or lift located between Gates B6 and B10 up to the Mezzanine Level.05:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Non-Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free• Smart casual dress at all times.Local fax facilities only.SKYCOURT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Sky Court Terminal. Airside - after Security Control in the Transit Hall,proceed straight through the Duty Free Shop and turn right. Take the stairsor elevator up to the Gallery Level (1st Floor) where the Lounge is located.05:00 - 23:30 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • All children must beaccompanied by an adult.Fax facilities are for receiving only.BUENOS AIRESAeropuerto M. Pistarini (EZE)SALA VIP DE LAS AMERICASInternational Terminal A. Airside - after Immigration Control, in front ofGate 2.04:00 - 23:00 daily (Feb - Sep).05:00 - 00:00 daily (Oct - Jan).36

BUENOS AIRESAeropuerto M. Pistarini (EZE)UNITED CLUBInternational Terminal A. Airside - after Immigration Control, adjacentto Gate 6.14:45 - 21:00 Monday, Wednesday & Friday - Sunday.15:45 - 21:00 Tuesday & Thursday.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.BUFFALONiagara International (BUF)US AIRWAYS CLUBAirside - next to Gate 6, just past the Security Checks on the right hand side.05:15 - 20:30 Sunday - Friday.06:00 - 18:00 Saturday.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit • Cardholder must be 18 years ofage or older • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentaryhouse beer and wine available; premium selections of alcohol are subjectto payment.Wi-Fi access and conference facilities are both subject to payment.BUSANGimhae International (PUS)ASIANA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Immigration Control on the 2nd Floor,turn right and take the stairs up to the 3rd Floor. The Lounge is located onthe right hand side.06:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 20:00).Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under 2 yearsare admitted free.KAL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - inside the Customs, Immigration andQuarantine Area. The Lounge is located next to Gate 4 on the 3rd Floor.06:00 - 21:00 daily.Limited to two guests per cardholder • Access may be restricted due tospace constraints • Children under 2 years are admitted free • All childrenmust be accompanied by an adult.International/interstate telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.37

BUSANGimhae International (PUS)ASIANA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Landside - 3rd Floor, in the West Wing of the terminal.The Lounge is located next to the elevator opposite the Asiana Check-incounter.06:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 21:00).Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under 2 yearsare admitted free.KAL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Landside - outside the Customs, Immigration andQuarantine Area. The Lounge is located to the right hand side of theairline Check-in counters on the 2nd Floor.05:40 - 21:00 daily.Limited to two guests per cardholder • Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints • Children under 2 years are admitted free • All children must beaccompanied by an adult.International/interstate telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.CAIRNSInternational (CNS)REEF <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and PassportControl, the Lounge is located adjacent to Gate 2.05:00 - 07:00 & 09:00 - 16:00 Monday - Saturday.07:30 - 12:30 Sunday.International flights only • Children under 3 years are admitted free •Alcoholic drinks are available from 10:30 for passengers over 18 years.CAIROInternational (CAI)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>STerminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located on both the 1st and 2nd Floors,after Security and Passport Control. Take the stairs or escalator and followsigns ‘First Class Lounge Area’.24 hours daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Children under 6 years mustbe accompanied by an adult.Terminal 3. Airside - after Passport Control in the departure hall, gothrough the door situated next to the Information desk and then take theelevator down to the 2nd Floor. Proceed straight ahead and go through thedoor at the end of the hall on the right hand side to where the Lounge islocated next to the Public Relations counter.24 hours daily.International departure flights only • Children under 12 years are admittedfree • Children under 6 years must be accompanied by an adult.38

CALAMAEl Loa (CJC)SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUBAirside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor of the main departurelounge. Turn right after Security Control.07:00 - 10:00 & 16:00 - 22:00 Monday - Friday.07:00 - 10:00 & 16:00 - 19:00 Saturday.08:00 - 12:00 & 16:00 - 22:00 Sunday.Children under 2 years are admitted free.CALGARYInternational (YYC)ROCKY MOUNTAIN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Concourse C. Airside - after Customs Control on the Departures Level (2)the Lounge is located straight ahead. The Lounge is only accessible topassengers traveling to the United States who must pass the SecurityControls in Concourse C. For other destinations please use the ChinookLounge.04:30 - 19:00 daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smartcasual dress at all times (no shorts, baseball caps or football shirts allowed)• Due to licence restrictions no alcohol is served before 10:00 daily.Telephone calls are subject to payment.CHINOOK <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Concourse D. Airside - proceed through Security Screening and the Loungeis located immediately to the left. The Lounge is not suitably located forpassengers who are traveling to the United States as they are required topre-clear US Customs in Concourse C; instead please use theRocky Mountain Lounge.06:00 - 21:00 daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smartcasual dress at all times (no shorts, baseball caps or football shirts allowed) •Due to licence restrictions no alcohol is served before 10:00 daily.CALIA. Bonilla Aragon (CLO)AVIANCA SALA VIPLandside - Airport entrance No.2, left side, in front of ticket counters forAvianca, SAM and ACES.05:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.39

CANCÚNInternational (CUN)MERA BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - after Security, take the escalators on the righthand side towards Gate A. The Lounge is located behind the escalators.08:00 - 21:00 daily.Scheduled departure flights only • Limited to one guest per cardholder •Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under 12years are admitted free and must be accompanied by an adult.BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 3. Airside - after Security, exit the Duty Free Shop and turn righttowards the ‘Bubba Gump’ Restaurant. Turn right to the end of the hallwhere a sign indicates the Lounge entrance.08:00 - 21:00 daily.International flights only • Limited to one guest per cardholder • Childrenunder 12 years are admitted free and must be accompanied by an adult.Telephone calls, fax and conference facilities are all subject to payment.CAPE TOWNInternational (CPT)BIDVEST PREMIER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control, take the escalators upand proceed straight ahead to the end of the terminal. Take the elevator to theMezzanine (3rd) Level where the Lounge is located on the left hand side.05:00 - 01:15 daily.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separatesmoking room available.Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn right and proceedto the end of the corridor then turn right again. Take the elevator on theright hand side up to the 4th Floor where the Lounge is located 20 metersahead on the right hand side.05:00 - 21:00 Monday - Friday & Sunday.05:00 - 20:00 Saturday.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Separate smoking room available.40

CARACAS (Maiquetía)Simon Bolivar Int’l (CCS)PREMIER CLUB <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security and Passport Control, walk tothe right end of the terminal building. The Lounge is located on the left handside after Gate 12.05:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Dress code applicable (no shorts or cut-offs allowed).Fax facility is available upon request and is subject to payment.Domestic Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located to the right hand sideof the Security Checkpoint in front of Boarding Gate 1.05:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at alltimes • Baby carts not allowed.CARDIFF(CWL)EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks, proceed past the Duty Free Shop to theleft. The Lounge is located directly ahead beyond the childrens play area.Follow signs.05:00 - 21:00 daily (except every Saturday from Nov - May when theLounge closes at 17:00).Closed: Dec 25, 26 & Jan 01.Children under 10 years are not admitted • Dress code applicable(no shorts allowed) • Alcoholic drinks are limited to two per adult.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.CARTAGENARafael Nuñes (CTG)AVIANCA SALA VIPNational Terminal. Landside - on the right hand side of the ticketcounters for Avianca, SAM and ACES.05:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.41

CASABLANCAMohammed V International (CMN)CONVIVES DE MARQUE DEPARTURE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control in themain departure lounge, take the lift next to Gate 30 up to the Loungelocated on Level 0.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departureand closes after last departure.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment.CONVIVES DE MARQUE ARRIVALS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Landside - before Passport Control in the main arrivalslounge, Level 1. The Lounge is located next to Jet Way No.5.Lounge opens at the time of the first scheduled flight arrival and closes90 minutes after the last arrival.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment.CASA DE CAMPO La Romana International (LRM)PREMIER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Immigration on the 2nd Floor, turn left. Signage clearlyindicates the Lounge entrance.11:00 - 18:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 2 years are admitted free • All children must beaccompanied by an adult • Alcoholic drinks are limited to three peradult, subsequent drinks are subject to payment • Smart casual dressat all times.CATANIAFontanarossa (CTA)VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong> SACAirside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, near to Gates 4and 5 on the 3rd Floor.06:30 - 21:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.42

CHENNAIInternational (MAA)CLIPPER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Anna International Terminal. Airside - after Immigration and Customson the 1st Floor. The Lounge is located to the left of the Duty Free Area,before the Security Hold Area.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary drinks arelimited to two per person.Internet access is subject to payment.ROYAL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Anna International Terminal. Landside - before Security Checks andPassport Control, take the elevator to the 1st Floor. The Lounge islocated opposite the Leather Shop on the right hand side of the corridor,towards the Security Checkpoint.24 hours daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).Wi-Fi access and alcoholic drinks are both subject to payment. Localtelephone calls only.CHICAGOO’Hare International (ORD)UNITED CLUB <strong>LOUNGE</strong>STerminal 1. Airside - Concourse B, South, near Gate B6.04:30 - 21:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.Terminal 1. Airside - Concourse B, North, near Gate B18.04:30 - 21:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.Terminal 1. Airside - Concourse C, near Gate C16.04:30 - 21:30 daily.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are subject to payment.43

CHICAGOO’Hare International (ORD)UNITED CLUBTerminal 2. Airside - Concourse F, near Gate F3.04:30 - 21:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.AIR FRANCE VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 5. Airside - after Security Checks turn right. The Loungeis located on the left hand side prior to Gate M7. This Lounge is forpassengers departing from Terminal 5 only.10:00 - 20:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at alltimes (no shorts, vests, baseball caps or football shirts allowed).CLEVELANDHopkins International (CLE)UNITED CLUBConcourse C. Airside - between Gates C14 and C16.05:15 - 20:45 Sunday - Friday.05:15 - 18:30 Saturday.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.CLUJ-NAPOCAInternational (CLJ)BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Control, in the main departurelounge opposite Gates B1 and B2.08:00 - 19:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Control, in the main departurelounge opposite Gates A2 and A3.05:00 - 19:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.44

COCHINInternational (COK)EARTH <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Departure Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks andPassport Control, take the lift to the 2nd Floor where the Lounge islocated.24 hours daily.International flights only • Children 6 years and under are admitted free• Complimentary alcoholic drinks are restricted to two spirits (30ml)or one beer (650ml) per adult; all other alcoholic drinks are subject topayment • Smart casual dress at all times.CLIPPER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Departure Terminal. Landside - proceed towards the Check-in desksand at the Security Checkpoint turn left. The Lounge is located next to theSnack Bar, near to the public toilets and water facility.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.COLOGNE/BONNInternational (CGN)AIRPORT BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - pass through Security Checks, turn left and take theescalator or stairs to the Departure Level. The Lounge is located on theleft hand side.05:30 - 21:00 Monday - Friday.09:00 - 18:00 Saturday & Sunday.Hours may vary on Public Holidays.COLOMBOBandaranaike International (CMB)LOTUS FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Departures Terminal. Airside - 1st Floor, at the Pier located adjacent toGates 6 and 7.24 hours daily.Limited to six guests per cardholder.45

CONAKRYGbessia International (CKY)SALON VIP NIMBAInternational Departure Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks andPassport Control, on the right hand side of the Boarding Hall.12:00 - 00:00 Monday.14:00 - 02:00 Tuesday.18:00 - 00:00 Wednesday.07:00 - 16:00 Thursday.06:00 - 00:00 Friday & Sunday.03:00 - 21:00 Saturday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Complimentary drinks arelimited to two per person, subsequent drinks and all snacks are subjectto payment • Separate smoking area available.CONCEPCIONCarriel Sur (CCP)SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUBLandside - before Security Control, proceed to the 2nd Floor and turn leftto where the Lounge is located.08:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.COPENHAGEN(CPH)NOVIA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - after Security, turn right. The Lounge is located nearPier B on the 1st Floor.05:30 - 20:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.SERVISAIR <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - the Lounge is located opposite Starbucks.06:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.Dress code applicable.Internet access is subject to payment.CORK(ORK)JACK LYNCH <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - opposite Gate 8.05:00 - 21:00 daily.Limited to one guest per cardholder.46

COTONOUCadjehoun International (COO)AHS BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Border Control and before entering the airport waiting loungesand Security Checks, take the stairs on your left hand side to the 1st Floorwhere the Lounge is located.07:00 - 04:00 Monday & Tuesday.06:00 - 04:00 Wednesday.12:00 - 16:00 & 18:00 - 23:00 Thursday.03:00 - 06:00, 08:00 - 16:00 & 20:00 - 00:00 Friday.08:00 - 16:00 & 19:00 - 00:00 Saturday.03:00 - 15:00 & 19:00 - 00:00 Sunday.Children under 12 years are admitted free.CÚCUTACamilio Daza International (CUC)AVIANCA SALA VIPTerminal 1. Airside - proceed to the 2nd Floor. After Security Checks, theLounge is located in front of Gate 3 in the main departure lounge.06:00 - 20:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 2 years are admitted free.CUENCAMariscal La Mar (CUE)SALA VIP CORPACAirside - proceed through the dedicated VIP Security Checks that aresignposted ‘Salas VIP’ and located next to the airport Information desk,landside. After Passport Control take the stairs or lift to the 2nd Floorwhere the Lounge is located. Follow signs.06:00 - 20:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.Selected alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.CURACAOHato International (CUR)PLESMAN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - the Lounge is located in the West Hall of Departures, south of Gate 4.08:00 - 20:00 daily.CURITIBAAfonso Pena Int’l (CWB)TAM VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security and before the X-ray machines, the Lounge is locatedon the right hand side.05:30 - 21:00 Sunday - Friday.05:30 - 20:00 Saturday.Limited to one guest per cardholder • Children under 2 years areadmitted free • All children must be accompanied by an adult •Access may be restricted due to space constraints.47

CUSCOAlejandro Velasco Astete Int’l (CUZ)VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong> CUSCO SACLandside - 1st Floor. The Lounge is located on the left hand side of theairline ticket desk zone before the Boarding Taxes payment window.06:30 - 16:30 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.Alcoholic drinks and long distance telephone calls are both subject topayment.DAEGUInternational (TAE)KAL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Landside - located between the bakery and infant room on the 2nd Floor.06:00 - 18:30 daily.Limited to two guests per cardholder • Access may be restricted dueto space constraints • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.DALAMAN(DLM)PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>ATM International Terminal. Airside - Food Court Level. After Passport Control,follow signs ‘CIP Premium Lounge’.24 hours daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules and will be limited duringlow season (Nov - Mar).Children under 2 years are admitted free.Alcoholic drinks are available upon request and are subject to payment.DALIANZhoushuizi International (DLC)VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Check, take the escalator fromGate 19 to Level 2. The Lounge is also accessible from Landside betweenGate 11 of the Domestic Arrival Hall and Gate 21 of the InternationalArrival Hall on Level 1.06:00 – 20:00 daily.Domestic flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Telephone and fax services are subject to payment.48

DALLASFt. Worth International (DFW)THE CLUB AT DFWTerminal D. Airside - adjacent to Gate D22. After clearing Security or arrivingin Terminal D via Sky Link, follow the signs for ‘Airline Clubs’. Proceedthrough the double glass doors marked ‘Airline Clubs’ next to Gate D22and take the elevator to the 5th Floor.07:30 - 19:30 Friday - Monday & Wednesday.08:00 - 18:00 Tuesday & Thursday.Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older • Children under 12 yearsare admitted free.UNITED CLUBTerminal E. Airside - between Gates E6 and E7.05:00 - 19:00 Monday - Friday.05:00 - 16:00 Saturday.06:00 - 19:00 Sunday.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.DAMMAMKing Fahad International (DMM)AL-FURSAN GOLDEN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks on the Domestic Departures Level (Lower Level),between Gates 17 and 18. Passengers departing on international flights canaccess the Lounge from the Upper Level before Immigration Control but willneed to allow sufficient time to go through Immigration and reach thedeparture gate.24 hours daily.Two children under 12 years are admitted free.DAR-ES-SALAAM Julius Nyerere International (DAR)TANZANITE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - International Departure Lounge. Follow signs.12:00 - 20:30 Monday, Wednesday & Friday.07:00 - 22:00 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.DENVERInternational (DEN)UNITED CLUBConcourse B. Airside - East Wing, adjacent to Gate B44.05:30 - 21:30 daily.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are subject to payment.49

DENVERInternational (DEN)UNITED CLUBConcourse B. Airside - West Wing, adjacent to Gate B32.05:30 - 21:30 Sunday - Friday.Closed: Saturday.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are subject to payment.DERRYLondonderry/Eglinton (LDY)AMELIA EARHART <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed through Security tothe Lounge directly, but first register landside as a Priority Pass cardholder atthe Airport Information desk located on the left hand side just after the mainentrance to the terminal building. The Airport Information staff will providea door code to enter on the Lounge door keypad for access. The Loungeis located after Security Checks at the end of the main departure lounge.Follow signs.06:30 - 20:00 Monday - Wednesday & Friday.06:30 - 01:00 Thursday.06:30 - 17:00 Saturday.10:30 - 21:30 Sunday.Closed: Dec 25.Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under12 years are not admitted • Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limitedto two per adult • Smart casual dress at all times.Fax facilities are subject to payment.DHAKAHazrat Shahjalal Int’l (DAC)SHERATON VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (BALAKA)Airside - after Immigration desk turn right and proceed up the stairs at theend of the hall to the 2nd Floor then turn left. Cross over the passage to theLounge located on the left hand side. The Lounge is accessible fromTerminals 1 and 2 and the same directions apply to access from both.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separate smoking area available.Alcoholic drinks, long distance telephone calls and fax facilities are allsubject to payment. Conference facilities must be reserved in advance andare also subject to payment. Tel: +88028914248 to make a booking.50

DOHAInternational (DOH)THE ORYX <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal A. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, the Loungeis located on the 1st Floor, opposite Costa Coffee. The Lounge is alsoaccessible to passengers traveling through Terminal B but will need to allowsufficient time to go through Immigration and reach departure gate.24 hours daily.Maximum 6 hour stay • Access may be restricted due to space constraints •Children under 2 years are admitted free • All children must be accompaniedby an adult • Smart casual dress at all times • Alcoholic drinks are onlyavailable 11:00 - 02:00 daily and are not available during the month ofRamadan • Separate smoking area available.DOUALAInternational (DLA)CLUB MARKET VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Landside - before Security Checks and Passport Control, in the middle ofthe hall with the Kenya Airways office to the left hand side.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Check-in services availableinside the Lounge • Separate smoking area available.Telephone calls may be subject to payment.DUBAIInternational (DXB)DUBAI INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - between Gates 108 and 110. The Lounge is alsoaccessible to passengers departing from Terminal 3.24 hours daily.Maximum 5 hour stay • Children under 12 years are admitted free •Separate smoking area available.MARHABA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>STerminal 1. Airside - Departure Level, at the East End of the Sheikh RashidTerminal, between Gates 123 and 125. The Lounge is also accessible topassengers departing from Terminal 3.24 hours daily.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Terminal 3. Airside - at the East End of Level 4. The Lounge is locatedon the North (Fox) side, next to Gate 230. Access can be made via theelevator from Level 3 Departures. The Lounge is also accessible topassengers departing from Terminals 1 and 2.24 hours daily.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free.51

DUBLINInternational (DUB)ANNA LIVIA DEPARTURE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - situated on the 2nd Level. Proceed through SecurityChecks and turn left towards Boarding Area C. Access to the Lounge is via thelift or stairs located on the left hand side just past the ‘Louis Copeland’ Shop.05:30 - 19:00 daily.Closed: Dec 25.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free •All children must be accompanied by an adult • Alcoholic drinks arelimited to two per person.DAA AIRPORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - arriving at the Departures Level from the Arrivals Level,proceed through Security Checks and through the retail zone. Take theescalator or lift down to the Lounge which is located after turning righton the Airline Lounge Level. Follow signs.05:00 - 19:00 daily.Closed: Dec 25.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free •All children must be accompanied by an adult • Alcoholic drinks arelimited to two per person.DUBROVNIKCilipi-Konavle (DBV)BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal A. Airside - next to the bar in the main international departures area.07:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.International flights only • Children under 12 years are admitted free.Telephone calls are subject to payment.DURBANKing Shaka International (DUR)BIDVEST PREMIER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn right. Proceedstraight ahead and take the lift or stairs up to the 3rd Floor, then turn right.The Lounge is located ahead on the right hand side.05:00 - 21:00 daily.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free• Separate smoking room available.52

DURHAMTees Valley (MME)SERVISAIR ROSEBERRY <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Passport Control turn right and proceed past the ‘Yard of Ale’ Bar.The Lounge is located next to Gate 4.04:30 - 11:00 & 13:00 - 18:00 Monday - Friday.04:30 - 17:30 Saturday.08:00 - 12:00 & 15:00 - 21:00 Sunday.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable.Internet access is subject to payment.DÜSSELDORFInternational (DUS)HUGO JUNKERS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal B. Airside - pass through Security Control, turn rightand take the stairs to Level 2. Follow signs to the Lounge which is locatedat Gate B.05:15 - 21:00 daily.AIR BERLIN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal C. Airside - Upper Floor, in front of Gate C46.Follow signs to the Lounge.10:00 - 15:00 Monday & Thursday.10:00 - 18:00 Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday.Hours are subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Saturday.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times •Separate smoking area available.OPEN SKY <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal C. Airside - Upper Floor, near to Gates C36 andC45. Follow signs to the Lounge.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 6 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.EAST LONDONInternational (ELS)BIDVEST PREMIER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Departures Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks on theGround Level, turn right and the Lounge is located at the end of the corridor.05:30 - 20:30 Monday - Friday.08:00 - 17:00 Saturday.09:00 - 20:30 Sunday.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Separate smoking room available.53

EDINBURGHInternational (EDI)SERVISAIR <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - proceed through Passport Control and turn left. The Lounge is locatedadjacent to Gate 4.05:00 - 20:30 Sunday - Friday.05:00 - 18:30 Saturday.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable.Flight information is available upon request.EDMONTONInternational (YEG)PLAZA PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (USA TRANSBORDER)US Transborder Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located near Gate 88.04:30 - 18:30 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • All children must be accompaniedby an adult • Smart casual dress at all times.Local telephone calls only. Fax facilities and alcoholic drinks are both subjectto payment.ENFIDHAHammamet International (NBE)PRIMECLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Landside - the entrance to the Lounge is locatedon the left hand side of the main hall next to the Check-in desks.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Check-in services availableinside the Lounge • Separate smoking area available.ENTEBBEInternational (EBB)KARIBUNI <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - the Lounge is located at the far end of the International DepartureLounge near to the boarding gates. Follow signs.Lounge opens 150 minutes prior to first flight departure (approx. 03:00)and closes after last scheduled departure (approx. 22:30).Children under 2 years are admitted free.Long distance telephone calls, fax and conference facilities are all subjectto payment.54

EXETERInternational (EXE)THE EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed past Security Controlto the Lounge directly, but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder at theAirport Information desk located landside in the Check-in Area. The AirportInformation staff will provide a door code to enter on the Lounge door keypadfor access. After registration proceed airside through Security and PassportControl, go straight ahead through the Food Hall and take the stairs up to theLounge which is clearly sign-posted.05:00 - 19:00 Monday - Friday.05:00 - 21:00 Saturday & Sunday.Closed: Dec 25.Children under 12 years are not admitted • Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment • Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts, vests, baseballcaps or football shirts allowed).FAROInternational (FAO)FARO <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - in the main departures area. Turn left after passing throughSecurity Control.06:00 - 23:30 daily.Children under 6 years are admitted free.FÈSSaïss International (FEZ)CONVIVES DE MARQUE DEPARTURE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed through Security tothe Lounge directly, but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder at theONDA Information desk located landside. After Security Checks and PassportControl, the Lounge is located near Gate B.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departureand closes after the last departure.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment • Separate smoking room available.FLORENCEAmerigo Vespucci (FLR)MASACCIO <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Departures Terminal. Landside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor.06:00 - 19:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.55

FORT LAUDERDALE Hollywood International (FLL)UNITED CLUBTerminal 1. Airside - Mid Level, next to Gate C1. Lounge is only accessibleto departures and arriving passengers traveling out of Terminal 1, ConcourseGates C1 - C9.05:30 - 20:30 Sunday - Friday.05:30 - 19:30 Saturday.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.FRANKFURTMain (FRA)LUXX<strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Landside - from the Departure Level take the escalator oppositeCheck-in counter No.680 up one level to where the Lounge is located on theright hand side of the Gallery Level, in Departure Hall B/C. When approachingfrom the Sheraton Hotel, proceed across the bridge into the Lounge.06:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.Telephone calls, fax and conference facilities are all subject to payment.SKY <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - Concourse D, 3rd Floor Transit Area, oppositeGate D8. The Lounge is only accessible upon presentation of a validboarding pass. Passengers in transit will need to check-in for theironward flight prior to visiting the Lounge and will then need to allowa minimum 30 minutes to reach the departure gates.06:45 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 2 years are admitted free.Shower facilities are subject to payment.FUKUOKA(FUK)KAL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - located in front of Gate 56 on the 3rd Floorafter Immigration.08:30 - 10:45, 14:45 - 16:20 & 18:10 - 20:40 daily.Limited to two guests per cardholder • Access may be restricted due tospace constraints • Children under 2 years are admitted free • All childrenmust be accompanied by an adult.Interstate/international fax facilities are subject to payment.56

FUNCHALInternational (FNC)TAP PORTUGAL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Check, proceed to the 3rd Floor via the stairs or elevator,turn right and the Lounge is on the right hand side.04:30 - 00:30 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.FUZHOUChangle International (FOC)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - 3rd Floor, near Gate 5.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departureand closes 30 minutes prior to the last scheduled departure.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable •Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only and consumption is restricted toone per adult • Separate smoking room available.Domestic Terminal. Airside - between Gates 10 and 11.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departureand closes 30 minutes prior to the last scheduled departure.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.GALAPAGOSBaltra (GPS)AEROPUERTOS VIP CLUBAirside - the Lounge is located after Security Checks. On the right hand side,walk through the hallway, next to the food kiosk.09:00 - 13:00 daily.Children under 5 years are admitted free.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.GDAŃSKLech Walesa (GDN)EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - the Lounge is located on the left hand side of theterminal near Gates 11-18.05:00 - 21:00 daily.57

