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Table Of ContentsDisclaimer……………………………………..........................So you want an online business.................................................Building your website................................................................Taking payments........................................................................How to get visitors.....................................................................You are now up and running......................................................Resources………………………………………………….......Bonuses……………………………………………………….www.rags2richespublishing.com

Is it really possible?If this book represents your first look into the world ofmaking money online you may be asking yourself thequestion? “is it really possible to earn money on theinternet?”The answer to this question is an unmitigated `YES`.Millions of people all over the world earn part or all of theirincome online.I`m not just talking about big companies <strong>by</strong> the way, butindividuals like me and you working from the comfort of theirown homes using websites they created to earn incrediblesums of money every year, year in and year out.When faced with this fact you might then begin to think,“yeah but those people are probably computer geniuses whohave spent all their lives behind a computer”.Actually, nothing could be further from the truth.Earning significant income using the internet doesn’t requireany specific skills or a long history of becoming familiar withcomputers or the internet itself.

There is an incredible amount of information available to helpyou get started making money online with your ownprofitable online business no matter how much or how littleexperience you may have………….With this book, we hope to familiarize you with some of thebasic information needed to get started including such topicsas what kind of business to choose, how to design a website,and attracting traffic to your website once its built.Make sure to take your time and study each section carefullybecause throughout the book we have provided you withdetailed information and website links that will give you allthe resources necessary to get started today, so take your timeand read the book as we have a little twist coming up that willmake you a healthy income if implemented……http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

One of the easiest ways to get up and running with internetbusiness is through the sale of information products.Information products are simply those that provide you withinformation about a particular subject that you want to knowmore about.Anyone who has an interest on any subject would welcomemore detailed information about their interest and providingthis to them in an attractive easy to consume product has beenthe basis of more than one success story on the internet.Let`s take a look at some of the ways you can find a productto sell on the internet…………….http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Affiliate productsBecoming an affiliate of someone else`s product is incrediblyeasy and can be incredibly profitable.Your simply acting as a salesperson for a product thatsomeone else created and you`ll use your website or just a linkto help sell this product.The product creator pays you, the affiliate a commission foreach sale you make and in turn you won`t be in charge of anyof the overhead or service related to creating, delivering orservicing the product once you make the sale.Many large and well-known companies have affiliateprograms and will pay you a percentage of the sales madefrom any visitor you send to their site.In addition many information marketers have createdindividual products for sale as well. These info products areincredibly popular on the net and because of this the potentialprofits that can be made quite easily.One of the easiest places online to find all of the affiliateprograms you may ever need is http://www.clickbank.com.Clickbank offers you the ability to sign up for free andbecome an affiliate of thousands of products.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Another resourse for affiliate products we recommend ishttp://www.jvzoo.com which will pay you immediatelythrough your paypal account no waiting for affiliate cheques.While earning a percentage of a sale through an affiliateprogram is attractive, especially considering how quickly theprograms can be set up, earning 100% of the sale can be evenmore attractive, saying that we would recommend earningsome money through affiliates to get your head around trafficgeneration and your systems and move to next stage when youare confortable with the processes of driving traffic to yourwebsites. ( make some money first before spending timemoney on your own products)One of the easiest ways to sell your products is throughaffiliates promoting your products and can be set up easilythrough the above links http://clickbank.com/Affiliates/ andhttp://www.jvzoo.com .We have given you a link in bonus`s if you would like tolearn more about affiliate marketing with a FREE silvermembership site : http://www.rags2richespublishing.comhttp://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Creating your own productThis statement may shock you, but I will bet you have insideyour own mind information that would make for an incrediblyvaluable and profitable info product.The fact is all of your experiances, talents and skills if putdown in the proper format could very well represent a value tosomeone else that doesn`t have that knowledge or skill.Simply make a list of any hob<strong>by</strong> or talent that you have thatyou could teach to somebody else. If there is a big enoughinterest in a particular subject matter that you have knowledgeabout then don`t hesitate to create a product.As far as the online world goes, an expert is merely someonewho can provide specific information about a topic thatsomeone else wants to pay to learn.Creating your own product doesn`t require any special skilleither.A saleable product could be as simple as an e-book, such asthe one you are reading now or a more detailed program thatmay include a series of videos, audio lessons or a combinationof all three.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

There are many places online you can use to outsource thework to be created.If you can type or talk into a microphone then someone elsecan take this recorded material and turn it into an informationproduct you could sell.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

“Now that you`ve got the goods, it`s timeto set up shop…………….”Once you`ve decided on a particular product to sell, it`s timeto begin building your store front.In this case, of course, your storefront will be your website.The first and one of the most important subjects were going totalk about creating your website and choosing a domainname……..Picking and buying your domain nameThere is no rule that says the first step of creating yourwebsite should be choosing your domain name but the nameof your url will be used throughout your marketing and onyour website so it makes sense to go ahead and take care ofthis one now.Just to clarify, your url is your actual website address such aswww.yourwebsite.com In this case your website would beyour domain name.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Choosing your domain name is important and the simpler andmore specific you make it to what your website is about, thebetter. If your web site is about learning how to play tennisbetter, then www.learntoplaytennisbetter.com would make apretty good web site address.The shorter you can make it the better. Most really shortdomain names are pretty much gone these days but if you canfind one that fits, it might make for a great choice.Here is a quick breakdown of some tips that can help youchoose a good domain name for your online business.• Keep it simpleUse few words, but make them specific to your topic• Incorporate keywords if possibleIf you can include keywords that people are searching forin your domain name, this will help your site show up insearch engines when people are searching on your topichttp://www.rags2richespublishing.com

