Scholarship List 2012-2013 - Lemont High School

Scholarship List 2012-2013 - Lemont High School

Scholarship List 2012-2013 - Lemont High School


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Illinois Elks Association:College <strong>Scholarship</strong> forPhysical & OccupationalTherapy Majors OnlyThis program is available to those high school graduates seeking degrees in Physical and OccupationalTherapy only. The applicant must have a B average or higher to apply. This is a very competitivescholarship program. Application Avaliable online at: iea-ccc.info or iea-ieccc.info. Deadline: March 8th,<strong>2013</strong>. If you need general information or have any questions, call Illinois Elks Children's Care Program at 1-3/8/<strong>2013</strong>800-272-0074 or 1-217-483-3020.Illinois Division of Sonsof Confederate VeteransIllinois Society, MilitaryOrder of Stars and BarsThe SCV/MOS&B is offering a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating senior, male or female, who resides inIllinois and will be enrolling in the fall at a community college, college, or university. Eligibility requirementsare as follows: student must be a descendant of a male who served honorably in the army, navy, judicial,executive, or civil service of the confederate states of America, lineal or collateral family lines must bedocumented genealogically with a descendency chart, student must submit a 500 word essay. The topic ofthe essay shall deal with an event, person, philosophy or ideal associated with such cause during the warbetween the states. Students must submit transcript of grades and biography as background informationonly. The scholarship application can be found in the PPS office.3/15/<strong>2013</strong>The Joseph BlazekFoundationIllinois Sheriffs'Association <strong>Scholarship</strong>This $500 scholarship is available to a senior living in Cook County who shows financial need andacademic achievement. The applicants must be majoring in one of the following fields: Chemistry,Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or Science. For more information contact the Joseph BlazekFoundation at 312-372-3880. Each applicant must complete the application form provided by thefoundation and mail the same to the office of The Joseph Blazek Foundation, P.O. Box 1387, Northbrook,Illinois, 60065-1387. Applications can be found in the guidance office.The Illinois Sheriffs' Association will be awarding 5 $500 scholarships for Cook County students wishing topursue higher education during the <strong>2013</strong>-2014 academic year. Eligibility requirements include outstandingscholastic, extra-curricular and character qualifications. <strong>Scholarship</strong> winners must attend an Illinois collegeor university. Applications are available online at www.cookcountysheriff.org or www.ilsheriff.org. Studentsmust complete this application, including a written essay and return all documentation postmarked byMarch 15, <strong>2013</strong> to the Cook County Sheriff Youth Service Department.3/15/<strong>2013</strong>3/15/<strong>2013</strong>Order of AHEPA: 13thDistrict <strong>Scholarship</strong>FoundationEligible students must be a high school senior, have a minimum four year cumulative grade point averageof B and be either of Greek heritage or have a parent that is an active member of the AHEPA family.Applications forms may be obtained by going to www.ahepa.org/.3/15/<strong>2013</strong>

The Kohl's Cares<strong>Scholarship</strong> ProgramThe Kohl's Cares® <strong>Scholarship</strong> Program recognizes and rewards young volunteers (ages 6-18) who helpmake their communities a better place to live. Students must be nominated by an adult. To be eligible, thestudent must also meet the following criteria: Must be between the ages of 6 and 18 and not yet a highschool graduate, Volunteer efforts must be described in detail by the nominator and should documentefforts above and beyond what is expected of a child his or her age, Volunteer efforts must have occurredin the last year, Winners are chosen based on the project, benefits and outcome. See website for furtherinformation and details about nomination process: www.kohlskids.com3/15/<strong>2013</strong>COD, PresidentialScholars AwardGeorge M. PullmanEducational FoundationWoodridge JuniorWoman's ClubCollege of DuPage is awarding full-tuition scholarships to <strong>2013</strong> District 502 high school graduates whomeet the selection criteria. To be considered for the award, students must meet the following criteria: Aweighted or unweighted high school GPA of 3.75 on a 4.0 scale (4.75/5.0) on a seventh semester highschool transcripts or a 27 ACT composite test score; have applied for admission to College of DuPage;Completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is preferred. The results should besent to COD (school code: 006656). For more information and to apply, go to www.cod.edu/scholarships.The George M. Pullman Educational Foundation scholarship application and instructions are nowavailable online. The criteria is: You are a resident of Cook County, Illinois, you will be enrolling as afull-time student at an accredited bachelor’s degree-granting institution that is eligible to receive Title IVfederal aid and is located within the U.S., you demonstrate strong financial need, you currently have a 3.0GPA or higher, you are eligible to receive state and federal aid and will file the Free Application forFederal Student Aid (FAFSA). For more information and the application, please visitpullmanfoundation.org.The Woodridge Junior Woman's Club scholarship recognizes high school seniors for community service.Students must reside in Woodridge and must have maintained a "C" average during high school. A onepage essay is required detailing your community involvement. Two telephone interviews or preferablywritten letters of recommendation are required and potentially an interview with the finalists. This is aone-time $500 scholarship payable to the student after proof of enrollment to a post-secondaryeducational institution. Applications are available in the PPS office.3/15/<strong>2013</strong>3/29/<strong>2013</strong>3/29/<strong>2013</strong>

