Britta Byström - Svensk Musik - Stim

Britta Byström - Svensk Musik - Stim

Britta Byström - Svensk Musik - Stim

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NEWSLETTER 3·2006<strong>Britta</strong> Byström— her sights set on the OrchestraIt’s quite conceivablethat whoever meets <strong>Britta</strong>Byström for the firsttime believes themselvesto be shaking hands witha rather timid, unobtrusiveperson. But when itcomes to her art, she’sresolute. She might havebeen only 18 when sheembarked on a coursein composition at theRoyal College of Musicin Stockholm, but hersights were already calibrated.“Orchestral music.There’s a certain orchestralvirtuosery that fascinatesme.”A glance at her catalogueof compositionsconfirms matters: adozen orchestralpieces. There’s thechamber music,of course, and alittle vocal music(including the opera Om manblivit av med sitt baggage “If you’velost your baggage”), but her love oforchestra is pronounced.“I like refined, ingenious writingfor orchestra,” she says. “Like you getin Debussy or Richard Strauss.”Her passage to the orchestra was byno means smooth.“At first it didn’t sound at all like I’dimagined. I remember it as a ratherfrustrating experience.But from awork like Barcarole(premièredby the SwedishRadio SymphonyOrchestra sixyears ago)onwards, I cansee that I’vemanaged toexpress whatI’d wanted to.”She was 23 then. A seemingly recurrentfeature of many of her works is ashadowy, minor mood built on phrasesthat almost worm their waythrough the orchestra. Go a few moreyears ahead, to a piece such as FarewellVariations (2005) and one encountersmore qualities developed byByström: tight shifts between solointerjections, between large orchestralgroups, and then over in tutti, all withcarefully formulated bridges and gradualtransformations.She composes, she says, at thepiano, starting with melodic phrasesthat she fleshes out with chords andharmonies.<strong>Britta</strong> Byström has made remarkableprogress in just a few years – andher career has hardly begun. It allstarted at the tender age ofeleven with a tentativetrumpet playing backhome in Sundsvall.Her interest in compositionsoon followed,and she pursuedit unhesitatingly.She neverdeveloped aninterest inpop orVISIT OUR WEB SITE – www.mic.stim.sePhoto: Pressens Bild/Ester Sorri.rock during her teenage years wheneveryone else of her agewas listeningto nothing but.“I felt that the best music was to befound in classical music. I suppose Iwas unusual in that way.”You can say that again. Yet therewas never any classical music at homeas one might expect. Later, she wouldbe ten years younger than her coursemates at the College.“But I’m not that young any more.Schubert died when he was my age,”she says tellingly, adding that, anyway,it was an advantage to be a youngcomposition student.“It makes it easier to accept yourselfas the beginner you in fact are.Although it was possibly also the casethat being young and a girl meant thatyou were expected to be more pliable.”Ye s, that perpetual question of femininityand music. And yes she’s comeup against it over the years. Not,though, without fascination.“It’s interesting. Mainly because thedemands and expectations on you toexpress your personality throughmusic are completely weird. Music’san abstract form of expression. Apiece of music can never work as anautobiographical novel. So the questionof male and female in music alsosays something about the hopesplaced on music as a portrayer of personality.”Continued on page 2 ➤• New acquisitions _____________________ 2• First performances ___________________ 3• What’s on:WOMEX,World Music Expo, Seville ·IAJE, International Association for JazzEducation, New York, 2007• New publications• Larsson Gothe Composer in Residence _4• “Tonsatt” – a project with focuson new music• New publication• New releases on Phono Suecia• News from Edition Suecia