• Choose your extensionIn the website:http://www.rags2richespublishing.com/.com is your extension. There are others available fordifferent industries such as .edu for education and .biz forbusiness, but .com is the oldest and still most popular.If you can get a .com for the domain you select, thengrab it….When choosing to purchase your domain name one companyhas risen above all others:http://www.GoDaddy.comThere are certainly many places where you can purchasedomain names online but go daddy has made them theirspecialty and their familiarity with the needs of theircustomers and providing a consistent level of quality customersupport has made them the true leader.They offer domain names for less than $10 per year and muchless than that if you purchase them for several years at a time.Their full-time customer service support team can take youthrough the entire process with ease.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

HostingThe best analogy I can give to the relationship betweenhosting and your website is hosting is like a piece of land, anda website is like a home that you put on it.Your website needs a place to live on the Internet and that'sexactly what hosting services provide. They help to ensurethat your website is online and visible to everyone on theInternet 24 hours a day.There are several things to look for when choosing a hostingservice and only one of those is price.Because of competition in the marketplace, the price ofhosting has gone down dramatically over the years while theamount of services they provide has gone up.The key thing you want to be concerned with is the qualityand level of service you receive from these hostingcompanies, It’s unfortunate to think about, but the fact isproblems can and probably will arise with your website atsome point in time.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

It's comforting to know that the hosting company you'vesecured will be there when you need them. This shouldinclude a variety of ways to communicate with them includingof course e-mail and phone.If the hosting company you work with only provides e-mailservice, this could lessen their effectiveness in times oftrouble.In addition, make sure to note their hours of service becauseunlike a bricks and mortar store, your website will beavailable to customers 24 hours a day seven days a week; youwant your host to be available for you as well.Your hosting account is where you will upload the graphics ofyour website, to then be sent to go live on the Internet.The process of doing this is called FTP, or file transferprotocol.The process is incredibly simple using the control panels thatwill be available to you on your hosting account, anddepending on the level of customer service that the hostingcompany provides, they may be able walk you through thisprocess the first few times to make sure all goes well.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

We have a step <strong>by</strong> step video available to anyone who needshelp in this area at the following link………http://www.rags2richespublishing.comBelow are just a few hosting companies that have providedmarkedly good service over the years and are backed <strong>by</strong> anoverwhelming amount of positive feedback from past andexisting customers.We have provided a few basic specifics about each company,but make sure to visit each site to investigate the terms andservices of each company to decide which one will be rightfor your online website project.• http://www.hostgater.comHost gator has a great reputation in the industry anddepending on the scope of your project, can host yourwebsite for as little as $4.95 per month.In addition to the 1-800 number prominently displayedon their website, host gator provides a variety of ways tocommunicate with them and operates on a businessmodel that features 24/7 customer service.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

• http://www.thirdspherehosting.com/Third sphere hosting is a somewhat new kid on the blockand they're making a big splash with the incrediblevariety of services that they are offering to clients.While other hosting services provide you with someoptions to help you build a website, third sphere actuallyfeatures this as one of the main benefits of signing withtheir company.Again, the level of customer service and communicationhas been mostly positive from folks who have dealt withthis firm.• http://www.cheapwebhosting-1.comFor those of you just starting out and who are on anextremely tight budget, you may consider cheaphostingone.combecause their beginner plan is priced at just $12per year.While their services are not as comprehensive as thoselisted above, and they don't offer phone support at thistime, the company does stand behind the service of itsproducts and can represent a great choice for someonejust starting out.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Because of the low prices associated with hosting companiestoday and the general ease of use in working with them, manypeople take their website hosting services for granted; this is amistake.All of the amount of work that goes into designing andbuilding a website not to mention driving traffic to it in orderto sell a product you are featuring would be completely awaste of time if no one can see it.Developing a strong relationship with a reputable hostingcompany should be your first step into your online marketingventure.If you latch onto a good one early, you may have just started arelationship that will last for years and wind up being very,very profitable for your business.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Building Your WebsiteSo, we've purchased the land (hosting) and now it's time tobuild the house (website).Like all aspects of products and services that are available onthe Internet, there is almost an unlimited amount of directionsyou can go with the creation of your website.Gone are the days of simple static business card type websitesthat featured a bit of info about your business and a phonenumber at the bottom or a link to an e-mail.Nowadays, Internet customers are savvy and it takes a gooddeal of marketing and sales initiative to encourage them tomake a purchase with you versus another online vendor.There are several aspects that must go into creating asuccessful website and they include the design and graphics ofthe website, the sales page presented on it, the customertracking or follow-up capabilities, and finally the use of othertypes of technology on your website to encourage sales andgrab attention.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Elements of a successful website• Website design/graphicsIf you've spent any amount of time at all searching onthe Internet you've probably seen some pretty flashywebsites.Some of the blinking lights and flashing designs thatjump out at you almost make you think you're visitingthe strip on Vegas.All too often, people assume that they must make theirwebsite as bold and graphically intense as possible butthis just isn't necessary.Your website is designed to do one thing and one thingonly: convert visitors into buyers.There is no specific rule that states that you must have aridiculous amount of loud graphics in which to do thisand oftentimes a simple website will work even betterthan one that is flashy.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Having said that, you don't want a website that containsnothing but words either because your visitor willquickly become bored and click away.A good combination of attractive graphics that arespecific to your product as well as a decent amount ofcontent designed to help sell it is what is required.You'll certainly want to have a logo of some sort andmay choose to incorporate this in a header, which is agraphical bar that will go across the top of your website.In addition, pictures of the product you are selling aswell as any other pictures that pertain to the product areoften helpful.Don't be too concerned with graphics at this pointbecause if you are a complete beginner there are plentyof graphic and website creation services available thatcan handle the process from start to finish for veryreasonable fees.Http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

