TCP in Wired-cum-Wireless Environments - People

TCP in Wired-cum-Wireless Environments - People TCP in Wired-cum-Wireless Environments - People
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IEEECOMMUNICATIONSSURVEYSThe Electronic Magazine ofOriginal Peer-Reviewed Survey ArticlesTCP INWIRED-CUM-WIRELESS ENVIRONMENTSKOSTAS PENTIKOUSIS, STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT STONY BROOKABSTRACTThe Internet has evolved during the last decade, reaching a larger number of users andencompassing several new technologies. New classes of hosts such as mobile devicesare gaining popularity, while the transmission media become more heterogeneous.Wireless networks exhibit different characteristics than wired ones. Mobile hosts havedifferent needs and limitations than desktop computers. TCP has served well the wiredInternet for almost 20 years, but is not ready for wired-cum-wireless environments.This article presents the challenges that must be met in order to provide reliable transportservices to all hosts regardless of the type of network connectivity used. It surveys recentlyproposed solutions and evaluates them with respect to a wired-cum-wireless environment.The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) [1–3] is a reliable,connection-oriented, full-duplex, byte-stream,transport-layer protocol [4–6]. It is an end-to-end protocol[7] that supports flow and congestion control, and is usedby many end-user applications, including Web browsers and e-mail clients. In fact, the vast majority of today’s Internet trafficuses TCP [8, 9].TCP was designed for wired networks and has been highlytuned over the years. Although TCP is very efficient on wirednetworks, it has been shown to perform poorly on wirelessnetworks. As wireless networks connect to the Internet, wiredcum-wirelessenvironments with very distinct characteristicsemerge. Such environments are expected to become the normin the near future. This article presents the challenges thatthese networks pose and examines recently proposed solutions.We present the general characteristics of wired-cum-wirelessnetworks and the issues and problems that these pose forTCP. Some of these issues already exist in the wired Internet,but are exacerbated by the interplay between hybrid wired andwireless in the emerging environment. The wireless aspect, initself, also poses a whole set of new problems. We examinedifferent solutions proposed by researchers in recent years.Finally, the Appendix provides more information on the servicesthat wireless networks offer.A WIRED-CUM-WIRELESS INTERNETThe Internet has been in constant evolution since the mid1980s, after the introduction of TCP [1]. Lately though, theInternet has become even more heterogeneous. Today, powerfulPCs and workstations coexist with WebTVs [10], wirelessphones, and personal digital assistants (PDAs) [11]. Althoughit is desirable in principle to provide to all hosts the same kindof network services, it is an open question whether it is possibleto do so.Diversification in end-host capabilities limits to someextent the applications that would be running on each categoryof devices. Differences in computing power, memory size,input and output devices, in addition to mobility and powerconsumption issues, determine the potential uses of each endhostcategory. At the same time, end hosts use a far largerspectrum of networking technologies to connect to the Internet,including traditional wires and optical fibers, as well aswireless and infrared media.Users need reliable transmissions for Web browsing,e-mail, file transfers, and database access, and TCP is thedominant reliable transport protocol on top of which all ofthese services run [9]. However, TCP was designed [1], andlater modified as needed (e.g., [2, 3]), with certain assumptionsin mind. For example, segment losses are assumed to bedue to congestion, because in wired media transmission errorsare relatively rare. This is not true for wireless media where,due to fading channels and user mobility, transmission lossesare more frequent. Since certain assumptions behind TCP’shighly tuned algorithms do not hold for transmission-heterogeneousmedia, current TCP implementations do not performwell in such environments [12–15]. In addition to randomerrors and hand-offs, TCP must also cope with connectionsthat, in certain cases, exhibit limited bandwidth and largeround trip times (RTTs). Moreover, for mobile battery-operateddevices, power consumption is an important issue that isnot addressed by current versions of TCP.TCP assumes that the underlying network infrastructurehas limited service capabilities (i.e., it provides a best-effort,unreliable packet delivery service). The Internet communityhas preferred so far a more end-to-end approach when2IEEE Communications Surveys • • Fourth Quarter 2000

