IES-2010 IES Academy ET (Paper-I) Electronics Engineering (Paper-I)

IES-2010 IES Academy ET (Paper-I) Electronics Engineering (Paper-I) IES-2010 IES Academy ET (Paper-I) Electronics Engineering (Paper-I)
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India’s No 1IES AcademyIES-2010(a) 5 4 3 2 (b) 3 4 2 1(c) 4 3 1 2 (d) 5 1 4 2ET (Paper-I)Q79. A loss less long transmission line charged to a voltage V and a capacitor Ccharged to a voltage V/2 are shown in the given Figure. If the switch isclosed at t = 0, the voltage V(t) across the capacitor for t ≥ 0 is given byttV⎛ − ⎞CZV⎛ − ⎞0 CZ0( a) V( t) = 1− e ( b) V( t)= 2−e2 ⎜ ⎟ 2 ⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠t⎛ − ⎞CZ0( c) V( t) = 2− e ( d) V( t)= V,t > 0⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠3V= ,t = 04Q80. Two vectors A and B are such that A + B = nA, where n is a positive scalar< 1. The angle between A and B isπ3π( a) ( b) ( c) π( d)2π2 4Q81. A lossless 50 Ω transmission line is terminated in (A) 25 Ω and (B) 100 Ωloads. Which one of the following statements would be correct, if the voltagestanding wave patterns measured in the two cases are compared?(a) The two patterns will be identical in all respects and cannot be distinguished.(b) The two patterns will have identical locations of maxima/minima but the VSWRwill be higher in the case of A.(c) The two patterns will have identical locations of maxima/minima but the VSWRwill be higher in the case of B.(d) The two patterns will be identical except for a relative spatial shift of quarterwavelength in the two cases.Q82. When the polarisation of the receiving antenna is unknown, to ensure thatit receives at least half the power (except in one particular situation), thetransmitted wave should be(a) Horizontally polarised(b) Vertically polarised(c) Circularly polarised(d) Elliptically polarisedQ83. A parabolic dish has a diameter of 10 m. The maximum possible (ideal) gainof the antenna at λ = 3.14 cm will be(a) 30 dB (b) 40 dB (c) 50 dB (d) 60 Email: Page-14__25, 1 st Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT. New Delhi-16 Ph: 011-26537570, 9810958290

India’s No 1IES AcademyIES-2010ET (Paper-I)Q84. The arrangement for calibrating a phase shifter is shown in the followingdiagram:The calibrated short is adjusted while phase shift is introduced by thephase shifter under test to maintain a null at the probe fixed in location. Inone such measurement, the displacement of the short is 5 mm while theguide wavelength in it is 5 cm. At this setting of the phase shifter, the valueof the phase shift (in degrees) will be(a) 90 (b) 72 (c) 45 (d) 36Q85. For time-varying electromagnetic fields with electric and magnetic fieldgiven by E and H respectively, the rate of energy flow per unit area has amagnitude given by( a) E H cos θ ( b) E H sin θ ( c) ( E + H) sin θ ( d) ( E − H)cos θ85.Q86. Consider the components of E and H listed below:1. Ex 2. Ey 3. Ez 4. Hy 5.HzFor a plane wave traveling in x-direction and linearly polarized in y-direction(a) 1, 2 and 5 exist(b) 1, 3 and 4 exist(c) 3 and 4 exist(d) 2 and 5 exist8Q87. The expression for B , given that in free space ( ) Email: Page-15__is−8 8( a) 5× 10 cos ( 6π× 10 t −2πz)iy8 8( b) −90π× 10 sin ( 6π× 10 t−2πz)ix8 8( c) − 45× 10 sin ( 6π× 10 t−2πz)iy−8 8( ) × ⎡ ( π× − π ) − ( π×8− π )d 5 10 cos 6 10 t 2 z i sin 6 10 t 2 z iz⎤⎣⎦E = 15cos 6π× 10 t−2π z ix V/mQ88. A wave is propagated in a parallel-plane wave-guide. The frequency is 6GHz and plane separation is 3 cm. For the dominant mode match List I withList II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:List IList II(Quantities)(Numerical values)A. Cut-off wavelength (cm) 1. 5B. Wavelength in wave guide (cm) 2. 6C. Phase velocity (megametre/sec) 3. 9.0525, 1 st Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT. New Delhi-16 Ph: 011-26537570, 9810958290

India’s No 1<strong>IES</strong> <strong>Academy</strong><strong>IES</strong>-<strong>2010</strong>(a) 5 4 3 2 (b) 3 4 2 1(c) 4 3 1 2 (d) 5 1 4 2<strong>ET</strong> (<strong>Paper</strong>-I)Q79. A loss less long transmission line charged to a voltage V and a capacitor Ccharged to a voltage V/2 are shown in the given Figure. If the switch isclosed at t = 0, the voltage V(t) across the capacitor for t ≥ 0 is given byttV⎛ − ⎞CZV⎛ − ⎞0 CZ0( a) V( t) = 1− e ( b) V( t)= 2−e2 ⎜ ⎟ 2 ⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠t⎛ − ⎞CZ0( c) V( t) = 2− e ( d) V( t)= V,t > 0⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠3V= ,t = 04Q80. Two vectors A and B are such that A + B = nA, where n is a positive scalar< 1. The angle between A and B isπ3π( a) ( b) ( c) π( d)2π2 4Q81. A lossless 50 Ω transmission line is terminated in (A) 25 Ω and (B) 100 Ωloads. Which one of the following statements would be correct, if the voltagestanding wave patterns measured in the two cases are compared?(a) The two patterns will be identical in all respects and cannot be distinguished.(b) The two patterns will have identical locations of maxima/minima but the VSWRwill be higher in the case of A.(c) The two patterns will have identical locations of maxima/minima but the VSWRwill be higher in the case of B.(d) The two patterns will be identical except for a relative spatial shift of quarterwavelength in the two cases.Q82. When the polarisation of the receiving antenna is unknown, to ensure thatit receives at least half the power (except in one particular situation), thetransmitted wave should be(a) Horizontally polarised(b) Vertically polarised(c) Circularly polarised(d) Elliptically polarisedQ83. A parabolic dish has a diameter of 10 m. The maximum possible (ideal) gainof the antenna at λ = 3.14 cm will be(a) 30 dB (b) 40 dB (c) 50 dB (d) 60 Email: Page-14__25, 1 st Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT. New Delhi-16 Ph: 011-26537570, 9810958290

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