• Creating your sales pageWhen someone hits your website it is your job to makesure that the message offered is compelling enough toencourage them to purchase the product. This is donethrough the use of the sales page.Basically, the content, at least on the front page of yourwebsite, will be a part of the makeup of the sales page.You'll want to include all of the features and benefitsconcerning your product as well as testimonials fromsatisfied customers.Creating a sales page that really does an affective job ofconverting website visitors to purchasers is somewhat ofan art form.Many successful copywriters charge thousands of dollarsto create such sales letters but there are much cheaperalternatives available for you.One way is simply to create the sales letter yourself. Ifyou take the time to include the compelling reasons ofwhy someone would be interested in purchasing yourproduct you can have great success doing this on yourown without spending any money at all.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

If you choose to go it alone there are some greatresources in the bonus section and on the web to helpyou out, just search for how to write a sales letter on theInternet to get a hold of all of the free information youneed to help you on your journey to completing yourfirst sales letter.In addition, there are some web and softwareapplications that will help you with this process. Hereare a few links to some that can help you get this jobdone:• www.salescopyclub.com• www.salescreatorscreator.com• www.instantsalesletters.comhttp://www.rags2richespublishing.com

• Customer Tracking and follow uponce you get to the point where people are actuallyvisiting your website you want to make sure that youcapture some of their information because if they don'tbuy the very first visit, you have no way to follow upwith them if they leave.The best way to do this is through the use of anautoresponder. An autoresponder is simply a type ofsoftware that will allow you to load prewritten messagesinto it and send them out to your potential prospects atregular intervals.You can encourage the visitors to submit their name ande-mail address in a small form located on your frontpage <strong>by</strong> enticing them with free offers if they do so.The free offers associated are the follow-up messagesyou will send using the autoresponder that are in theform of tips and valuable information pertaining to thesubject of the product you're selling.These follow-up messages won't be necessarily salesmessages, but they will allow you to stay on the mind ofthe prospect and remind them that your product isavailable.Http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Offering any helpful tips and information pertaining tothe subject they're interested in is often valued <strong>by</strong> theprospects and they may stay on your mailing list forsome time and eventually buy the product you areselling when they signed up, or maybe choose topurchase something else you begin selling at a later date.When speaking on the subject of autoresponders, onename stands out as the reigning champion:www.aweber.comSimply put, Aweber results are second to none and thecombination of quality customer service as well as thetype of services they offer make them an incrediblyvaluable choice for anyone looking to establish aprofitable online presence.Remember, your autoresponder basically acts like anemployee for your company and will work tirelessly toremind everyone of your presence in the types of offersyou have available.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

If you rely on trying to sell everyone on the first visit toyour site and don't take advantage of this incrediblyhelpful technology, you will be leaving a lot of moneyon the table. Setting up an autoresponder accountthrough Aweber is extremely easy and the customerservice they offer will help to walk you through theprocess the first time if necessary.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Taking PaymentsWhen the Internet was first developed, online paymentprocessing was all but nonexistent. Most businesses simplyincluded information of where you could send your check ormoney order or a 1-800 number that you could call to make apurchase over the phone.The high-speed world of the Internet makes these optionsalmost obsolete now. If someone is interested in your productand they're ready to buy it you have to provide them theability to do so.This brings us to the point of payment processing. Yourwebsite must have the ability to process customer's paymentsin order to deliver the product they wish to purchase.There are two main ways to do this, one being a traditionalmerchant account, and the other being online paymentprocessors like PayPal.In order to make the most money from your website you wantas many payment options as possible so choosing both ofthese options is the best way to do this.If you're brand new to the world of making money online,using a PayPal account provides an extremely easy option toget started.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

With PayPal, you simply have to register and add your bankaccount information and have it verified.Once you've set up your account, you can install a buy nowbutton directly on your website that once clicked allows thecustomer to make a payment that will be sent directly to yourPayPal account.When you're ready to make a withdraw, simply clickwithdraw and the money will be put into your bank account.PayPal simply takes a small percentage of the transaction aspayment the same way the traditional credit card processorsdo.Online payment processing- www.Paypal.comOkay, we've chosen a product, picked a hosting service,designed our website including specific elements needed tohelp make it profitable so were pretty much done, right?Well, almost.If you stopped here, you would probably never make a dime.The reason why is that no one knows you exist. The next stepin our journey to making money online is to attract visitors toyour website.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

How to Get VisitorsThe subject of getting traffic to your website is immense. Wecould begin discussing a multitude of ways you could use todo this and at about 100 pages later, we would have just begunto scratch the surface.Attracting quality targeted traffic is perhaps the most valuableskill you can possess as an Internet marketer. Withoutpotential customers, you simply have no business.We decided the best way to handle the subject in our bookhere was to simply provide a list of some of the most commonways of attracting website traffic with the ones that aregenerally considered the easiest and will produce the fastestresults first.It is recommended that you begin to investigate and learnabout each method in more detail because the moreknowledge you gain about the subjects then the more potentialmoney you can make with your online business.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Special bonus for readers:Free silver membership to trafficgeneration clubClick on the link below to get yourFree MembershipNow!!http://rags2richespublishing.comhttp://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Telling everyone you know-once your website goes live, shoutit out to the world!While not everyone that you know will be interested in theproduct you may be selling, they may know of someone whois or may be able to offer you valuable insight as to how tomake your website better.• Include your website url in your signature-think abouthow many e-mails you send in a week. You simply putthe URL of your website underneath your name on everye-mail and it acts as a constant source of free advertisingfor you.“Make use of this simple tip and you willget people visiting your website.”• Article marketingArticle marketing is exactly what it sounds like: articlesthat are written about the subject of the types of productsyou sell are submitted to online directories.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Once these articles have been submitted, other websitesmay choose to use your article as content for their ownwebsite and give you credit for writing it as well as alink back to your website.If the article is written well and piques the interest of thereader then they may choose to click on your website.In addition, the other websites containing your articleand link will help to rank your website in the searchengines.This way, if someone is looking for something in thesearch engines on the topic that your product is about, itis more likely that they will find your website in thesearch results.Article marketing is free and can result in immediateclicks if the content and writing of your article generateinterest.• Linking from other sitesjust as in the case of article marketing, your website linkfeatured on another webpage is a very good thingindeed.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