IEEECOMMUNICATIONSSURVEYSThe Electronic Magaz<strong>in</strong>e ofOrig<strong>in</strong>al Peer-Reviewed Survey Articles<strong>TCP</strong> INWIRED-CUM-WIRELESS ENVIRONMENTSKOSTAS PENTIKOUSIS, STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT STONY BROOKABSTRACTThe Internet has evolved dur<strong>in</strong>g the last decade, reach<strong>in</strong>g a larger number of users andencompass<strong>in</strong>g several new technologies. New classes of hosts such as mobile devicesare ga<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g popularity, while the transmission media become more heterogeneous.<strong>Wireless</strong> networks exhibit different characteristics than wired ones. Mobile hosts havedifferent needs and limitations than desktop computers. <strong>TCP</strong> has served well the wiredInternet for almost 20 years, but is not ready for wired-<strong>cum</strong>-wireless environments.This article presents the challenges that must be met <strong>in</strong> order to provide reliable transportservices to all hosts regardless of the type of network connectivity used. It surveys recentlyproposed solutions and evaluates them with respect to a wired-<strong>cum</strong>-wireless environment.The Transmission Control Protocol (<strong>TCP</strong>) [1–3] is a reliable,connection-oriented, full-duplex, byte-stream,transport-layer protocol [4–6]. It is an end-to-end protocol[7] that supports flow and congestion control, and is usedby many end-user applications, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Web browsers and e-mail clients. In fact, the vast majority of today’s Internet trafficuses <strong>TCP</strong> [8, 9].<strong>TCP</strong> was designed for wired networks and has been highlytuned over the years. Although <strong>TCP</strong> is very efficient on wirednetworks, it has been shown to perform poorly on wirelessnetworks. As wireless networks connect to the Internet, wired<strong>cum</strong>-wirelessenvironments with very dist<strong>in</strong>ct characteristicsemerge. Such environments are expected to become the norm<strong>in</strong> the near future. This article presents the challenges thatthese networks pose and exam<strong>in</strong>es recently proposed solutions.We present the general characteristics of wired-<strong>cum</strong>-wirelessnetworks and the issues and problems that these pose for<strong>TCP</strong>. Some of these issues already exist <strong>in</strong> the wired Internet,but are exacerbated by the <strong>in</strong>terplay between hybrid wired andwireless <strong>in</strong> the emerg<strong>in</strong>g environment. The wireless aspect, <strong>in</strong>itself, also poses a whole set of new problems. We exam<strong>in</strong>edifferent solutions proposed by researchers <strong>in</strong> recent years.F<strong>in</strong>ally, the Appendix provides more <strong>in</strong>formation on the servicesthat wireless networks offer.A WIRED-CUM-WIRELESS INTERNETThe Internet has been <strong>in</strong> constant evolution s<strong>in</strong>ce the mid1980s, after the <strong>in</strong>troduction of <strong>TCP</strong> [1]. Lately though, theInternet has become even more heterogeneous. Today, powerfulPCs and workstations coexist with WebTVs [10], wirelessphones, and personal digital assistants (PDAs) [11]. Althoughit is desirable <strong>in</strong> pr<strong>in</strong>ciple to provide to all hosts the same k<strong>in</strong>dof network services, it is an open question whether it is possibleto do so.Diversification <strong>in</strong> end-host capabilities limits to someextent the applications that would be runn<strong>in</strong>g on each categoryof devices. Differences <strong>in</strong> comput<strong>in</strong>g power, memory size,<strong>in</strong>put and output devices, <strong>in</strong> addition to mobility and powerconsumption issues, determ<strong>in</strong>e the potential uses of each endhostcategory. At the same time, end hosts use a far largerspectrum of network<strong>in</strong>g technologies to connect to the Internet,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g traditional wires and optical fibers, as well aswireless and <strong>in</strong>frared media.Users need reliable transmissions for Web brows<strong>in</strong>g,e-mail, file transfers, and database access, and <strong>TCP</strong> is thedom<strong>in</strong>ant reliable