NEW ACQUISITIONSThis is a list of works recently deposited at the SwedishMIC. Look for further details at www.mic.stim.se.Copies of the works are obtainable from the Swedish MICat SEK 6.80 (minimum price SEK 50)KeyboardHEDWALL, LENNART(1932)Notturno IV (2006)pf left handHOSSEINI, MANSOOR(1967)Seven happy songs (2006) pfKÄCK, MAX (1951)Stilleben med solnedgång(2006) orgMAROS,MIKLÓS (1943)Fliessende Formen (2006)orgOLOFSSON, OLOV(1947)Toccata (2005) orgPERSSON, MATS (1943)Es ist genug : variationer överen Bachkoral (2004/06)one or more pianosNove canzoni (2004) pfToccata - Elegi - Epilog(2005/06) pfVARELA, VICTOR (1955)Archipiélago (2002) orgStringsEDÉN, MATS (1957)Trois pièces pour quatuor àcordes (2006) string quartetFRANKE, CECILIA (1955)Palimpsest (2006)vlc & orgGRAHN, ULF (1942)For a friendly gathering(1981) 2vlString quartet no 3 : Thelonely voice (2006)KLAVERDAL, STEFAN(1975)The longing of Eurydice(2006) vl, pf & tapeSCHNELZER,ALBERT(1972)Frozen landscape (2002)vl & pfSCHUBACK, PETER(1947)Atos (2005-06) 2vlSIMAI, PAVOL (1930)Four folk tunes from Sweden(2004) ob, cl & fagHallo, Mr Johann Sebastian!(2005) vlcIn direct light (2005)vlc & pfToccata (2005) vlc & pfSVENSSON, FABIAN(1980)Alone together (2003)cb & pfTYKESSON, NILS (1957)Chaconne (2006)10 solo stringsVARELA, VICTOR (1955)Viola pomposa (2006)vlaWINTER, TOMAS (1954)Rien ne va plus! (2006) 2vlSenobena (2006)string quartetVårkänning (2006)string quartetWindsLEVITT, VLADIMIR(1934)Sonata no 1 (1981) flSonata no 2 (1982) flNORDIN, JESPER (1971)Inevitabilini (2002) recSVENSSON, FABIAN(1980)Brötfest (2004) 2tuMelodica, melodica (2003)2 melodicasSTAERN, BENJAMIN(1978)Confrontation (2006)tr solo & brass quintetWESTMAN, LENNART(1953)Variationer över helig Ande(2005-06) sax quartet & orgWINTER, TOMAS (1954)Monolog (2006) flPluckedinstrumentsBUNNSKOG, MAGNUS(1974)I like music (2006)one or more percussionistsGRAHN, ULF (1942)Celebration no.2 (2006)marimJANSSON, JOHANNES(1950)Mandir (2006) gitMAROS,MIKLÓS (1943)Herd’s lullaby (2006) gitSVENSSON, FABIAN(1980)AC H (2006) gitEnsembleBUNNSKOG, MAGNUS(1974)Deklaranterna (2000/06)picc-fl/fl/a-fl, cl/b-cl, pf,perc, 2vl, vla, vlc, cbEYSER, EBERHARD(1932)Riflessioni sopra un tema diHenry Purcell (2006)vl & gitTsao Ch’ing - Aurora (2006)a-sax, bar-sax, 5percHOSSEINI, MANSOOR(1967)Barock ‘n’ Roll (2006)fl, cl, perc, pf, arpa, 2vl, vlcJEVERUD, JOHAN (1962)Pianotrio nr 2 (2006)vl, vlc & pfLEVITT, VLADIMIR(1934)Wedding dance (2006)ob, cl, 2vl & pfRYDELL,THOMAS(1969)Encore (2006)2fl, 2git, el-basWESTMAN, LENNART(1953)Sonatina (2005-06)trb & percWINTER, TOMAS (1954)Höstvinter (2006)vl, pf, vibr, chimesOrchestraBROSTRÖM,TOBIAS(1978)Crimson skies (2006)-- 1*12*1 1010 02 0 str, pf,celCENGIC, MORIS (1970)The bridge (2006)-- 3*23*2* 4331 13 1 strGRAHN, ULF (1942)The dawn beyond the mountains(1979/2006)-- 2222 4221 11 0 str, pfVid Ales stenar (1991/2006)-- 2222 2221 12 0 str, pfHALLBERG, BJÖRNWILHO (1938)I contrasti (2006) stringsLINDROTH, PETER(1950)Symphony no 2 (2006)-- 1121 2111 13 1 str, pf,pf/harmoniumLINNMAN, BJÖRN (1960)Film & elevator music(2006)-- 3*232 0121 12 1 str, celMARINA, CRISTIAN(1965)Fever (2006) -- 3*3*3*3*4331 13 0 str, pf/celNURULLA-KHOJA,FARANGIS (1972)Almacantar (2006)-- 3*33*3* 4331 13 0 str, pfWind bandEMILSSON, ANDERS(1963)Salute the band (2006)-- 3*24*2* 4431 13 0 cb,4sax, eufaf MALMBORG WARD,PAULA (1962)Inte så bara mässingen!