GENEVACointrin (GVA)DNATA SKYVIEW <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Main Terminal. Airside - after X-ray Control, turn left and take the escalatorup to the Mezzanine Level. The Lounge is located straight ahead on the righthand side. Follow signs ‘DNATA Skyview Lounge’.06:00 - 20:30 daily.Children under 6 years are admitted free • Limited to two children perfamily • Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Separateprayer room available.Fax facilities may be subject to payment.HORIZON <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Main Terminal. Airside - take the stairs on the right hand side of theTransit Area to the Mezzanine Level where the Lounge is located.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 6 years are admitted free.Fax facility is subject to payment.SWISS BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Main Terminal. Airside - located on the Mezzanine Level in the Transit Area,after Passport Control (Departure Level) on the right hand side.06:00 - 21:30 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.GENOACristoforo Colombo (GOA)SALA GENOVALandside - the Lounge is located in the main departure hall, on the righthand side of the Check-in counters.06:00 - 22:00 daily.GEORGE(GRJ)BIDVEST PREMIER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Main Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, take the stairs to the next levelwhere the Lounge is located immediately ahead.07:00 - 18:30 Monday - Thursday.07:00 - 20:00 Friday.08:00 - 15:00 Saturday.08:00 - 19:30 Sunday.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separatesmoking area available.Telephone calls, fax and internet access facilities may all be subjectto payment.58

GEORGETOWN Cheddi Jagan International (GEO)RORAIMA AIRWAYS EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security and Immigration Checks in the Restricted Area of theAirport. The Lounge is located at the start of the access ramp to the PublicDeparture Area.03:00 - 23:00 daily.Children under 12 years are not admitted.GLASGOWInternational (GLA)SKY<strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - proceed through Passport Control, continue through to the‘World Duty Free Shop’ and follow the pathway to the lift. The Lounge islocated on the 2nd Floor of the International Pier.05:00 - 20.30 daily.Arrivals not accepted within 1 hour of closing.Maximum 3 hour stay (prior to scheduled departure time only) •Children under 2 years are admitted free • Lounge access only(the Business Section is not available to Priority Pass cardholders).GOADabolim (GOI)PORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Landside - the Lounge is located in the main departurehall next to the VIP Lounge. Passengers traveling on international flights canaccess the Lounge but will need to allow sufficient time to go throughSecurity Checks and reach the departure gate.05:00 - 12:00 & 20:00 - 03:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholic drinksare limited to one per adult, subsequent drinks are subject to payment.GOTHENBURGLandvetter (GOT)MENZIES AVIATION <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located in the Transit Area,next to Gate 18, behind the bar.05:30 - 20:30 Sunday - Friday.05:30 - 17:30 Saturday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 2 years are admitted free.EXPRESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Landside - before Security Checks and Passport Control,the Lounge is located on the left hand side of the main domestic hall.05:45 - 18:30 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays.Children under 12 years are not admitted.Check-in services available inside the Lounge for passengers with handluggage only.59

GRAN CANARIA(LPA)SALA GALDÓSDepartures Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Level, next tothe shopping center.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under 2 yearsare admitted free.GRAZ(GRZ)VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed past Security Controlto the Lounge directly, but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder at theairport Information desk, located landside, near to Check-in counter No.1.The Information desk staff will provide a door code to enter on the Loungedoor keypad for access. After Security Control, turn right and follow signsto the ‘VIP Lounge’. Proceed upstairs to the 1st Floor where the Lounge islocated.05:30 - 20:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.GREENSBOROPiedmont Triad Int’l (GSO)US AIRWAYS CLUBUS Airways Concourse. Airside - pass through Security. The Lounge is locatedacross from Gate 45.05:00 - 19:00 Sunday - Friday.06:00 - 18:00 Saturday.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit • Cardholder must be 18 years ofage or older • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentaryhouse beer and wine available; premium selections of alcohol are subjectto payment.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.GUADALAJARAMiguel Hidalgo International (GDL)VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks, proceed up the escalators.Towards the left hand side, the Lounge is located before Gate 5.05:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 7 years are admitted free • Separate children’s playarea available.Local telephone calls only.60

GUAMInternational (GUM)SAGAN BISITAAirside - Lounge located opposite Gate 7.00:00 - 10:00 & 13:00 - 17:00 daily.UNITED CLUBAirside - Concourse Level, between Gates 10 and 11.03:00 - 19:00 Monday & Friday.03:00 - 23:00 Tuesday & Saturday.03:00 - 19:30 Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.GUANGZHOUBaiyun International (CAN)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn left. The Loungeis located next to the Nursing Room on Departure Level 3, EastConnecting Building.06:30 - 21:30 daily.Hours may be subject to change.Maximum 4 hour stay.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn left. The Loungeis located next to the Nursing Room on Departure Level 3, WestConnecting Building.06:30 - 21:30 daily.Hours may be subject to change.Maximum 4 hour stay.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn right. TheLounge is located next to the Nursing Room on Departure Level 3,West Connecting Building.06:30 - 21:30 daily.Hours may be subject to change.Maximum 4 hour stay.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.61

GUATEMALALa Aurora International (GUA)COPA CLUBMain International Terminal. Airside - after Security Check, to the left, nextto Gate 14.03:30 - 22:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.LOS AÑEJOS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - North Wing. The Lounge is located 100meters after Security Checks and Passport Control, between Gates 6 and 7.06:00 - 20:00 daily.Closed: Dec 25, 26, 31 & Jan 01, 31.Dress code applicable • Children under 12 years are not admitted• Complimentary drinks are limited to three per person; with a choice ofone freshly prepared dish from a bistro menu in addition to the selfservice snacks, subsequent drinks and food are subject to payment.Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are subject to payment.GUAYAQUILJose Joaquin de Olmedo (GYE)AEROPUERTOS VIP CLUB <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - after Immigration, Security Checks andDuty Free, diagonal to Gate 8.04:00 - 02:00 daily.Children under 5 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times• Separate smoking area available.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment. Local telephone calls only.National Terminal. Airside - between the Aerogal and Icaro Lounges.06:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 5 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.GUERNSEY(GCI)FLYBE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed past SecurityControl to the Lounge directly, but first register as a Priority Passcardholder at the Flybe Ticket desk located landside to obtain a door codeto enter on the Lounge door keypad for access. After registration proceedairside, through Security and Passport Control to the main departure areawhere the Lounge is located.06:30 to last scheduled Flybe flight departure.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Closed: Dec 25.Children under 2 years are admitted free • All children must beaccompanied by an adult • Dress code applicable.62

GUILINLiangjiang International (KWL)INTERNATIONAL FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor,opposite Gate 15.07:00 to last scheduled flight departure.Children under 2 years are admitted free.FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor,opposite Gate 9.07:00 to last scheduled flight departure.Children under 2 years are admitted free.FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> NO. 1Domestic Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor,opposite Gate 5.07:00 to last scheduled flight departure.Children under 2 years are admitted free.FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> NO. 2Domestic Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor,opposite Gate 11.07:00 to last scheduled flight departure.Children under 2 years are admitted free.GUWAHATI Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi Int’l (GAU)PORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Landside - after Check-in, proceed to the 1st Floor where the Lounge islocated.06:00 - 20:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.GWANGJUInternational (KWJ)ASIANA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Landside - 2nd Departure Level. The Lounge is locatedto the right of the Security Checkpoint.06:15 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 19:00).Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under2 years are admitted free.63

HAIKOUHainan Meilan International (HAK)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located next to Security Control.Lounge opens 5 minutes prior to Check-in of the first international flightdeparture and closes after the last scheduled international flight departure.International flights only.HAMBURGFuhlsbüttel (HAM)AIRPORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airport Plaza. Airside - behind the Security Checks, Level 3.06:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 3 years are admitted free • Separate smoking room available.Wi-Fi access may be subject to payment.HANIMAADHOO(HAQ)KASHIMAA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Passport Control, on the peer bridge near Gates 4-6.Lounge opens 1 hour prior to the first scheduled flight departure(approx. 05:30) and closes after the last scheduled departure (approx.00:30).Children under 3 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable •Separate smoking area available.Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.HANNOVER(HAJ)KARL-JATHO <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal A. Landside - the Lounge is located at the end of Terminal Aapproximately 20 meters to the left of the Mövenpick Restaurant on theright hand side.05:00 - 21:00 daily.It is possible to access the Lounge outside these hours by obtaining anaccess code for the lounge door from Airport Service Center staff locatedlandside, Arrivals Level, Terminal B.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free.HARAREInternational (HRE)DZIMBAHWE EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control and Security Checksproceed to the escalators and go down to the Ground Floor. Follow signs towhere the Lounge is located.05:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 12 years are not admitted.64

HARTFORDBradley International (BDL)US AIRWAYS CLUBUS Airways Concourse. Airside - pass through Security. The Lounge islocated adjacent to Gate 30.05:30 - 19:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 14:00 Saturday.06:00 - 19:00 Sunday.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit • Cardholder must be 18 years ofage or older • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentaryhouse beer and wine available; premium selections of alcohol are subjectto payment.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.HELSINKIVantaa (HEL)ALMOST@HOMETerminal 2. Airside - Lounge located in the Non-Schengen Area beforeGate 32.06:30 - 19:30 daily.Non-Schengen flights only • Maximun 3 hour stay • Children under 2 yearsare admitted free • Complimentary alcoholic and soft drinks available;premium selections are subject to payment • Separate smoking area available.ASPIRE <strong>LOUNGE</strong> BY SERVISAIRTerminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge is located oppositeGates 27-28 on the 2nd Floor. The Lounge is also accessible to Non-Schengenpassengers but will need to allow 15 minutes to reach the departure gate.05:30 - 20:00 Monday - Friday.05:30 - 19:30 Saturday & Sunday.Children under 2 years are admitted free • All children must beaccompanied by an adult • Alcoholic drinks are only available forpassengers 18 years of age or older • Smart casual dress at all times.Check-in assistance available inside the Lounge. Shower facilities aresubject to payment.FINNAIR <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - Non-Schengen Area, after Security Checks andPassport Control. The Lounge is located between Gates 36 and 37.06:00 - 00:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Priority Pass cardholders do not have access to the Lounge between06:00 - 09:00 & 14:00 - 18:00 daily.Non-Schengen flights only • Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2years are admitted free.Access to the Spa is subject to payment.65

HELSINKIVantaa (HEL)<strong>LOUNGE</strong> 2Terminal 2. Airside - Schengen Area, pass through Security Checks andproceed towards Gate 24. Take the lift or stairs to the 1st Floor wherethe Lounge is located.06:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Schengen flights only • Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 yearsare admitted free • Access may be restricted due to space constraints.HERAKLION Nikos Kazantzakis International (HER)EVROPI <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Landside - located on the 1st Floor of the Departure Extra-Schengen Hall,opposite the Duty Free Shop.07:00 - 21:00 daily.Closed: Winter (mid-Oct - early May).Children under 12 years are admitted free.FILOXENIA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Landside - located on the 1st Floor of the Departure Hall, opposite theSwissport Check-in Area.07:30 - 21:00 Wednesday - Monday.Closed: Tuesday.Children under 2 years are admitted free.HO CHI MINHTan Son Nhat International (SGN)APRICOT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after the first Security Checks on the2nd Floor take the elevator next to the Duty Free Shop down to the1st Floor. The Lounge is located midway between the boarding gates.06:00 - 02:00 daily.Lounge closure may vary and is dependent on the last daily scheduledflight departure.Maximum 3 hour stay • Two children under 12 years admitted free peradult • Separate smoking area available.Local telephone calls and fax facilities only.HONG KONG SARChek Lap Kok Int’l (HKG)THE TRAVELERS’ <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (EAST HALL)Terminal 1, East Hall. Airside - Level 6, Departures Level, near Gate 1.24 hours daily.Children 3 years and under are admitted free • All children must beaccompanied by an adult • Smart casual dress at all times.66International calls, fax and conference facilities are all subject to payment.Drinks from the ‘Wine List’ are also subject to payment.

HONG KONG SARChek Lap Kok Int’l (HKG)THE TRAVELERS’ <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (WEST HALL)Terminal 1, West Hall. Airside - Level 6, Departures Level, near Gate 35.Transit passengers can access the Lounge via escalators near W1 to reachthe Departures Level.24 hours daily.Children 3 years and under are admitted free • All children must beaccompanied by an adult • Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limitedto beer only • Smart casual dress at all times.International calls, fax and conference facilities are all subject to payment.Drinks from the ‘Wine List’ are also subject to payment.HONOLULUInternational (HNL)AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBAirside - proceed to the central lobby of the Overseas terminal, across fromthe Central Security Checkpoint and Ralph Lauren retail store. The Lounge islocated on the 3rd Floor, above the Kona Brewing restaurant.05:30 - 20:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.All immediate family members can enter an American Airlines AdmiralsClub with the cardholder, but the number of persons who are notimmediate family will be limited to two at any one visit.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.IASS HAWAII <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks, proceed to Garden Court (Airline Lounge Area)towards Gates 14-23 of the Central Concourse. Take the elevator or stairsto Ground Level and follow signs to the Lounge.07:30 - 18:00 daily.Complimentary soft drinks are limited to one per person, subsequent drinksare subject to credit card payment.UNITED CLUBAirside - Diamond Head Gulf Wing, above United Airlines’ Gate 10.05:15 - 22:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.67

HORTA(HOR)SATA PLUS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Landside - take the stairs to the left of the Check-in counters down to theGround Floor. Go around the stairs and turn left. The Lounge is locatedon the right hand side.10:00 - 15:00 Friday - Monday & Wednesday (summer).06:00 - 22:00 Friday - Monday & Wednesday (winter).Closed: Tuesday & Thursday.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Access may be restricteddue to space constraints.HOUSTONGeorge Bush Intercontinental (IAH)UNITED CLUB <strong>LOUNGE</strong>STerminal A. Airside - across from Gate A9.05:30 - 18:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.Terminal B. Airside - South Mezzanine, above the Continental Expressticket counter.05:30 - 21:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.Terminal C. Airside - towards Gate C24.05:00 - 19:15 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.Terminal C South. Airside - towards Gate C33.05:30 - 21:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.68

HOUSTONGeorge Bush Intercontinental (IAH)UNITED CLUBTerminal E. Airside - between Gates E11 and E12.05:30 - 23:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.HUMBERSIDEInternational (HUY)SERVISAIR <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - turn right immediately after Passport Control and follow signs to theLounge which is located at the end of the corridor.05:00 - 10:00 & 15:00 - 18:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25 & Jan 01.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable.Flight information is available upon request.HYDERABADRajiv Gandhi International (HYD)PLAZA PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - after Check-in on Level F, proceed throughImmigration and Passport Control. Pass the Duty Free Shop, turn right andtake the elevator at Gate 32A down to the Lounge located on Level E.24 hours daily.Limited to one child per adult • Children 5 years and under are admitted free •Smart casual dress at all times.Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Check-in on Level F, proceed throughImmigration and Passport Control and take the elevator near Gate 28down to the Lounge located on Level E.05:00 - 23:00 daily.Domestic flights only • Limited to one child per adult • Children 5 yearsand under are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.69

INVERNESSDalcross (INV)SERVISAIR HIGHLAND <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Passport Control, turn right and follow signs to the Lounge.05:30 - 18:30 Monday, Wednesday & Thursday.05:30 - 21:00 Tuesday & Friday.06:00 - 17:30 Saturday.06:00 - 21:00 Sunday.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable.IQUIQUEDiego Aracena International (IQQ)SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUBAirside - after Security Control, on the right hand side near Gate 2.08:00 - 00:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.ISLAMABADBenazir Bhutto International (ISB)CIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Immigration Control and ASF SearchArea, the Lounge is located upstairs next to the stairs in the main departurelounge.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separate prayer room available •Separate smoking area available.ISLE OF MANRonaldsway (IOM)RENDEZVOUS EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks, on the left hand side before the entranceto the main departure lounge.05:45 - 19:00 Monday - Friday.05:45 - 13:30 Saturday.09:00 - 20:00 Sunday.Closed: Dec 25, 26 & Jan 01.Children under 12 years are not admitted • Smart dress at all times.Telephone calls and conference facilities are both subject to payment.70

ISTANBULAtatürk Havalimani (IST)HSBC CLUB <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - proceed through Security Checks andPassport Control. Follow signs to the Lounge which is located upstairson the 2nd Floor, in the Food Court on the right hand side.24 hours daily.Maximum 4 hour stay.PRIMECLASS CIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control, turn right. The Loungeis located at the end of the corridor, above the Food Court Area.24 hours daily.Children under 7 years are admitted free.Conference facilities are subject to payment. Flight information is availableupon request.WINGS PRIMECLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Control, turn left and take the stairsto the 2nd Floor. Follow signs to the Lounge.04:00 - 00:00 daily.Children under 7 years are admitted free.ISTANBULSabiha Gökçen International (SAW)LGM INTERNATIONAL CIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control, turn left and walk tothe escalators located ahead on the left. Proceed up to the next floor wherethe Lounge is located on the right hand side of the escalators. Access is alsoavailable via lift.24 hours daily.Children under 7 years are admitted free.LGM DOMESTIC CIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security X-ray Control, turn left and walk tothe escalators located ahead on the left. Proceed up to the next floor wherethe Lounge is located on the right hand side of the escalators. Access is alsoavailable via lift.24 hours daily.Children under 7 years are admitted free.71

IZMIRAdnan Menderes (ADB)MILLENNIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - proceed to Departures Level. The Lounge islocated just after Passport Control on the left hand side.24 hours daily.Children under 6 years are admitted free.JAKARTASoekarno - Hatta International (CGK)BATAVIA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal 2D. Airside - after Security Checks, turn right towardsPassport Control and Immigration counter. Turn left and the Lounge is locatedapproximately 50 meters to the right.05:30 - 23:30 daily.Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.PREMIER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal 2D. Airside - after Immigration turn left, proceedthrough the Duty Free Store towards Gates D1-D7. The Lounge is locatedon the left hand side.Lounge opens 2 hours prior to the first scheduled flight departure and closes30 minutes after the last scheduled flight departure.Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under 8 yearsare admitted free.PURA INDAH FIRST AND BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal 2D. Airside - after Immigration turn left, proceed tothe far end passing through the Duty Free Store, near to the boarding gates.05:00 - 00:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Alcoholic drinks are limitedto two per adult • Dress code applicable • Separate smoking area available.MUTIARA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal 2E. Airside - after Security Checks, turn left towardsPassport Control and Immigration counter. Turn left again and the Loungeis located approximately 20 meters to the right.05:30 - 23:30 daily.Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.EL JOHN EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal 1B. Airside - after Security Control, follow signs to the‘Executive Lounge’ which is located in the Domestic Departure Hall on the2nd Floor.03:30 - 21:30 daily.Children under 5 years are admitted free.72

JAKARTASoekarno - Hatta International (CGK)EL JOHN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal 1C. Airside - after Security Control, follow signs to theEl John Lounge entrance.05:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 6 years are admitted free • Separate smoking area available.JEDDAHKing Abdul Aziz International (JED)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>North Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, theLounge is located immediately after the Immigration counters on the left.24 hours daily.International flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Separate smoking area available.AL-FURSAN GOLDEN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SSouth Terminal. Airside - after Check-in, proceed past the Immigrationcounter and the Lounge is located on the right hand side.24 hours daily.International flights only • Two children under 12 years are admitted free.South Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located after Security Checks onthe left hand side.24 hours daily.Domestic flights only • Two children under 12 years are admitted free.JEJU ISLANDJeju International (CJU)ASIANA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Landside - 3rd Floor, Departure Level. The Lounge is located next to theAsiana Check-in counter.06:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 21:00).Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under2 years are admitted free.KAL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Landside - the Lounge is located 50 meters from the Check-in counterson the 3rd Floor.06:00 - 21:00 daily.Limited to two guests per cardholder • Access may be restricted dueto space constraints • Children under 2 years are admitted free •All children must be accompanied by an adult.Interstate/international fax facilities are subject to payment.73

JERSEY(JER)BRITISH AIRWAYS TERRACE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control proceed to the maindepartures hall. Follow signs to the Lounge located near to Gate 3.06:00 - 20:30 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free • All children must beaccompanied by an adult • Dress code applicable.JOHANNESBURGO.R. Tambo International (JNB)BIDVEST PREMIER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal A. Airside - after Security, turn right and proceedstraight to the end of the Duty Free Area. Take the escalator just before the‘Out of Africa’ Shop up to the Mezzanine Level where the Lounge is locatedin the right hand corner. The Lounge is also accessible to passengersdeparting on an international flight from Terminal B. If you Check-in viaDomestic Terminal B - after Security Checks, take the escalators locatedbehind the Sweet Shop down to the next level, into the Lounge.24 hours daily.International flights only • Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 2 yearsare admitted free • Separate smoking room available.MENZIES AVIATION SHONGOLOLO <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal A. Airside - after Immigration turn left and walktowards Gates A7-A18. Pass the Air France Lounge and descend on theescalators to where the Lounge is located on the left hand side.07:00 - 22:00 daily.International flights only • Maximum 4 hour stay • Limited to three guestsper cardholder • Access may be restricted due to space constraints •Children under 2 years are admitted free.BIDVEST PREMIER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal B. Airside - after Security Checks, take the escalatorslocated behind the Sweet Shop down to the next level, into the Lounge.Passengers departing from International Terminal B must use the BidvestPremier Lounge in International Terminal A; please refer to the separatelisting for directions.05:00 - 21:00 daily.Domestic flights only • Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 2 yearsare admitted free • Separate smoking room available.BIDVEST SKY <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal B. Airside - after Security Checks turn right. Take thelift to the 4th Floor and the Lounge is located on the left hand side.05:00 - 21:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 21:00 Saturday & Sunday.Domestic flights only • Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 2 years areadmitted free • Alcoholic drinks are only available from 10:00 daily.74

JOHOR BARUSenai International (JHB)PLAZA PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Passenger Terminal Building. Airside - after Security Screening on the1st Floor, turn right and then take the next right again. The Lounge islocated next to the Tourist Information desk.06:30 - 22:30 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Alcoholic drinks are limitedto beer only.Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.KAOHSIUNGInternational (KHH)MORE PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Immigration and Security Checks,turn left. Follow signs for the ‘Business Center’ and Gates 7-12 to wherethe Lounge is located.05:30 - 20:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Maximum 3 hour stay • Limited to three guests per cardholder •Children 2 years and under are admitted free.Conference facilities are subject to payment.KARACHIJinnah International (KHI)BARCLAYS PREMIER AIRPORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Jinnah Terminal Complex. Airside - after Immigration Control, proceed to theright, the Lounge is located besides PIA Business Plus Lounge.24 hours daily.International flights only • Limited to one child per adult • Children under 2years are admitted free.CIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Jinnah Terminal Complex. Airside - after Passport Control, proceed pastDuty Free Shop and pass the PIA Business Plus Lounge. Follow signs towhere the Lounge is located.24 hours daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Separate prayer room available • Separate smoking area available.Local telephone calls and fax facilities only.75

KATHMANDUTribhuvan International (KTM)EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Landside - after Immigration (Passport Control)and before Security Checks. Take the stairway or escalator on the right tothe 2nd Floor where the Lounge is located.06:00 - 23:00 daily.International flights only • Limited to two guests per cardholder •Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separate smoking room available.Wi-Fi, internet access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subject topayment.KATOWICE Pyrzowice International (KTW)BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal B. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor beforeSecurity Control.04:30 - 20:00 daily.International and Schengen flights only • Children under 12 years arenot admitted.Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are subject toavailability and payment.KENDARIWolter Monginsidi (KDI)CIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn left. Proceed toCheck-in counters and turn left again. Pass the Airport Tax counter andproceed through further Security Checks and X-ray Control. The Loungeis located straight ahead.07:00 - 14:00 daily.Domestic flights only • Separate smoking area available.KHARKIVOsnova International (HRK)BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal A. Airside - in the Departure Hall, after Security Checks andPassport Control, close to the Duty Free Shop.24 hours daily.International flights only • Children under 5 years are admitted free •Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only, all other alcoholic drinks aresubject to payment • Separate smoking room available.Local telephone calls only.76

KIEVBoryspil International (KBP)BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>STerminal B. Airside - after Passport Control, the Lounge is located on the2nd Floor.24 hours daily.International flights only • Maximum 3 hour stay • Limited to two guestsper cardholder • Children 4 years and under are admitted free • Separatesmoking area available.Terminal B. Airside - after Security Control, the Lounge is located on the2nd Floor, on the right hand side.24 hours daily.Domestic flights only • Maximum 3 hour stay • Limited to two guestsper cardholder • Children 4 years and under are admitted free • Separatesmoking area available.Terminal F. Airside - after Passport Control, the Lounge is located on the2nd Floor, on the right hand side, near Gates 7 and 8.24 hours daily.International flights only • Maximum 3 hour stay • Limited to two guestsper cardholder • Children 4 years and under are admitted free • Separatesmoking room available.KIGALIInternational (KGL)PEARL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks, next to Gate 1.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.Wine and spirits are subject to payment.KILIMANJAROInternational (JRO)TANZANITE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - proceed through the Departure Lounge, turn left and take the stairsup to where the Lounge is located.06:00 - 22:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free.77

KINGSTONNorman Manley International (KIN)CLUB KINGSTONAirside - after Security Control go upstairs to the main departure loungeand proceed to the West End, passing the Food Court. Take the elevator orescalator down to the Mezzanine Level where the Lounge is located.Follow signs.04:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times •Spa services available inside the Lounge.Interstate/international telephone calls, fax facilities and spa services areall subject to payment.KNOCKIreland West (NOC)IRELAND WEST EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed to the Lounge directly,but first register as a cardholder at the Information desk located landside.The Information Staff will validate the cardholder and provide a door code toenter on the Lounge door keypad for access. The Lounge is located airside inthe departures area. Proceed to the boarding gate and the Lounge is locatedat the entrance to Boarding Gate 3 on the right hand side.08:00 - 18:00 daily.Closed: Dec 25.Children under 2 years are not admitted • All children must be accompaniedby an adult • Alcoholic drinks are limited to three per adult.KOLKATANetaji Subhash Chandra Bose (CCU)CLIPPER BAR <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal Building. Landside - the Lounge is located on theright hand side of the Ground Floor in the main departure hall.06:30 - 14:30 & 19:00 - 03:00 Monday & Wednesday.06:30 - 14:30 & 22:00 - 06:30 Tuesday & Thursday.06:30 - 14:30 & 19:00 - 06:30 Friday & Saturday.06:30 - 14:30 & 16:30 - 22:00 Sunday.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary drinks arelimited to one per adult.PORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal Building. Landside - take the lift or stairs to the1st Floor of the main departure hall to where the Lounge is located.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholic drinksare limited to one per adult, subsequent drinks are subject to payment.TOP DECK <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal Building. Landside - the Lounge is located on the lefthand side of 1st Floor in the main departure hall, before check-in.06:30 - 21:30 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary drinks are limitedto one per person.78