• First of all, depending on the information provided withyour link some people may choose to click on the link toget more information.In addition, all the links back to your website will help topush you up in of the results of the search engines aswell.PPC-PPC stands for pay per click.I do not recommend starting here until you get somebackground knowledge of how this program works.Basically, you bid on a keyword or keyword phrases thatsomeone might type into a search engine.If your bid is high enough then your website will appear at thetop of the listings there<strong>by</strong> greatly increasing the potential thatsomeone will click on your website.Unless your visitors are extremely targeted, however, you mayend up getting a lot of traffic but no sales. Thus this method oftraffic generation can be very expensive if you don't knowexactly what you're doing.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

On the other hand, if you have a budget and understand howthe process works, this could be one of the fastest and mosteffective ways to get traffic to your website.• Search Engine OptimizationSearch engine optimization or seo for short is the processassociated with making sure that your website is foundwhen someone types in a search term into a searchengine.This is perhaps the most difficult and mostmisunderstood aspects about the subject of Internetmarketing.Because the Internet has changed so much since itsinception, search engines work dramatically differentthan they did just a few short years ago.Because of this, many people are still trying older tacticsthat no longer produce real results so therefore it is easyto become confused with the information that you findon the net.One key tip that does remain constant is to make surethat you change and/or update the content on your siteregularly.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

When the mechanics of a search engine are indexing websitesfor content in order to properly rank them, websites thatfeature fresh and updated content rank much better than othersthat stay static.We recommend searching the Internet and readingeverything you can about the process of SEO, but for thetime being, sticking with the techniques above for nowwill provide faster and more easily obtained results.There are many firms that offer search engineoptimization services but be careful, and make sure toverify the results that they have obtained for othersbefore entering into an agreement with them or youcould wind up spending a lot of money with very littleresults to show for it.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

You are Now Up and Running!If you followed all the steps above, you should now have awebsite that is live on the Internet, offering a specific productto a specific market, and hopefully attracting visitors who aremaking purchases.The entire process is of course much easier said than done, butif you take the time to understand the information that hasbeen given and investigate the resources provided to you viathe various web links, you can have your very own profitproducing website set up easily in less than a week.Once your business is up and running, the work doesn't stopthere. Because this is a business, you should treat it like oneand work to constantly make improvements on all facetsincluding the look and feel of your website, the conversionrate at which you turn visitors into buyers, as well as thedifferent ways you can use to drive traffic toward it.The information created thus far on the subject of Internetmarketing would fill several lifetimes of learning so no matterhow much patience and diligence you have you will simplynever learn it all.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

The landscape is changing all the time and the best that youcan do is try to stay abreast of the current information aboutwhat works and what doesn't work in the world of onlinemarketing.We hope this book has been of value to you in learning justwhat it takes to begin making money online as you continueyour journey, we want to wish you incredible success andhope that this simple beginner's guide to making moneyonline was just one part of your journey to become an Internetmillionaire.If you have any questions and would like further help in yourjourney to a successful online presence contact us onsupport@rags2richespublishing.comAnd we will endever to do our best to help you on yourjourney or subscribe to our newsletter where we will send youupdates and resources of products and services we feel thatwill help you @ http://rags2richespublishing.comTo Your Success<strong>Rags2Riches</strong><strong>Publishing</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

ResourcesBelow is a list of some of the websites that we recommendedin this book as well as the subject matter that they pertain to.Keep in mind that for brevity's sake, this only represents avery small portion of what is available to you online.Simply use these as a guide point but feel free to investigatethe many sources available to you and choose the resources tomake the most sense for your particular online business.• Affiliate Products: http://clickbank.comhttp://jvzoo.com• Domain Names:• Hosting :http://GoDaddy.comhttp://hostgater.comhttp://thirdspherehostinghttp://cheapwebhosting.com• Auto-responder: http://aweber.com/• Payments:http://paypal.comhttp://1shoppingcart.comhttp://www.rags2richespublishing.com

