Innovations for custom solutions - Howard Instruments

Innovations for custom solutions - Howard Instruments

Innovations for custom solutions - Howard Instruments


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Mobility shapes our life –moving ahead is our passionOur passion <strong>for</strong> mobility inspires us to reachnew goals, achieve greater progress, andovercome boundaries. Mobility is freedom– and as one of the world’s leading suppliersof mobile technologies it is both our vision andour fascination.Siemens VDO employees are united aroundthe globe by a common enthusiasm <strong>for</strong>state-of-the-art vehicle technologies andtechnical advancement.An imagination <strong>for</strong> the possibilities is just asimportant to us as experience and focusedresearch and development. That’s whyexperts from the most diverse fi elds worktogether within our company. Our innovativedevelopments continue to serve as proof ofthe success of this operational model.Siemens VDO products <strong>for</strong> special vehiclesand machinery of all kinds are one example.These system <strong>solutions</strong> and individual componentsmeet the most demandingrequirements, while at the same offeringmaximum driving and working com<strong>for</strong>t.Viewline – a new standard in function and design 4Innovative technologies 6Viewline 110 mm and 85 mm – multifunctional 1023

Viewline – a new standard in function and designThe future of analogueinstrumentationViewline is the new standardised instrument plat<strong>for</strong>m <strong>for</strong> special vehiclesand machinery in a range of fi elds. With modular <strong>solutions</strong> in threehousing variants, we supply more functions, more fl exible installationand design options, as well as space-saving combi instruments andmultigauges – something unique in this sector. Furthermore, Viewlineoffers a great deal of freedom to <strong>custom</strong>ise the cockpit and is thenatural choice <strong>for</strong> an attractive price/per<strong>for</strong>mance ratio.The series to fulfil the toughestrequirementsAs a leader in technology we are familiarwith the complex product requirementsthat manufacturers of special vehicles <strong>for</strong>industry and the construction, <strong>for</strong>estry andagricultural sectors have. Our productrange is tailored precisely to these requirements,enabling us to offer reliable, <strong>custom</strong>ised<strong>solutions</strong>. In this respect, maximumprecision and the deployment ofpioneering technologies are just as importantas ease of use and stylish design.Viewline is the most recent result of ourongoing research and development work– an innovative, comprehensive standardinstrumentation plat<strong>for</strong>m which will replaceprevious series. Thanks to varioushousing sizes, it enables a host of instrumentationvariants featuring exceptionalfl exibility.Harmony in function and designOur plug and play solution design conceptmeans that Viewline instruments <strong>for</strong> paneland fl ush mounting offer the highest levelof installation fl exibility. With or withoutbezels, the modular concept allows <strong>for</strong> ahigh degree of design variation. Uniquelyin this sector, all the <strong>solutions</strong> also featurefull backlight technology.What’s more, the Viewline plat<strong>for</strong>m nowincludes a generic gauge which canprocess and display a variety of sensorsources. Viewline is our <strong>for</strong>ward-lookinginstrumentation concept which stands <strong>for</strong>quality, fl exibility, <strong>custom</strong>ized design andversatility.Benefiting long-term from newtechnologiesWhen developing the Viewline instrumentation,we paid particular attention to therequirements of manufacturers. Viewlinethus represents a plat<strong>for</strong>m-wide standardthat offers maximum freedom in respect ofcockpit design.Simple conversion and easyreplacementForward-looking fl exibility was a key aspectof our design concept <strong>for</strong> Viewline,thereby ensuring a high degree of installationfreedom. Trouble-free conversion toViewline is there<strong>for</strong>e possible at any time.We provide a convenient solution <strong>for</strong> seriesinstrumentation. As an experienced andreliable partner <strong>for</strong> manufacturers of specialvehicles and machinery, we assist duringthe planning stage and ensure seamlessintegration together with optimumutilization of all the benefi ts of Viewline.45

Innovative technologiesCertifi ed quality andinnovative technologyWith Viewline, we offer a comprehensive modular series of state-ofthe-artinstruments <strong>for</strong> engine monitoring. Featuring more functionsand greater fl exibility with regard to installation and design, Viewlineincreases the scope <strong>for</strong> creating the perfect cockpit. High qualityand engineering excellence guarantee outstanding reliability andreadability.Flush and panel installationAnti-fog and water resistanceLED illumination and warning lightsClip-on front bezelsAll Viewline instruments can be convenientlymounted in the instrument panel from behind.It is possible to use the modular front bezels<strong>for</strong> installation or to integrate the instrumentswithout bezels (fl ush installation). This allowsmaximum fl exibility <strong>for</strong> cockpit <strong>custom</strong>isationand numerous design variants.Electrical devices need to be particularlywell protected <strong>for</strong> use on special vehiclesand machinery under extreme conditions.This is why the fronts of all Viewline instrumenthousings are hermetically sealed in compliancewith IP 67 and on request fi tted withanti-fog double lenses in shock-resistantplastic, while the housing is corrosion-free.Distracting refl ections are practically eliminatedand the surface is fully waterproof.The domed design also ensures that waterfl ows off quickly even when instruments aremounted horizontally.Viewline instruments are fi tted with highly visible,high intensity LED warning lights. They ensurethat critical operating conditions can bequickly and safely detected. In the case ofthe multifunctional speedometer and revcounter, the Viewline plat<strong>for</strong>m concept includesinstruments which can be equipped with upto fi ve warning lights. The dial, pointer andLCD are also LED illuminated.The modular front bezel concept offersdesign fl exibility in the layout of instrumentpanels. Three attractive designs in black,white or chrome perfectly complement thecockpits of special vehicles and instrumentpanels on machinery. The range also includesfl at, round and triangular front bezel profi les.All front bezels can be combined with allViewline products.Highly visible LED warning lightsSection through double lensFront bezels: Colour and design variants67