KOSICEInternational (KSC)AIRPORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - behind the Security Checkpoint on the 1st Floor. Follow signs.05:00 - 20:00 daily.Dress code applicable (no sandals, shorts or vests allowed).KRAKÓW-BALICE John Paul II International (KRK)NON-SCHENGEN BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - Non-Schengen Area. The Lounge islocated after Security Checks and after Passport Control on the GroundFloor. Access can be made via the Security Checkpoint and then viaPassport Control on the Ground Floor.08:30 - 17:00 daily.Non-Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Children under 16 years must be accompanied by an adult.Telephone calls are subject to payment.SCHENGEN BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - Schengen Area. After Security Checks andPassport Control on the 1st Floor. The Lounge is located behind ‘Coffee Minute’near to Gate 8.05:00 - 19:00 Monday - Saturday.05:00 - 21:30 Sunday.Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Childrenunder 16 years must be accompanied by an adult.Telephone calls are subject to payment.KUALA LUMPURInternational (KUL)PLAZA PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SSatellite Building. Airside - after Check-in and Immigration, take the Aerotrainto the Satellite Building. Keep left and take lift ‘2’ up to the Mezzanine Level.The Lounge is located on the right hand side.24 hours daily.International flights only • Children 2 years and under are admitted free •Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.Alcoholic drinks are limited to three per adult.Low Cost Carrier Terminal (L.C.C.T). Landside - turn left into the InternationalCheck-in Area and on the left hand side of International Check-in counter theLounge is located, next to the Security Checkpoint. A small holding room withlimited facilities is available to passengers that have passed Security Checksto the airside and are experiencing flight delays. The holding room is locatedopposite T1/T2 Gate in the main International Departure Hall.24 hours daily.Children 2 years and under are admitted free.Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.79

KUWAITInternational (KWI)KUWAIT AIRWAYS - DASMAN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Immigration turn right. The Lounge is located oppositeGates 22 and 23.24 hours daily.Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Separate smokingroom available.PEARL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - pass through Immigration Departure Point and turn left. TheLounge is located on the 2nd Floor opposite Gate 2.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separate smoking room available.LAGOSMurtala Muhammed (LOS)AIR NIGERIA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - proceed towards D-Wing and go up thewooden spiral staircase to the Mezzanine Floor. The Lounge is located atthe top of the stairs on the left hand side, next to the Air France Lounge.24 hours daily.Children under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult • Smart casualdress at all times (no shorts or vests allowed).Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.CLUB CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - proceed towards the E-Wing and go upthe wooden spiral staircase to the Mezzanine Floor. The Lounge is locatedat the top of the stairs on the left hand side.07:00 - 00:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Access may be restricteddue to space constraints • Separate smoking room available.SDS SKYE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - E-Wing, Departure Level. After SecurityChecks and Passport Control turn left and the Lounge is located at the endof the main departure lounge, after passing the arts and crafts shops.24 hours daily.Two children under 12 years are admitted free.Check-in facilities are available upon request and are subject to payment.80

LAGOSMurtala Muhammed (LOS)SKYWAY PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Security Screening from ‘Entrance D’,turn left and proceed 100 meters towards the E-Wing where the Lounge islocated. Passengers clearing Security Checks at the ‘Central Entrance’ turnright and the Lounge is located straight ahead. Follow signs.24 hours daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Separate smoking area available.THE GABFOL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Security Screening from ‘Entrance D’,turn left and proceed 100 meters towards the E-Wing where the Lounge islocated. Passengers clearing Security Checks at the ‘Central Entrance’ turnright and the Lounge is located straight ahead. Follow signs.06:30 - 23:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Complimentary soft drinks arelimited to one per person, subsequent consumption is subject to payment •Smart casual dress at all times • Separate smoking area available.Alcoholic drinks, hot meals, telephone calls, shower and conferencefacilities are all subject to payment.THE OASIS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - E-Wing, Departure Level. After SecurityChecks and Passport Control turn left and the Lounge is located at the endof the main departure lounge, after passing the British Airways Lounge.06:30 - 23:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks on the 2nd Floor, turn rightinto the main departure hall. Take the stairs or elevator to the 3rd Floor wherethe Lounge is located.06:30 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 20:45).Complimentary drinks are limited to two per person, subsequent drinks aresubject to payment • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separateprayer room available.Telephone and fax facilities are both subject to payment.LAHOREAllama Iqbal International (LHE)CIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - right after Immigration Control, the Loungeis located upstairs on the left hand side above the ImmigrationControl counter.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separate prayer room available •Separate smoking area available.81

LAMEZIALamezia Terme (SUF)VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Landside - the Lounge is located on 1st Floor of thePassenger Terminal.08:30 - 20:30 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary check-infacilities available.Complimentary Wi-Fi limited to 60 minutes.LANGKAWIInternational (LGK)PLAZA PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - the Lounge is located on the left hand side after Immigration,before the Security Checkpoint.07:00 - 23:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • All children must be accompaniedby an adult.International telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.LANZAROTE(ACE)SALA VIP GUACIMETAAirside - the Lounge is located in the Departures Hall, 2nd Floor on theleft hand side between Gates 8 and 9.06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.The Lounge will remain open in case of flight delays.Limited to two guests per cardholder.LARNACAInternational (LCA)EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Immigration, take the lift or stairs on the left hand side of themain departure area up to the next level (3rd Floor) where the Lounge islocated.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable (noshorts or vests allowed) • Separate children’s play area available • LoungeArea is non-smoking • Terrace with separate smoking area available.Telephone calls are subject to payment.82

LAS VEGASMcCarran International (LAS)THE CLUB AT LASTerminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located in Concourse D, behind JuiceExpress and Las Vegas Fruits & Nuts.06:00 - 02:00 daily.Children 12 years and under are admitted free • Alcoholic drinksare only available to passengers 21 years of age or older • PersonalComputers available.UNITED CLUBTerminal 1. Airside - from the main terminal, take the train to theD-Gates and then the elevator up one level. Proceed past Gate D33 onthe right hand side of the concourse and take the elevator up to the 3rdLevel where the Lounge is located.05:30 - 00:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years ofage or older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photoID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.THE CLUB AT LASTerminal 3. Airside - the Lounge is located across from Gate E2.06:00 - 02:00 daily.Children 12 years and under are admitted free • Alcoholic drinksare only available to passengers 21 years of age or older • PersonalComputers available.LEEDS BRADFORDInternational (LBA)THE YORKSHIRE PREMIER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - pass through Security and follow the signs to the Lounge.05:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.Children under 2 years are admitted free in the Leisure Area • Dresscode applicable • Separate Business Lounge Area (no families/groups) •Separate family/games room available within the Leisure Area.83

LEIPZIGHalle (LEJ)AVIATION <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal B. Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed directlyto the Lounge but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder at the AHSticket desk staff opposite Check-in counter No.22. Then proceed throughDepartures and Passport Control to the Upper Level where the Lounge islocated.06:00 - 20:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 17:00 Saturday & Sunday.Hours may be subject to change on Public Holidays.Departure (Terminal B) flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.LIBERIAInternational (LIR)COLIBRI TRAVELERS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Main Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge is located on Level 1.05:00 - 17:00 daily.Closed: Low Season (mid-Jun-Nov).Children under 4 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.Alcoholic drinks and telephone calls are both subject to payment.LIJIANGSanyi (LJG)INTERNATIONAL <strong>LOUNGE</strong> NO.1International Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge islocated next to the departure hall.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departure andcloses after last departure.International flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Local fax and telephone calls only.INTERNATIONAL <strong>LOUNGE</strong> NO.2International Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge islocated next to the departure hall.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departure andcloses after last departure.International flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Local fax and telephone calls only.BEST BUSINESS VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge is locatednext to the elevator in departure hall A.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departure andcloses after last departure.Domestic flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Local fax and telephone calls only.84

LIJIANGSanyi (LJG)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> NO.1Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn left and followsigns to where the Lounge is located.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departure andcloses after last departure.Domestic flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Local fax and telephone calls only.FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> NO.2Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn left and followsigns to where the Lounge is located.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departure andcloses after last departure.Domestic flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Local fax and telephone calls only.LIMAJorge Chavez International (LIM)SUMAQ VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong> AND BUSINESS CENTERInternational Concourse. Airside - after Security, pass Gate 17, turn left andwalk 20 meters through the corridor to the Lounge entrance located on theleft hand side.24 hours daily.Maximum 4 hour stay • Separate smoking area available.VIP CLUB <strong>LOUNGE</strong> AND BUSINESS CENTERInternational Concourse. Airside - after Security, pass Gate 17, turn leftand walk 20 meters through the corridor to the Lounge entrance.24 hours daily.Maximum 4 hour stay • Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited totwo per adult • Separate smoking area available.CARAL VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - 2nd Floor, after Passport Control and Securityturn right and proceed approximately 50 meters. The Lounge is locatedbetween the H. Stern jewellery store and the cafeteria.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.85

LISBONInternational (LIS)ABC - AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTERTerminal 1. Landside - before Security Checks and Passport Control proceedtowards Check-in desks 14-36. The Lounge is located on the MezzanineLevel above the Check-in desks.08:00 - 20:00 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday & Sunday.Children aged 2-12 years are not admitted • Children under 2 years areadmitted free.Complimentary Wi-Fi and internet access is limited to 30 minutes,subsequent usage is subject to payment. Telephone calls, fax andshower facilities are all subject to payment. Alcoholic drinks are onlyavailable upon request and are subject to payment. Conference facilitiesmust be reserved in advance and are also subject to payment.Tel: +351211503922 to make a booking.BLUE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - after Security Check Area, proceed to the InternationalArea on the 5th Floor. Pass the ‘Harrods Bar’ and Transfer Check-in desks towhere the Lounge is located on the left hand side towards Gates 7-13.06:00 - 23:00 daily.Hours may be subject to change.Children under 12 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access, telephone calls, fax and conference facilities are all subjectto payment. Conference facilities must be reserved in advance.Tel: +351218413963 to make a booking.LISBON <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks and before Passport Control,next to the newsagents near to Duty Free and the ‘McDonalds’ outlet.05:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.Telephone calls are subject to payment.LIVERPOOLJohn Lennon (LPL)ASPIRE <strong>LOUNGE</strong> BY SERVISAIRAirside - after Security proceed through the Duty Free and take the escalatordown to the Lower Level. The Lounge is located on the right.04:30 - 20:00 daily.Closed: Dec 25.Children under 2 are admitted free • Dress code applicable.Telephone calls are subject to payment.86

LIVINGSTONEInternational (LVI)IAPCO CLUB <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control in the Departure Hall,follow signs to the ‘IAPCO Club Lounge’.09:00 - 18:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi, internet access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subjectto payment.LJUBLJANA(LJU)BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Departures Hall. Airside - the Lounge is located at the Information desk.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 12 years are not admitted.LOMBOKBandara International (LOP)EL JOHN EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Departure Terminal. Airside - after Security Control, follow signs tothe ‘Executive Lounge’.05:30 - 19:30 daily.Children under 6 years are admitted free • Separate smoking area available.Local telephone calls only. Fax facilities are subject to payment.SHERATON V.I.P. DEPARTURE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Departure Terminal. Airside - after Security Control, follow signsto the ‘Sheraton V.I.P. Departure Lounge’.07:00 - 20:00 daily.All drinks are subject to payment except tea and coffee.LONDONGatwick (LGW)ASPIRE <strong>LOUNGE</strong> BY SERVISAIRNorth Terminal. Airside - pass through Passport Control, turn left into themain departure lounge, follow signs for the ‘Lounges’. Turn right into theLounge Pavilion and take the lift or stairs down to Level 1. The Lounge islocated on the right hand side.04:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may be subject to change and will vary during the winter schedules.Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Access is permitted3 hours prior to scheduled flight departure • Children under 2 years areadmitted free • Smart casual dress at all times • Complimentary hotfood available.87

LONDONGatwick (LGW)NO.1 GATWICK <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SNorth Terminal. Airside - pass through Security Checks and follow signs forthe ‘Airport Lounges’. After passing through a set of glass double doors theLounge is located straight ahead.04:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Children under 12 years maybe restricted to use the family areas and must be supervised by an adult •Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Smart casual dress atall times • Food and drinks are provided by waiter service; with a choiceof freshly prepared dishes from a bistro menu in addition to the self-servicebuffet • Complimentary Wi-Fi available upon request • Separate Travel Spa(open 06:00 - 20:00 daily).Champagne, cocktails, international telephone calls and Spa treatmentsare all subject to availability and additional payment, which must be madedirect to the Lounge. Subject to availability, Priority Pass cardholders andguests are entitled to a 10% discount on Spa treatments upon presentationof a valid Priority Pass membership card.South Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge is located nextto ‘Frankie & Benny’s’ Restaurant on the Mezzanine Level.04:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Access may be restricted due tospace constraints • Smart casual dress at all times • Food and drinks areprovided by waiter service; with a choice of freshly prepared dishes froma bistro menu in addition to the self-service buffet • Complimentary Wi-Fiavailable upon request.Champagne, cocktails and international telephone calls outside the UK areall subject to payment.SERVISAIR LINGFIELD <strong>LOUNGE</strong>South Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control proceed to the DepartureArea, follow signs for ‘Airline Lounge’. Take the lift or stairs to the upper levelwhere the Lounge is located.04:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed) • Children under 2years are admitted free.LONDONHeathrow (LHR)SERVISAIR <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - proceed through Passport Control, turn right at ‘Worldof Whiskies’ and take the lift or stairs to the 2nd Floor. Follow signs alongthe balcony to the Lounge.05:15 - 22:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times(no shorts allowed).88

LONDONHeathrow (LHR)AIR CANADA ARRIVALS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 3. Landside - Arrivals Level, adjacent to the shuttle bus pick-uppoint at the terminal’s curb side. The Lounge is only accessible topassengers arriving into Terminal 3 on an international flight.06:30 - 13:30 daily.International Terminal 3 arrival flights only (no access available topassengers traveling to/from other terminals) • Valet Service for clothespressing and shoe shine available • Private bathrooms with showerfacility available.Long distance telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.NO.1 HEATHROWTerminal 3. Airside - after Security, follow the walkway to the left of WorldDuty Free and follow signs ‘Airport Lounges’ and ‘Gates 13-22’. The Lounge islocated one floor up, and is accessible via lifts or stairs.04:30 - 22:30 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Children under 12 years maybe restricted to use the family areas and must be supervised by an adult• Maximum 3 hour stay • Smart casual dress at all times • Food anddrinks are provided by waiter service; with a choice of freshly prepareddishes from a bistro menu in addition to the self-service buffet • Gamesroom, PlayStation room, quiet library area and mini cinema available •Complimentary Wi-Fi available upon request • Separate Travel Spa(open 06:00 - 20:00 daily).Champagne, cocktails and international telephone calls are all subject topayment. Spa treatments and private en-suite bedrooms (available for dayuse only) are subject to availability and additional payment which must bemade direct to the Lounge. Subject to availability Priority Pass cardholdersand guests will be entitled to a 10% discount on Spa treatments uponpresentation of a valid Priority Pass card.SERVISAIR <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 3. Airside - after Security, follow signs to Gate 1-42 and for ‘AllAirline Lounges’. Bear left and continue to follow signs ‘All Airline Lounges’.Turn left and follow signs to Gates 1-22 and ‘Airline Lounges B-J’. Then turnright towards Gates 12-42 and ‘Airline Lounges F-1’. Immediately to the left isthe Lounge’s sign ‘Lounge F’. Continue along the corridor, turn right and thentake the lift or stairs up one floor. Stay on the right hand side of the corridorand proceed into the Lounge.05:45 - 22:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under 2 yearsare admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed) •Complimentary hot food available.89

LONDONLuton (LTN)SOMERIES <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - proceed through Passport Control. The Lounge is located on the1st Floor opposite the ‘Monsoon’ Store.04:00 - 22:30 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Access is permitted 3 hours priorto scheduled flight departure • Smart casual dress at all times.LONDONSouthend (SEN)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks, pass the escalators and proceed throughthe glass doors where the Lounge is located.08:00 - 20:30 Sunday - Friday.08:00 - 17:00 Saturday.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholic andsoft drinks; Champagne is subject to payment.LONDONStansted (STN)NO.1 STANSTED AT GATE 16Airside - after Security take the transit system and alight at the first stop(Gates 1-19). The Lounge is located airside next to Gate 16. Passengersflying with Ryanair are advised to use the Lounge at Gate 49.04:30 - 21:00 daily.International flights departing from Gates 1-39 only • Smart casual dressat all times • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Children under12 years may be restricted to use the family areas and must be supervisedby an adult • Food and drinks are provided by waiter service; with achoice of freshly prepared dishes from a bistro menu in addition to theself-service buffet • Complimentary Wi-Fi available upon request.Champagne, cocktails and international telephone calls are all subjectto payment. Cardholders wishing to use the Lounge can also use theFast-Track channel through security by presenting their Priority Pass card.Complimentary Fast-Track facility only available to Priority Pass cardholdersusing the Lounge on the same date. Follow signs for ‘Premium Departures’after Check-in, found on the left-hand side of the security lanes.90

LONDONStansted (STN)NO.1 STANSTED AT GATE 49Airside - next to Gate 49. The Lounge is most suitable for passengersdeparting from Gates 40 and above (Ryanair International flights).04:30 - 21:00 daily.Smart casual dress at all times • Children under 2 years are admittedfree • Children under 12 years may be restricted to use the family areasand must be supervised by an adult • Food and drinks are provided bywaiter service; with a choice of freshly prepared dishes from a bistromenu in addition to the self-service buffet • Complimentary Wi-Fiavailable upon request.Champagne, cocktails and international telephone calls are all subjectto payment. Cardholders wishing to use the Lounge can also use theFast-Track channel through security by presenting their Priority Pass card.Complimentary Fast-Track facility only available to Priority Pass cardholdersusing the Lounge on the same date. Follow signs for ‘Premium Departures’after Check-in, found on the left-hand side of the security lanes.LOS ANGELESInternational (LAX)US AIRWAYS CLUBTerminal 1. Airside - adjacent to Gate 2.05:30 - 22:00 daily.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate family willbe limited to two at any one visit • Cardholder must be 18 years of ageor older • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentaryhouse beer and wine available; premium selections of alcohol are subjectto payment.Wi-Fi access and long distance telephone calls are both subject to payment.Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are also subject topayment.AIR CANADA MAPLE LEAF <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks, take the elevator or stairs tothe Mezzanine Level where the Lounge is located across the hall.05:00 - 10:00 & 13:00 - 23:00 daily.AIR FRANCE BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks, take the elevator to theMezzanine Level where the Lounge is located on the right hand side.10:00 - 19:00 Monday.10:00 - 20:30 Tuesday & Wednesday.10:00 - 23:00 Thursday - Saturday.10:00 - 22:00 Sunday.Long distance telephone calls are subject to payment.91

LOS ANGELESInternational (LAX)ALASKA AIRLINES BOARD ROOMTerminal 6. Airside - The Lounge is located on the Mezzanine Level, nearGate 64.05:00 - 22:00 daily.All Cardholders and guests are required to show a Boarding Pass withconfirmed same-day travel for access to the Lounge • Cardholder mustbe 18 years of age or older • Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints • Alcoholic drinks are limited to three per person.Conference facilities are subject to payment.UNITED CLUB <strong>LOUNGE</strong>STerminal 6. Airside - across from Gate 62. Passengers departing fromTerminal 5 can also access the Lounge via the tunnel that connects thetwo terminals.05:00 - 00:45 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.Terminal 7. Airside - adjacent to Gates 70A and 70B.05:00 - 23:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.RELAX <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Tom Bradley International Terminal. Landside - Mezzanine Level. TheLounge is located in the middle of the Food Court next to the ‘Daily Grill’.08:00 - 00:00 daily.Children aged 2-12 years are not admitted • Children under 2 years areadmitted free • Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to beer andwine only • Dress code applicable.SKYTEAM KAL BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Tom Bradley International Terminal. Airside - proceed through SecurityControl on the South Side and take the lift to the 4th Floor where theLounge is located.07:30 - 00:00 Monday, Wednesday & Friday.07:30 - 16:00 & 19:00 - 00:00 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday.Hours vary according to KAL international flight schedules.Limited to two guests per cardholder • Access may be restricted due tospace constraints • Children under 2 years are admitted free • All childrenmust be accompanied by an adult.Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.92

LOS CABOSInternational (SJD)VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>STerminal 1. Airside - after Passport Control and Security Checks. The Loungeis located on the Mezzanine Level above the Food Court.09:00 - 18:00 daily.Children 7 years and under are admitted free.Terminal 2. Airside - after Security, the Lounge is located between Gates1 and 2.10:00 - 17:00 daily.Children 7 years and under are admitted free.Local telephone calls only.LÜBECK(LBC)AIRPORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Landside - before Security Checks and Passport Control, the Lounge is locateddirectly behind the entrance to the main departure area on the right hand side.07:00 - 18:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules and are subject to seasonalchanges.Closed: Dec 25.Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under 2 yearsare admitted free.Check-in services available inside the Lounge are subject to payment.LUGANOAgno (LUG)E-AVIATION VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>VIP Aviation Terminal. Landside - on the left hand side, 30 meters beforeentering the main terminal.07:00 - 20:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.LUSAKAInternational (LUN)IAPCO CLUB <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - proceed into the main departure hall where the Lounge is locatedon the immediate left hand side.Open daily - hours vary according to international flight schedules.Limited to one guest per cardholder • All children must be accompaniedby an adult.93

LUXEMBOURGFindel International (LUX)THE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal A. Airside - behind the Security Screening Point.04:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 20:30).LYONSaint Exupéry (LYS)HEGOA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located in the Departure Area near Gates12 & 15.06:00 - 20:00 daily.Ticketed passengers only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.SALON MONT-BLANCTerminal 1. Landside - Bloc 2, near to the Security and ImmigrationCheckpoint.06:00 - 20:30 daily.Closed: Dec 25 & Jan 01.Ticketed passengers only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.MACAU SARInternational (MFM)AIRPORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Immigration and Security Checks,proceed to the Mezzanine Level of the main departure hall where theLounge is located.07:00 - 00:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.MADRIDBarajas (MAD)SALA VIP CIBELESTerminal 1. Airside - after Passport Control, proceed to the 2nd Floor. TheLounge is located between Gates B26 and B29 on the right hand side.Follow signs to ‘Sala VIP’.24 hours daily.Flight departures are announced.SALA PUERTA DE ALCALATerminal 2. Airside - the Lounge is located near Boarding Gate D62. ThisLounge is for passengers departing from Terminal 2 and Terminal 3, ZonesC and D only.05:00 - 23:00 daily.Schengen domestic flights only • Children under 3 years are admitted free.Complimentary Wi-Fi access is limited to 30 minutes.94

MADRIDBarajas (MAD)SALA VIP PUERTA DEL SOLTerminal 3. Airside - after Security Control, proceed to the Boarding Areaand take the stairs next to Gate E69 up to the 1st Floor where the Loungeis located.04:00 - 23:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access and telephone calls are both subject to payment.BUSINESS CENTRETerminal 4. Landside - the Lounge is located next to the Check-in counters(near the Puente Aéreo).08:00 - 20:00 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays.Lounge access only • Children under 12 years are admitted free •Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer and wine only.Shower, business and conference facilities are all subject to payment.LA REVOLTOSATerminal 4. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor, adjacent to theAENA Exhibition Room.05:30 - 22:30 daily.Schengen flights only • Children under 12 years are admitted free.AMNIOS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Satellite Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor(yellow sector). The glass door indicates the entrance to the Lounge.06:00 - 00:00 Monday, Wednesday & Friday - Sunday.04:00 - 00:00 Tuesday & Thursday.Non-Schengen flights only • Children under 12 years are admitted free •Separate games room available • Separate smoking room available.Shower facilities are subject to payment.MALAGA(AGP)SALA VIP T3Terminal 3. Airside - after Security Checks, take the stairs or lift behind‘Aldeasa’ and near to Gate D on the right hand side up to the Top Floor wherethe Lounge is located. Passengers departing from Terminal 2 can also accessthe Lounge since the two terminals are connected without restrictions.06:00 - 23:00 daily.Children under 5 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are subjectto payment.95

MALEInternational (MLE)MOONIMAA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Departure Terminal. Landside - the Lounge is located outside andto the right of the main entrance to the terminal building, before Check-in andSecurity Control.Lounge opens 1 hour prior to the first scheduled flight departure (approx.05:30) and closes after the last scheduled departure (approx. 00:30).Domestic flights only • Children under 3 years are admitted free • Dress codeapplicable • Separate smoking area available.Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.MALMÖ(MMX)EXPRESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Landside - after Baggage Check but before Security Checks, the Loungeis located on the left hand side.06:00 - 19:00 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays.Children under 12 years are not admitted.MALTAInternational (MLA)LA VALETTE CLUBAirside - after Security Checks take the escalators up towards the maindeparture hall. At the top of the escalators turn right and follow signs.The Lounge is located at the end of the corridor.24 hours daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 12 years are admitted free •Separate smoking room available.VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (ARRIVALS)Airside - Arrivals, near to the Baggage Reclaim Hall.24 hours daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 12 years are admitted free •Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only • Separate smoking area available.MANADOSam Ratulangi (MDC)BUNAKEN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Check-in, take theescalator to the 2nd Floor. The Lounge is located approximately 30 metersstraight ahead.06:00 - 16:30 daily.Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only • Separate smoking area available.96