“How You Can Virtually GuaranteeYourself a Big Pay-check”"Now You Can Discover TheseSecrets of Quickly and Easily Attracting aSteady Stream of Cash-Paying Customers...FREE!”Imagine how much money you’d make if you could turna traffic stream on as easy as turning on your kitchenfaucet...It sounds too easy, right? Almost too good to be true...And that’s because you've probably crunched thenumbers before. You already know what magic numberof customers will take your business to the next leveland give you all the security, money and luxury youdesire.And maybe that number seems completely out of reach...Until now...Introducing the TrafficGenerationClub - Grab your freegifted SILVER membership right now, and you’ll getinstant access to my special report, audio and bonusesthat will show you how to quickly and easily grab all thetraffic you need FAST!http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Look, if you're like most business owners, then you needmore customers walking through your door and whitehottraffic landing on your website.And that's because:You can bring Michelangelo back from the dead to turnyour website into a masterpiece... and yet you won't beable to pay your mortgageYou can have a product so good that people would selltheir mothers on the black market just to get their handson it... and yet you could still teeter on the brink ofbankruptcy.And you can drop $10,000 on a professional sales letterthat converts better than a free lemonade stand in thescorching desert... and yet your business doesn't evenbring in enough to get you a Happy Meal at McDonalds.The reason, of course, is traffic. You need to get eyeballson your offers. You need to get eager, cash-in-handcustomers to your order button.You won't make a cent until you discover the secrets ofgetting your offer in front of truckloads of prospects!That's where TrafficGenerationClub comes in.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Simply claim your free membership now, and withinminutes you'll finally see how to get those trafficnumbers up and create a big pay-check for yourself.Just look at what you get when you register for freebelow:You'll discover the secret of choosing the highestconvertingkeywords in your niche. You can use this tipto absolutely dominate both pay per click marketing andthe organic search engine results!You'll find out the truth about harnessing the power ofsocial media marketing! (Hint: Most marketers use it forthe wrong reasons and then wonder why they get suchdismal results!)You'll find out which social media sites get lots of lovefrom Google – now you can rank high for the long tailkeyword of your choice!Revealed: Your customers aren't just looking for aproduct or service. What they actually want is ! (Seeinside for the surprising answer!)You'll discover what eating out at a restaurant can teachyou about event marketing!You'll discover a simple secret that turns your mediocreproducts sales into "off the charts," record-shatteringresults!http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

You'll learn about buying profitable offline mailing lists– and which type of list you should buy for the bestresponse!Warning! Most marketers who buy co-registration leadsget shut down because of spam complaints. You'll findout why – and you'll learn how to avoid these disastrousmistakes!You'll find out the main two types of ads you can buy –and which one you should be using to pull in the mostcustomers!You'll discover how to find and recruit joint venturepartners who're eager to stuff your pockets with cash!And much more – in a minute from now you'll bereading an overview of the most effective, time-testedtactics to consistently get your offers in front of as manyprospects as possible!Are Your Eyes Lighting Up With Dollar Signs Yet?http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

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"Grab Your eMarketer's ClubMembership Now to Discover How toBuild a Massive List of HungryBuyers!...Free"If you've ever struggled to build a profitable email list, thenthis story is going to hit pretty close to home…After hearing about all the money I was making with myemail lists, a buddy of mine decided he'd try his hand at emailmarketing. So he built a big list – and pretty fast, too.He loved bragging about it. (Which got kind of irritating, yaknow?)So one night over beers he's tell me again (for like themillionth time) just how big his list is and how fast he built it.Finally I asked him,"So How Much Money Are You Making With that BIG List?His face got a little red and he got real quiet. Mumbledsomething about it not mattering. Tried to rationalize that hewas "developing a relationship" with the list right now andwasn't trying to make money with it.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

I pressed him again with the question. He stared down into hisbeer mug.Finally he confessed: "Nothing." He hadn't made a dime.Now here's the thing: This problem isn't unusual – but boy is itever frustrating. (You'll discover in a moment how to avoidthis pitfall.)Which Group Do You Belong To?Some people can't get people to subscribe to their lists. Otherpeople (like my friend) can collect email addresses, but theycan't turn those subscribers into cash.Either way, there's no profit. Making money with emailmarketing seems like a big myth. And it seems totallypointless, a waste of time.Until Now…Introducing the eMarketer's Club – your guide to emailriches!Grab your free membership right now, and you'll get instantaccess to my special report, audio and bonuses that will showyou how to quickly and easily create, grow and nurture yourown wildly profitable email list.You'll find out how to avoid the common list-building pitfallsand you'll discover…http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

How to build a list of rabid, hungry buyers,who snap upeverything you're selling!Just look at what you get when you claim your freemembership now:• Revealed: The three essential factors you need to startbuilding a responsive list!• Heads up: Here's the surprising reason why you shoulduse a third-party autoresponder instead of hosting yourown list!• New to email marketing? You'll get five quick and easysteps to setting up your autoresponder!• What's the magic number of messages should you sendto your subscribers to Pull Down the Biggest Profits?Find out the answer inside right now.• You'll discover the startlingly simple way to create anemail list that everyone wants to join!• Warning! Your prospects are protecting their emailaddresses like a mamma bear protects its cubs. Here'show to get them to willingly – even eagerly – give youtheir email addresses.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

• You'll find out the four things that turn your ho-humnewsletter subscription page into a high-response salespage!• Finally – discover EXACTLY what kind of freebie tooffer your prospects that will get them beating a path toyour newsletter subscription form!• Plus you'll find out seven different ways to deliver yourfreebie! (Hint: one of them gives you a sneaky way tocontact your prospects)• Discover the four things you need to do to earn yoursubscriber's trust – and their business! (This turns coldleads into hungry buyers – try it for yourself and see!)• Jackpot! You'll Discover three surprisingly easy ways tomake money with your list!And more – see for yourself when you claim yourmembership!Best of all, you get it all for FREE if you act now…http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

http://emarketersclub.comGrab Your Free Membership Right NowIf you act now, you get instant access to everything mentionedon this page! Simply click the picture Above or follow thelink, and you'll get instant access to some of my best emailmarketing strategies:http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

"Now You Too Can Run Your OwnWildly Profitable Membership Site!"Very Few People Know the TRUTH About Running aProfitable Membership Site.Until Now...Did those other marketers lie to you?You know who I'm talking about: The marketers who said allyou have to do is pick out the right membership site softwareand you'll laugh all the way to the bank.And the ones who told you that a recurring membership sitewould flood your bank account with easy money month aftermonth.If you've ever started one of those recurring membership sites,then you know that making money is anything but easy.So, did those marketers lie to you?Not intentionally, no. Problem is, they just didn't have theexperience to teach you the RIGHT way to set up a profitablemembership site.http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

