Mohave County Planning & Zoning Department Zoning Ordinance

Mohave County Planning & Zoning Department Zoning Ordinance

Mohave County Planning & Zoning Department Zoning Ordinance


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Section 9 DEFINITIONS (continued)Manufactured Home: A manufactured dwelling unit built after June 15, 1976, to standards establishedby the U.S. <strong>Department</strong> of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and having an affixed "HUD"label, as per 24 CFR 3280.11, or a verifiable data plate as per 24 CFR 3280.5, certifying that the unitwas manufactured in conformance with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and SafetyStandards in effect on the date of manufacture. The manufactured home, transportable in one (1) ormore sections, is three hundred twenty (320) square feet or more in size, when erected on site, andwhich is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling, with or without apermanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and including the typical plumbing,heating, air conditioning, electrical systems and adequate sanitary sewage disposal system approved,installed and operational. Calculations used to determine the number of square feet in a manufacturedhome will be based on the exterior dimensions measured at the largest horizontal projections whenerected on site. These dimensions will include all expandable rooms, cabinets and other projectionscontaining interior space, but do not include bay windows. The term “Manufactured Home” does notinclude recreational vehicles, travel trailers, modular buildings, factory-built buildings, or mobilehomes.Manufactured Home, Multi-Sectional: A multi-sectional manufactured home, not exceeding two (2)stories in height and manufactured after June 15, 1976, to standards established by the U.S.<strong>Department</strong> of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and having an affixed "HUD" label, as per 24CFR 3280.11, or a verifiable data plate as per 24 CFR 3280.5, certifying that the unit wasmanufactured in conformance with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and SafetyStandards in effect on the date of manufacture. The multi-sectional manufactured home, when joined,forms a residence for human occupancy that measures sixteen feet by forty feet (16’ x 40’) or largerand which is designed and required to be placed on a permanent foundation system when located on anindividual lot. A multi-sectional manufactured home shall have roofing and siding materials similar inappearance and kind to those used in site built homes and be connected to the required utilities,including the typical plumbing, heating, air conditioning electrical systems and adequate sewagedisposal systems approved, installed and operational. The term “Multi-Sectional Manufactured Home”does not include, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, factory-built buildings or travel trailers.Manufactured Home Park: A parcel of land, under single ownership which has been planned andimproved for the placement of manufactured homes for non-transient residential use. For the purposeof this <strong>Ordinance</strong>, any parcel of land with two or more manufactured home lots for rent or for leaseshall be deemed a park. Spaces shall not be rented or leased for a period exceeding 364 days induration.Manufactured Home Subdivision: A manufactured home subdivision is designed and intended forresidential use where residence is in manufactured homes.Manufacturing: The fabrication of finished or more completely worked products from one or more rawmaterials, or semi-finished products, or the reprocessing of goods or materials, and may includestorage, packing, and shipping.Master Plan: (see General Plan.)Mining: The extraction of mineral or organic deposits from the earth, including permanent sand orgravel operations, either by means of open pits, shafts, or pipeline except that the extraction of waterdoes not constitute mining, nor is the operation of a temporary borrow pit or land leveling classified asmining.- 14 -

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