MANCHESTERInternational (MAN)THE BOLLIN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - proceed through Passport Control, turn left and takethe stairs to the floor above. Turn right, follow signs and proceed downthe corridor where the Lounge is located.04:00 - 18:30 Monday.04:00 - 20:00 Tuesday & Wednesday.04:00 - 21:00 Thursday - Saturday.04:00 - 17:00 Sunday.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Access may be restricted duespace constraints • Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).THE ESCAPE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - proceed through Security Checks and the Duty FreeArea. Follow signs ‘Executive Lounges’ along the walkway past ‘Dixons’and take the stairs or elevator to the Executive Lounge Level where theLounge is located.05:00 - 20:30 daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free •All children must be accompanied by an adult • Access may berestricted due to space constraints • Smart casual dress at all times(no shorts, vests, baseball caps or football shirts allowed) • Food anddrinks are provided by waiter service; with a choice of freshly prepareddishes available from a menu in addition to the self-service buffet •Complimentary items from the main menu are limited to one per personand all subsequent items are subject to payment • Complimentaryalcoholic and soft drinks available; premium selections are subjectto payment.Telephone calls and all items on the premium menu are subject topayment. Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are alsosubject to payment. Tel: +441614892359 to make a booking.THE WILMSLOW <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - proceed through Passport Control, turn left and takethe stairs to the floor above. Turn right, follow signs and proceed down thecorridor to where the Lounge is located.05:00 - 20:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Access may be restricted due tospace constraints • Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).THE ESCAPE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - proceed through Security Checks and the Duty Free Area.Turn left and pass ‘The Real Food Company’ to the stairs located oppositeGate 208. Take the stairs up to where the Lounge is located. Lift access isalso available opposite Gate 209.05:00 - 20:30 daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 6 years are not admitted •Children under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult • Access maybe restricted due to space constraints • Smart casual dress at all times(no shorts, vests, baseball caps or football shirts allowed).Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.97

MANCHESTERInternational (MAN)THE STYAL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - proceed through Passport Control, turn left and takethe stairs (near ‘Café Europa’) to the floor above. Go through the doubledoors and the Lounge is located immediately on the right.04:00 - 20:00 Monday, Thursday, Friday & Sunday.04:00 - 18:00 Tuesday.04:00 - 20:30 Wednesday & Saturday.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Access may be restricted duespace constraints • Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).MANILANinoy Aquino International (MNL)PAGSTOP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal 1. Airside - after Immigration and Duty Free Shops,in the Transit Area on the 4th Floor at the junction of both DepartureConcourses (before final Security Checks).06:00 - 00:00 daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • Limited to two guests per cardholder • Childrenunder 2 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.MANIZALESLa Nubia (MZL)AVIANCA SALA VIPLandside - next to the ‘AVIANCA’ ticket counter.06:00 - 17:30 Monday - Saturday.08:30 - 17:30 Sunday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.MAPUTOInternational (MPM)CIP PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control,turn left onto the first corridor and then left again to the end. Follow signs tothe Lounge located opposite Gate 1 in the main departure hall.05:00 - 23:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Separate smoking areaavailable.Check-in facilities available inside the Lounge are subject to payment.Long distance telephone calls are also subject to payment.98

MARACAIBOLa Chinita International (MAR)PREMIER CLUBNational Terminal. Landside - proceed past the ticket counters and throughthe corridor located at the rear end of the ticket counter lobby. At the end ofthe corridor, turn left into the Boarding Gate ‘Finger’. The Lounge is locatedon the left just before the Security Checkpoint.05:00 - 20:00 daily.MARRAKECHMènara International (RAK)CONVIVES DE MARQUE DEPARTURE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control on the1st Floor. Follow signs to where the Lounge is located next to Gates 1 and 2.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholic drinksare limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject to payment.CONVIVES DE MARQUE ARRIVALS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - 1st Floor, Arrivals Area. Follow signs to where theLounge is located.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholic drinksare limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject to payment.MARSEILLEProvence (MRS)CEZANNE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed thoughSecurity to the Lounge directly, but first register landside as a Priority Passcardholder at the Airport Information desk located in Arrival Hall 1. TheAirport Information staff will provide a magnetic card to use at the Loungedoor for access. After Security Checks, on the 1st Floor. Follow signs.Open daily - hours vary according to flight schedules.International flights only • One child aged 2-12 years admitted free peradult • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable.Internet access and telephone calls are both subject to payment.99

MARSEILLEProvence (MRS)LUBERON <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 3. Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed throughSecurity to the Lounge directly, but first register landside as a Priority Passcardholder at the Airport Information desk located in Arrival Hall 1. TheAirport Information staff will provide a magnetic card to use at the Loungedoor for access. After Security Checks, on the 1st Floor. Follow signs. TheLounge can also be used by passengers departing from halls 2 and 4 butwill need to allow sufficient time to reach the departure gates.Open daily - hours vary according to flight schedules.Schengen and domestic flights only • One child aged 2-12 yearsadmitted free per adult • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Dress code applicable.Internet access is subject to payment.MATURÍNGral. José Tadeo Monagas (MUN)PREMIER CLUBDomestic Terminal. Airside - proceed past the Security Checkpoint. TheLounge is located on the right at the end of the Boarding Area.05:00 - 20:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable(no shorts allowed).Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.MAURITIUSS.S.R. International (MRU)AMÉDÉE MAINGARD <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - proceed through Passport Control. The Lounge is located on theleft hand side.04:00 - 00:00 Monday.05:00 - 00:00 Tuesday.04:30 - 00:00 Wednesday, Friday & Saturday.24 hours Thursday & Sunday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Limited to two children per cardholder • Children under 12 years areadmitted free.MEDANPolania (MES)TOBA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Controlproceed to the 2nd Floor. The Lounge is located on the right hand side.08:00 - 15:00 Monday, Tuesday & Saturday.08:00 - 20:00 Wednesday - Friday & Sunday.Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.100

MEDELLIN (Rionegro)Jose Maria Cordova (MDE)AVIANCA SALA VIPNational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, proceed through theRetail Zone and up to the 2nd Floor where the Lounge is located.05:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.MELBOURNEInternational (MEL)UNITED CLUBTerminal 2 International. Airside - Level 1, Satellite Area. The Lounge is onlyavailable to passengers with a valid boarding card for a flight departing fromthe same terminal.10:00 - 13:00 daily.Hours vary according to United Airlines scheduled flight departures.International (T2) flights only • Limited to six guests per cardholder •Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older • Each cardholder must presenta government issued photo ID along with their valid Priority Pass card uponentry to the Lounge.MEXICO CITYBenito Juarez International (MEX)AEROMEXICO - SALON PREMIER CIUDAD DE MEXICOInternational Terminal 1. Airside - Concourse F, Gate 21, next to the DutyFree Area.06:00 - 22:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 12 years are admitted free.AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBInternational Terminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor atConcourse H, near Gate 21.05:15 - 21:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.All immediate family members can enter an American Airlines Admirals Clubwith the cardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit • Separate smoking area available.Flight information is available upon request. Local fax facilities only.UNITED CLUBInternational Terminal 1. Airside - Mezzanine Level, 3rd Floor.05:15 - 22:00 daily.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.101

MEXICO CITYBenito Juarez International (MEX)AEROMEXICO - SALON PREMIER CIUDAD DE MEXICO <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal 2. Airside - after Security Check, on the left hand side,proceed to the 3rd Floor via escalators or lift.05:30 - 22:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Separate games room available.Separate wine room and spa room are both subject to payment.National Terminal 2. Airside - after Security Check, on the right hand side,proceed to the 3rd Floor via escalators or lift.05:30 - 22:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Separate games room available.Separate wine room and spa room are both subject to payment.MIAMIInternational (MIA)CLUB AMERICA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SConcourse F. Airside - after Security Checkpoint, follow signs to the Loungewhich is located on the 3rd Floor.05:00 - 22:00 Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday.05:00 - 23:00 Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Alcoholic drinks are onlyavailable to passengers 21 years of age or older • Dress code applicable.Shower and fax facilities are subject to payment.Concourse J South. Airside - near Gate J5, in the main departure lounge.05:00 - 23:30 Wednesday - Monday.05:00 - 21:00 Tuesday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Alcoholic drinks are onlyavailable to passengers 21 years of age or older • Dress code applicable.Shower and fax facilities are subject to payment.MILANBergamo Orio al Serio (BGY)GATE VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong> SACBOAirside - 1st Floor, in the main shopping area. The Lounge is located close tothe smoking terrace. Follow signs.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Check-in services available inside the Lounge for passengers with handluggage only. Telephone calls and Wi-Fi access are both subject to payment(cards must be purchased before entering the Lounge).102

MILANLinate (LIN)CLUB S.E.A. - SALA LEONARDOAirside - after Customs in front of Duty Free Shop.05:30 - 21:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 2 years are admitted free.CLUB S.E.A. - SALA PIRANESILandside - the Lounge is located in Departure Area AB (Alitalia Check-in Area),through the first entrance on the right hand side.06:00 - 21:30 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 21:00 Saturday & Sunday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 2 years are admitted free.Check-in facilities available inside the Lounge are restricted to Alitalia andKLM flights only.MILANMalpensa (MXP)CLUB S.E.A. - SALA CLEMENTITerminal 1. Airside - Central Satellite, Departure Lounge (Non-SchengenArea), close to Boarding Gates B. The Lounge is located at the top of theescalators in the main shopping area.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Non-Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access is limited to 60 minutes and subsequent usage is subjectto payment.CLUB S.E.A. - SALA MONTEVERDITerminal 1. Airside - South Satellite, Departure Lounge (Schengen Area),close to Boarding Gates A.06:00 - 21:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Shower facilities are subject to payment.103

MILANMalpensa (MXP)CLUB S.E.A. - SALA PERGOLESITerminal 1. Airside - Central Satellite, Departure Lounge (Non-SchengenArea), close to Boarding Gates B.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Non-Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Shower facilities are subject to payment.CLUB S.E.A. - SALA RESPIGHITerminal 1. Landside - proceed to the 2nd Floor. The Lounge is located in themain departures area on the right hand side, close to Check-in.06:30 - 21:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 2 years are admitted free.Check-in facilities available inside the Lounge are restricted to Alitaliaflights only.CLUB S.E.A. - ROSSINI <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - after Security in front of Gate D10, near to the ‘MyChef’ Restaurant.07:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable.MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAULInternational (MSP)UNITED CLUBTerminal 1 Lindbergh. Airside - Concourse E, between Gates E6 and E8.05:15 - 19:15 daily.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.MOMBASAMoi International (MBA)SAFARI COMFORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - pass the Check-in counter and take the lift or escalatorto the 1st Floor. Proceed through the Security Checks and Passport Control,then turn left and follow signs to the Lounge.Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first domestic flight departure (approx.06:00) and closes after last scheduled departure (approx. 15:00).Domestic flights only • Limited to four guests per cardholder • Childrenunder 2 years are admitted free • Separate smoking area available.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.104

MOMBASAMoi International (MBA)SAFARI VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - go past the Check-in counter and take the lift orescalator to the 1st Floor. Proceed through the Security Checks andPassport Control, then turn right and follow signs to the Lounge. Take thestairs next to the café up to where the Lounge is located.Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first international flight departure (approx.06:00) and closes after last scheduled departure (approx. 21:00).International flights only • Limited to four guests per cardholder • Childrenunder 2 years are admitted free.MONTEGO BAYSangster International (MBJ)CLUB MOBAYAirside - after Security Control in the main departure lounge, go up to theMezzanine Level and take the elevator between Gates 9 and 13 up to theLounge. Follow signs.06:00 - 21:00 daily.Hours are subject to change according to scheduled flight departures.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times• Separate children’s play area available.Interstate/international telephone calls, fax facilities and Spa services areall subject to payment.MONTERREYMariano Escobedo Int’l (MTY)AEROMEXICO - SALON PREMIERTerminal B. Airside - 2nd Floor, in front of Gate B10.05:30 - 21:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 12 years are admitted free.MONTREALPierre Elliott Trudeau Int’l (YUL)NATIONAL BANK RED CARPET <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Departures. Airside - after Security Checks (Entrance B) theLounge is located between Gates 52 and 53, next to the Duty Free AirportShop. The Lounge is suitable for passengers traveling on intercontinentalflights only. Passengers traveling on Canadian domestic flights or flights tothe USA cannot access the Lounge.05:00 - 23:00 daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • Limited to seven guests per cardholder • Childrenunder 2 years are admitted free.105

MOSCOWDomodedovo (DME)S7 BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is accessible via Sector Aor Sector B. From SECTOR A (2nd Floor of the Terminal), pass SecurityChecks and Passport Control, proceed straight ahead and the Lounge islocated after the ‘DUFRY’ shop on the right hand side. From SECTOR B,pass Security Checks and Passport Control, proceed straight ahead andtake the escalator on the left hand side up to Sector A. Turn right and theLounge is located after the ‘DUFRY’ shop on the right hand side.24 hours daily.International flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Complimentaryalcoholic drinks are restricted to one bottle of local beer per adult; allother alcoholic drinks are subject to payment • Separate smokingarea available.Local telephone calls and fax facilities only.COMFORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Check-in and second Security Controlproceed straight ahead and the Lounge is located on the right hand side,near Gate 37.24 hours daily.Domestic flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Complimentary alcoholic drinks are restricted to one bottle of local beerper adult; all other alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.Local telephone calls and fax facilities only.MOSCOWSheremetyevo (SVO)BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal C. Airside - after Check-in and Passport Control, proceed to the4th Floor. The Lounge is located opposite the VIP Lounge.24 hours daily.International departure flights only • Children under 2 years are admittedfree • Complimentary massage chairs available.Local fax and telephone calls only.GALAXY <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal E. Airside - after Passport Control and Security Checks, theLounge is located near Gate 37 on the 2nd Floor. Access via lift or stairs.24 hours daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Separate games and baby care rooms available • Separate smokingroom available.Local telephone calls only. Conference facilities are subject to availabilityand payment.106

MOSCOWSheremetyevo (SVO)AMBER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal F. Airside - proceed past Customs and Passport Control in theTransit Zone. The Lounge is located near to the Irish Bar, opposite Gate 11.24 hours daily.Maximum 2.5 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Separate smoking room available.Local telephone calls and fax facilities only.CLASSIC <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal F. Airside - after Passport Control and Security Checks, theLounge is located near Gate 42 on the 2nd Floor. Access via lift or stairs.24 hours daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Separate games room and baby care room available • Separate smokingroom available.Local telephone calls only.MOSCOWVnukovo International (VKO)FIRST AND BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal B. Airside - after Passport Control in the DeparturesArea, 3rd Floor. The Lounge is located on the right hand side next to theDuty Free Shop.24 hours daily.Children under 5 years are admitted free • Separate smoking area available.MUMBAIChattrapathi Shivaji Int’l (BOM)CLIPPER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal 2B. Airside - Mezzanine Level, directly oppositeGate 14.02:00 - 21:00 daily.Priority Pass cardholders will not be admitted to the Lounge outsidethese hours.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment. Local telephone calls only.CELEBRATIONS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal 2C. Airside - Mezzanine Level, after Immigrationand Customs.24 hours daily.International flights only • Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited toone per adult, subsequent drinks are subject to payment.107

MUMBAIChattrapathi Shivaji Int’l (BOM)CARNATIONS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal 1C. Airside - 1st Floor, opposite Gate A2 and nextto the Security Hold Area. The Lounge is also accessible to passengerstraveling from Domestic Terminal 1A.24 hours daily.Children under 5 years are admitted free.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.MUNICHFranz-Josef Strauss (MUC)ATLANTIC <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - Departure C, Level 3. Take the elevator located inthe departure area in Concourse C, Level 4 to access the Lounge.06:00 - 23:00 daily.Non-Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Separate smoking area available.EUROPA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - Module D, Level 5 (Schengen Area). Take the stairsor elevator to the transfer corridor and follow signs to where the Loungeis located.06:00 - 20:30 daily.Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.MÜNSTER-OSNABRÜCKInternational (FMO)RELAX <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks, approximately 20 meters on the left hand side.05:30 - 21:00 Monday - Friday & Sunday.05:30 - 18:30 Saturday.Closed: Christmas & Easter Holidays.Limited to one guest per cardholder • Children under 2 years are notadmitted.MUSCATInternational (MCT)MAJAN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - the Lounge is located on the Ground Floor after Immigrationand Security.24 hours daily.Two children under 12 years are admitted free • All children must beaccompanied by an adult.108

MUSCATInternational (MCT)PLAZA PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Immigration and Passport Control the Lounge is located near Gate 6.24 hours daily.Children under 3 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times• Separate smoking room available.Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are subject to payment. Local telephone calls only.MWANZA(MWZ)AURIC AIR SERVICES DEPARTURE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Landside - the Lounge is located outside the Arrivals Hall, on the right handside opposite the Coastal Travel office. Follow signs to ‘Auric Air Services’.08:30 - 18:00 daily.Access may be restricted due to space constraints.NADIInternational (NAN)AIR PACIFIC <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located past the Duty FreeShops on the Ground Level, past the escalators towards the Departure Levelon the left hand side.05:00 - 14:00 & 17:00 - 21:30 Monday & Wednesday.05:00 - 14:00 & 15:00 - 00:00 Tuesday.05:00 - 14:00 & 18:00 - 23:30 Thursday.05:00 - 14:00 & 15:00 - 21:00 Friday.05:00 - 02:00 Saturday.05:00 - 10:00 & 15:00 - 23:00 Sunday.Hours are subject to change.International flights only • Children under 4 years are admitted free.Local telephone calls only.NAGOYACentral Japan International (NGO)KAL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Immigration on the 3rd Floor, take theescalators on the left hand side down to the 2nd Floor. Follow signs to the Lounge.07:30 - 12:00 & 13:00 - 16:00 daily.Limited to two guests per cardholder • Access may be restricted due tospace constraints • Children under 2 years are admitted free • All childrenmust be accompanied by an adult.Interstate/international fax facilities are subject to payment.STAR ALLIANCE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Immigration on the 3rd Floor turnright and take the lift on the left hand side down to the 2nd Floor. Followsigns to the Lounge.07:00 - 17:30 Monday, Thursday & Saturday.07:00 - 13:00 & 15:00 - 17:30 Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday.The First Class section is not available to Priority Pass cardholders •Separate smoking room available.109

NAIROBIJomo Kenyatta International (NBO)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SUnit One. Airside - in front of Gate 11.24 hours daily.Limited to one guest per cardholder.Unit Two. Airside - in front of Gate 5.24 hours daily.Limited to one guest per cardholder.NANNINGWuxu (NNG)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - after Immigration and Security Checks, theLounge is located next to Gate 1.06:30 - 23:30 daily.International flights only • Children under 12 years are admitted free.Local fax facilities only.Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge is locatednext to Gate 4.06:30 - 22:30 daily.Domestic flights only • Children under 12 years are admitted free.Local fax facilities only.NASSAULynden Pindling International (NAS)ARAWAK <strong>LOUNGE</strong> BY GRAYCLIFFInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge is locatedadjacent to the general pre-flight holding room.10:30 - 15:30 Monday & Thursday.10:30 - 22:00 Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday - Sunday.International (excluding USA) flight departures only • Children under2 years are admitted free to the non-smoking room only • Separatesmoking room available.GRAYCLIFF DIVANSUS Departures Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control and SecurityChecks, the Lounge is located at the rear of the terminal, 10 meters fromthe restrooms.06:00 - 19:00 daily.Closed: Dec 25.US flight departures only • Children under 12 years are admitted freeto the non-smoking area only • Complimentary drinks are limited to oneper adult • Lounge food and beverage voucher to the value of US$20provided per adult, subsequent consumption is subject to payment •Separate smoking area available.110

NEWCASTLEInternational (NCL)CHEVIOT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - proceed through the Security Point at Level 2 and turn right.The Lounge is located next to the ‘Dixons’ store on the right hand side.05:15 - 19:30 Monday - Friday.05:15 - 17:30 Saturday & Sunday.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Lounge closure may vary and is dependent on last daily scheduleddeparture. The Lounge doors close half an hour before Lounge closes.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable.Internet and business facilities are subject to payment.NEW DELHIIndira Gandhi International (DEL)ITC - WELCOM GROUP GREEN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal 3. Airside - in the main departure lounge on Level 3.Follow signs ‘Lounges A’ and take the escalators up to where the Loungeis located.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • All children must beaccompanied by an adult • Complimentary soft drinks are limited totwo per person, subsequent consumption is subject to payment.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment. Local telephone calls and faxfacilities only.PLAZA PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal 3. Airside - in the main departure lounge follow signs‘Lounges B’. Turn right after ‘Guardian’ Pharmacy and take the lift toLevel 4 where the Lounge is located.24 hours daily.Children under 3 years are admitted free • All children must be accompaniedby an adult • Smart casual dress at all times.Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are also subjectto payment. Tel: Hong Kong +85239601300 to make a booking.PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal 3. Airside - in the main departure Lounge on Level 3.Follow signs ‘Lounges A’ and take the escalators up to where the Loungeis located.24 hours daily.Children under 3 years are admitted free • All children must be accompaniedby an adult • Smart casual dress at all times.Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.111

NEW DELHIIndira Gandhi International (DEL)PLAZA PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SDomestic Terminal 1D. Airside - proceed through the Security Checkpointand the Lounge is located on the left hand side of the Mezzanine Level.24 hours daily.Children under 3 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment. Complimentary Wi-Fi access islimited to 45 minutes and subsequent usage is subject to payment.Domestic Terminal 3. Airside - follow signs ‘Lounges A’ from the F/G Gatesand take the escalator on your right hand side down to where the Loungeis located.24 hours daily.Children under 3 years are admitted free • All children must be accompaniedby an adult.Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.NEWQUAYCornwall (NQY)EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed past Security Controlto the Lounge directly, but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder at theAirport Information desk, located landside, near to Check-in counter No.1.The Information desk staff will provide a door code to enter on the Loungedoor keypad for access. After Security Checks and Passport Control theLounge is located in the East Wing of the main departure lounge. Follow signs.05:30 - 22:00 daily.Limited to one guest per cardholder • Children under 12 years are notadmitted.NEW YORKJ.F. Kennedy International (JFK)KAL BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - after Security Checkpoint, the Lounge is located onthe right hand side, across Gate 3. All passengers must hold a boardingpass departing from Terminal 1.14:00 - 20:30 daily.Limited to two guests per cardholder • Ticketed (Checked-in) passengersonly • Access may be restricted due to space constraints • Children under2 years are admitted free • All children must be accompanied by an adult.Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.112

NEW YORKJ.F. Kennedy International (JFK)THE OASISTerminal 4. Landside - the Lounge is located before Security in the East Wingof the terminal (4E), on the 4th Floor.04:00 - 23:30 daily.All immediate family members can enter the Lounge with the cardholder,but the number of persons who are not immediate family will be limited totwo at any one visit.UNITED CLUBTerminal 7. Airside - the Lounge is located above Gates 7 and 8.05:00 - 20:30 daily.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.NEW YORKLa Guardia International (LGA)UNITED CLUBUnited Terminal. Landside - entry is via the outside corridor behind theticket counter. Take the escalator to the 3rd Floor.05:00 - 20:30 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday & Sunday.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.NEW YORKNewark Liberty Int’l (EWR)UNITED CLUBTerminal A. Airside - near Continental Gates.05:00 - 21:30 Monday - Friday.07:00 - 21:30 Saturday & Sunday.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.113

NEW YORKNewark Liberty Int’l (EWR)UNITED CLUB <strong>LOUNGE</strong>STerminal A. Airside - Gate Level, beyond Security.05:00 - 20:00 daily.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.Terminal C1. Airside - across from Gate 74.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.Terminal C2/3. Airside - between Concourse C2 and C3, near Gates 102and 120.05:00 - 22:20 Sunday - Friday.05:00 - 23:30 Saturday.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.NICECôte d’Azur (NCE)SALON AZURTerminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks, take the stairs to the 2nd Floorwhere the Lounge is located on the left hand side of the main departure lounge.06:00 - 21:30 daily.Schengen (T1) flights only • Children under 3 years are admitted free.SALON RIVIERATerminal 1. Airside - after Passport Control, take the stairs or lift to the1st Floor where the Lounge is located on the right hand side of the maindeparture lounge.06:00 - 21:00 daily.Non-Schengen (T1) flights only • Children under 3 years are admitted free.SALON DU CAP D’ANTIBESTerminal 2. Airside - after Passport Control, proceed to the 1st Floor ofthe International Area. The Lounge is located on the right hand side after‘Bar du Monde’.08:00 - 21:30 daily.Non-Schengen (T2) flights only • Children under 3 years are admittedfree.114

NICECôte d’Azur (NCE)SALON DU CAP FERRATTerminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks, located on the left hand sidenear the ‘Saveurs de Provence’ Shop.05:50 - 21:30 daily.Schengen (T2) flights only • Children under 3 years are admitted free.NINGBOLishe International (NGB)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control.In the main departure hall proceed towards the West End of the building.The Lounge is located near to Gate 1.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departure andcloses after last scheduled departure.International flights only • Limited to two guests per cardholder • Childrenunder 2 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access and telephone calls are both subject to payment.Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Immigration and Security Checks theLounge is located next to Gate 7.06:30 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 22:00).Domestic flights only • Limited to two guests per cardholder • Childrenunder 2 years are admitted free.Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Immigration and Security Checks, theLounge is located next to Gates 8-12.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to first scheduled flight arrival and closesafter last scheduled departure.Domestic flights only • One child under 12 years admitted free per adult.NORWICHInternational (NWI)MULTIYORK EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security, turn left into the main departure lounge. The Loungeis located on the right hand side next to the windows over looking thedeparture apron.05:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 12 years are not admitted •Smart casual dress at all times.Flight departures are announced.115

NOTTINGHAMEast Midlands (EMA)SERVISAIR <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - proceed through Security Checks and follow signs to the‘Executive Lounge’.04:00 - 19:30 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable.Telephone calls are subject to payment.NUREMBERG(NUE)NORIS SKY <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located on the Ground Floor near toGates A01-07. It is essential that cardholders do not proceed directly to theLounge but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder at the Information deskin Departure Hall 2 (near the escalator). After Security Checks, proceedthrough Departure Hall 2 on the 1st Floor and follow signs to the Lounge.06:00 - 23:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Limited to one guest per cardholder • Children under 12 years areadmitted free.OHRIDSt. Paul the Apostle (OHD)PRIMECLASS CIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Check-in proceed through Gates 1and 2 to Customs and Passport Control. After Security Checks the Lounge islocated on the right hand side.Lounge opens 1 hour prior to the first scheduled international flightdeparture and closes after the last scheduled international departure.Children under 12 years are admitted free.Conference facilities are subject to payment.ORANGE COUNTYJohn Wayne (SNA)UNITED CLUBTerminal B. Airside - take the elevator across from Gate 9.05:30 - 19:00 Monday - Friday.05:30 - 12:30 Saturday.06:30 - 19:00 Sunday.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.116