transport protocol on top of which all ofthese services run [9]. However, <strong>TCP</strong> was designed [1], andlater modified as needed (e.g., [2, 3]), with certa<strong>in</strong> assumptions<strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d. For example, segment losses are assumed to bedue to congestion, because <strong>in</strong> wired media transmission errorsare relatively rare. This is not true for wireless media where,due to fad<strong>in</strong>g channels and user mobility, transmission lossesare more frequent. S<strong>in</strong>ce certa<strong>in</strong> assumptions beh<strong>in</strong>d <strong>TCP</strong>’shighly tuned algorithms do not hold for transmission-heterogeneousmedia, current <strong>TCP</strong> implementations do not performwell <strong>in</strong> such environments [12–15]. In addition to randomerrors and hand-offs, <strong>TCP</strong> must also cope with connectionsthat, <strong>in</strong> certa<strong>in</strong> cases, exhibit limited bandwidth and largeround trip times (RTTs). Moreover, for mobile battery-operateddevices, power consumption is an important issue that isnot addressed by current versions of <strong>TCP</strong>.<strong>TCP</strong> assumes that the underly<strong>in</strong>g network <strong>in</strong>frastructurehas limited service capabilities (i.e., it provides a best-effort,unreliable packet delivery service). The Internet communityhas preferred so far a more end-to-end approach when2IEEE Communications Surveys • • Fourth Quarter 2000

Data rate (Kb/s)2000150010005000GSM, CDMA, TDMA9.6 - 14.4cdma2000, GPRS28.8 - 144■ FIGURE 1. Evolution of cellular networks data rates.attempt<strong>in</strong>g to provide reliability to applications [7]. With theadvances <strong>in</strong> hardware over the last decade it has becomeapparent that networks can offer reliable services (e.g., ATM),or at least that this is becom<strong>in</strong>g feasible. Therefore, add<strong>in</strong>gmore functionality at the layers below <strong>TCP</strong> is an active area ofresearch.END-USER WIRELESS NETWORKSEDGE, UMTS384End-user wireless networks, i.e., networks that are not part ofa backbone, can be classified us<strong>in</strong>g different criteria. <strong>Wireless</strong>networks can be classified as local area networks (LANs) orwide area networks (WANs), depend<strong>in</strong>g on the service area ofthe access po<strong>in</strong>t (or base station). They can also be classifiedaccord<strong>in</strong>g to the type of service they offer to the user, asexpla<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the Appendix.<strong>Wireless</strong> LANs — <strong>Wireless</strong> LANs can provide sufficientbandwidth for office applications but relatively limited mobility:typically the user may roam <strong>in</strong>side a build<strong>in</strong>g or a campus.<strong>Wireless</strong> LANs have not yet replaced wired LANs, althoughthey are used as an extension to wired LANs. They offer agreat service to a number of vertical markets like retail stores,warehouses, and manufactur<strong>in</strong>g plants [16]. There are twoma<strong>in</strong> standards: the High Performance Radio Local AreaNetwork (HIPERLAN) standard, and the IEEE 802.11 standard,also known as wireless Ethernet.A European Telecommunications Standard Institute(ETSI) committee designed the HIPERLAN Type 1 standard(HIPERLAN/1) [17]. HIPERLAN/1 uses a Carrier SenseMultiple Access (CSMA) Medium Access Control (MAC)protocol [6, 18], and can achieve net data rates of up to 20Mb/s <strong>in</strong> a 50-meter range, or up to 1 Mb/s <strong>in</strong> an 800-meterrange. HIPERLAN/1 handles mobile hosts that can be mov<strong>in</strong>gat up to 36 km/h, and can provide quality of service basedon the different categories of data [16]. The standard <strong>in</strong>cludesa provision for handoff handl<strong>in</strong>g, but does not provide theactual specification for this per se. HIPERLAN/1 was designedso that it can offer small delays and is based on small messagesthat are exchanged relatively frequently. This fact, <strong>in</strong>comb<strong>in</strong>ation with the relatively high bandwidth, qualifiesHIPERLAN not only for data transfers but for other servicesas well, such as teleconferenc<strong>in</strong>g, video, and medical datatransmissions [16].The orig<strong>in</strong>al IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN standard [19] wasdesigned to achieve raw bit rates of 1 Mb/s or 2 Mb/s with<strong>in</strong> a100-meter range. Later, IEEE published two supplements tothis standard: 802.11a (40 