(2006)-- 4cor, 2tr, 2trb, tuConcertosGRAHN, ULF (1942)Concerto for piano andorchestra (1996/2006)pf & orch-- 2*2*2*2 2221 11 0 strHEDÅS, KIM (1965)Konsert för accordeon (2006)accord & sinfoniettaNELSON, DANIEL (1965)Romances & Air (2006)vl & orch-- 2*2*2*2 4221 11 1 str, pfWINTER, TOMAS (1954)Escuridão (2006)t-sax & wind orchVoiceBUNNSKOG, MAGNUS(1974)Det händer bara på tåg(1997/2006)3S, sax quartet, 2percFRANKE, CECILIA (1955)Liksom regn (2005)Mz & orgFREDRIKSSON,KARL-MAGNUS (1968)Sommarvals (2006)solo voice, vlc, pfGEFORS, HANS (1952)Å sjå gjennom den (2006)low female voice & pianoHAMMERTH, JOHAN(1953)Fyra kärlekssånger (2006)S & chamber orchJANSSON, JOHANNES(1950)Déjà vu (2006) Bar & gitSamtal med natten (2006)Sopran & orchKURDA, HARDI (1982)Fågel barn (2005)A, T, vl, vla, vlc & chimesEn röst långt ifrån (2005)4 voices and 4 bellsLUNDIN, DAG (1943)Havet (2006) Mz & pfPERDER, KJELL (1954)Ichtus ( 2006)S, Bar, mixed choir & orchWESTMAN, LENNART(1953)Trädet (2005-06)4 voices & tapeWINTER, TOMAS (1954)Autumn is turning now(2006) S & pfChoirHEDÅS, KIM (1965)Sand (2006) mixed choirLARSSON, HÅKAN(1959)Abendgesang (2006)2vl & mixed choiraf MALMBORG WARD,PAULA (1962)Junisång (2006)mixed choir & orchODENHALL, STAFFAN(1953)Purpurbit : diktsvit (2006)Bar, Sopr, mixed choir, fl,ob, cl, pf, string quartetREHNQVIST, KARIN(1957)Lady Macbeth: The ravenhimself is hoarse (2005)female choirWIRKANDER, YNGVE(1917)Såsom hjorten träget längtarop.50 mixed choirStage musicANDERSSON, B TOMMY(1964)William : chamber opera intwo acts (2006) 8 soli & orchBRITTA BYSTRÖM➤ Continuing from page 1There are a good many commissions inthe pipeline for <strong>Britta</strong> Byström, who is currentlywriting a concerto for Kroumata andthe Dala Sinfionetta. Meanwhile, germinatingin her mind is a string sextet for UppsalaChamber Soloists. The Nordic ChamberOrchestra has recorded the trumpet concertoFörvillelser for the BIS label, while theRoyal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestrawill be performing the orchestral piece Serain January 2007. From 2007 to 2010 she willbe Composer in Residence for the VästeråsSinfionetta, for whom she will compose onework per year. They will also be playing anadditional piece by her each season duringthis period.“It feels really inspiring. It’s somethingmore than the normal way of just coming upwith orchestral compositions. We’ll be workingtogether in pretty much the same way asin chamber music, in close proximity over along time. The first thing I’ll write for themwill be a concerto for orchestra.”No, there’s no shyness there. The term Ibelieve was “orchestral virtuosery”._________________________________________Tony Lundman,Editor at the Stockholm Concert Hall and freelancejournalist. English translation: Neil Betteridgewww.mic.stim.se2