ORANJESTADReina Beatrix International (AUA)INTERNATIONAL VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SAirside - after Passport Control, follow signs to Gate 2. Proceed pastImmigration and turn right. Turn left at the next corner and follow signsfor the international departure gates. After the Security Checks take theescalator or elevator to the 1st Floor, then turn left and proceed to Gate 2.The signboard on the left indicates the entrance to the Lounge.11:00 - 19:00 daily.On Saturdays, the Lounge is only accessible for passengers traveling tothe USA.Children under 12 years are not admitted.Airside - after Passport Control, proceed through Immigration and followsigns to Gate 8. The Lounge is only accessible for passengers traveling tothe USA.06:30 - 08:00 & 11:00 - 17:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 12 years are not admitted.ORLANDOInternational (MCO)UNITED CLUBTerminal B. Airside - near Gate 43. Domestic arrival, domestic departureand international departure passengers from Airside 1 and 3 (Gates 1-58)have access to the Lounge. Arriving international passengers and allpassengers departing and/or arriving from Airside 2 and 4 (Gates 72-129)will not have access to the Lounge.05:45 - 19:15 daily.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.ORLANDOSanford (SFB)THE ROYAL PALM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal A. Airside - the Lounge is located in the international departurelounge, adjacent to ‘Budweiser Tap Room’.Lounge opens 4 hours prior to the first international flight departure (or10:00 at the latest) and closes after the last scheduled flight departure(or 23:00 at the latest). The Lounge is only open on days wheninternational flights are departing.International departure flights only • Children under 4 years are admittedfree • Separate smoking room available.117

OSAKAKansai International (KIX)KAL BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>North Terminal. Landside - the Lounge is located on the 3rd Floor of thepassenger terminal building (below KAL Check-in counters on the 4th Floor).07:10 - 19:15 daily.Limited to two guests per cardholder • Access may be restricted due tospace constraints • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult.Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.PALANGKA RAYATjilik Riwut (PKY)ISEN MULANG <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Departure Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and PassportControl in the VIP Pemda Building.08:00 to last scheduled departure (approx. 16:00).Domestic flights only • Children under 6 years are admitted free •Check-in services available inside the Lounge • Separate prayer roomavailable • Separate smoking area available.Fax facilities are subject to payment.PALEMBANG Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II (PLM)EL JOHN EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Control, follow signs to the‘Executive Lounge’ which is located in the Domestic Departure Hall.07:00 - 18:15 daily.Domestic flights only • Children under 5 years are admitted free.PALERMOFalcone Borsellino (PMO)GESAP VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Landside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor next to the Check-in desksin Departure Area A.05:30 - 21:00 daily.PALMA DE MALLORCA(PMI)SALA VIP FORMENTORAirside - after Check-in, proceed to the Departure Level on the 4th Floor.The Lounge is located after Security Checks, on the right (Module D).06:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.118

PALMA DE MALLORCA(PMI)SALA VIP MIRÓAirside - pass through Security Control and take the escalators to the floorbelow. The Lounge is located in the Boarding Area, in front of Terminal B.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.PANAMATocumen International (PTY)COPA CLUBAirside - 2nd Floor, above Gates 21 and 21A.05:15 - 22:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.TOCUMEN ROYAL SALOONLandside - take the escalators to the 3rd Level. The Lounge is located onthe right hand side, next to ‘Irene’s Boutique’.06:00 - 00:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Alcoholic drinks are limited tothree per person.PAPHOSInternational (PFO)PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - the Lounge is located across from Gate 7.Lounge opens 3 hours prior to first flight departure (approx. 06:00) andcloses after last scheduled departure (approx. 00:00).Children under 12 years are admitted free.PARISCharles de Gaulle (CDG)ICARE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - International Area, after Immigration (passengerstraveling within Schengen countries must obtain an ‘Icare Lounge InvitationCard’ from Aeroports de Paris Information desk in Terminal 1, DepartureLevel, Desk 34 before proceeding through Immigration to the Lounge). TheLounge is located in the Duty Free Area and is only accessible uponpresentation of a valid boarding pass. Follow signs to the ‘Icare Lounge’.Passengers in transit departing from Terminal 2 can access the Lounge viathe Shuttle Link, but will need to allow a minimum 30 minutes to reach thedeparture gate.06:30 - 23:30 daily.Complimentary drinks are limited to one per person • Children 12 yearsand under are admitted free.Flight information is available upon request.119

PARISCharles de Gaulle (CDG)AIR CANADA MAPLE LEAF <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2A. Airside - after Passport Control on the right hand side, nearGates A37-A39.07:30 - 13:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.PARISOrly (ORY)ICARE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>South Terminal. Airside - International Departures Area (Non-Schengenexcept Geneva), 1st Floor, after Police and Customs Control. Proceedtowards Halls F and G and the Lounge is located on your left towardsHall G.06:00 - 21:30 daily.International and Non-Schengen passengers only (except Geneva).PEKANBARUSultan Syarif Kasim II (PKU)SERINDIT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - proceed through Security Checks and take thestairs next to the Tax counter up to the 2nd Floor. Pass the next SecurityChecks and turn right to where the Lounge is located. Follow signs to ‘SerinditLounge’.05:00 to last scheduled flight departure.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separate smoking room available.Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.PEREIRAMatecaña (PEI)AVIANCA SALA VIPLandside - Level 2, after Security. Proceed to Gate 2 where the Lounge islocated on the left hand side.05:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.PHILADELPHIAInternational (PHL)US AIRWAYS CLUBConcourse A. Airside - near Gate A14.05:30 - 22:00 daily.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with the cardholder,but the number of persons who are not immediate family will be limited totwo at any one visit • Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older • Childrenunder 2 years are admitted free.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.120

PHILADELPHIAInternational (PHL)US AIRWAYS CLUBConcourse B/C. Airside - Level 3, between Concourses B and C.05:30 - 22:00 daily.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with the cardholder,but the number of persons who are not immediate family will be limited totwo at any one visit • Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older • Childrenunder 2 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access, alcoholic drinks and long distance telephone calls are allsubject to payment. Conference facilities must be reserved in advanceand are also subject to payment.UNITED CLUBConcourse C/D. Airside - Level 2, between Concourses C and D.05:30 - 19:30 daily.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.PHOENIXSky Harbor International (PHX)UNITED CLUBConcourse 2. Airside - past United Airlines’ Gate 7, on the right hand side.05:00 - 19:00 daily.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.US AIRWAYS CLUBConcourse 4B. Airside - past the Security Checkpoint, on the MezzanineLevel above Gate 6. The US Airways Club Lounges located in Concourse Aare not part of the Priority Pass program.06:00 - 20:00 Sunday - Friday.06:00 - 17:00 Saturday.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit • Cardholder must be 18 yearsof age or older • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casualdress at all times • Complimentary house beer and wine available;premium selections of alcohol are subject to payment.Long distance telephone calls and conference facilities are both subjectto payment.121

PHUKETInternational (HKT)CORAL EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located next to Gate 7 on the2nd Floor.06:00 - 00:00 daily.International flights only • Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 yearsare admitted free • All children must be accompanied by an adult •Complimentary neck and shoulder massage/foot massage machine •Complimentary use of iPad • Separate smoking room available.Alcoholic drinks, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subject to payment.LUX - THE LUXURY <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located next to Gate 4 on the2nd Floor.06:00 - 00:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary massage chairs• Complimentary use of iPad • Complimentary beer available; wine andspirits are subject to payment.Local fax and telephone calls only.PISAGalileo Galilei International (PSA)SALA GALILEIAirside - after Security Control, the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor ofDepartures.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Limited to one guest per cardholder.Conference facilities must be reserved in advanced and are subject topayment. Tel: +39050849224 to make a booking.PITTSBURGHInternational (PIT)US AIRWAYS CLUBAirside Core. Airside - pass through Security and take the elevator betweenConcourses A and B to the Mezzanine Level, where the Lounge is located.05:30 - 20:15 Sunday - Friday.05:30 - 17:15 Saturday.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit • Cardholder must be 18 yearsof age or older • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Local calls only. Alcoholic drinks and conference facilities are both subjectto payment.122

PONTA DELGADAJoão Paulo II (PDL)SATA PLUS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks, on the left hand side of the main departurelounge. Follow signs ‘SATA PLUS’.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.PONTIANAKSupadio (PNK)EL JOHN EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Departure Terminal. Airside - 1st Floor, after the Security Check Area, followsigns to the ‘Executive Lounge’.06:00 - 18:00 daily.Children under 5 years are admitted free.PORLAMARGeneral Santiago Marino Int’l (PMV)PREMIER CLUBNational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn left and the Loungeis located straight ahead.05:00 - 20:00 daily.PORT ELIZABETH(PLZ)BIDVEST PREMIER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Departures Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, follow signsup to the 1st Level where the Lounge is located.05:00 - 21:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 18:00 Saturday.07:00 - 21:00 Sunday.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separatesmoking room available.PORTLANDInternational (PDX)ALASKA AIRLINES BOARD ROOMConcourse C. Airside - the Lounge is located across from Gate C5.05:00 - 21:00 daily.All Cardholders and guests are required to show a Boarding Pass withconfirmed same-day travel for access to the Lounge • Cardholder mustbe 18 years of age or older • Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints • Alcoholic drinks are limited to three per person.Conference facilities are subject to payment.123

PORTLANDInternational (PDX)UNITED CLUBConcourse E. Airside - across from Gate E1.05:00 - 19:00 daily.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.PORTOFrancisco Sa Carneiro Int’l (OPO)AIRPORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - in the main departure lounge, after Security Control.05:00 - 23:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.PORT OF SPAINPiarco International (POS)V.I.P. FLYERS’ CLUBAirside - after the Duty Free Area on the Ground Level, take the stairs onthe right side of the Security Check.05:00 to last scheduled flight departure.Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to two per adult • Childrenunder 10 years are not admitted.POZNANLawica (POZ)NON-SCHENGEN BUSINESS EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Departures Hall. Airside - Non-Schengen Area. Pass throughSecurity Control, turn right and proceed straight ahead through PassportControl. The Lounge is located on the left hand side, opposite the snack bar.Lounge opens from the first international scheduled flight departure andcloses after last scheduled departure.Limited to two guests per cardholder.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.SCHENGEN BUSINESS EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Departures Hall. Airside - Schengen Area. The Lounge islocated at Gate 5, next to Passport Control.Lounge opens from the first international scheduled flight departure andcloses after last scheduled flight departure.Limited to two guests per cardholder.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.124

PRAGUERuzyne (PRG)MASTERCARD <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - after Check-in and Passport Control, take theescalator on the left to the 1st Floor and follow the signs to the‘MasterCard Lounge’.05:00 - 00:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Non-Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Flight information is available upon request.MENZIES AVIATION <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - after Check-in and Passport Control, take theescalator on the left to the 1st Floor of the main departure hall and followsigns to the Lounge Area.07:00 - 19:00 daily.Hours are subject to seasonal changes.Non-Schengen flights only • Children under 12 years are admitted free •Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).Wi-Fi access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subject to payment.ERSTE PREMIER <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - proceed to the 2nd Floor of the main departure hallwhere the Lounge is located.05:00 - 00:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.MENZIES AVIATION <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - after Check-in and Passport Control, take theescalator on the right to the 2nd Floor of the main departure hall andfollow signs to the Lounge Area.07:00 - 19:00 daily.Hours are subject to seasonal changes.Schengen flights only • Children under 12 years are admitted free •Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).Wi-Fi access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subject to payment.PUERTO MONTTEl Tepual (PMC)SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUBNational Terminal. Airside - 2nd Floor. After Security Checks, proceed straightahead to the Lounge located behind the ‘Rumbo Sur’ Shop in front of Gate 4.06:30 - 22:30 Monday - Saturday.08:00 - 20:00 Sunday.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separate smoking room available.125

PUERTO ORDAZGral. M.C. Piar Int’l (PZO)PREMIER CLUBAirside - proceed to the Upper Level. The Lounge is located on the left handside of the Boarding Gate Area.05:30 - 20:00 daily.Dress code applicable (no shorts allowed).PUERTO PLATAGregorio Luperón Int’l (POP)SALON AMBARAirside - Level 1, before the escalator in the hall leading to the Lounge Area.09:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times(no sandals, shorts or vests allowed).VICTORIAN ROOMAirside - before Immigration and Customs in the Disembark Area, Level 1.The Lounge is located on the right hand side of the arrivals walkway.09:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times(no sandals, shorts or vests allowed).PUERTO VALLARTA(PVR)VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located down the hall that connects tothe last International Gate.08:00 - 19:00 daily.Children under 7 years are admitted free.Local telephone calls only.PUNEInternational (PNQ)PORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Landside - take the lift or stairs to the 1st Floor where the Lounge is located.04:00 - 23:30 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday.02:00 - 23:30 Tuesday, Friday & Sunday.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholic drinksare limited to one per adult, subsequent drinks are subject to payment •Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.126

PUNTA ARENAS Carlos Ibanez Del Campo Int’l (PUQ)SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUBNational Terminal. Airside - upon arrival at the airport take the stairs up tothe 2nd Floor. Proceed through Security Checks then turn left to where theLounge is located in front of Gate 1.09:00 - 17:30 Monday - Saturday.Closed: Sunday.Children under 2 years are admitted free.PUNTA CANAInternational (PUJ)VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong> PUNTA CANATerminal 2. Airside - after Security Check and Passport Control, turn left.The Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor.08:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 21:00).Maximum 2 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult • Smart casual dress at all times.Alcoholic drinks and telephone calls are both subject to payment.QINGDAOLiuting International (TAO)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - the Lounges are located on the 2nd Floor ofthe International Departure Hall, next to Gates 4 and 6.07:00 - 23:00 daily.International flights only.Domestic Terminal. Airside - the Lounges are located close to Gates 11,15, 16, 28 and 31.07:00 - 23:00 daily.Domestic flights only.QUÉBECJean Lesage International (YQB)SALON VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks on the 2nd Floor, the Lounge is located on theleft hand side between two escalators.04:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.Fax facilities are available for sending only. Priority Pass cardholders maynow use the dedicated Fast Track ‘Priority Lane’ upon presentation of avalid Priority Pass card and Boarding Pass.127

QUITOMariscal Sucre International (UIO)SALA VIPAirside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, the Lounge is located atthe end of the hall, close to Gates A3 and A4.04:00 - 01:30 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Alcoholic drinks are limited tofour per person.SALA VIP NACIONALDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge is locatedinside the Pre-Boarding Lounges, next to Gate N1.05:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.RABATSalé (RBA)CONVIVES DE MARQUE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, the Lounge is locatednear IDFS.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departure andcloses after last departure.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholic drinksare limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject to payment •Separate smoking room available.RALEIGH-DURHAMInternational (RDU)THE CLUB AT RDUTerminal 1. Airside - opposite Gate A21.07:00 - 20:00 daily.Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older • Children under 12 years areadmitted free.Conference facilities, long distance telephone calls and fax facilities are allsubject to payment.US AIRWAYS CLUBTerminal 2. Airside - After Security Checks, the Lounge is located on theMezzanine Level across from Gates D1 and D3.05:00 - 19:30 daily.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit • Cardholder must be 18 yearsof age or older • Children under 2 years are admitted free.128

RAS AL-KHAIMAHInternational (RKT)PEARL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after last Security Check, continue straight towards the BoardingGate. Proceed upstairs to where the Lounge is located.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.RECIFEGuararapes International (REC)SALA VIP LUCK VIAGENSDomestic Terminal. Landside - before Security Checks, in front of Gate 5.05:00 - 23:00 daily.Hours are subject to change during Public Holidays.Children under 12 years are admitted free.Check-in services available inside the Lounge are subject to payment.RHODESRhodes Diagoras International (RHO)FILOXENIA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Landside - the Lounge is located in the new main terminal building on the2nd Floor of the Departure Section.08:00 - 22:00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday.Closed: Wednesday & Friday.RIGAInternational (RIX)NON-SCHENGEN BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal C. Airside - 2nd Floor. The Lounge is located in the Non-SchengenArea, next to the cafe and elevator.04:30 - 00:00 daily.Non-Schengen flights only • Limited to 3 guests per cardholder • Childrenunder 12 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.Conference facilities must be reserved in advance.SCHENGEN BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal E. Airside - the Lounge is located in the Schengen Area next to theTransfer desk.04:30 - 00:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.Schengen flights only • Limited to 3 guests per cardholder • Children under12 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.129

RIO DE JANEIROGaleão International (GIG)AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBTerminal 1. Airside - Blue Sector Restricted Area, 3rd Floor, adjacent to theDuty Free Shop.11:00 - 20:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.All immediate family members can enter an American Airlines Admirals Clubwith the cardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediatefamily will be limited to two at any one visit.SMILES VIP INTERNATIONAL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - on the 2nd Floor, the Lounge is located after SecurityChecks in the Restricted Area. Turn left and take the escalator at the end ofthe hall down to the next floor and turn right to locate the Lounge entrance.06:00 - 23:00 daily.International flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult.Telephone calls are subject to payment.RIO DE JANEIROSantos Dumont (SDU)TAM VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor nearGate 4.05:30 - 22:30 daily.Limited to one guest per cardholder • Children under 2 years are admitted free •All children must be accompanied by an adult • Access may be restricteddue to space constraints.RIYADHKing Khaled International (RUH)AL-FURSAN GOLDEN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>STerminal 2. Airside - after Check-in, pass the Immigration counter and turnleft. The Lounge is located near Gate 21.24 hours daily.International (T2) flights only • Two children under 12 years are admitted free.Terminal 3. Airside - after Security Checks proceed straight ahead and turnright. The Lounge is located near Gate 38.24 hours daily.Domestic (T3) flights only • Two children under 12 years are admitted free.130

ROMELeonardo da Vinci (Fiumicino) (FCO)I MOSAICITerminal 3. Airside - Schengen Area, close to Gate D5 on the 1st Floor.The Lounge can also be used by passengers departing from Terminals 1and 2 (Gates D,C,B) and from Terminal 3 (Gate H before going through thepassport control) but will need a minimum allowance of 15 minutes to walkback to departure gates.06:15 - 20:30 daily.Schengen flights only • Smart casual dress at all times.LE ANFORE (BUSINESS CLASS)Terminal 3. Airside - Satellite Area, opposite Gates G11/G12 on the LowerFloor. Sign indicates entrance to Lounge. Passengers departing from GatesG and H can access the Lounge. Note: passengers departing from Gate Hshould pass Security Control when going from the Lounge to Gate H and willneed a minimum allowance of 15 minutes to walk back.06:15 - 23:45 daily.Smart casual dress at all times.SAIPANInternational (SPN)HAFA ADAI GARDENAirside - the Lounge located next to Gate 6.00:00 - 08:00 & 13:00 - 14:30 daily.SAL ISLANDAmílcar Cabral International (SID)SAFEPORT BUSINESS AVIATION <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Safeport Executive Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located outside the mainterminal building in a separate terminal. For passengers embarking the Loungeis located before Security Checks and for passengers disembarking it is afterthe Security Checks.08:00 - 21:00 daily.Priority Pass cardholders can access the Lounge outside these hours;Tel: +2389843430 to arrange access.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Separate smoking room available.Alcoholic drinks, telephone calls, fax, internet access and conference facilitiesare all subject to payment.SAMANÁEl Catey International (AZS)SALA VIP SAMANÁMain Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor, after SecurityChecks, opposite the Duty Free Area.07:00 - 20:45 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholic drinksare limited to four per adult, subsequent drinks are subject to payment.131

SAMUIInternational (USM)BLUE RIBBON CLUB <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - after Immigration Control, the Lounge islocated at Gate 6 on the left hand side. Follow signs.05:00 - 22:00 daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 12 years are admitted free • Accessmay be restricted due to space constraints • Smart casual dress at all times.Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge is locatedon the left hand side between Gates 2 and 3.05:00 - 22:00 daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 12 years are admitted free •Smart casual dress at all times.SAN ANTONIOInternational (SAT)UNITED CLUBTerminal B. Airside - between Gates B3 and B5, inside the Security Area.04:45 - 18:15 Monday - Friday.05:30 - 16:40 Saturday.06:00 - 18:15 Sunday.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.SAN DIEGOInternational (SAN)UNITED CLUBTerminal 1. Airside - Mezzanine Level, near the departure gates.05:30 - 22:00 daily.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.SAN FRANCISCOInternational (SFO)UNITED CLUBInternational Terminal. Airside - Concourse G, North Side. Immediately afterSecurity Checks on the 3rd Floor, the entrance to the Lounge is located onthe right hand side.08:00 - 22:30 daily.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.132

SAN FRANCISCOInternational (SFO)ALASKA AIRLINES BOARD ROOMDomestic Terminal 1. Airside - Concourse B, between Gates 22 and 24.06:00 - 21:00 Sunday - Friday.07:00 - 21:00 Saturday.All Cardholders and guests are required to show a Boarding Pass withconfirmed same-day travel for access to the Lounge • Cardholder mustbe 18 years of age or older • Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints • Alcoholic drinks are limited to three per person.UNITED CLUBDomestic Terminal 3. Concourse F, near Gate 80 - Rotunda.05:00 - 23:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.SAN JOSEJuan Santamaria International (SJO)VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong> COSTA RICAAirside - the Lounge is accessed by either the stairs or elevator and is locatedon the Lower Level after Security Checks, in front of Gate 12.05:00 to last scheduled flight departure.Children under 4 years are admitted free.Food menu, sushi bar and alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.SAN JUANInternational (SJU)AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBDomestic Terminal C. Airside - American Airlines Concourse, after Security.The Lounge is located opposite Gate 12.06:00 - 20:45 daily.Hours are subject to change.All immediate family members can enter an American Airlines AdmiralsClub with the cardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediatefamily will be limited to two at any one visit.Wi-Fi access and conference facilities are subject to payment.133

SAN SALVADOREl Salvador International (SAL)AEROCONNECTIONS VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Checks and Immigration, turn left. Proceed through‘La Riviera VIP Duty Free’ Store by Gate 5 to the Lounge entrance.06:00 - 19:00 daily.Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to three per adult •Complimentary soft drinks are limited to three per person • Complimentarysnacks from the VIP menu are limited to three per person • Smart casualdress at all times (no shorts allowed).All subsequent consumption of food and drinks is subject to payment.Wi-Fi, internet access, telephone calls, fax, conference and showerfacilities, as well as Spa treatments are also all subject to payment.TACA SALONES VIPAirside - after Security, turn right. The Lounge is located in front of Gate 8.06:30 - 20:00 daily.SANTIAGOC. Arturo Merino-Benitez Int’l (SCL)AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control,near Gate 19.05:30 - 21:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.All immediate family members can enter an American Airlines AdmiralsClub with the cardholder, but the number of persons who are notimmediate family will be limited to two at any one visit • Separatesmoking area available.SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUB <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Duty Free Area,turn right and the Lounge is located at the end of the hall in front ofGate 20A.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times• Separate smoking room available.Free international calls.National Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks on the 3rd Floor, proceeddown the stairs to the 2nd Floor where the Lounge is located behind the stairs.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.Free international calls.134

SANTIAGOC. Arturo Merino-Benitez Int’l (SCL)SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUB SMOKING <strong>LOUNGE</strong>National Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks on the 3rd Floor, proceeddown the stairs to the 2nd Floor where the Lounge is located on the lefthand side of the staircase.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 18 years are not admitted • Smart casual dress at all times.SANTO DOMINGO Dr. Joaquín Balaguer Int’l (JBQ)SALON VIP AERODOMAirside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor immediately on the left handside after passing the Security Checks and Immigration Control.08:00 - 17:00 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times(no sandals, shorts or vests allowed).Local telephone calls and fax facilities only.SANTO DOMINGOLas Américas Int’l (SDQ)SALON VIP AERODOMTerminal A. Airside - before Passport Control in the Arrivals Area, 1st Floor.The Lounge is located at the end of the corridor on the left hand side.08:00 - 00:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times(no sandals, shorts or vests allowed) • Complimentary alcoholic drinks arelimited to three per adult.Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are subject to payment.COPA CLUBTerminal B. Airside - North Concourse. The Lounge is located in front ofGate B4.05:00 - 19:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.135

SANYAPhoenix International (SYX)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located after Immigration andSecurity Control. Follow signs to the Lounge.07:00 - 22:30 daily.Lounge closure may vary and is dependent on the last daily scheduledflight departure.One child under 12 years admitted free per adult.Domestic Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located after Immigration andSecurity Control. Follow signs to the Lounge.07:00 - 22:30 daily.Lounge closure may vary and is dependent on the last daily scheduledflight departure.One child under 12 years admitted free per adult.SÃO PAULOGuarulhos International (GRU)UNITED CLUBTerminal 1. Airside - Wing ‘A’, after Passport Control and before Security,turn left and take the escalator or elevator to the Upper Floor. The Lounge islocated behind the elevator.08:00 - 14:45 & 18:00 - 21:30 daily (Mar - Aug).09:00 - 15:45 & 18:45 - 22:30 daily (Sep - Oct).10:00 - 14:00 & 19:30 - 23:00 daily (Nov - Feb).Hours are subject to seasonal changes.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBTerminal 2. Airside - Wing ‘D’, after Passport Control on the Mezzanine Floor.05:30 - 23:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.All immediate family members can enter an American Airlines AdmiralsClub with the cardholder, but the number of persons who are notimmediate family will be limited to two at any one visit.Local telephone calls only.SMILES VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - Wing ‘C’, on the 2nd Floor the Lounge is located afterSecurity Checks in the Restricted Area. Take the elevator or escalator downto the 1st Floor and follow signs.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • All children must be accompaniedby an adult.136

SÃO PAULOGuarulhos International (GRU)SMILES VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Landside - Wing ‘C’, before Security Checks and PassportControl in the main hall, next to the Domestic Departures Area.06:00 - 23:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • All children must be accompaniedby an adult • Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.SARAJEVOInternational (SJJ)BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal B. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor, behind theborder-line05:30 - 22:00 daily.FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal B. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor, behind theborder-line.05:30 - 22:00 daily.TRAVEL CLUBTerminal B. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor, behind theborder-line.05:30 - 22:00 daily.SEATTLETacoma International (SEA)UNITED CLUBConcourse B. Airside - next to Gate B9.05:00 - 13:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.ALASKA AIRLINES BOARD ROOMConcourse D. Airside - the Lounge is located near Gate D1.05:00 - 22:30 daily.All Cardholders and guests are required to show a Boarding Pass withconfirmed same-day travel for access to the Lounge • Cardholder mustbe 18 years of age or older • Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints • Alcoholic drinks are limited to three per person.Conference facilities are subject to payment.137