And Making Money With a Membership Site IS Easy... WhenYou Know The Secret!You see, there's a lot of "make money with membership sites"ebooks and reports floating around that are nothing more thanrehashed garbage. Some of this trash was clearly created <strong>by</strong>people who'd never actually run a membership site!That,s because things have changed in the last few years.There's no longer just one way to run a membership site. Infact, I can think of six different membership site models... andyou can be rich if you choose the RIGHT one!Yet look around and you see plenty of "experts" touting justone type of membership site. (They probably don't know anybetter.) And they try to tell you that picking the rightmembership software is the key to a profitable site...That's a Lot of BULL!Listen, I've created dozens of membership sites with tens ofthousands of members. And you can bet I've tested everymembership model possible. You know what I discovered?This...A Membership Site Model That Pulls in More than TRIPLEthe Profits Over the Traditional Membership Site!http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Without pulling in any more traffic, changing your content oreven hardly changing your sales letter, you too can get up totriple profits... just <strong>by</strong> making this tiny change to yourmembership model!And if you haven't yet started your membership site, then youneed to get your hands on these surprising secrets now! Thatway you can make as much money as possible from Day One!Introducing the Membership Marketers Club - your guide tochoosing the best and most profitable membership site model!Join this club now and in just moments you'll have access to afree report and video that reveal the TRUTH aboutmembership sites! Just look at what you get when you joinnow:You'll discover five proven ways to monetize a freemembership site!Stop "looters" dead in their tracks <strong>by</strong> changing your model -never again will you have to deal with people who steal yourcontent and then cancel their monthly membership!Maintaining a recurring membership site is a pain in the neck!You'll discover a membership model that puts MORE moneyin your pocket... with LESS work!Monthly membership or lifetime membership? You'll find outwhich one is more profitable - the answer will surprise you!

You'll find out which model gets some of your customershappily paying more money!You'll find out why the freemium model beats the othermodels hands down... and how you can use it to fill your bankaccount with cash!And more - once you view the free report and video, you'llfinally know how to create a membership site that pulls intriple the profits over traditional membership sites!Best of all, you get it all free if you act now... Grab YourMembership Marketers Club SilverMembership Right Now Just $27.00 FREE!If you act now, you get access to everything mentioned on thispage! Simply click on the picture below, and you'll instantlydiscover how to make more money with your membershipsite! Get yours now below:http://www.membershipmarketersclub.com/http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

You've Always Heard That You Can TurnYour Words Into an Avalanche of Cash, ButYou Didn’t Know How. Until Now..."Good News! Now You Too Can Discover TheseCash-Pulling Copywriting Secrets!"YES! If You're Quick, You Can Become a Silver Member ofthe Power Copy ClubClaim Your Membership Below Now to Find Out How toTurn Your Sales Letters Into EXPLOSIVE Cash Machines!Imagine this...You've spent weeks working on your product. All thoseblurry-eyed hours in front of the computer. All those latenights. All that effort.Then the big launch day arrives. Your launch partners emailtheir lists. With a shaky, sweaty hand that reveals yournervous excitement, you click the mouse to send an email toyour list...A deep breath. Your heart pounds. You lean forward in yourchair with anticipation...http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Minutes tick <strong>by</strong>: Nothing. An hour is gone. And still nothinghappens.You check your live web stats. People are streaming in likecrazy. You check your payment processor and website.Everything is up and running.You expected to see a few thousand dollars in your Paypalaccount <strong>by</strong> now. But all you're seeing are blanks in the "sales"column. It's like a ghost town - dead silent. And you'rewondering...What Happened to All Your Sales and Money?This is when the cold, hard truth settles in: Your sales letterstinks. It couldn't give away free water in the desert.Yikes! Now that's every marketer's worse nightmare, isn't it?Hopefully the above disturbing story doesn't sound familiar toyou.And if the thought of pouring your heart and soul into aproject and then not making a dime scares you witless (and itshould!), then you'll be glad you're reading thishttp://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Introducing the Power Copy Club SilverMembership..Your guide to raking in the big money using surprisinglysimple sales letters!You don't need to write like Shakespeare to churn outirresistible letters that get your prospects scrambling to yourorder button. All you need to know are the sales secretsrevealed in this free report and video!Here's just a taste of what you'll discover when you claimyour free membership now:• Ever heard of the copywriting formula AIDA before? Atlast, now you'll discover how to use it to create salesletters that put money in your pocket!• You'll get a simple sales letter template you can use tosave time and eliminate guesswork!• Plus you'll find out the 12 essential parts your sales lettershould have if you want a high conversion rate!• At last! You'll discover the secrets of creating profitpullingheadlines!Http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

• Plus I'll even walk you through a couple examples toshow you how to turn a bland headline into a sizzling-hotheadline!• Boost your response rate using these 12 amazing triggerwords that work like magic!• You'll find out how to create a sales letter opener thatgets your readers hanging on your every word!You've heard of storytelling selling - now you'll find out whyit works so wellHow to whip your prospects into a foaming-at-the-mouthfrenzy that sends them scrambling to buy your product!Plus you'll find out what to do when your prospect doesn'tbelieve you!Revealed: How to close more sales, more often! (And thatputs more money in your pocket!)Plus you'll discover five proven urgency tactics you can use topersuade your prospects to buy NOW!You'll even learn four ways to create a P.S. that turns yourskimming readers into eager customers!And much more! By the time you’ve finished devouring thisamazing report and video, you'll know how to create cashpullingsales letters that sizzle!Http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Grab Your Power Copy Club MembershipRight Now Below:If you act now, you get access to everything mentioned on thispage! Simply click the join now button, and you'll get instantaccess to this amazing copywriting video and report –including the time-saving sales letter template! Get yours nowbelow:P.S. Join now to discover how you too can create high response sales letters!http://www.powercopyclub.com