Innovative technologiesLC displayFull backlight technologyProgrammable displaysGeneric gaugeIn addition to an analogue pointer (roadspeed or engine revs), the new Viewlinespeedometer and rev counter feature anadditional digital display:• Display size 37 mm x 11 mm• Quick, easy access to other data• Optimum reading angle and representationon the display• Display of road speed or engine revs• Further monitoring functions availableon the LC display• Individual function selection via externalcontrol buttonThe dials and pointers of all Viewline instrumentsbenefi t from full backlight technology:• Optimum contrast and superb readabilityof the display when lit• Attractive display appearance at nightthanks to clearly structured dial designViewline gives users a choice of differentsetting and programming options:• Basic setup via dip switches, internal/external buttons or PC software• Setup of various display functionsCombi and multi gauge instruments*By deploying advanced technologies Viewlinemakes it possible to process and display avariety of sensor sources and characteristics,e.g.:• Current and resistor inputs• Frequency inputs• Voltage inputsSpace-saving displaysSignal inputsViewline supports the following signalinputs:• Standard speedometer and rev countersignals• Second frequency input (optional)• Standard signals <strong>for</strong> engine monitoringand onboard power supply• Signal inputs <strong>for</strong> special sensors• Up to fi ve usable switching inputs <strong>for</strong>control/warning lights (optional)In addition to the tried and tested standard<strong>solutions</strong>, Viewline now also offers the optionof installing multifunction devices:• 85 mm combi devices, analogue and/ordigital presentation of speedometer andrev counter signals• 110 mm multi gauges, such as 4-in-1,3-in-1, 2-in-1*• 110 mm combi devices, analogue and/or digital representation of tachometerand rev counter signals*• Integration of up to fi ve warning lights*Viewline 52 mm instruments are idealwhen it comes to fi nding a space-savingsolution <strong>for</strong> a panel or engine compartment.* OEM specifi c / in preparation89

Viewline 110 mm and 85 mm-multifunctionClear design, multiple functions– the new Viewline 110 mmand 85 mm instrumentsIn addition to the standard plat<strong>for</strong>m, our new 85 mm and 110 mm Viewline instrumentsalso offer OEM manufacturers the opportunity to implement <strong>solutions</strong> based onmultifunction and combi devices.Clearly structured dial designwith good readability.Up to a maximum of fi ve warninglights possible on each instrument.Standard version with one warning light.37 x 11 mm 14 segment LC display.Display of various functions.Viewline 110 mm rev counterCombi gaugeWith the benefi t of a second optionalfrequency input, the combi device canpresent speedometer and tacho in<strong>for</strong>mationin either analogue (pointer) or digital <strong>for</strong>m(display).Viewline 110 mm combi gauge110 mm multi gauge*If various different types of in<strong>for</strong>mation arerequired in a compact multifunction instrument,manufacturers can choose from our2-in-1, 3-in-1 and 4-in-1 combinations.Combi and multi gauges –technical data at a glance• Operating voltage 8 – 32 V• Indication error < 2.5 angle degreeover the entire display range• Current consumption < 200 mA, withwarning light (LED)• Optional: up to fi ve integrated warninglights (LED), e.g. <strong>for</strong> left/right indicatoror high beam• Output <strong>for</strong> acoustic warning• Reverse polarity protection• Different sensor inputs• LCD display size 37 x 11 mm• Optional: two frequency inputs <strong>for</strong> revcounter/speedometer on combi device• Display function, e.g. <strong>for</strong> clock, trip,odometer, etc. via external push button• Optional: up to four separate analoguegauges on a multi gauge unitViewline 110 mm 4 in 1 multi gaugeViewline 110 mm 3 in 1 multi gaugeViewline benefits at a glance• Anti-fog double lens• Flush installation (assembly frombehind) on instrument panels• Front panel complies with IP 67protection rating• LED illumination• Clip-on, modular front bezel conceptwith multiple design variants• Integration of up to fi ve warninglights on the gauge• Large LC display with good readability• Different sensor inputs• Full backlight technology• Combi and multi gauge instruments• Optinal: Software programmingusing PC software• Individually programmable displays* in preparationViewline 85 mm combi gauge1011

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