Mb/s <strong>in</strong> the 5.8 GHz band) and802.11b (11 Mb/s <strong>in</strong> the 2.4 GHz band). IEEE 802.11 uses aCSMA with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) scheme [16, 19]to regulate access to the wireless medium. The maximummobile host roam<strong>in</strong>g speed <strong>in</strong> 802.11 is 90 Km/h. Pahlavan etal. present the handoff procedure <strong>in</strong> 802.11 and compare itwith other mobile data networks [20]. Most off-the-shelf products,such as the ORiNOCO RG-1000 Residential Gateway,WCDMA,UMTS,cdma2000 (Phase 2)2 Mb/s2000 2001 2002 -2003 2004 -?are compliant with IEEE 802.11b andoperate <strong>in</strong> the unlicensed 2.4 GHzband, allow<strong>in</strong>g the user to roam up to150 meters at 11 Mb/s <strong>in</strong> open environments,while <strong>in</strong> closed environmentsthe maximum range at thelowest fallback rate (1 Mb/s) is about50 m [21].The term wide area wireless datanetworks (WAWDN) refers to WANsthat are dedicated to data traffic [16].The current generation of WAWDN<strong>in</strong>cludes the cellular digital packet data (CDPD) system andthe general packet radio service (GPRS), and uses packetswitch<strong>in</strong>g. WAWDN provide bit rates of one to two orders ofmagnitude less than wireless LANs. On the other hand, a s<strong>in</strong>glebase station <strong>in</strong> such WANs can cover a much larger area,usually some tens of square kilometers. The mobile user canenjoy network services at roam<strong>in</strong>g speeds higher than <strong>in</strong> thecase of wireless LANs. The mobile host, typically a laptop, isequipped with a radio modem, which is used to connect to thenetwork.F<strong>in</strong>ally, cellular networks that can handle mixed traffic, i.e.,both voice and data, can also be used for wireless access.First-generation (analog) cellular networks like AMPSbecame obsolete due to the limited capacity and services theyoffer. Second generation cellular networks, like GSM/DCS1800/PCS 1900, D-AMPS (IS-54), and IS-95 [16, 22, 23], arewidely deployed <strong>in</strong> many countries [24]. Such networks can beused for data transfers, but are not very economical. The usermust dial up to achieve connectivity with the network and isusually charged accord<strong>in</strong>g to airtime spent, not the amount ofdata transmitted or received. The offered bandwidth is evenless than <strong>in</strong> the case of WAWDN. For example, GSM offersbit rates up to 9.6 kb/s (with GSM Phase 2+ up to 14.4 kb/s)[25], while IS-95 provides rates up to 19.2 kb/s [16]. Note that<strong>in</strong> the case of a WAWDN (e.g., CDPD), the user is usuallycharged by the amount of data transferred, so it is economicallyreasonable for a user to be constantly connected andable to transfer data any time without the need to dial up[26]. Third generation cellular networks (e.g., UMTS [27] and3G WCDMA [28]), offer significantly higher bit rates (Fig. 1).The Appendix <strong>in</strong>cludes more <strong>in</strong>formation on the servicesand specifications of the aforementioned wireless networks.THE CASE OF <strong>TCP</strong> IN THE WIRELESS ENVIRONMENTWe will not delve <strong>in</strong>to the details of <strong>TCP</strong> [1–3] <strong>in</strong> this survey.The <strong>in</strong>terested reader is referred to one of several excellentbooks on <strong>TCP</strong>, such as [4, 5]. We will, however, discuss theparameters that affect the performance of <strong>TCP</strong> <strong>in</strong> a wired<strong>cum</strong>-wirelessenvironment.Limited Bandwidth — As expla<strong>in</strong>ed previously, wirelesswide area networks offer limited data rates. For example,CDPD networks [26] offer a raw bit rate of 19.2 kb/s, which isshared amongst up to 30 users. On the other hand, the currentgeneration of wireless LAN standards offers sufficientbandwidth. For example, the IEEE 802.11b standard offersraw bit rates of up to 11 Mb/s, while HIPERLAN offers up to20 Mb/s. Third-generation cellular networks promise sufficientbandwidth even for multimedia applications, but will notmaterialize on a wide scale before 2004.Long Round Trip Times — In general, wireless media exhibitlonger latency delays than wired media [25, 29–31]. Thisaffects <strong>TCP</strong> throughput and <strong>in</strong>creases the <strong>in</strong>teractive delaysIEEE Communications Surveys • • Fourth Quarter 2000 3