"Here's The Quickest Way I Know toMake a Lot of Money Online..."Claim Your FREE Report and Video Below NowWant to Learn How the Rich Get Rich? You want to makemoney. A lot of it. So what are your choices?1. You could invest your money to make more money. Butdo you have $100,000 to spare? And can you risk losingit? If not, then cross this idea off your list.2. You could become a freelancer. But if you trade yourtime for dollars, then your income is capped <strong>by</strong> thenumber of hours you work. That’s no good.3. You could become an affiliate marketer. Instead of beingthe product creator who has thousands of affiliatesputting money in his pocket, you’re just one of theaffiliates… competing against thousands of others. Yikes,there must be an easier way.Listen, I could rattle off a long list of ways to make moneyonline and off. But let me cut to the chase...http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

If You Don't Have Your Own Product, ThenYou're Leaving a Gigantic Stack of Moneyon the Table!Fortunately, creating your own product is a lot easier than youthink.That's why I created Product Profits Club and this report andvideo for you. In just moments, you'll discover -- how you toocan create your own best selling product!Here's a sneak peek at what you'll learn:• You'll find out five surefire ways to find out what yourmarket wants to buy - do this, and you're almostguaranteed a steady income!• You'll find out what kind of product you should create toput the biggest profits in your pocket!• You'll discover how to instantly increase the perceivedvalue of ANY product! (Hint: That means you can chargemore!)• Plus you'll discover which three factors affect theperceived value of your product the most!Http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

PLR content - is it really a money maker or is someonepulling the wool over your eyes? At last you'll learn theTRUTH!You'll find out the three questions you need to ask yourselfbefore you decide whether to create your product or outsource(the answer might surprise you)!And more - once you view this video and report, you'll finallyknow how to create best selling products. You may even startimagining your own early retirement!Best of all, you get it all if you act now...Grab Your Free Product Profits Club Membership Right NowBelow:If you act now, you get FREE access to everything mentionedon this page!Simply click on the picture below, and you'll get instantaccess to product creation report and video!Get yours now on the next page :http://www.rags2richespublishing.com


"Take This Quick Quiz to Discover if YouHave What it Takes to Get Rich!..."Listen up... If getting rich was as easy as getting your handson a good marketing plan, you'd already be a millionaire.Because let's face it, you've probably read more than a few"how to make money" books, right?You see, you already have almost everythingyou need to succeed:• Desire to get rich? Check.• Burning passion to be successful? Check.• Knowledge? Check. (If not, there are plenty of placesonline to get it.)So what's missing?In One Word: MindsetThink about it... You can drop the same money-makingsystem in front of two people. One person will take the systemand go on to amass a huge fortune. The other person willclaim the system doesn't work – and he might even go broketrying.Http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

I'm not making this up. Look around the marketing forumsand you'll discover people who've been trying to make moneyfor years. Then you'll find others who are brand new to thegame and already in profit.Sometimes these people are using the exact same strategy –yet one fails and one succeeds!Age has nothing to do with it. Neither does poverty. Or lack ofeducation. Or disability. Or luck. It all comes down tomindset.It all comes down to...Knowing How to Think Like a Rich and SuccessfulEntrepreneur!Now maybe you're wondering if you can think like a richperson. And maybe you're wondering if you really have whatit takes to reach for successful and wealth.Good news! You're in the right place, because...You're About to Discover the TRUTH About Success andWealth!All you have to do is register for your SuccessUpgrade freemembership below, and in just moments you'll have access toa self-assessment quiz, report and video where you'll find outif you possess the seven traits of a successful entrepreneur!Http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

Just look at what else you instant access towhen you join now:• You'll discover once and for all if you've actually gotwhat it takes to get rich!• Will working for yourself be a dream come true or yourworst nightmare? See Trait #1 to discover the startlinganswer!• Are you looking to make some fast and easy cash? You'lldiscover what that desire says about you!• See Trait #3 to discover the difference between needingguidance and wanting your hand held – you might besurprised!• Read all about Trait #4 to find out what state of mind willempower you and pave a fast path to success!• See inside the exclusive member's report to find out ifyou have the trait needed to enjoy faster success andbigger profits!• The most successful people go into business for thisreason – see inside to discover if this is your reason too!Http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

• You'll discover one of the biggest stumbling blocks thatstop aspiring entrepreneurs dead in their tracks – seeTrait #7 to find out if you have what it takes to jump overthis hurdle!•And more – once you take this free self-assessment quiz andwatch the video, you'll finally know if you've got a future as apowerful, rich and successful entrepreneur!Best of all, you get it all for FREE if you act now...Grab Your Success Upgrade Free Membership Right NowBelow:When you act now, you get instant access to everythingmentioned on this page! Simply fill in your first name andemail address below, and you'll get instant access to the selfassessmentquiz and the seven traits of successfulentrepreneurs!Get yours now below:http://www.successupgrade.com

At Last: Here's Your No Hype, No B.S. Guide to Six of theBest Online Money-Making Strategies on the Planet!"If You Think Making Money Online isJust a Fairytale, Then You're Going to FlipWhen You See The Six Money-MakingStrategies Inside This MembershipSite!...FREE!"You can make money online. Yes, you.Just reading those words gives you a surge of hope. You canimagine what it would be like quit your job. You can pictureyourself sitting at your computer, sipping coffee, countinghow much money you made overnight.And you can just imagine what it will be like to clear out thatcredit card debt... at last.But it seems like you've been down this road before. You gotall excited about a product or an opportunity only to be letdown. Maybe you found out it cost a fortune. (Or maybe youdiscovered you had to have a list of 100 guru friends in orderto make it work.)In the end you were let down... again.Http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