SEATTLETacoma International (SEA)UNITED CLUBNorth Satellite. Airside - Transit Level, under the escalator.04:45 - 00:00 daily.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.SEMARANGAhmad Yani (SRG)ARJUNA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Departure Terminal. Airside - after Check-in, proceed throughSecurity Checks and pass the Airport Tax counter. The Lounge is locatedin the East Wing of Boarding Area A, to the right of the Security Checks.05:30 - 20:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separate smoking area available.SRIKANDI <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Departure Terminal. Airside - after Check-in proceed throughfurther Security Checks. The Lounge is located approximately 30 metersstraight ahead.05:30 - 19:00 daily.SEOULGimpo International (GMP)AIR <strong>LOUNGE</strong> HUEInternational Terminal. Landside - outside the Customs, Immigration andQuarantine Area. Take the elevator on the right hand side of the 3rd FloorDeparture Level up to the 4th Floor where the Lounge is located.06:40 - 20:00 daily.Children under 5 years are admitted free • Complimentary massage chairsavailable • Alcoholic drinks are only available for passengers 18 years of ageor older.Local telephone calls only. International fax facilities are subject to payment.ASIANA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Landside - 3rd Floor, Departure Level. The Loungeis located to the left hand side of the entrance to Immigration Control.05:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 21:30).Domestic flights only • Access may be restricted due to space constraints• Children under 2 years are admitted free.138

SEOULGimpo International (GMP)KAL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Landside - outside the Customs, Immigration andQuarantine Area. The Lounge is located to the left hand side of thedeparture entrance on the 3rd Floor, East Wing.05:40 - 21:25 daily.Limited to two guests per cardholder • Access may be restricted due tospace constraints • Children under 2 years are admitted free • All childrenmust be accompanied by an adult.International/interstate telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.SEOULIncheon International (ICN)HUB <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SMain Terminal. Airside - East Wing. After Passport Control, on the 4th Floor.The Lounge is located next to the Transit counter, opposite Gate 11.07:00 - 21:00 daily.Limited to two guests per cardholder • One child under 2 years admittedfree per cardholder.International fax facilities are subject to payment.Main Terminal. Airside - West Wing. After Passport Control, on the 4th Floor.The Lounge is located next to the Transit counter, opposite Gate 42.07:00 - 21:00 daily.Limited to two guests per cardholder • One child under 2 years admittedfree per cardholder.International fax facilities are subject to payment.MATINA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Main Terminal. Airside - East Wing. After Passport Control, take the escalatoropposite Gate 11 to the 4th Floor. Follow signs ‘Transit Hotel’ to where theLounge is located.07:00 - 21:00 daily.Each cardholder must present a government issued photo ID along withtheir valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge • Children under2 years are admitted free.International telephone calls, fax and shower facilities are all subject topayment.139

SEOULIncheon International (ICN)MATINA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Main Terminal. Airside - West Wing. After Passport Control, take theescalator opposite Gate 43 to the 4th Floor. Follow signs ‘Transit Hotel’ towhere the Lounge is located.07:00 - 21:00 daily.Each cardholder must present a government issued photo ID along withtheir valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge • Children under2 years are admitted free.International telephone calls, fax and shower facilities are all subject topayment.ASIANA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Concourse A. Airside - 4th Floor, near to Gate 119.06:00 - 00:00 daily.Domestic flights only • Access may be restricted due to space constraints •Children under 2 years are admitted free.Interstate/international telephone calls are subject to payment.KAL <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Concourse A. Airside - after the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine Area,proceed down to the terminal basement and take the ‘Starline’. The Loungeis located on the 4th Floor in the East Side of Concourse A.06:30 - 23:50 daily.Limited to two guests per cardholder • Access may be restricted due tospace constraints • Children under 2 years are admitted free • All childrenmust be accompanied by an adult.Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.SHANGHAIHongqiao International (SHA)BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> B11International Terminal 1. Airside - after Immigration and Security Control,turn left and proceed straight ahead. The Lounge is located near Gate B11.06:40 - 18:30 daily.International flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Children under 2 yearsare admitted free.FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> B12International Terminal 1. Airside - after Immigration and Security Control,turn left and proceed straight ahead. The Lounge is located near Gate B12.06:40 - 18:30 daily.International flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Children under 2 yearsare admitted free.140

SHANGHAIHongqiao International (SHA)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located inside the departurelounge gate on the B Floor, near Gate B2.Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first flight departure and closes after lastscheduled departure.Domestic flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Children under 2 yearsare admitted free.FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> V1Domestic Terminal 2. Airside - after Immigration and Security Control, turnleft and proceed straight ahead. Follow signs ‘V1’ to the Lounge locatednear Gates 25 and 26.06:00 - 22:30 daily.Domestic flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Children under 2 yearsare admitted free.SHANGHAIPudong International (PVG)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (NO.37)International Terminal 1. Airside - near Gate 37. After Security Checks (inSouth District) the Lounge is located approximately 30 meters to the left.06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.Maximum 2 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Alcoholic drinks are only available 11:00 - 13:00 & 17:00 - 19:00 daily.Telephone calls are subject to payment.FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (NO.66)International Terminal 2. Airside - near Gate 66. Signs indicate the entranceto the Lounge.06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.Maximum 2 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free.FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (NO.69)International Terminal 2. Airside - near Gate 69 on the Upper Floor.Signs indicate the entrance to the Lounge.06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.Maximum 2 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Alcoholic drinks are only available 11:00 - 13:00 & 17:00 - 19:00 daily •Separate smoking area available.141

SHANGHAIPudong International (PVG)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (NO.1)Domestic Terminal 1. Airside - after Immigration and Security (3rd Floor),follow signs and proceed to the 2nd Floor, where the Lounge is located nearGate 1.06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.Maximum 2 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free.FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (NO.73)Domestic Terminal 2. Airside - near Gate 73. Signs indicate the entrance tothe Lounge.06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.Maximum 2 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free.SHANNON International (SNN)RINEANNA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - adjacent to the ‘W.H.Smiths’ Shop in the Transit Lounge.06:00 - 17:00 daily.Hours may be subject to change.Maximum 3 hour stay • Age restrictions apply and any person under18 years must be accompanied by an adult.Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are subject to payment.Tel: +35361712497 to make a booking.SHARJAHInternational (SHJ)FIRST AND BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - proceed to the 1st Floor and follow signs to the Lounge which islocated opposite the Transfer desk in the Transit Area.24 hours daily.International telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.SHENYANGTaoxian International (SHE)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal 2. Airside - the Lounge is located to the left of Gate 9on the 3rd Floor.06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.International flights only • One child under 12 years admitted free per adult.142

SHENYANGTaoxian International (SHE)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SDomestic Terminal 1. Airside - proceed to the 2nd Floor where the Lounge islocated 20 meters ahead of Gate 12. Passengers departing from Terminal 2can access the Lounge; after Security Checks on the 2nd Floor turn right andproceed to Gate 1 and continue to follow signs to Gate 12 in Terminal 1.06:30 to last scheduled flight departure.Domestic flights only • One child under 12 years admitted free per adult.Domestic Terminal 2. Airside - the Lounge is located to the left of Gate 6.06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.Domestic flights only • One child under 12 years admitted free per adult.SHENZHENBaoan International (SZX)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks on the 1st Floor, takethe escalators up to the 2nd Floor. Proceed straight ahead approximately 10meters to where the Lounge is located.10:30 - 18:00 daily.Hours may be subject to change.Maximum 2 hour stay • Access may be restricted due to space constraints •Children under 2 years are admitted free • Alcoholic drinks are limited tobeer only.BUSINESS AND TOUR CLUB VIP ROOMDomestic Terminal A. Landside - proceed to the 1st Floor. Turn right andfollow signs to the Lounge located in front of the main entrance.07:00 - 22:00 daily.Maximum 2 hour stay • Check-in facilities available inside the Lounge •Complimentary soft drinks are limited to Chinese tea, coffee and wateronly - coffee is limited to one per person.FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal A. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge is locatedapproximately 50 meters straight ahead on the right hand side.08:00 - 21:00 daily.Hours may be subject to change.Domestic flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Access may be restricteddue to space constraints • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.143

SHENZHENBaoan International (SZX)BUSINESS AND TOUR CLUB VIP ROOMDomestic Terminal B. Landside - proceed to the 1st Floor. Turn left andfollow signs to the Lounge in front of the main entrance.07:00 - 22:00 daily.Maximum 2 hour stay • Check-in facilities available inside the Lounge •Complimentary soft drinks are limited to Chinese tea, coffee and wateronly - coffee is limited to one per person.FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal B. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge is locatedon the left hand side opposite Gate 60.08:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may be subject to change.Maximum 2 hour stay • Access may be restricted due to space constraints •Children under 2 years are admitted free • Alcoholic drinks are limited tobeer only.SINGAPOREChangi (SIN)RAINFOREST BY SATSTerminal 1. Airside - West Wing. Turn left after Immigration and proceed tothe end of the terminal building, near Gate C1. Take the elevator or stairsup to Level 3 where the Lounge is located.24 hours daily.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 6 years are admitted free •Alcoholic drinks are only available for passengers 18 years of age or older •Complimentary snacks and soft drinks from the buffet table.Fax facilities and alcoholic drinks are both subject to payment.THE SKYVIEW <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located at the right end of the DepartureTransit Hall on the Mezzanine Floor, near Gates D30 and D40.24 hours daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.AMBASSADOR TRANSIT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - Departure Transit Lounge, Mezzanine Level (Level 3).The Lounge is located next to the Sunflower Garden.24 hours daily.Children under 6 years are admitted free • Alcoholic drinks are onlyavailable: 06:00 - 00:00 daily • Bedrooms available • Gymnasiumavailable.Alcoholic drinks, bedrooms, gymnasium and fax facilities are all subjectto payment.144

SINGAPOREChangi (SIN)THE GREEN MARKETTerminal 2. Airside - main departure lounge, Level 3.06:00 - 01:00 daily.Children 3 years and under are admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.Local telephone calls only.AMBASSADOR TRANSIT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 3. Airside - North Departure Transit Hall, Mezzanine Level (Level 3).The Lounge is located adjacent to the Ambassador Transit Hotel andMovie Theatre.24 hours daily.Children under 6 years are admitted free • Bedrooms available •Gymnasium available.Alcoholic drinks, bedrooms, gymnasium, interstate/international telephonecalls and fax facilities are all subject to payment.SKOPJEAlexander The Great (SKP)PRIMECLASS BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - after Check-in and Passport Control, theLounge is located on the right hand side of the Schengen Area.04:00 - 16:00 daily.Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.International Terminal. Airside - after Check-in and Passport Control, theLounge is located on the left hand side of the Non-Schengen Area.04:00 - 16:00 daily.Non-Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.SOFIA(SOF)PLISKA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, proceed toLevel 1.Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first flight departure and closes after lastscheduled departure.Closed: Jan 01.Maximum 3 hour stay • Access may be restricted due to space constraints •Children under 2 years are admitted free.145

SOFIA(SOF)PRESLAV <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, proceedto Level 0 via elevator.Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first flight departure and closes after lastscheduled departure.Closed: Jan 01.Maximum 3 hour stay • Access may be restricted due to space constraints •Children under 2 years are admitted free.SWISSPORT VITOSHA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - after Check-in, proceed to Level 1. After SecurityChecks and Passport Control turn left where the Lounge is located.04:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 22:00).International flights departing from Terminal 2 only • Infants under 2 yearsare not admitted • Children 2 to 5 years are admitted free • Smart casualdress at all times (no beach wear).SOLO CITYAdisumarmo (SOC)SRIWEDARI <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Check-in, turn right. Pass through furtherSecurity Checks and turn left.07:00 - 10:00 & 15:00 - 18:30 daily.Separate smoking area available.SOUTHAMPTONInternational (SOU)BREEZE PRIORITY <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security. It is essential cardholders do not proceed to theLounge directly, but first register at the World Duty Free Shop. The shopstaff will validate the Priority Pass cardholder and provide a door code toenter on the Lounge door keypad for access. The Lounge is located on the1st Floor; proceed upstairs from the departure lounge, pass through theMitchell’s bar/restaurant and follow signs to the ‘Executive Lounges’.06:00 - 20:30 Monday - Saturday.06:30 - 20:30 Sunday.Closed: Dec 25.Passengers under 18 years are not admitted.146

ST. GALLEN-ALTENRHEIN(ACH)AIRPORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Landside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed directly to theLounge but first identify themselves as a Priority Pass cardholder at theC-office. The C-office staff will provide a door code to enter on the Loungedoor keypad for access. After Check-in and before Security Checks, theLounge is located on the 1st Floor.Lounge opens 1 hour prior to first flight departure and closes after lastscheduled departure.Closed: Easter Sunday, Whitsunday, Dec 25 & Jan 01.Children under 2 years are admitted free.ST. MAARTENPrincess Juliana Int’l (SXM)SOUALIGA BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security and Passport Control, on the right hand side near toGates 1 and 2. Signs indicate the entrance to the Lounge.07:00 - 19:00 daily.Hours are subject to seasonal changes.Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older • Children under 12 yearsare admitted free • Dress code applicable.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.ST. PETERSBURGPulkovo (LED)AVIAPANORAMA BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Pulkovo 1. Airside - Sector B, Level 3. The Lounge is located to the left ofthe Check-in counters, after the Pre-flight Security Checkpoint.24 hours daily.Domestic (scheduled) flights only • Maximum 3 hour stay • Limited totwo guests per cardholder • One child under 2 years admitted free percardholder • Separate smoking area available.International calls are subject to payment.MOSKVA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Pulkovo 1. Airside - Sector V, Level 1.24 hours daily.Domestic (scheduled) flights only • Maximum 3 hour stay • Limited totwo guests per cardholder • One child under 2 years admitted free percardholder • Separate smoking area available.SNG <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Pulkovo 1. Airside - Sector B, Level 1, near Gate 11.24 hours daily.International flights only • Maximum 3 hour stay • Limited to two guestsper cardholder • One child under 2 years admitted free per cardholder •Separate smoking area available.147

ST. PETERSBURGPulkovo (LED)PULKOVO <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Pulkovo 2. Airside - after Passport Control go upstairs to the 1st Floor of theArrivals Hall and turn left. Proceed through the gallery to the end and turnleft to locate the Lounge entrance.24 hours daily.International flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Limited to one guestper cardholder • One child under 2 years admitted free per cardholder •Separate smoking area available.STOCKHOLMArlanda (ARN)MENZIES BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> T2Terminal 2. Airside - after Security Control, turn left and follow the‘Lounge’ sign. Proceed upstairs to the 1st Floor and the Lounge is locatedon the left hand side. Access only for Schengen and Non-SchengenDepartures and Schengen Arrivals.05:30 - 19:30 daily.Children 12 years and under are admitted free • Alcoholic drinks arelimited to beer and wine only • Smart casual dress at all times (no shortsallowed).MENZIES BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 5. Airside - A-Pier. For passengers entering Security Control atB-Pier, turn immediately right and follow the corridor to the A-Pier. Thentake the stairs or lift to the Upper Floor where the Lounge is located on theimmediate right hand side. For passengers entering Security Control at theCentral Building, turn left after Duty Free and proceed towards A-Pier.06:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may be subject to change.Transit passengers require a valid Schengen Visa • Children under 12 yearsare admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).MENZIES EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 5. Airside - F-Pier. After Security Control in the Central Building,proceed through the Duty Free Area and turn right. The Lounge is located onthe right hand side of the Schengen Passport Control Area.05:45 - 20:30 Monday - Saturday.06:30 - 20:30 Sunday.Hours may be subject to change.Transit passengers require a valid Schengen Visa • Children under 12 yearsare admitted free • Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).148

STOCKHOLMBromma (BMA)YELLOW ROOMLandside - before Security Checks and Passport Control, take stairs next tothe restaurant up to the 2nd Floor where the Lounge is located.06:00 - 21:00 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays.Children under 12 years are not admitted.STUTTGART(STR)ELLI-BEINHORN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed to theLounge directly, but first register as a cardholder at the Ground Servicedesk located landside in Terminal 3 if accessing the Lounge prior 08:00and after 19:00, and on Saturday and Sunday. The Lounge is locatedairside in the Lounge Area, Level 3.05:00 - 21:00 daily.Cardholders visiting outside of these hours will not be able to access theLounge. Passengers have direct access to the Lounge from 08:00 - 19:00Monday to Friday. Prior to 08:00 and after 19:00 and on Saturday &Sunday, cardholders must obtain the door code from the Ground ServiceDesk in Terminal 3 (Landside). This also applies for transit passengers.One child under 12 years admitted free per adult.Wi-Fi is subject to payment.TABUKRegional (TUU)TASHEEL FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - the Lounge is located after Security Checks.07:00 - 00:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Two children under 12 years are admitted free.TAICHUNGChing Chuang Kang (RMQ)MORE PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 3F. Airside - after Immigration in the Restricted Departure Area.The Lounge is located near International Departure Gate 3.Lounge opens 1 hour prior to the first flight departure and closes half anhour before last scheduled departure.Limited to three guests per cardholder • Maximum 3 hour stay • Children2 years and under are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholic drinks arelimited to one per adult • Lounge access use only - Business Center facilitiesare not included.149

TAIFRegional (TIF)TASHEEL FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - the Lounge is located after Security Checks.07:00 - 22:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Two children under 12 years are admitted free.TAIPEITaoyuan International (TPE)MORE PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong>STerminal 1. Airside - Level 4. After Immigration and Security Check, proceedupstairs to the Airline Lounge Level. Follow signs ‘Airline Lounge’.06:00 - 23:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Maximum 3 hour stay • Limited to three guests per cardholder • Children2 years and under are admitted free • Lounge access use only • Separatesmoking room available.Conference facilities are subject to payment.Terminal 2. Airside - Level 4. After Immigration, proceed upstairs and turn right.Follow signs ‘Business Center’.06:00 - 23:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Maximum 3 hour stay • Limited to three guests per cardholder • Children2 years and under are admitted free.Conference facilities are subject to payment.TALLINN(TLL)LINDA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - Schengen Area, after Security Checks, proceed towards theBoarding Area. The Lounge is located between Gates 6 and 7.05:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separate smoking room available.TAMPAInternational (TPA)US AIRWAYS CLUBConcourse F. Airside - adjacent to US Airways Gate 85.05:30 - 19:00 Sunday - Friday.06:15 - 19:00 Saturday.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with the cardholder,but the number of persons who are not immediate family will be limited totwo at any one visit • Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older •Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary house beer andwine available; premium selections of alcohol are subject to payment.Wi-Fi access and conference facilities are both subject to payment.150

TANGIERIbn Battouta International (TNG)CONVIVES DE MARQUE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, the Loungeis located on the right hand side of the Boarding Area.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departure andcloses after last departure.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholic drinksare limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject to payment.TBILISIInternational (TBS)PRIMECLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floorafter Passport Control on the right hand side.24 hours daily.Children under 6 years are admitted free • Separate smoking area available.TEL AVIVBen Gurion (TLV)DAN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SAirside - after Passport Control, follow signs to Corridor B.24 hours daily.Excluding Yom Kippur.Children under 2 years are admitted free.Telephone calls are subject to payment.Airside - after Passport Control, follow signs to Corridor C.24 hours daily.Excluding Yom Kippur.Children under 2 years are admitted free.Telephone calls are subject to payment.TENERIFE NORTHLos Rodeos (TFN)SALA VIP NIVARIAAirside - after Security Control on the 2nd Floor, take the lift on the righthand side down to the 1st Floor where the Lounge is located.06:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.151

TENERIFE SOUTHReina Sofia (TFS)SALA MONTAÑA ROJAAirside - pass through Security Control. Turn left and the Lounge is locatedjust before the escalators to the Boarding Gates Area and Commercial Zone.07:00 - 21:00 Saturday - Thursday.07:00 - 00:00 Friday.Hours are subject to seasonal changes.Children under 10 years are admitted free.TERCEIRA ISLANDLajes (TER)SATA PLUS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Aerogare Civil Terminal. Airside - on the left hand side of the Boarding Hall,after the Security Checkpoint.07:00 - 21:00 daily (summer).07:00 - 19:00 Monday - Thursday & Saturday (winter).07:00 - 20:30 Friday & Sunday (winter).Children under 12 years are admitted free • Access may be restricted due tospace constraints.THESSALONIKIMacedonian (SKG)MANOLIS ANDRONIKOS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Main Terminal. Airside - after Check-in, proceed through Security ControlChecks. The Lounge is located next to Gate A3.04:30 - 21:00 daily.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 4 years are admitted free •Access may be restricted due to space constraints.Telephone calls are subject to payment.TIANJINBinhai International (TSN)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (NO.2)International Terminal. Airside - District D. After Security Checks andPassport Control turn right. The Lounge is located on the right hand sideopposite Gates 7 and 8.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to first flight departure and closes after lastscheduled departure.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Fax facilities are subject to payment.152

TIANJINBinhai International (TSN)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (NO.3)Domestic Terminal. Airside - District C. After Security Checks and PassportControl go straight ahead. The Lounge is located on the right hand side.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to first flight departure and closes afterlast scheduled departure.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Fax facilities are subject to payment.FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (NO.6)Domestic Terminal. Airside - District A. After Security Checks andPassport Control, turn left and go straight ahead. The Lounge is located on theleft hand side opposite Gate 32.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to first flight departure and closes afterlast scheduled departure.Maximum 3 hour stay • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Fax facilities are subject to payment.TIJUANAAbelardo L. Rodriguez International (TIJ)SALA EJECUTIVA VIP TIJUANAAirside - after Security Checks go to Gate Area A. Proceed straight downthe hall and take the escalators down one floor. Make a U-Turn into theLounge Area where the Lounge is located.07:00 - 13:30 daily.Children under 10 years are admitted free • Separate smoking area available.Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.TIMISOARAInternational (TSR)SKY BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Check-in, proceed through Border PoliceControl, Customs and Security Checks. Turn right into the Departures Hall,take the stairs to the 1st Floor and follow signs to the Lounge.06:00 - 18:00 daily.Closed: Dec 24, 25, Jan 01 & during Easter.International flights only.153

TIRANAMother Teresa International (TIA)BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Check-in, Security and Passport Control, follow signs to theLounge which is located on the right hand side of the Commercial Zone onthe 1st Floor.03:00 - 06:00 & 14:00 - 18:30 Monday & Thursday.03:00 - 06:00 & 12:00 - 19:00 Tuesday & Saturday.03:00 - 06:00 & 12:00 - 15:30 Wednesday.03:00 - 06:00 & 12:00 - 17:30 Friday.03:00 - 05:30 & 12:00 - 17:30 Sunday.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable(no shorts allowed) • Separate smoking area available.Telephone calls and alcoholic drinks are both subject to payment.TOKYONarita International (NRT)IASS EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Landside - enter the main building (the center building betweenthe North and South Check-in buildings) from the 4th Floor (DepartureFloor), and take the center escalator up to the 5th Floor. Turn left andproceed straight ahead for approximately 10 meters. Signboard indicatesthe entrance to the Lounge.07:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholic drinksare limited to one per adult, subsequent drinks are subject to payment.KAL BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - Satellite 2, after Passport Control, near Gate 26 onthe 3rd Floor.08:00 - 16:30 daily.Limited to two guests per cardholder • Access may be restricted due tospace constraints • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult.Interstate/international fax facilities are subject to payment.T.E.I. <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Landside - the Lounge is located on the 5th Floor of thecentral building, midway between the North Wing and the South Wing.07:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.154

TOKYONarita International (NRT)UNITED CLUBTerminal 1. Airside - near Gate 31.07:30 - 20:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.IASS EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Landside - enter the main building from the 3rd Floor (DepartureFloor) and take the escalator next to ‘G’ Check-in counter (North Side ofthe building) to the 4th Floor. Turn left and proceed straight ahead forapproximately 10 meters. Signboard indicates the entrance to the Lounge.07:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholic drinksare limited to one per adult, subsequent drinks are subject to payment.T.E.I. <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 2. Landside - the Lounge is located on the 4th Floor of the mainbuilding.07:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.TORONTOLester B. Pearson International (YYZ)PLAZA PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (USA TRANSBORDER)Terminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks, take the escalators down to thenext level. The Lounge is located on the left hand side, next to Gate F82and is not accessible to passengers departing on international or Canadiandomestic flights.05:00 - 20:30 daily.T1 USA departure flights only • Children 3 years and under are admittedfree • Smart casual dress at all times.Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.TORONTO PEARSON <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (INT’L DEPARTURES)Terminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks, proceed to Gate E77 on Level 3.The Lounge is not accessible to passengers departing on Canadian domesticor USA transborder flights.05:00 - 22:00 Monday, Wednesday & Friday.05:00 - 22:30 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday.T1 international departure flights only • Children 3 years and under areadmitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.155

TORONTOLester B. Pearson International (YYZ)PLAZA PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (DOMESTIC DEPARTURES)Terminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks for domestic flights on Level 3,turn right. The Lounge is located straight ahead and is not accessible topassengers departing on international or USA transborder flights.05:00 - 22:30 daily.T1 domestic departure flights only • Children 3 years and under areadmitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBTerminal 3. Airside - adjacent to Gate B10. The Lounge is located inside theTransborder Security Checkpoint. The Lounge is not accessible to passengersdeparting on international or Canadian domestic flights.05:00 - 19:00 Monday - Friday.05:30 - 18:30 Saturday.05:30 - 19:00 Sunday.Hours are subject to change.T3 USA departure flights only • All immediate family members can enteran American Airlines Admirals Club with the cardholder, but the number ofpersons who are not immediate family will be limited to two at any one visit.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.KLM CROWN <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 3. Airside - just above Gate C33 and past the Duty Free Shops.The Lounge is inside the International Security Checkpoint. The Loungeis not accessible to passengers departing on Canadian domestic or USAtransborder flights.13:00 - 00:00 daily.Hours are subject to seasonal changes.T3 international departure flights only • Children under 2 years areadmitted free.PLAZA PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (INT’L DEPARTURES)Terminal 3. Airside - take the elevator to the AT Level where the Lounge islocated next to Gate C32. The Lounge is not accessible to passengersdeparting on Canadian domestic or USA transborder flights.05:00 - 23:00 daily.T3 international departure flights only • Children 3 years and under areadmitted free • All children must be accompanied by an adult.Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.156