FIRST PERFORMANCESWHAT’S ON ?This is a list of first performances due in the near future.Visit our website for information on all premières.October6 ALBERT SCHNELZERThe poetry of madness(2006) P: Göteborg.R Korupp(vlc),M Wahlin(org)7 ANDERS FLODINDanza macabra (2004)P:Västerås konserthus.P KarlssonHÅKAN LARSSONAbendgesang (2006)P: Berlin. Duo Gelland,RIAS Kammerchor/H-C RademannJONAS ASPLUNDIn der Nähe von Faust(2006) P: Västerås konserthus.P Karlsson(git),K Lahdenperä &J Hemdahl(dance)PETER SCHUBACKLacrymosa (2006)P: Berlin. Duo Gelland,RIAS Kammerchor/H-C Rademann8 KIM HEDÅSSand (2006)P: Reykjavik, Iceland.S Edvaldsdóttir(solo),Modettukórinn/H AskelssonMALIN BÅNGLjómi (2006)P: Skálholts. Iceland.The Icelandic FluteChoir12 PER SAMUELSSONGrid expansionTHOMAS BJELKE-BORNDecipher (2006)P: Santiago, Chile(Festival Ai-maako)14 STAFFAN ODENHALLAutumn celebration(2006)P: Stockholm. BotkyrkaSO/C O Erasmie15 DAG LUNDINNygammal danssvit(2006)P: Strängnäs. Cellobron18 HANS-ERIKDAHLGRENVandrarvisa (2006)P:Vara, Konserthuset.Ensemblen Innan Hav26 KIM HEDÅSKonsert för accordeon(2006)P: Falun, Kristinehallen.A Agnas, DalaSinfoniettan/BEngeset29 SERGEI DMITRIEVA cycle race (2006)P: Seattle, BenaroyaHall. Seattle ChamberPlayersANDERS EMILSSONSalute the band (2006)P: Stockholm, Konserthuset.Stockholm länsblåsarsymfoniker/C LindbergTOBIAS BROSTRÖMThe lost chord (2006)P: Göteborg, Konserthuset.H Hardenberger,GageegoNovember1 WERNER WOLFGLASERMotette über Sprüche desAngelus Silesius (1984)P:Tjernigov, Ukraine.Dmitrij BortnjanskijChamber Choir/O Richter3 MIKLÓS MAROSFliessende Formen (2006)P: Köln, Sankt PeterKirche. Z Szathmáry7 STEN HANSONThat arctic strainP: New York, MusicGallery.17 THOMAS BJELKE-BORNJust things forgotten(2006) P: Annecy, France(Festival Mia)18 FREDRIK HAGSTEDT... vid varje andetag(2006)P: Göteborg, Vasakyrkan.J Landgren, StockholmSaxophone Quartet23 PER-HENNINGOLSSONBilder för orkester (2006)P: Stockholm, Nybrokajen11. Akademiskakapellet/S Karpe26 VLADIMIR LEVITTRequiem (2005)P: Stockholm, Sofiakyrka. E-M Björkström-Roos (recit), Sofia kammarorkester/AJohansson29 FREDRIK HEDELINVerk för piano (2006)P: Stockholm, Nybrokajen11. F. UllénDecember2 MARTIN Q LARSSONSudoku 1a (2006)Kr8ktett (2006)P:Västerås, Konserthuset.KROCK3 JOHAN HAMMERTHFyra kärlekssånger(2006)P: Jönköping, Konserthuset.B Hendricks,Jönköpings Sinfonietta/J StigmerWOMEX, SevilleOctober 25th-29thWorld music has its own network and marketplace inthe World Music Expo (WOMEX).The exhibition hasgrown speedily and after eleven gatherings it is theplace to meet for all involved in the world music business.World music holds a strong position in Swedenwith many artists also giving concerts abroad. Since1998 the Swedish MIC has been one of the producersof a promotional CD with Swedish folk and worldmusic.This year the Swedish MIC will take part in theexhibition in Seville.IAJE New York – 2007January 10th-13thThe International Association for Jazz Education(IAJE) will hold its annual conference in New York.Recognized as the largest gathering of the global jazzcommunity, upwards of 7,000 educators, musicians,record company executives, exhibitors, media andenthusiasts are expected to attend. Last year the Nordiccountries made a joint effort presenting jazz artistsfrom Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway. The outcomeof that project was very positive and other countriesare set to follow our example. The Nordic countrieswill follow up their project during the upcomingconference by sharing a booth at the exhibition.THE NEWSLETTER IN YOUR E-MAILDo you want to receive this Newsletteras a pdf-file instead of a paper version?Send us an e-mail with your name andaddress to smic.webinfo@stim.seand the coming issues will besent to you solely by e-mail.Newsletter No. 2Due to a technical mishap in our address registersystem