And when that happens enough times, you don't let yourhopes get too high.Until now...Because at last, you're about to discover the TRUTH aboutmaking money online!Now I know you don't expect to make a million bucks beforetomorrow morning. You're just looking for a way that anaverage person can make some money online. Nothing tootechnical. Nothing too complicated.Just a simple way to start banking some honest profits...Here's the good news - you've come to the right place...Introducing Web Profits Club:Your online guide to six of the best, most profitable andPROVEN ways to make money online!That's right, it's time you learned the truth straight fromsomeone who's been there, done that and has the scars – andthe big online income – to prove it!Listen, I've tried all these strategies. I've taught others how touse them. And not only do I know what works and whatdoesn't work, I want to share my insights and discoveries withyou.

Here's a sample of what you get when you claim your WebProfits Club Free membership right now:• Think making money online is a fairytale? Think again –you'll discover how you can start making money online.• You'll find out which money-making model saves youthe hassles and headaches of product creation anddealing with customer service!• You'll discover which money-making model gives you atleast five different ways of making money!• Do you get bored doing the same ol' thing all the time?See inside to discover the perfect money-makingopportunity for you!Imagine making money without a website, without a productand without even creating a word of content. Sound like adream come true? Register for free right now to discover thissuper-slick way to make money online!If you'd rather peel your fingernails off then sell anything,you'll LOVE the simple alternative that you can put to worktoday (you'll love this)!Do you ever buy domain names and then let them gathercyber dust? I'll show you how to make money with them –and it only takes five minutes, with nothing more to do, ever!

Plus you'll find out which money-making model has put themost cash in my pocket – just imagine what it can do for you!And more – once you read the report and watch the video,you'll finally know the TRUTH about making money online!You've Heard About Making Money Online – But Which ofThese Six Proven Strategies Have You Overlooked?...Best of all, you can get it all for Free if you act now...Get A Web Profits Club Free Membership Right Now!If you act now, you get instant access to everything mentionedon this page! Simply click the picture below, and you'llinstantly learn more about these six easy and proven moneymakingstrategies:http://www.webprofitsclub.com

Here's a Surprisingly Simple Way the Rich Get Richer...And How You Can Too!"Join the Wealth Upgrade Club Nowto Discover the Secrets of Getting andStaying RICH!"But here's the thing...Getting rich isn't as hard as you think.Most people completely skip the crucial first step. Namely,they forget to keep an eye on the amount of money leavingtheir bank accounts.You see, your business can pull in a great deal of money. Butif you aren't plugging up the money leaks in your finances, agreat deal of money also might be needlessly flowing out ofyour bank account like water out of a leaky bucket.This isn't just something that happens to those working lowpayingjobs. You've probably heard of very wealthy peopledefaulting on their mortgages, getting their yachts repossessedand similar. Point is, it can happen to anybody...You can be as rich as a king at the beginning of the month andfeel like a pauper <strong>by</strong> the end!

Until now...In just moments you'll discover what the truly rich peopleknow about staying rich. You'll find out how to plug up themoney leaks and keep more of your hard-earned money inyour pocket -- where it belongs!Now, that doesn't mean you need to be a stingy miser in orderto get rich. You don't need to be the next Ebenezer Scrooge tobuild a great deal of wealth. And you don't need to live inpoverty just so you can die a millionaire. (Where's the fun inthat?)Instead, you'll discover how quickly and easily cut waste sothat...You too can build your wealth and your net worth to eyepoppingsums!And that means you'll have more money to spend on thethings that are truly important to you, like luxury cars and ahome big enough to make your neighbors jealous!Best of all, you can learn these secrets Just look at what you'lldiscover when you claim your FREE membership now:You'll discover how to become a whole lot richer just <strong>by</strong>keeping more of your hard-earned money in your pocket – it'ssurprisingly easy!

You'll find out the “Five S's” of kicking the “expensivemoney” habit and becoming free of debt!You'll discover how to recognize and plug the money leaksthat drain your bank account!Starting a savings account? Here's what you should startsaving for FIRST!You'll discover five ways to quickly and easily cut yourexpenses and keep more of your hard-earned money!Plus you'll find out the top three ways to save money in yourbusiness – they're so simple you'll wonder why you didn'tthink of them before!And more – once you view the free report and video, you'llfinally know how to build your wealth rather than watching ithelplessly drain out of your bank accounts month after month!

Grab Your Wealth Upgrade Club FREEMembership Right Now Below:If you act now, you get FREE access to everything mentionedon this page! Simply click the picture below, and you'llinstantly discover how to become richer <strong>by</strong> keeping more ofYOUR money!Get yours now below:http://www.wealthupgradeclub.com

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Remember you can give this ebook away or sell it andbuild your own list of hungry customers stampedingyour site for valuable information.P.s I`m giving you my “fill-in-the-blanks” report so justclick the link that will be sent to your email and fill inyour details and clickbank ID and your report will beautomatically re-branded with your personal link soyou can send that report knowing that all yourtwitter,facebook,marketing exploits are receiving yourviral ebook cash machine working for you 24/7 :-)P.s.s. Don’t worry if you don’t have clickbank ID thereis a link for you to get one and being an affiliate is freewith clickbankTo your SuccessPatP.s.s.sHere`s your link click it now fill in your name andemail then you will be sent an email with your link torebrand this ebook so click it now and make somemoney NOW!!!!http://www.rags2richespublishing.com

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