Jul-Sep, 2012 - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice

Jul-Sep, 2012 - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Jul-Sep, 2012 - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice


Ingle P.V - Sociocultural, Healthy Nutrition & Eating, Exercise Pattern and Use of Ayurvedic Medicines in Pregnancy.12,13the LBW category, the higher is the risk of death.Chronic moderate malnutrition and anaemia duringpregnancy may result in still birth and Low Birth Weight(LBW) babies weighing less than 2500g. A large number ofsuch babies are premature (

Ingle P.V - Sociocultural, Healthy Nutrition & Eating, Exercise Pattern and Use of Ayurvedic Medicines in Pregnancy.Causes of IUGR:Ÿ Diseases of the immune and vascular system:Vascular diseases due to preeclampsia, diabetes mellitus,renal disease or collagen vascular disease are the mostcommon causes of IUGR. Hemodynamic studies Shows thatthe blood supply to the fetoplacental unit is impaired inpreeclampsia and SGA and that physiological changes in thespiral arteries are restricted to the decidual segment in suchcase. Serious essential hypertension (diastolic blood pressure> 110 mm Hg) before 20 weeks gestation increased the risk of10early IUGR and premature delivery.Ÿ Psychological, social factors and working conditions:The IUGR contributing factors were increased psychosocialstressors, susceptibility to infections or smoking, low folateintakes and hyperhomocysteinemia. Low maternal education,thought to be associated with SGA, was not a risk factor when16data were adjusted for smoking.Ÿ Infections:Many types of infections may contribute to IUGR.Helicobacter pylori infections during pregnancy may cause11IUGR. Factors associated with IUGR were short status,primigravida, and malaria at delivery. The risk of IUGR wasparticularly associated with maternal malnutrition inprimigravidae. From a global view malaria is a frequentavoidable cause of IUGR. Toxoplasmosis and syphilis are17also associated with IUGR.Ÿ Twin delivery:In twin pregnancies 15-30% was associated with IUGR and18premature delivery . Monochorial twin pregnancies withintra-placental anastomoses may permit twin to twintransfusion and thus lead to a twin-twin transfusion syndrome(TTTS). In TTTS pregnancies leptin levels in recipient twinswere three times higher than in IUGR donor twins, whereas intwin pregnancies with one IUGR twin, but without TTTS, the19leptin differences were only 2-fold.Ÿ Drug side effects:The use of the beta blocker atenolol at conception and duringearly pregnancy, but not during the second or third trimester,may cause IUGR. It has also been assumed that antiepilepticdrugs may inhibit fetal growth. Corticosteroids are used totreat systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), chronic regionalenterocolitis and ulcerative colitis during pregnancy and inhigh doses may cause IUGR. Warfarin treatment duringpregnancy may lead to miscarriage, microencephalia,20blindness, prematurity and IUGR.Ÿ Umbilical cord anomalies:Pregnancies with one umbilical artery may be associated withchromosome defects, fetal anomalies, IUGR and increasedfetal mortality. Both hypo-and hypercoiled cords may causereduced umbilical blood flow, decreased placental blood flow4and consequently IUGR.Ÿ IUGR and post term delivery:From many evidences it is found that relationship betweenIUGR and pubertal development indicating changes in timingand progression of puberty. These changes are part of agrowing list of IUG related diseases which includes short4stature and polycystic ovary.Ÿ Fetal and neonatal consequences of IUGR:IUGR is associated with fetal hypoxia, hypoglycemia,aspiration of meconium and neonatal respiratory problemsand central nervous disturbances (CNS) such asintraventricular hemorrhage, periventricular leukomalacia21,22and cerebral infarctions.Healthy eating in pregnancyThe basic principle of meal planning remains the same, butsince the nutritional requirements increase during pregnancy,emphasis should be in including nutrient dense foods i.e.,foods that give more nutrients per calorie consumed. Duringearly months, the mother often suffers from morning sicknessdue to the hormonal and physiological changes, when sheshould be given small amounts of foods with increasedfrequency. Solid carbohydrate rich foods like bread, biscuitand fruit given in the morning or before meals helps to relievenausea. Also fried, rich, strongly flavoured and spicy foodsneed to be avoided. To meet increased requirements themother should consume extra food. The mother can be givennutritious snacks in between meals rather than three meals aday thus increasing the frequency of feeding. Her feedingpattern should be 5-6 meals a day. Protein needs can be met byincluding good quality protein foods like meat, milk, egg,fish. Protein can also be obtained from pulses like soyabeanand groundnut at a lower cost. To improve protein quality, acombination of plant proteins, as that in cereals and pulses,with small amount of animal protein should be used. To meetadditional iron needs foodstuffs like whole grain cereals, riceflakes, puffed rice, dried fruits, green leafy vegetables, eggs,enriched cereals and organ meats can be given. Food rich indietary fibre like fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain cerealswith plenty of fluids need to be included. This is to ward offconstipation which is a common problem during4,23,24pregnancy.Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Volume 5 Issue 3 Jul - Sep, 2012 8

Ingle P.V - Sociocultural, Healthy Nutrition & Eating, Exercise Pattern and Use <strong>of</strong> Ayurvedic Medicines in Pregnancy.12,13the LBW category, the higher is the risk <strong>of</strong> death.Chronic moderate malnutrition and anaemia duringpregnancy may result in still birth and Low Birth Weight(LBW) babies weighing less than 2500g. A large number <strong>of</strong>such babies are premature (

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