IES-2010 IES Academy ET (Paper-I) Electronics Engineering (Paper-I)

IES-2010 IES Academy ET (Paper-I) Electronics Engineering (Paper-I) IES-2010 IES Academy ET (Paper-I) Electronics Engineering (Paper-I)
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India’s No 1IES AcademyIES-20101 1 1a 0 < z < b z < c < z < 1 d z > 14 4 4( ) ( ) ( ) ( )ET (Paper-I)Q13. A pressure gauge that can be modeled as an LTI system has a time response−t−tto a unit step input given by (1 −e − te )u(t) . For the certain input x(t), the−t−3toutput is observed to be ( 2− 3e + e ) u(t). For this observed measurement,determine the true pressure input to the gauge as a function of time.−3t −3t −3t t −3t ta 2e + 4 u(t) b 4e + 2 u(t) c 2e + 4e u(t) d 4e + 2e u(t) Email: Page-4__( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Q14. The signal y(t) is obtained by convolving signals x1( t) and x2( t ) where:X1( ω ) = 0 for ω > 1000 π &X ( ω ) = 0 for ω > 2000π2Impulse train sampling is performed on y(t) to get yp( t) = ∑ y( nT) δ( t−nT).−∞Specify the range of values of T so that y(t) may be recovered from yp(t).3 2a T 1 sec b T 0.5 sec c T 10 −−< < < sec d T < 10 sec( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Q15. Metal when compared to non-metals(a) Are less electronegative & have smaller atomic radii.(b) Have greater ionization energies & smaller atomic radii.(c) Are less electronegative & have larger atomic radii.(d) Have less ionization energies & smaller atomic radii.Q16. A semiconductor strain gauge has the advantage over the normal straingauge that(a) It is more linear(b) It has excellent hysteresis characteristics(c) Its low cost(d) All the aboveQ17. The gauge factor of strain gauge is 2, stress is 1050 kg/cm 2 , Y = 2.1 × 10 6 kg/cm 2 and change in resistance is 1Ω. Find the value of resistance.(a) 2000Ω (b) 1500Ω (c) 1000Ω (d) 2500ΩQ18. Which one of the following is used for the measurement of loss angle in adielectric?(a) Schering bridge (b) Megger (c) Spectrum Analyser (d) NoneQ19. A capacitive transducer has two plates of area 5 cm 2 each separated by anair gap. The displacement sensitivity due to air gap is 11.06 pF/cm. Find theair gap.(a) 2mm (b) 4 mm (c) 4.5 mm (d) 5.1 mmQ20. A Hall-effect transducer with Hall-coefficient, K = -1 × 10 -8 is required tomeasure a magnetic field of 10,000 gauss. A 2 mm bismuth slab is used as thetransducer with a current I. The output voltage of the transducer is−51.5 × 10 V. Find I.(a) 1A (b) 2A (c) 2.7 A (d) 3A25, 1 st Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT. New Delhi-16 Ph: 011-26537570, 9810958290∞