most of our recipients from abroad failed toreceive No. 2 of our newsletter on time. The errorhas now been put right and the second issue of ournewsletter, <strong>Svensk</strong> <strong>Musik</strong>, has recently been sentout again. Should you be missing any earlier numberof the newsletter you can always downloada pdf version from our website (www.mic.stim.se)with issues from 2004 onwards being available.The Blues Life ofCornelis VreeswijkThe colourful artistic career of poet and songwriterCornelis Vreeswijk enriched and developedthe Swedish visa tradition. Twenty yearsafter he passed away it still feels as though hehas a living presence. Across 413 pages journalistKlas Gustafson follows the artist from hisDutch childhood on the journey into the heartsof the Swedish people. This first comprehensivebiography on Vreeswijk is richly illustrated andadditionally provides the reader with a bonusCD, containing previouslyunreleased recordings.Ett bluesliv : berättelsenom Cornelis Vreeswijk /Klas GustafsonLeopard förlag, 2006. –ISBN 91-7343-076-5Order atwww.leopardforlag.seNEW PUBLICATIONSNew book revealsneglected composerSurprisingly little has been written about thecomposer, pianist and conductor Ludvig Norman.In the fourth and concluding part ofthe history of the Royal Opera Orchestra hiscontribution is presented in a thorough manner.As the orchestra ’s conductor he was favouredby the press and much loved by audiences.Other important Swedish conductors, composers,ensembles and musicians from the 19thcentury who worked with and around theRoyal Opera Orchestra are also providedwith descriptions in this very comprehensivevolume.Ludvig Norman och Kungl. Hovkapelleti Stockholm 1861-90.Med flera / Gunhild KarleUppsala, 2006.ISBN 91-631-8755-8Order from gunhild.karle@swipnet.seNew researchon RehnqvistKarin Rehnqvist, who recently was dedicated acomposer’s festival at the Stockholm ConcertHall, is the subject of a new thesis by FriederikeSeiler. After a prologue, depicting Swedishmusic history and introducing the composer ingeneral, Seiler focuses thoroughly on the compositionsfor voice and choir, with and withoutaccompaniment. This valuable contribution tothe research on Rehnqvist also contains illustrationsin abundance, an interview with the composerand a comprehensive list of works andrecordings. The author is a musicologist at theMartin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg,Institut für <strong>Musik</strong>wissenschaft.Magisterarbeit : Untersuchungen zumChorschaffen der schwedischen KomponistinKarin Rehnqvist / Friederike Seiler. – Halle :Martin-Luther-Universität Halle Wittenberg,2005. – 114, [44] p. : ill.3

Larsson Gothe Composerin Residence in UmeåPhoto: Lars Torndahl.The composer Mats Larsson Gothewill become composer in residenceof the Norrland Opera in Umeå.From the start of next year, a threeyearlong collaboration will begin –one that, in fact, commenced a yearago when Larsson Gothe was commissionedto write the opera The Poet& Prophetess. The opera will receiveits première in March 2008 in Umeåand in November of the same year itwill be performed in Cape Town,South Africa in co-operation withthe Cape Town Opera.