TORONTOLester B. Pearson International (YYZ)PLAZA PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (DOMESTIC DEPARTURES)Terminal 3. Airside - between Gates B23 and B24. The Lounge is notaccessible to passengers departing on international or USA transborderflights.05:00 - 22:30 daily.T3 Canadian domestic flights only • Children 3 years and under areadmitted free • Smart casual dress at all times.Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.TOULOUSEBlagnac (TLS)LA CROIX DU SUDAirside - Hall C, Schengen Area, after Security Checks (Non-Schengenpassengers must access the Lounge before Passport Control). Turn leftand proceed up to the next floor via the staircase adjacent to the bar.06:10 - 21:00 daily.Closed: Dec 23 - Jan 02.Children under 2 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.TRIESTEFriuli Venezia Giulia (TRS)FVG <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed to the Loungedirectly, but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder at the Airport Ticketcounter located opposite the Check-in desks. The Airport Ticket counterstaff will provide a door code to enter on the Lounge door keypad foraccess. After passing Security Control and the main departures area,proceed down the left corridor. The Lounge is located on route to Gates 8and 9.05:45 - 19:45 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 12 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.TRIPOLIInternational (TIP)WINZRIK <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Immigration proceed to the 1st Floor.Follow signs to the Lounge which is located on the left hand side, close tothe Duty Free Shops.24 hours daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free and must be accompanied byan adult.Telephone calls, fax and internet access facilities are all subject to payment.157

TUNISCarthage (TUN)SALON VIP (ARRIVALS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>)Airside - after entering the main arrivals hall on the Ground Floor, the Loungeis located 30 meters ahead on the left hand side.24 hours daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.SALON VIP (DEPARTURES <strong>LOUNGE</strong>)Airside - after entering the main departures hall on the 1st Floor, theLounge is located on the left hand side, next to the Duty Free Shop.24 hours daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Check-in facilities availableinside the Lounge • Separate smoking area available.TURINSandro Pertini (TRN)SALA RISERVATA SAGATLandside - the Lounge is located in the main departure hall, Check-inArea C/D, in front of desks C12-D12, near to ‘San Paolo’ Bank.06:00 - 20:00 daily.TUZLAInternational (TZL)VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Landside - the Lounge is located below the snack bar in themain Check-in Hall. Follow signs.08:30 - 15:30 daily.Maximum 3 hour stay • Access may be restricted due to space constraints •Complimentary drinks are limited to one per person, subsequent drinks aresubject to payment • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.ULAANBAATARChinggis Khaan Int’l (ULN)BUSINESS CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - proceed through Check-in and PassportControl. Signage clearly indicates the Lounge entrance.Lounge opens 30 minutes prior to first flight departure (approx. 03:30)and closes after last scheduled departure (approx. 00:30).International flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Separate smoking area available.158

VADODARACivil Aerodrome Harni (BDQ)PORT <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Landside - proceed through the departure gates. TheLounge is located on the 1st Floor.06:00 - 11:00 & 17:30 - 20:30 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.VALENCIA(VLC)SALA JOAN OLIVERTAirside - after Security Checks, Level 1. The Lounge is located in the maindeparture lounge between Terminals 1 and R, close to Gate A1.06:00 - 22:25 daily.Children under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult.VANCOUVERInternational (YVR)PLAZA PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (INT’L DEPARTURES)International Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located after SecurityScreening on Departures Level 3 and is not accessible to passengersdeparting on Canadian domestic or USA transborder flights.09:00 - 02:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.International departure flights only • Children 3 years and under areadmitted free • All children must be accompanied by an adult • Alcoholicdrinks are only available for passengers 18 years of age or older • Smartcasual dress at all times.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.PLAZA PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (DOMESTIC DEPARTURES)Domestic Terminal. Airside - Departures Level 3, between the A and B Gates.The Lounge is not accessible to passengers departing on international orUSA transborder flights.06:00 - 21:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Domestic departure flights only • Children 3 years and under are admittedfree • All children must be accompanied by an adult • Alcoholic drinks areonly available for passengers 18 years of age or older • Smart casual dressat all times.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.159

VANCOUVERInternational (YVR)PLAZA PREMIUM <strong>LOUNGE</strong> (USA DEPARTURES)USA Terminal 1. Airside - across from Gate E87. The Lounge is notaccessible to passengers departing on international or Canadian domesticflights.05:00 - 19:00 Sunday - Friday.05:00 - 17:00 Saturday.USA T1 departure flights only • Children 3 years and under are admittedfree • All children must be accompanied by an adult.Alcoholic drinks, long distance telephone calls and fax facilities are allsubject to payment.VENICEMarco Polo (VCE)MARCO POLO CLUBAirside - after Security Checks proceed to the 2nd Floor via the escalatoror elevator.05:30 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 12 years are admitted free.TRAVELEX BUSINESS CENTRELandside - before Security Checks and Passport Control on the 2nd Floor.The Lounge is located in the middle of the corridor which connects theairlines offices with the Police office.09:00 - 18:00 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays.Children under 2 years are admitted free.Telephone calls, fax and internet access are all subject to payment.Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are also subjectto payment. Tel: +390412698191 to make a booking.VERONAValerio Catullo (VRN)VALERIO CATULLO <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal A. Landside - proceed through the main entrance of Departures,turn right and take the escalator to the 1st Floor where the Lounge islocated.05:30 - 20:30 daily.Separate smoking area available.Priority Pass cardholders may use the dedicated ‘BWAY’ Check-in facilityand Fast Track service between 06:30 & 08:30 daily, only uponpresentation of a valid Priority Pass card.160

VIENNASchwechat (VIE)AIR <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Check-in 1 or 2. Airside - located after Passport Control and before SecurityControl in the International Transit Area, next to the D-Gates.05:30 - 22:30 daily.Non-Schengen passengers only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.JET <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Check-in 1 or 2 (Plaza). Airside - after Check-in, proceed throughBoarding Pass Control. The Lounge is located before Passport Control nextto the A-Gates. Take the elevator to the 2nd Floor.05:30 - 22:00 daily.Schengen passengers only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.SKY <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SCheck-in 3. Airside - proceed through Boarding Pass Control and CentralSecurity Control and turn left. Take the elevator or stairs to Level 2, turnright and continue along the corridor to where the Lounge is located.05:30 - 22:00 daily.Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Separate smoking area available.Check-in 3. Airside - proceed through Boarding Pass Control and CentralSecurity Control and turn left. Take the elevator or stairs to Level 2, turnleft and the Lounge is located immediately after Immigration.05:30 - 22:00 daily.Non-Schengen flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Separate smoking area available.VIEUX-FORTSt. Lucia Hewanorra Int’l (UVF)IYANOLA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security, turn left and proceed through the brown door. Takethe elevator or stairs to the 1st Floor where the Lounge is located at the endof the hall.11:00 - 16:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules and are subject to seasonalchanges.Children 11 years and under are admitted free • Separate smoking areaavailable.161

VILNIUSInternational (VNO)BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - Departures Area. Proceed through Security Checks and take theescalator or stairs located straight ahead to the 3rd Floor. The Lounge islocated at the end of the hall next to the ‘Heineken’ Bar.04:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.WARSAWFrederic Chopin (WAW)EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong> - BALLADATerminal A. Airside - Schengen Area, near Gates B43 and B44.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 3 years are admitted free • Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult • Alcoholic drinks are onlyavailable for passengers 18 years of age or older.Fax facilities are subject to payment.EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong> - BOLEROTerminal A. Airside - Non-Schengen Area, near Gates A37 and A38.24 hours daily.Maximum 4 hour stay • Children under 3 years are admitted free • Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult • Alcoholic drinks are onlyavailable for passengers 18 years of age or older.Fax facilities are subject to payment.WASHINGTON DCDulles International (IAD)BRITISH AIRWAYS GALLERIES <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Midfield Terminal. Airside - after Security Screening take the train toConcourse B and go up to the Concourse Level where the Lounge is locatedstraight ahead.07:00 - 14:00 daily.Priority Pass cardholders will not be admitted to the Lounge outside these hours.Children under 2 years are admitted free.Alcoholic drinks are available upon request. Long distance telephone callsare subject to payment.UNITED CLUBMidfield Terminal. Airside - Concourse C, near Gate C7.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.162

WASHINGTON DCRonald Dulles Reagan International National (DCA) (IAD)UNITED CLUB <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SMidfield Terminal. Airside - Concourse C, near Gate C17.06:00 - 21:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.Midfield Terminal. Airside - Concourse D, near Gate D8.06:00 - 21:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.WASHINGTON DCRonald Reagan Regan National (DCA)UNITED CLUBTerminal B. Airside - opposite Gate 11.05:30 - 19:15 Sunday - Friday.05:30 - 17:15 Saturday.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder • Cardholder must be 21 years of ageor older • Each cardholder must present a government issued photo IDalong with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.US AIRWAYS CLUBTerminal C. Airside - Center Pier, Mezzanine Level, just inside theSecurity Checkpoint.06:30 - 21:45 Monday - Friday & Sunday.06:30 - 15:00 Saturday.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate family willbe limited to two at any one visit • Cardholder must be 18 years of ageor older • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentaryhouse beer and wine available; premium selections of alcohol are subjectto payment.Conference facilities are subject to payment.163

WASHINGTON DCRonald Reagan Regan National (DCA)US AIRWAYS CLUBTerminal C. Airside - just inside the Security Checkpoint.05:30 - 21:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 18:30 Saturday.06:00 - 21:00 Sunday.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate family willbe limited to two at any one visit • Cardholder must be 18 years of ageor older • Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentaryhouse beer and wine available; premium selections of alcohol are subjectto payment.Wi-Fi access and long distance telephone calls are both subject to payment.Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are also subjectto payment.WINDHOEKHosea Kutako International (WDH)OSHOTO <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 1. Airside - after Passport Control and Security Checks, the Loungeis located immediately on the left hand side in the main departure hall.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Separate smoking area available.WROCLAW STRACHOWICE Nicolaus Copernicus (WRO)COPERNICUS EXECUTIVE <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Check-in, Passport Control and Security Checks, the Lounge islocated on the left hand side.05:30 - 19:30 Monday - Friday.05:30 - 17:30 Saturday.05:30 - 20:30 Sunday.Hours are subject to change.Closed: Dec 25.International flights only • Children under 12 years are not admitted •Children 12 years and over must be accompanied by an adult.WUXIShuofang (WUX)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>International Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control,proceed to the Departure Hall on the 2nd Floor where the Lounge is locatedon the right hand side.06:30 to last scheduled flight departure.International flights only • Children under 12 years are admitted free.164

WUXIShuofang (WUX)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control,proceed to the Departure Hall on the 2nd Floor where the Lounge islocated straight ahead.06:30 to last scheduled flight departure.Domestic flights only • Children under 12 years are admitted free.XIAMEN(XMN)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located between Gates 10and 11, near the Duty Free Shop.09:00 - 20:00 daily.Separate smoking area available.Domestic Terminal. Airside - near Gate 3.07:00 - 20:00 daily.Separate smoking area available.YANBURegional (YNB)TASHEEL FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - the Lounge is located after Security Checks.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Two children under 12 years are admitted free.YANTAILaishan International (YNT)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, proceed to theUpper Level of the Departure Area then turn left and pass the restaurantsto where the Lounge is located.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departure andcloses after the last scheduled departure.Limited to one guest per cardholder • Children 2 years and under areadmitted free.Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn left and theLounge is located straight ahead.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departure andcloses after the last scheduled departure.Limited to one guest per cardholder.165

YEREVANZvartnots International (EVN)BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 3. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, proceedtowards the Duty Free Shop. Take the elevator up to the 4th Floor where theLounge is located.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Separate smoking room available.YOGYAKARTAAdisucipto (JOG)BOROBUDUR <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks turn right towards Check-in.Turn right again, pass the Airport Tax counter and proceed through furtherSecurity Checks. Turn right again and the Lounge is located approximately50 meters straight ahead.04:30 - 20:30 daily.Domestic flights only • Separate smoking area available.ZAGREB(ZAG)BUSINESS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> “ZRINJEVAC”Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, take the escalator or stairsup to the next floor where the Lounge is located on the right hand side.06:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours are subject to seasonal changes.International flights only • Children under 12 years are admitted free.Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.ZHUHAI(ZUH)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, next to Gate 1.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departure andcloses after last scheduled departure.Domestic flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free.Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.166

ZILINA(ILZ)GATE VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed past Security Controlto the Lounge directly, but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder at theairport Check-in desk, located landside. The Check-in desk staff will providean invitation card to gain access at the Lounge. Then proceed throughCheck-in and Passport Control to the Lounge located straight behind theSecurity Checkpoint.Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first flight departure and closes after lastscheduled departures.International flights only • Children under 12 years are admitted free •Limited to two children per cardholder.ZÜRICH(ZRH)DNATA SKYVIEW <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after clearing Boarding Pass Control Check-in 1 or Check-in 2, turnleft towards the B-Gates and follow signs ‘Lounges’. The Lounge is locatedon the 3rd Floor of the Airside Center.06:30 - 21:30 Sunday - Friday.06:30 - 20:00 Saturday.Children under 12 years are not admitted.Telephone calls may be subject to payment.PANORAMA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - E-Gates. After Security Checks, take the elevator or stairs from the2nd Floor Departures Level up to the 3rd Floor. Follow signs to the Loungewhich is located above Gate E45.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Non-Schengen flights only • Limited to four guests per cardholder •Children under 6 years are admitted free.SWISS INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Airside - after Security Control, follow signs to the ‘Swiss Lounges’ midwaybetween the A and B Gates. The Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor of theAirside Center, which can be accessed via Check-in No.1 or Check-in No.2.05:45 - 22:45 daily.Children under 6 years are admitted free • Separate smoking area available.SWISS <strong>LOUNGE</strong> DAirside - the Lounge is located in the Non-Schengen Area, Transit Area D.06:00 - 20:30 daily.Non-Schengen flights only • Children under 6 years are admitted free •Self service buffet available.167

Stop Press - latest additionsBIRMINGHAM(BHX)NO.1 BIRMINGHAMAirside - after Security, proceed through the World Duty Free Shop. Afterexiting the World Duty Free Shop, the entrance to the Lounge is locateddirectly ahead across the Terminal.05:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free • Children under 12 years mustbe supervised by an adult • Smart casual dress at all times • Food & drinksare provided by waiter service; with a choice of freshly prepared dishes froma bistro menu in addition to the self-service buffet • Complimentary Wi-Fiavailable upon request.Champagne and cocktails are subject to availability and payment direct tothe Lounge.CAJAMARCA(CJA)CARAL VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks on the 2nd Level. TheLounge is located on the left hand side of the Gate Area.05:30 - 18:30 daily.Domestic flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to liquor, local beer, wine andPisco Sour cocktail.Flight departures are announced. International telephone calls are subjectto payment.CHICLAYO(CIX)CARAL VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge is locatedapproximately 20 meters on the right hand side.06:00 - 23:00 daily.Domestic flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to liquor, local beer, wine andPisco Sour cocktail.Flight departures are announced. International telephone calls are subjectto payment.IQUITOS(IQT)CARAL VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks. The Lounge is located onthe left hand side of the Gate Area.06:00 - 23:00 daily.Domestic flights daily and International flights (Wednesday and Saturdayssubject to change) • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to liquor, local beer, wine andPisco Sour cocktail.168Flight departures are announced. International telephone calls are subjectto payment.

JULIACAInca Manco Capac International (JUL)SALA VIP JULIACAPassenger Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor. AfterSecurity Checks, proceed to the Domestic Disembark Area, turn rightwhere the Lounge is located.07:30 - 21:30 daily.Children under 2 years are not admitted.PANAMATocumen International (PTY)AIRPORT CLUBAirside - Satellite B. After Security Checks and Passport Control, near Gate 32.05:00 - 20:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.PIURA(PIU)CARAL VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks. The Lounge is locatedon the right hand side of the Gate Area.06:00 - 23:00 daily.Domestic flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to liquor, local beer, wine andPisco Sour cocktail.Flight departures are announced. International telephone calls are subjectto payment.PUCALLPA(PCL)CARAL VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located after Security Checksin the Gate Area.06:00 - 23:00 daily.Domestic flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to liquor, local beer, wine andPisco Sour cocktail.Flight departures are announced. International telephone calls are subjectto payment.ROMELeonardo da Vinci (Fiumicino) (FCO)AVIA <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Terminal 3. Airside - after Passport Control, turn right and follow the signs toGate D. After the crossroad between Gates C and D, take the escalators tothe 2nd Floor and the Lounge is located on the left hand side.05:30 - 20:30 daily.Schengen flights only • Children under 3 years are admitted free • Alcoholicdrinks are only available for passengers 18 years of age and older.169

TARAPOTO(TPP)CARAL VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, walk towards the gate.Access to the VIP Lounge is located on the right hand side towards the glassdividers.08:30 - 23:00 daily.Domestic flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to liquor, local beer, wine andPisco Sour cocktail.Flight departures are announced. International telephone calls are subjectto payment.TRUJILLO(TRU)CARAL VIP <strong>LOUNGE</strong>Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks on the 2nd Level. TheLounge is located on the left hand side of the Gate Area.05:30 - 23:30 daily.Domestic flights only • Children under 2 years are admitted free •Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to liquor, local beer, wine andPisco Sour cocktail.Flight departures are announced. International telephone calls are subjectto payment.ZHENGZHOUInternational (CGO)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn left and theLounge is located opposite to the Duty Free Area.07:00 - 22:00 daily.International flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Children under 12 yearsare admitted free.Fax facilities are subject to payment.Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn right and theLounge is located next to Gate 9.07:00 - 22:00 daily.Domestic flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Children under 12 years areadmitted free.Fax facilities are subject to payment.170

ZHENGZHOUInternational (CGO)FIRST CLASS <strong>LOUNGE</strong>SDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn left and the Loungeis located opposite Gate 11.07:00 - 22:00 daily.Domestic flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Children under 12 years areadmitted free.Fax facilities are subject to payment.Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, take the escalatoropposite Gate 8 down to the Lounge located opposite Gate 16.07:00 - 22:00 daily.Domestic flights only • Maximum 2 hour stay • Children under 12 years areadmitted free.Fax facilities are subject to payment.171

CONDITIONS OF USE1. The Priority Pass card is not transferable and is only valid up to its date of expiry and when it has been signedby the cardholder. The card may not be used by any person other than the cardholder.2. The Priority Pass card is not a payment card nor is it proof of creditworthiness and attempts to use it as such couldconstitute fraud.3. Admittance to the lounges is conditional upon presentation of a valid Priority Pass card only (some restrictions mayapply to Priority Pass Select cardholders and Priority Pass cardholders in the U.S. that receive their membershipthrough a U.S. financial institution). Payment cards will not be accepted as substitutes for the Priority Pass card.4. Lounge visits are subject to a per person per visit charge. Where applicable (dependent upon membership plan), allsuch visits, including those by accompanying guests, shall be debited to the cardholder’s payment card by(i) Priority Pass or (ii) the card issuer as per the rates and terms notified by (i) Priority Pass or (ii) the cardissuer to the cardholder in respect of his/her Priority Pass membership. Any changes in lounge visit charges shallbe notified to the card issuer, who is responsible for advising the cardholder. The Priority Pass group of companiescannot be held responsible for any disputes that may occur between the cardholder and the card issuer, nor for anyloss incurred by the cardholder relating to any lounge visit charges debited by the card issuer.5. When presenting the Priority Pass card on entering the lounge, lounge staff will take an imprint of the card and issue a‘Record of Visit’ voucher to the cardholder or make a log entry. Some lounges have electronic card readers, which willtake the cardholder’s details off the magnetic strip on the reverse side of the Priority Pass card. Where applicable,the cardholder must sign the ‘Record of Visit’ voucher, which will also reflect the exact number of accompanyingguests, if any, but does not show any per person per visit charge. The charge per visit for the cardholder, whererelevant, and that for any guests will be based on the ‘Record of Visit’ voucher/log submitted by the lounge operator.6. While it is the responsibility of the lounge staff to ensure a voucher imprint/log is made of the Priority Pass card,the cardholder is responsible for ensuring the ‘Record of Visit’ voucher/log correctly reflects their own usage andthat of any guests at the time of using the lounge. Where applicable, the cardholder is responsible for retaining the‘Cardholder’s’ copy of the ‘Record of Visit’ voucher presented to them at the lounge.7. All participating lounges are owned and operated by third party organizations. The cardholder and accompanyingguests must abide by the rules and policies of each participating lounge/club. Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints, but this will be wholly at the discretion of each individual lounge operator. The Priority Pass group ofcompanies has no control over the facilities offered, the opening/closing times or the personnel employed by thelounges. The administrators of Priority Pass will use every endeavor to ensure the benefits and facilities are availableas advertised, but the Priority Pass group of companies does not warrant nor guarantee in any way that said benefitsand facilities will be available at the time of the cardholder’s visit. Neither is the Priority Pass group of companiesliable for any loss to the cardholder, or any accompanying guests, arising from the provision or non-provision(whether in whole or in part) of any of the advertised benefits and facilities. All accompanying children (wherepermitted) will be subject to the full guest fee unless otherwise stated in the lounge description.8. Participating lounges may reserve the right to enforce a maximum stay policy (usually 3-4 hours) to preventovercrowding. This is at the discretion of the individual lounge operator who may impose a charge for extended stays.9. Participating lounges have no contractual obligation to announce flights, and the Priority Pass group of companies shallnot be held liable for any direct or indirect loss resulting out of any cardholder and/or accompanying guests failing toboard their flight(s).10. The provision of free alcoholic drinks (where local law permits) is at the discretion of each lounge operator andin some cases may be limited. In such cases the cardholder is responsible for paying any charges for additionalconsumption direct to the lounge staff. See individual lounge descriptions for details.11. Telephone facilities (where available) vary from lounge to lounge and are provided at the lounge operator’s discretion.Free usage is normally limited to local calls only. Telephone, Fax, Shower, Internet, Wi-fi, Refreshment and Spatreatment charges (where applicable) are at the discretion of each lounge operator and the cardholder is responsiblefor paying these direct to the lounge staff.12. Admittance to lounges is strictly subject to cardholders and any guests being in possession of a valid flight ticket forthe same day of travel. Airline, airport and other travel industry employees traveling on reduced-rate tickets may notbe eligible for access. Outside the US, flight tickets must be accompanied by a valid boarding pass for a departingflight, i.e. outbound passengers only. Please note some lounges in Europe are located within designated Schengenareas of the airport which means that access is only provided to these lounges if members are traveling betweenSchengen countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland).13. Admittance to lounges is subject to members and any guests (including children) behaving and dressing (no shortsallowed outside of the USA) in an orderly and correct manner. Any infants or children causing upset to other users’comfort may be asked to vacate the lounge facilities. The Priority Pass group of companies is not liable for any losssuffered by the member and any guests where a lounge operator has refused admission because the member and/orguests have not complied with these conditions.14. Lost, stolen or damaged Priority Pass cards are to be notified immediately to (i) the Priority Pass office from whichthe card was issued or (ii) to the card issuer, who shall be responsible for providing a replacement card. A charge ofUS$25 may be levied.15. In the event of the cardholder canceling or not renewing their (i) Priority Pass membership or (ii) payment card withthe card issuer, the Priority Pass card shall be invalid effective from the cancellation date of their (i) Priority Passmembership or (ii) payment card. Any lounge visits made by a cardholder using an invalid card, including anyguests, shall be charged to the cardholder.16. Renewal terms and conditions are at the discretion of Priority Pass Ltd. Priority Pass Ltd has the right to refusemembership to people who are employed by or contracted to an airline, airport or a Government in respect of airlineor airport security.17. The Priority Pass group of companies shall not be held responsible for any disputes that may occur between thecardholder and/or any guests and a lounge operator.18. The Priority Pass group of companies reserves the right at any time at its absolute discretion, and without notice,to revoke membership in Priority Pass. Where applicable a proportional refund of the annual fee/enrollment fee(whichever is applicable) will be made provided revocation has not been made because of fraud by the cardholder.19. The cardholder agrees that s/he will defend and indemnify the Priority Pass group of companies, its directors,officers, employees and agents (collectively ‘the indemnified parties’) against and hold each indemnified partyharmless from all liabilities, damages, losses, claims, suits, judgments, costs and expenses (including reasonableattorney’s fees) for injury to or death of any person or damage to or destruction of any property arising out of the useof any lounge by the cardholder or any guests or any person in said lounge at the behest of the cardholder, except thatsuch indemnification shall not extend to acts of gross negligence or willful misconduct by the indemnified parties.172

