Published by Rags2Riches Publishing Limited - Viral PDF Generator

Published by Rags2Riches Publishing Limited - Viral PDF Generator

Published by Rags2Riches Publishing Limited - Viral PDF Generator


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Elements of a successful website• Website design/graphicsIf you've spent any amount of time at all searching onthe Internet you've probably seen some pretty flashywebsites.Some of the blinking lights and flashing designs thatjump out at you almost make you think you're visitingthe strip on Vegas.All too often, people assume that they must make theirwebsite as bold and graphically intense as possible butthis just isn't necessary.Your website is designed to do one thing and one thingonly: convert visitors into buyers.There is no specific rule that states that you must have aridiculous amount of loud graphics in which to do thisand oftentimes a simple website will work even betterthan one that is flashy.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

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