“Tonsatt” – a projectwith focus on new musicSven-David Sandström, Reine Jönsson and Catharina Palmérhave been engaged, since last autumn, for a three year periodto compose works for the orchestras and ensembles in thesouth of Sweden. The project “Tonsatt” has been initiated by<strong>Musik</strong> i Syd, the symphony orchestras in Malmö and Helsingborg,and the chamber orchestra, Musica Vitae. The projectalso features other chamber music ensembles and choirs inthe south region, which will all perform new works by thethree composers. On September 9th Sven-David Sandström’sthird symphony Kärlekens fyra ansikten for voice and orchestrawas given its first performance in Helsingborg, and ReineJönsson’s You’ve got dreams they’ll never take away for stringquartet and accordion received its première on September24th in Kivik. Read more on www.tonsatt.seNEW RELEASES ON PHONO SUECIACLARINETTO PSCD 168CON FORZAStaffan Mårtensson, clarinetCompositions by Jonas Forssell,Carin Bartosch Edström,Fredrik Söderberg, Viking Dahl,Ingvar Lidholm, Hans Eklund,Sven David Sandström.Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra/Tuomas Ollila, conductor(Forssell and Eklund)COMPOSER’SBIG FUNCompositions by Ann-Sofi Söderqvist,Jan Levander and JoakimMilderVocal: Marie Bergman. Soloists:Ann-Sofi Söderqvist, AlbertoPinton, Lars Lindgren, AndersÅstrand, Staffan Svensson, SvenBerggren, Jan Levander, JoakimMilder, Patrik Skogh, Niclas Rydh,Johan Zakrisson, Mats “Dicken”Hedrenius and Dave Wilczewski.PSCD 166NEW PUBLICATION<strong>Svensk</strong> Jazz 2005/06The fifth yearbook of Swedishjazz reflects the exuberantcreativity which jazz musicgenerates. The book gives anoverview of events and CDreleases through the year and italso gives a foretaste of whatwill happen in the near future.The fifteen articles also includetributes to two recently deceasedartists: Monica Zetterlundand Putte Wickman.NEWS FROM EDITION SUECIA<strong>Svensk</strong> Jazz 205/06 /ed: Odd Sneeggen.Stockholm: <strong>Stim</strong>/<strong>Svensk</strong> <strong>Musik</strong> 2006.ISBN 91-87620-00-6TRIBUKAIT PSCD 165PETTERSSON BERGBengt Tribukait, organMichael Pettersson, flute, alto fluteDaniel Berg, marimba, percussionCompositions by Cristian Marina,Torsten Nilsson, Ingvar Lidholm,Miklós Maros, Thomas LiljeholmNEW PLACESCompositions by Håkan BroströmSoloists: Bertil Strandberg, JohanHörlén, Peter Asplund, Karl-MartinAlmqvist, Palle Danielsson, JacobKarlzon, Robert Nordmark, PeterDahlgren, Alberto Pinton andHåkan Broström.PSCD 169Edition Suecia continues its free download service forprinted music as an alternative to our normal promotionalroutines regarding music scores. It is our hope that in providingthis digital opportunity, we will reach many more musicians thanwe otherwise would.We are now proud to present the thirdcomposition in this series, a piano trio composed in 2002 andrevised in 2006. Duration approx. 5 min.Benjamin Staern (b. 1978)Desperation – trio for violin, violoncello and pianopiano score and separate partswww.phonosuecia.comSTIM/<strong>Svensk</strong> <strong>Musik</strong> / Swedish Music Information Centre is concerned with the documentationand the spreading of information on contemporary Swedish music, and is financed bySTIM and the Swedish government. Chief Editor: Roland Sandberg. Editor: Karin Heurling.Editorial staff: Ann Marie Belfrage, Gustaf Bergel, Karin Heurling, Jan Kling, Roland Sandberg,Odd Sneeggen. Distribution: STIM/<strong>Svensk</strong> <strong>Musik</strong>, P.O. Box 27327, SE-102 54 Stockholm. Phone:+46 8 783 88 00. Fax: +468783 95 10. E-mail: swedmic@stim.se Production: MEJ CommunicationsAB. Graphic design&prepress: Ateljé Hunting Flower AB. ISSN 0283-2526.4

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