CONDITIONS D’UTILISATION1. La carte Priority Pass ne peut être cédée ni échangée. Elle est valide jusqu’à la date d’expiration et doit être signéepar le titulaire. La carte est exclusivement réservée au titulaire.2 La carte Priority Pass n’est pas une carte de paiement et ne constitue pas une preuve de solvabilité. Toute tentatived’en faire un tel usage sera considérée comme une fraude.3. L’accès aux salons est sous réserve exclusive de présentation d’une carte Priority Pass en cours de validité(certaines restrictions peuvent s’appliquer aux titulaires de carte Priority Pass Select et, aux Etats-Unis, aux titulairesayant obtenu leur carte Priority Pass par l’intermédiaire d’une institution financière américaine). Aucune carte de paiementne pourra être acceptée à la place de la carte Priority Pass.4. L’accès aux salons est facturé au nombre de visites et de personnes. Le cas échéant (selon la formule choisie),le montant facturé pour chacune des visites effectuées et pour les éventuels invités présents, sera débité de lacarte de paiement du titulaire par (i) Priority Pass ou (ii) par l’émetteur de carte, aux conditions et aux tauxindiqués par (i) Priority Pass ou (ii) par l’émetteur de carte au titulaire de carte, en fonction du programmePriority Pass auquel le titulaire est abonné. Tout changement du montant facturé pour l’accès aux salons serasignalé à l’émetteur de carte, qui sera chargé d’en aviser le titulaire de la carte Priority Pass. Le groupe Priority Passne peut être tenu responsable de tout éventuel litige existant entre le titulaire de la carte et l’émetteur de carte, ni detoute perte subie par le titulaire de la carte découlant de la facturation pour l’accès aux salons, dont le montant auraété débité par l’émetteur de carte.5. Lors de l’accès aux salons et sur présentation de la carte Priority Pass, le personnel d’accueil, selon le cas, prendraune empreinte de la carte et remettra un bordereau de visite au titulaire de la carte ou consignera la visite dans unjournal électronique des visites. Certains salons sont équipés d’un lecteur de carte électronique capable de lire lesinformations contenues dans la bande magnétique au dos de la carte Priority Pass. Le cas échéant, le titulaire de lacarte devra signer un bordereau de visite, lequel indiquera, le cas échéant, le nombre exact d’invités l’accompagnant.Le montant par personne et par visite ne figurera cependant pas sur le bordereau. Le montant facturé pour les visitesdu titulaire de la carte et, le cas échéant, pour les éventuels invités l’ayant accompagné, sera établi sur la base desbordereaux de visite/journal de consignation remis par les exploitants des salons.6. S’il est de la responsabilité du personnel d’accueil de prendre l’empreinte de la carte Priority Pass ou de consigner lavisite correctement, il incombe au titulaire de la carte de s’assurer que le bordereau/journal de visite reflètel’utilisation faite du salon par lui-même ou toute personne l’accompagnant au moment de la visite. Le cas échéant,le titulaire de la carte doit conserver le volet « Titulaire de la carte » du bordereau de visite remis à l’accueil.7. Tous les salons participants appartiennent et sont gérés par des sociétés tierces. Le titulaire de la carte et les invitésl’accompagnant doivent respecter les règles et les conditions de chacun des salons/clubs. L’exploitant peut librementrefuser l’accès au salon en raison de capacité limitée. Le groupe Priority Pass n’a aucun contrôle sur lesaménagements proposés dans les salons, sur les heures d’ouverture et de fermeture, ni sur le personnel présent.Les administrateurs du programme Priority Pass s’engagent à vérifier que les caractéristiques et les aménagementsspécifiés sont bien mis à disposition des usagers mais le groupe Priority Pass ne saurait garantir que cescaractéristiques et aménagements seront disponibles au moment de la visite du titulaire de la carte. Le groupePriority Pass ne sera pas non plus tenu responsable d’éventuelles pertes subies par le titulaire de la carte ou partoute personne l’accompagnant, découlant de la présence ou de l’absence (en tout ou partie) des caractéristiqueset aménagements spécifiés. Les enfants (s’ils sont admis dans le salon) seront soumis au plein tarif appliqué auxinvités, sauf indication contraire.8. Les salons participants peuvent se réserver le droit de limiter les temps de visite (généralement à 3-4 heures) afind’éviter la saturation des salons. L’exploitant pourra librement facturer des frais supplémentaires pour lesvisites prolongées.9. Les salons participants ne sont contractuellement pas tenus d’annoncer les vols et le groupe Priority Pass ne sauraêtre tenu responsable de toute perte directe ou indirecte subie par le titulaire de la carte et/ou par un invité ayantomis de se présenter à l’embarquement.10. Il est de la décision de l’exploitant d’offrir des boissons alcoolisées (selon la réglementation locale en vigueur) etdans certains cas d’en limiter la consommation. Le titulaire de carte devra, le cas échéant, régler ses consommationsdirectement sur place. Voir descriptions individuelles des salons.11. Les téléphones mis à disposition (le cas échéant) sont susceptibles de varier d’un salon à l’autre. Les appelsgratuits sont généralement limités aux appels locaux. Les coûts liés (le cas échéant) à l’utilisation des téléphones,fax, douches, Internet, connexions Wi-fi, ou à l’achat de boissons et de traitements et massages sont laissés àl’appréciation des exploitants de salon et le titulaire devra les régler directement sur place.12. L’accès au salon est strictement réservé aux personnes en possession d’une carte et aux voyageurs en possessiond’un billet d’avion valable pour le même jour. Les employés des compagnies aériennes, dl’aéroports et du secteur dutourisme voyageant avec des billets à tarif réduit ne peuvent ne pas y avoir accès. En dehors des Etats-Unis, lesbillets d’avion doivent être accompagnés d’une carte d’embarquement valable pour le vol de départ, c’est-à-direuniquement pour les passagers sortants. Veuillez noter que certains salons en Europe se trouvent au sein del’espace Schengen de l’aéroport, ce qui signifie que l’accès à ces salons est uniquement autorisé aux membresvoyageant entre des pays de l’espace Schengen (Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie,Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne,Portugal, République Tchèque, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède et Suisse).13. L’accès aux salons peut être refusé aux membres et aux éventuels invités (y compris les enfants) si leur conduite etleur tenue vestimentaire sont jugées impropres (shorts interdits en dehors des Etats-Unis). Si des enfants viennenttroubler le confort d’autres membres, il pourra leur être demandé de quitter le salon. Le groupe Priority Pass nesaura être tenu responsable de toute perte subie par le membre et par tout éventuel invité si l’accès au salon leura été refusé par l’exploitant en raison du non-respect de ces conditions.14. Toute carte perdue, volée ou endommagée devra être signalée à (i) l’agence Priority Pass ayant émis la carte ou à(ii) l’émetteur de carte, lequel est tenu de fournir une carte de rechange. La somme de 25 dollars US pourra êtrefacturée.15. Si le titulaire venait à annuler ou à ne pas renouveler (i) son abonnement Priority Pass ou (ii) sa carte de paiementauprès de l’émetteur de carte, la carte Priority Pass deviendrait invalide à compter de la date d’annulation du(i) programme Priority Pass ou (ii) de la carte de paiement. L’accès au salon par un titulaire de carte utilisant unecarte non valide sera facturé au titulaire de carte.16. Priority Pass Ltd se réserve le droit de modifier librement les modalités de renouvellement et de refuser d’affiliertoute personne employée par ou travaillant pour le compte d’une compagnie aérienne, d’un aéroport ou d’ungouvernement, conformément aux règles relatives à la sécurité.17. Le groupe Priority Pass ne saurait être tenu responsable des litiges pouvant survenir entre le titulaire de carte et/ouun invité et l’exploitant d’un salon.18. Le groupe Priority Pass se réserve le droit de mettre fin librement, à tout moment et sans préavis, à l’abonnement d’unmembre au programme Priority Pass. Une partie proportionnelle des cotisations annuelles/frais d’abonnement (selon lecas) pourra être remboursée, dans la mesure où cette décision ne résulte pas de fraude de la part du membre.19. Le titulaire de la carte s’engage à dégager la responsabilité du groupe Priority Pass, de ses administrateurs, dirigeants,salariés et mandataires (ci-après désignés « les parties indemnisées ») et à les protéger en cas d’action en justiceintentée contre eux ou de réclamation présentée par les tiers (frais de justice raisonnables compris) en cas dedommages corporels, décès compris et de dommages matériels découlant de la fréquentation des salons par letitulaire de la carte ou par ses invités ou toute personne présente à la demande du titulaire de la carte, sauf fautelourde ou intentionnelle des parties indemnisées.173

174NUTZUNGSBEDINGUNGEN1. Die Priority-Pass-Karte ist nicht übertragbar und gilt nur mit Unterschrift des Kartenbesitzers und bis Ablauf desGültigkeitsdatums. Die Karte darf nur durch den Inhaber verwendet werden.2. Die Priority-Pass-Karte ist weder eine Zahlungskarte noch ist sie Nachweis der Kreditwürdigkeit. Der Versuch, die Karte zudiesen Zwecken zu nutzen, könnte ein Betrugsdelikt darstellen.3. Der Zutritt zu den Lounges ist nur bei Vorlage einer gültigen Priority-Pass-Karte möglich (für Priority Pass Select Karteninhaberkoennten Einschraenkungen zutreffen und für Priority Pass Karteninhaber in der U.S. welche die Mitgliedschaft durch einefinanzielle Institution erhalten haben). Zahlungskarten warden nicht als Ersatz für die Priority-Pass-Karte akzeptiert.4. Loungeaufenthalte unterliegen einer Gebühr pro Person und Besuch. Gegebenenfalls (je nach Mitgliedschaftskategorie) wirddie Zahlungskarte des Karteninhabers von (i) Priority Pass oder (ii) dem Kartenaussteller mit sämtlichen Aufenthaltsgebühren,einschließlich der Gebühren für Begleitpersonen, gemäß den Tarifen und Bedingungen, die (i) Priority Pass oder (ii) derKartenaussteller dem Karteninhaber in Zusammenhang mit dessen Priority-Pass-Mitgliedschaft mitgeteilt hat, belastet.Änderungen bezüglich der Gebühren für Loungeaufenthalte werden dem Kartenaussteller mitgeteilt, der dafür verantwortlichist, den Karteninhaber entsprechend zu verständigen. Der Priority-Pass-Konzern haftet weder für Meinungsverschiedenheitenzwischen dem Karteninhaber und dem Kartenaussteller noch für Verluste des Karteninhabers in Verbindung mitLoungeaufenthaltsgebühren, die vom Kartenaussteller in Rechnung gestellt wurden.5. Bei Vorzeigen der Priority-Pass-Karte bei Betreten einer Lounge fertigt ein Loungemitarbeiter einen Abdruck der Karte anund stellt dem Karteninhaber einen Aufenthaltsbeleg („Record of Visit“) aus oder nimmt einen entsprechenden Eintragvor. Einige Lounges verfügen über elektronische Kartenlesegeräte. Das Gerät liest die Angaben des Karteninhabersvom Magnetband auf der Rückseite der Priority-Pass-Karte ab. Gegebenenfalls wird der Karteninhaber gebeten, denAufenthaltsbeleg zu unterschreiben. Der Beleg zeigt auch die genaue Anzahl eventueller Begleitpersonen, aber nicht diepro Person und Besuch erhobene Gebühr. Die gegebenenfalls anfallende Aufenthaltsgebühr für den Karteninhaber und dieGebühr für Begleitpersonen basiert auf dem vom Loungebetreiber eingereichten Aufenthaltsbeleg/-eintrag.6. Zwar sind die Loungemitarbeiter für den Abdruck der Priority-Pass-Karte und die Ausstellung des Aufenthaltsbelegs/-eintrags verantwortlich, doch obliegt es dem Karteninhaber zu überprüfen, dass der Aufenthaltsbeleg/-eintrag dieNutzung der Lounge durch ihn selbst und durch eventuelle Gäste zum Nutzungszeitpunkt ordnungsgemäß darstellt. DerKarteninhaber ist für die Aufbewahrung der ihm gegebenenfalls an der Lounge überreichten Kopie des Aufenthaltsbelegsverantwortlich.7. Alle teilnehmenden Lounges befinden sich im Besitz von Drittunternehmen und werden von diesen betrieben.Der Karteninhaber und ihn begleitende Gäste müssen den Vorschriften und Richtlinien jeder teilnehmendenLounge/jedes teilnehmenden Clubs Folge leisten. Der Zugang kann aufgrund von Platzmangel beschränkt werden –dies steht jedoch gänzlich im Ermessen des jeweiligen Loungebetreibers. Der Priority-Pass-Konzern hat keinenEinfluss auf die angebotenen Einrichtungen, die Öffnungs-/Schließungszeiten oder die in den Lounges beschäftigtenMitarbeiter. Die Verwalter von Priority Pass werden sich nach Kräften darum bemühen, dass die beworbenenLeistungen und Einrichtungen zur Verfügung stehen; der Priority-Pass-Konzern garantiert deren Verfügbarkeit zumZeitpunkt des Besuchs durch den Karteninhaber jedoch in keiner Weise. Auch haftet der Priority-Pass-Konzern für keinerleiVerlust oder Schaden des Karteninhabers oder seiner Begleitpersonen infolge der Bereitstellung odermangelnden Bereitstellung der beworbenen Leistungen oder Einrichtungen, ob ganz oder teilweise. Für begleitendeKinder wird, falls sie zugelassen sind, die volle Gästegebühr berechnet, sofern im Loungeverzeichnis nichts anderesangegeben ist.8. Teilnehmende Lounges können sich das Recht vorbehalten, einen Höchstaufenthalt (meist 3 bis 4 Stunden) aufzuerlegen,um eine Überfüllung zu vermeiden. Dies liegt im Ermessen des jeweiligen Loungebetreibers, der für längere Aufenthalteeine Gebühr berechnen kann.9. Teilnehmende Lounges sind vertraglich nicht verpflichtet, Flüge anzukündigen, und der Priority-Pass-Konzern kann fürdirekte oder indirekte Verluste nicht haftbar gemacht werden, wenn ein Karteninhaber und/oder begleitende Gäste seinen/ihren Flug/Flüge verpasst/en.10. Die Bereitstellung kostenloser alkoholischer Getränke (falls vor Ort gesetzlich erlaubt) liegt im Ermessen des jeweiligenLoungebetreibers und kann in einigen Fällen beschränkt sein. In einem solchen Fall sind etwaige für den zusätzlichenKonsum anfallende Gebühren vom Karteninhaber direkt an die Loungemitarbeiter zu zahlen. Näheres entnehmen Sie bitteder Beschreibung der einzelnen Lounges.11. Eventuell vorhandene telefonische Einrichtungen sind von Lounge zu Lounge unterschiedlich. Ihre Bereitstellung liegtim Ermessen des jeweiligen Loungebetreibers. Die kostenlose Nutzung ist normalerweise auf Ortsgespräche begrenzt.Eventuelle Gebühren für die Nutzung von Telefon, Fax-, Internet-, Wi-Fi- und Duscheinrichtungen sowie Erfrischungen undSpa Behandlungs Kosten liegen im Ermessen des jeweiligen Loungebetreibers. Die Gebühren sind vom Karteninhaber direktan den Loungebetreiber zu zahlen.12. Zutritt zu den Lounges ist ausschließlich Karteninhabern und Gästen erlaubt, die ein gültiges Flugticket für genau diesenReisetag besitzen. Angestellte von Fluggesellschaften, Flughafen- und andere Reiseindustrieangestellte, die mit preislichreduzierten Tickets reisen, haben keinen Zutritt. Außerhalb der USA müssen Passagiere neben einem Flugticket auch einegültige Bordkarte für einen startenden Flug, d.h. beim Abflug, besitzen. Bitte nehmen Sie zur Kenntnis, dass sich einigeLounges in Europa innerhalb gekennzeichneter Schengenbereiche des Flughafens befinden, was bedeutet, dass der Zutrittzu diesen Lounges nur gestattet ist, wenn Mitglieder zwischen Schengenländern reisen (Österreich, Belgien, Tschechien,Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Deutschland, Griechenland, Ungarn, Island, Italien, Lettland, Litauen, Luxemburg,Malta, Niederlande, Norwegen, Polen, Portugal, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Schweden und die Schweiz).13. Der Zutritt zu den Lounges ist Mitgliedern und eventuellen Gästen (einschließlich Kindern) vorbehalten, die angemessengekleidet sind und sich in gehöriger Weise benehmen (kurze Hosen sind außerhalb der USA nicht erlaubt). Kinder bzw.Kleinkinder, die die Ruhe und Bequemlichkeit anderer Loungebesucher stören, werden gegebenenfalls gebeten, dieLounge zu verlassen. Der Priority-Pass-Konzern haftet für keinerlei Verlust des Mitglieds oder seiner Gäste, wenn einLoungebetreiber ihm/ihnen den Zutritt verwehrt, weil das Mitglied und/oder seine Gäste diesen Bedingungen nichtentsprechen.14. Verlust, Diebstahl oder Beschädigung einer Priority-Pass-Karte ist unverzüglich (i) der Priority-Pass-Niederlassung, die dieKarte ausgestellt hat, oder (ii) dem Kartenaussteller zu melden, der für die Ausstellung einer Ersatzkarte verantwortlich ist.Gegebenfalls wird eine Gebühr in Höhe von 25 US$ erhoben.15. Sollte der Karteninhaber (i) seine Mitgliedschaft bei Priority Pass oder (ii) seine Zahlungskarte beim Kartenausstellerkündigen oder nicht verlängern, wird die Priority-Pass-Karte mit dem Datum der Kündigung (i) der Mitgliedschaft beiPriority Pass oder (ii) der Zahlungskarte ungültig. Jeder Loungeaufenthalt eines Karteninhabers und seiner Gäste unterNutzung einer ungültigen Karte wird dem Karteninhaber in Rechnung gestellt.16. Die Verlängerungsbedingungen liegen im Ermessen der Priority Pass Ltd. Aus Gründen der Sicherheit der Fluggesellschaftenoder Flughäfen hat die Priority Pass Ltd das Recht, die Mitgliedschaft Personen zu verweigern, die bei einer Fluggesellschaft,einem Flughafen oder einer Regierung beschäftigt sind oder in deren Auftrag stehen.17. Der Priority-Pass-Konzern kann für Meinungsverschiedenheiten zwischen dem Karteninhaber und/oder Gästen unddem Loungebetreiber nicht verantwortlich gemacht werden.18. Der Priority-Pass-Konzern behält sich das Recht vor, jederzeit nach freiem Ermessen und ohne vorherige Ankündigungdie Mitgliedschaft bei Priority Pass zu widerrufen. Gegebenenfalls erfolgt eine anteilsmäßige Erstattung der jährlichenMitglieds- oder Beitrittsgebühr (was immer zutrifft), vorausgesetzt, dass der Widerruf nicht wegen Betrugs auf Seitendes Mitglieds erfolgt.19. Der Karteninhaber erklärt sich damit einverstanden, dass er den Priority-Pass-Konzern, seine Vorstandsmitglieder,Amtsträger, Mitarbeiter und Vertreter (zusammenfassend „die schadlos gehaltenen Parteien“) in Bezug auf jegliche Haftung,Schäden, Verluste, Forderungen, Verfahren, Urteile, Kosten und Aufwendungen (einschließlich angemessener Anwaltskosten)für Körperverletzung oder Tod jeglicher Personen oder Beschädigung oder Zerstörung jeglicher Eigentumswerte infolgeder Nutzung jeglicher Lounge durch den Karteninhaber oder irgendwelche Gäste oder andere Personen in der besagtenEinrichtung auf Geheiß des Karteninhabers verteidigen, von der Verantwortung entbinden und schadlos halten wird.Allerdings erstreckt sich eine solche Schadloshaltung nicht auf Fälle grober Fahrlässigkeit oder schwerer Verfehlungenseitens der schadlos gehaltenen Parteien.

CONDICIONES DE USO1. La tarjeta Priority Pass no es transferible y solamente es válida hasta su fecha de vencimiento, siempre que esté firmadapor el titular de la tarjeta. La tarjeta no podrá ser utilizada por otra persona que no sea el titular.2. La tarjeta Priority Pass no es una tarjeta de pago ni una garantía de solvencia y los intentos de utilizarla con tales finespodrían constituir un fraude.3. La admisión en las salas está condicionada a la presentación de una tarjeta Priority Pass válida (algunas restriccionespueden aplicarse a los titulares de tarjetas Priority Pass Select y a los titulares de tarjetas Priority Pass en los EE.UU. quereciben la tarjeta a través de una institución financiera de EE.UU). Las tarjetas de pago no se aceptarán en sustitución dela tarjeta Priority Pass.4. Las visitas a las salas están sujetas a un cargo por persona y visita. Cuando resulte aplicable (dependiendo del plan desuscripción), todas esas visitas, incluyendo las de invitados acompañantes, serán adeudadas en la tarjeta de pago deltitular de la tarjeta por (i) Priority Pass o (ii) el emisor de la tarjeta, conforme a las tarifas y términos notificados por(i) Priority Pass o (ii) el emisor de la tarjeta al titular de la misma, de acuerdo con su afiliación a Priority Pass. Cualquiercambio en los cargos de visita a las salas será notificado al emisor de la tarjeta, que será el responsable de informar altitular. El grupo de empresas Priority Pass no se hace responsable de ningún conflicto que pueda surgir entre el titular dela tarjeta y el emisor de la misma, ni de ninguna pérdida sufrida por el titular con respecto a ningún cargo de visita a lassalas adeudado por el emisor de la tarjeta.5. Cuando se presente la tarjeta Priority Pass al entrar a la sala, el personal de la sala hará una impresión de la tarjeta yemitirá un cupón de “registro de visitas” para el titular de la tarjeta o realizará una anotación de registro. Algunas salascuentan con lectores de tarjetas electrónicos, que tomarán los datos del titular de la tarjeta de la banda magnética de lacara posterior de la tarjeta Priority Pass. Cuando resulte aplicable, el titular de la tarjeta deberá firmar el cupón de “registrode visitas”, que reflejará también el número exacto de invitados acompañantes, si los hubiere, pero no indicará ningúncargo por visita y persona. El cargo por visita para el titular de la tarjeta, cuando sea pertinente, así como el de cualquierinvitado, se basará en el registro/cupón de “registro de visitas” presentado por el operador de la sala.6. A pesar de que es responsabilidad del personal de la sala garantizar que se realice un registro/impresión del cupón de latarjeta Priority Pass, el titular de la tarjeta deberá asegurarse de que el registro/comprobante de “registro de visitas” reflejecorrectamente su propia utilización, así como la de cualquier invitado, en el momento de usar la sala. Cuando resulteaplicable, el titular de la tarjeta será responsable de conservar la copia para el titular del cupón de “registro de visitas”que se le entregue en la sala.7. Todas las salas participantes pertenecen y son operadas por terceras organizaciones. El titular de la tarjeta y los invitadosacompañantes deberán cumplir las normas y políticas de cada club/sala participante. El acceso podrá ser restringidopor limitaciones de espacio, totalmente a discreción de cada operador de sala individual. El grupo de empresas PriorityPass no tiene control sobre los servicios ofrecidos, los horarios de apertura/cierre o el personal encargado de las salas.Los administradores de Priority Pass harán todo lo posible para garantizar que se disponga de las ventajas y serviciosanunciados, pero el grupo de empresas Priority Pass no garantiza de ningún modo que dichas ventajas y servicios vayana estar disponibles en el momento de la visita del titular de la tarjeta. El grupo de empresas Priority Pass tampoco sehace responsable de ninguna pérdida sufrida por el titular de la tarjeta o cualquier invitado acompañante, derivada delsuministro o no suministro (sea en su totalidad o en parte) de cualquiera de las ventajas y servicios anunciados. Todos losniños acompañantes (cuando esté permitido su acceso) estarán sujetos a la tarifa de invitados íntegra, a menos que seindique lo contrario en el listado de las salas.8. Las salas participantes pueden reservarse el derecho a aplicar una política de estancia máxima (normalmente 3-4 horas)para evitar congestiones. Esto se aplicará a discreción de cada operador de sala, que podrá imponer un cargo porestancias prolongadas.9. Las salas participantes no tienen ninguna obligación contractual de anunciar los vuelos y el grupo de empresas PriorityPass no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida directa ni indirecta resultante de la pérdida del vuelo o vuelos por partedel titular de la tarjeta y/o los invitados acompañantes.10. El suministro de bebidas alcohólicas gratuitas (cuando la legislación local lo permita) quedará a discreción de cadaoperador de sala y, en algunos casos, podrá estar limitado. En estos casos, el titular de la tarjeta será el responsable depagar directamente al personal de la sala cualquier gasto por consumo adicional. Consulte las descripciones de las salasindividuales para más información.11. Los servicios de teléfono (cuando estén disponibles) varían de una sala a otra y se ofrecen a discreción del operador de lasala. Normalmente el uso gratuito está limitado a las llamadas locales únicamente. Los cargos por uso de teléfono, fax,ducha, Internet, conexiones inalámbricas, refrescos y tratamiento de SPA (cuando corresponda) se aplican a discrecióndel operador de cada sala, y el titular de la tarjeta es responsable de su pago directamente al personal de la sala.12. La admisión en las salas está estrictamente limitada a titulares de tarjetas y a cualquier invitado que esté en posesiónde un billete de avión válido para ese mismo día. Los empleados de la aerolínea, del aeropuerto y del sector turísticoque viajen con billetes de tarifa reducida es posible que no tengan acceso. Fuera de los Estados Unidos, los billetesde avión deberán estar acompañados de una tarjeta de embarque válida para un vuelo de salida, es decir pasajerossalientes únicamente. Obsérvese que, en Europa, algunas salas se encuentran situadas dentro de zonas del aeropuertodenominadas Schengen, lo que significa que sólo pueden acceder a ellas los socios que estén viajando entre paísesSchengen (Austria, Bélgica, República Checa, Dinamarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Alemania, Grecia, Hungría, Holanda,Islandia, Italia, Letonia, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Malta, Noruega, Polonia, Portugal, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, España, Sueciay Suiza).13. La entrada a las salas se encuentra restringida a socios y a los invitados (incluidos niños) que se comporten y vistan(fuera de los EEUU no se permiten pantalones cortos) de manera adecuada y correcta. Se podrá solicitar que abandonenlas instalaciones de la sala a los bebés o niños que puedan alterar la comodidad de otros usuarios. El grupo de empresasPriority Pass no asumirá responsabilidades por ninguna pérdida que afecte al socio y/o a sus invitados en caso de que eloperador de una sala haya rechazado su admisión debido al incumplimiento de estas condiciones por parte del socio y/ode sus invitados.14. Deberán notificarse inmediatamente las pérdidas, robos o daños de las tarjetas Priority Pass a (i) la oficina de PriorityPass desde la que se emitió la tarjeta o (ii) el emisor de la tarjeta, que será el responsable de suministrar una tarjeta desustitución. Podrá cobrarse una tarifa de 25 dólares estadounidenses.15. En caso de que el titular de la tarjeta cancele o no renueve su (i) suscripción a Priority Pass o (ii) a la tarjeta de pagocon el emisor de la tarjeta, la tarjeta Priority Pass será inválida con efecto a partir de la fecha de cancelación de su (i)suscripción a Priority Pass o (ii) a la tarjeta de pago. Cualquier visita a las salas realizada por un titular que emplee unatarjeta inválida, incluyendo cualquier invitado, será cobrada al titular de la tarjeta.16. Los términos y condiciones de renovación se aplicarán a discreción de Priority Pass Ltd. Priority Pass Ltd tiene derecho adenegar la suscripción a personas empleadas o contratadas por unas líneas aéreas, aeropuerto o gobierno en relación conla seguridad de las líneas aéreas o aeropuertos.17. El grupo de empresas Priority Pass no se hace responsable de ningún conflicto que pueda surgir entre el titular de latarjeta y/o cualquier invitado y un operador de sala.18. El grupo de empresas Priority Pass se reserva el derecho, en cualquier momento, a su absoluta discreción y sinnotificación previa, a revocar la suscripción a Priority Pass. Cuando resulte aplicable se realizará un reembolsoproporcional de la tarifa de suscripción/tarifa anual (lo que resulte aplicable), siempre y cuando la revocación no se debaa un fraude por parte del titular de la tarjeta.19. El titular de la tarjeta acuerda que defenderá e indemnizará al grupo de empresas Priority Pass, sus consejeros,funcionarios, empleados y agentes (colectivamente “las partes indemnizadas”) y que mantendrá a cada parteindemnizada exenta de cualquier responsabilidad, daño, pérdida, demanda, litigio, sentencia, costes y gastos (incluyendolos honorarios razonables de abogados) por lesiones o fallecimiento de cualquier persona o por daños o la destrucción decualquier pertenencia, derivados del uso de cualquier sala por parte del titular de la tarjeta o cualquier invitado o cualquierpersona que se encuentre en dicha sala por orden del titular de la tarjeta, con la excepción de que esta indemnización nose aplicará a actos de negligencia grave o mala conducta intencionada por parte de las partes indemnizadas.175


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