India’s No 1IES AcademyIES-2010ET (Paper-I)Q21. A linear discrete – time system has the characteristic equation,3Z − 0.64z = 0. The system Email: Page-5__(a) Stable (b) Marginally (c) unstable (d) can’t be determinedQ22. Match List – I (Materials) with List – II (Applications of materials) & selectthe correct answer given below:List – IList - II(A) AL2O3(1) LASER(B) Ruby(2) HIGH VALUE CAPACITOR(C) BaTiO3(3) FERRIMAGNETIC(D) YIG(4) INSULATORCodes:A B C D A B C D(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 4 2 1 3(c) 1 4 2 3 (d) 1 4 3 2Q23. A 0 to 200V dc moving coil voltmeter has a guaranteed accuracy of 0.5% offull – scale reading. The voltage measured by instrument is 100 V. What isthe limiting error?(a) 0.5% (b) 1% (c) 1.5% (d) 2.5%Q24. A variable reluctance type tachometer has 135 teeth on the rotor. Thecounter records 27,000 pulses per second. The rotational speed is:(a) 3000 rpm (b) 12,000 rpm (c) 17,000 rpm (d) NoneQ25. Assertion (A): Isotopes have different atomic no.s and the same atomicmasses.Reason (R): The difference in composition between isotopes is in the no. ofneutrons in the nucleus.(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A(c) A is true but R is false(d) A is false but R is trueQ26. Assertion (A): In two wattmeter method, when the readings of the two wattmetersare equal but of opposite sign, p.f is zero.Reason (R): Two – watt meter method, is used only for star – connectedthree – phase circuits.(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A(c) A is true but R is false(d) A is false but R is trueQ27. Assertion (A): In an electromagnetic flow meter, a non – magnetic & non –conducting pipe is used for measuring the flow of fluid of low conductivity.Reason (R): The meter calibration is un-affected as the viscosity of the fluidchanges.(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A25, 1 st Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT. New Delhi-16 Ph: 011-26537570, 9810958290

India’s No 1<strong>IES</strong> <strong>Academy</strong><strong>IES</strong>-<strong>2010</strong>1 1 1a 0 < z < b z < c < z < 1 d z > 14 4 4( ) ( ) ( ) ( )<strong>ET</strong> (<strong>Paper</strong>-I)Q13. A pressure gauge that can be modeled as an LTI system has a time response−t−tto a unit step input given by (1 −e − te )u(t) . For the certain input x(t), the−t−3toutput is observed to be ( 2− 3e + e ) u(t). For this observed measurement,determine the true pressure input to the gauge as a function of time.−3t −3t −3t t −3t ta 2e + 4 u(t) b 4e + 2 u(t) c 2e + 4e u(t) d 4e + 2e u(t) Email: Page-4__( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Q14. The signal y(t) is obtained by convolving signals x1( t) and x2( t ) where:X1( ω ) = 0 for ω > 1000 π &X ( ω ) = 0 for ω > 2000π2Impulse train sampling is performed on y(t) to get yp( t) = ∑ y( nT) δ( t−nT).−∞Specify the range of values of T so that y(t) may be recovered from yp(t).3 2a T 1 sec b T 0.5 sec c T 10 −−< < < sec d T < 10 sec( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Q15. Metal when compared to non-metals(a) Are less electronegative & have smaller atomic radii.(b) Have greater ionization energies & smaller atomic radii.(c) Are less electronegative & have larger atomic radii.(d) Have less ionization energies & smaller atomic radii.Q16. A semiconductor strain gauge has the advantage over the normal straingauge that(a) It is more linear(b) It has excellent hysteresis characteristics(c) Its low cost(d) All the aboveQ17. The gauge factor of strain gauge is 2, stress is 1050 kg/cm 2 , Y = 2.1 × 10 6 kg/cm 2 and change in resistance is 1Ω. Find the value of resistance.(a) 2000Ω (b) 1500Ω (c) 1000Ω (d) 2500ΩQ18. Which one of the following is used for the measurement of loss angle in adielectric?(a) Schering bridge (b) Megger (c) Spectrum Analyser (d) NoneQ19. A capacitive transducer has two plates of area 5 cm 2 each separated by anair gap. The displacement sensitivity due to air gap is 11.06 pF/cm. Find theair gap.(a) 2mm (b) 4 mm (c) 4.5 mm (d) 5.1 mmQ20. A Hall-effect transducer with Hall-coefficient, K = -1 × 10 -8 is required tomeasure a magnetic field of 10,000 gauss. A 2 mm bismuth slab is used as thetransducer with a current I. The output voltage of the transducer is−51.5 × 10 V. Find I.(a) 1A (b) 2A (c) 2.7 A (d) 3A25, 1 st Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT. New Delhi-16 Ph: 011-26537570, 9810958290∞

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