Marianjoy <strong>Scholarship</strong>ProgramApplications for Marianjoy's <strong>Scholarship</strong> Program for students with Physical disabilities are now available atwww.Marianjoy.org. These awards will be for the <strong>2013</strong>-2014 school year. Last year, $55,000 in scholarships wereawarded to students with physical disabilities enabling them to continue their education.In order to be eligible, applicants to the Marianjoy <strong>Scholarship</strong> Program must be:•Functionally impaired or physically disabled. •A permanent resident in one of the following counties: Cook; Will;Kane; DuPage; McHenry; Lake; DeKalb; Kendall. •<strong>High</strong> school seniors or graduates (diploma or GED certificate),college undergraduates, or graduate students (post-baccalaureate). •Students who are enrolled or are planning toenroll in a half-time or full-time course study at an accredited two-year or four-year college, university, or vocationaltechnicalschool. Applications are at: www.marianjoy.org and for more information, call (630) 909-7402.3/29/<strong>2013</strong>JJC <strong>Scholarship</strong>sThe Joliet Junior College scholarship online application process has started for <strong>2013</strong>-2014 academic year. This yearyou will notice a new updated version of the STARS online scholarship application program. JJC offers hundreds ofscholarships for students and many that are specific to incoming freshmen, so please encourage your students toapply for as many scholarships as possible as long as they meet the criteria. Students can apply online on the JJCscholarship web page at www.jjc.edu/info/scholarships between January 9th and April 1st for priority consideration forthe following fall <strong>2013</strong> semester.4/1/<strong>2013</strong>Joint Civic Committee ofItalian Americans -Women's DivisionWoodridge Rotary<strong>Scholarship</strong>Several scholarship awards of $2,000 each to female students of Italian ancestry who have been accepted intocollege in the fall of <strong>2013</strong>. One parent must be of Italian descent. Award to be presented at the Women's Division<strong>Scholarship</strong>-Fashion Show to be held on May 1, <strong>2013</strong> at the Drury Lane Oak-Brook. Recipient must be present toaccept award.The Woodridge Rotary <strong>Scholarship</strong> application are two $2000 scholarships that our Club offers each year. Thestudent must live in Woodridge or be a non-resident where Woodridge is the primary Rotary Club and be agraduating senior. In keep with the Rotary International Creed of Service Above Self, the qualifications for thescholarship are community service and volunteer activities over a period of time. The application forms are also liveon our Club website www.woodridgerotary.org where the forms can be downloaded and filled out. The deadline forreceipt of the applications is April 2nd.4/1/<strong>2013</strong>4/2/<strong>2013</strong><strong>Lemont</strong> Junior Woman'sClubApplicants inlcude <strong>Lemont</strong> resident high school seniors and adult women returning to school. Looking forapplicants with a history of community service, a demonstrated commitment to volunteerism, and a strongacademic performance. If you would like to apply, complete the application, answer the essay questionand provide 2 letters of recommendation. Applications are available online at4/10/<strong>2013</strong>www.lemontjuniorwomansclub.org and in the PPS office. If you have questions, contact the scholarshipcommittee at ljwcscholarships@yahoo.com.

<strong>Lemont</strong> Chamber ofCommerceThe <strong>Lemont</strong> Chamber of Commerce is awarding 2 $500 scholarships to any high school senior residing inthe <strong>Lemont</strong> Township who intends to continue his/her education. The student must compose and submitan essay following the theme: What are the benefits of entrepreneurship and economic development forthe community? The essay must be typewritten with a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 1000words. The essay needs a cover sheet with name, address, phone number, email, attending high schooland attending college. The finished essay should be submitted to the <strong>Lemont</strong> Chamber Office at 101 MainStreet, however, EMAIL IS PREFERRED. Please submit your essay to: info@lemontchamber.com.Application requirements can be found in the PPS office.4/12/<strong>2013</strong>Joint Civic Committee ofItalian Americans-MaleDivisionJoint Civic Committee of Italian American's John Fischetti <strong>Scholarship</strong> to Male Students: Onescholarship of $2,000 to male student of 50% Italian ancestry who is either undergraduate in journalismor communications/or who has been accepted into college with the intent of establishing a major injournalism or media communications. Applications must be submitted by April 16th. Applications can befound in the PPS office and at www.jccia.com.4/16/<strong>2013</strong>B. Davis <strong>Scholarship</strong>The creators of the “Student Award Search Aid” website are offering a scholarship for <strong>2013</strong>. Please visitour website at http://www.studentawardsearch.com/scholarships.htm to read about us and to apply for ourscholarship. While you’re there, please browse through the rest of the site to learn more about applyingfor scholarships. The site is free and we charge nothing for the information or the application. Thedeadline for applications is May 27, <strong>2013</strong>. Amount of <strong>Scholarship</strong>: $1,000. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact us at awards@studentawardsearch.com5/27/<strong>2013</strong>Abbott and Fenner<strong>Scholarship</strong> ProgramAbbott & Fenner Business Consultants are pleased to be able to continue their scholarship program forthe 6th year. Students will submit an essay on the topic that appears on the scholarship page of thewebsite: http://www.abbottandfenner.com/scholarships.htm. Full details are available on their site.6/14/<strong>2013</strong>

AES Engineering<strong>Scholarship</strong>The consulting firm of AES Engineers is committed to continuing its support of higher education byproviding scholarships to deserving students.To be eligible the student needs to answer one of the essayquestions that they will find on our site at http://www.aesengineers.com/scholarships.htmOur belief is that achieving a high grade point average should not be the only criteria for determining whodeserves to be helped. For that reason we are offering a scholarship that will be awarded on the basis ofcharacter, as determined by evaluating the essays that are submitted.Amount of award: $500.00 Further information, including previous winners, is available on our web siteat: http://www.aesengineers.com/scholarships.htm10/4/<strong>2013</strong>Fastweb.com $3.4 Billion available in scholarships! ASAP<strong>Scholarship</strong>s.com Billions of $$$ available in scholarships! ASAPCollege website Check out school's website under the financial aid/scholarship section. ASAP

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