1 ms 33 ms 1 ms<strong>Wired</strong> host33 msWebserverto deliver it to the receiver is to resend it. The problemis that a lost segment triggers congestion avoidancemechanisms [3], which essentially make thesender’s w<strong>in</strong>dow much smaller. In this way, a transienterror leads <strong>TCP</strong> to back off too much and notbe able to susta<strong>in</strong> a good throughput level [15].Mobile hostRadio tower106 ms■ FIGURE 2. A wired and a mobile host access the same web server.perceived by the user. In addition, Lakshman and Madhow[32] show that under certa<strong>in</strong> scenarios <strong>TCP</strong> Tahoe is “unfair”for connections with longer RTTs. Newer versions of <strong>TCP</strong>alleviate a number of <strong>TCP</strong>’s <strong>in</strong>efficiencies, but still <strong>in</strong>creasethe congestion w<strong>in</strong>dow proportionally to the rate of <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>gacknowledgements (ACKs). For example, consider the scenariodepicted <strong>in</strong> Fig. 2, where two hosts attempt to access thesame Web server. Both hosts are three hops from the Webserver. A client connected through an all-wired path is 35 ms“away” from the Web server, while the second client is amobile host with four times the RTT of the wired host.Assume now that both clients simultaneously attempt toaccess the same object on the Web server. Figure 3 illustratesthe time diagram for both <strong>TCP</strong> connections, as well as theevolution of the congestion w<strong>in</strong>dow for both connections. Bythe time the connection <strong>in</strong>itiated from the mobile host makesits HTTP request, the wired host has already downloaded partof the object, and its connection has a congestion w<strong>in</strong>dow ofsix segments. Because the two connections experience differentgrowth rates <strong>in</strong> their congestion w<strong>in</strong>dow, they will achievedifferent throughput levels. In particular, the connection withthe longer RTT (i.e., the mobile host) will experience a muchmore moderate growth <strong>in</strong> its congestion w<strong>in</strong>dow (as illustrated<strong>in</strong> Fig. 3), and consequently <strong>in</strong> its send<strong>in</strong>g w<strong>in</strong>dow, which willtranslate <strong>in</strong>to smaller bandwidth share, yield<strong>in</strong>g smallerthroughput.Random Losses — <strong>Wireless</strong> media are more prone to transmissionlosses, for example due to fad<strong>in</strong>g channels, shadow<strong>in</strong>g,etc. <strong>TCP</strong> was designed with a wired medium (coppercables) <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d, which has bit error rates (BER) on the orderof 10 –6 – 10 – 8 . This translates <strong>in</strong>to a segment loss rate ofabout 1.2 – 0.012 percent for 1500-byte segments. BER aremuch higher <strong>in</strong> the wireless doma<strong>in</strong>, usually on the order of10 – 3 , and sometimes as high as 10 –1 [29]. With BER on theorder of 10 – 3 the packet loss rate is an order of magnitudemore <strong>in</strong> a wireless environment (approximately 12 percent).Forward error correction (FEC) can be employed to br<strong>in</strong>g thefalse alarm error rate (FAER) down even to the order of 10 –6[29, 33]. However, FEC achieves such low FAER only undercerta<strong>in</strong> conditions, and results <strong>in</strong> a huge expense of bandwidth.Given that bandwidth is very limited with present wirelessnetworks, “strong” FEC is usually not preferred. Inaddition, FEC cannot solve all problems because terra<strong>in</strong> typeand natural and man-made objects can handicap wireless connectivityaltogether.Random losses are the most prom<strong>in</strong>ent problem addressed<strong>in</strong> the literature, which is why many of the solutions aim atalleviat<strong>in</strong>g this deficiency <strong>in</strong> <strong>TCP</strong>. The problem with retransmissionsdoes not lie so much <strong>in</strong> the very fact of send<strong>in</strong>g asegment aga<strong>in</strong>. After all, the segment was lost, so the only wayUser Mobility — <strong>Wireless</strong> networks enable the userto move around. Perk<strong>in</strong>s [34] makes a clear dist<strong>in</strong>ctionbetween portability and mobility. In the first case,the user may use, for example, a laptop that can plug<strong>in</strong>to the network at several different access po<strong>in</strong>ts.However, this implies that there is some time (practically,the time spent for the transition to anotheraccess po<strong>in</strong>t) dur<strong>in</strong>g which the user does not enjoynetwork services. The term mobility means that theuser can roam freely and at the same time seamlessly enjoynetwork services without <strong>in</strong>terruptions. A number of issuesrelated to user mobility led to the creation of the Mobile IPWork<strong>in</strong>g Group by the Internet Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g Task Force(IETF) [35]. <strong>Wireless</strong> networks are usually designed <strong>in</strong> a cellularfashion, where each cell covers a particular area. Users<strong>in</strong>side this area are serviced from a s<strong>in</strong>gle base station (BS) oraccess po<strong>in</strong>t (AP), a host that is connected to the wired networkand offers wireless connectivity to mobile hosts. When amobile host is mov<strong>in</strong>g from one cell to another a procedurenamed handoff (or handover) must be followed. Dur<strong>in</strong>g ahandoff, all necessary <strong>in</strong>formation must be transferredbetween the two base stations so that the mobile host cancont<strong>in</strong>ue to be connected. Note that Mobile IP is designedwith the assumption that mobile nodes do not change BSsmore frequently than once per second [36]. Caceres andIftode were among the first to study the implications of mobilityon <strong>TCP</strong> performance. The consensus of the research communityis that it is desirable for reliable transport protocols tobe able to differentiate between congestion-related, transmission(or random) losses and motion-related losses.Short Flows — Web brows<strong>in</strong>g and e-mail account for a largemajority of today’s Internet traffic [8, 9]. These services usually<strong>in</strong>clude the transmission of rather small amounts of data[37]. This means that when the application-layer protocolopens a <strong>TCP</strong> connection for the transfer, there is a very largeprobability that the whole transfer is completed while the <strong>TCP</strong>sender is still <strong>in</strong> the slow start phase. Therefore, the <strong>TCP</strong> connectionnever manages to fully utilize the available bandwidth.Savage et al. [38], for example, claim that a 10 KB downloadunder perfect conditions and with <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ite bandwidth will notproceed with a throughput faster than 300 kb/s! Indeed, if theclient is 35 ms “away” from the server (Fig. 2), the 10 KBtransfer will need a 70 ms RTT for connection establishment,and at least another three RTTs for the actual transfer (Fig.3). This adds up to 280 ms, mak<strong>in</strong>g the user-perceivedthroughput 286 kb/s.Application-layer Protocol Design — Some applicationlayerprotocols make poor use of <strong>TCP</strong>, lead<strong>in</strong>g to considerableperformance degradation. Of course, evolution <strong>in</strong>application-level protocols that are aware of <strong>TCP</strong> work<strong>in</strong>gsallow for improved performance <strong>in</strong> some cases. For <strong>in</strong>stance,HTTP/1.0 [39], the first version of the Hypertext TransferProtocol, opens a new <strong>TCP</strong> connection for the retrieval ofeach object <strong>in</strong> an HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) do<strong>cum</strong>ent:a page with three images, for example, <strong>in</strong>volves theestablishment of four dist<strong>in</strong>ct <strong>TCP</strong> connections [40, 41].HTTP/1.1 [42] solves this problem by <strong>in</strong>troduc<strong>in</strong>g persistentconnections: the first <strong>TCP</strong> connection that is used to fetch the4IEEE Communications Surveys • • Fourth Quarter 2000

ase HTML file is also used to fetch thethree image objects as well.Power Consumption — For battery-operateddevices like laptops, PDAs, and wirelessphones, power consumption is a veryimportant factor. Typically, communicat<strong>in</strong>gover a wireless medium consumes more batterypower than CPU process<strong>in</strong>g [30]. Ofcourse, <strong>TCP</strong> was not designed with energyexpenditure <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d. However, <strong>TCP</strong> hasbeen shown <strong>in</strong> several studies, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g [43,44], to be very efficient <strong>in</strong> terms of retransmittedsegments. <strong>TCP</strong> manages to have avery low overhead (i.e., it does not wastebandwidth). For example, <strong>in</strong> [43] <strong>TCP</strong> isshown to achieve almost perfect goodput(def<strong>in</strong>ed there as the ratio of the actuallytransmitted bytes divided by the number ofbytes to be transferred). On the other hand,energy efficiency does not only depend onthe amount of avoidable extra data, but alsoon the total duration of the connection.Prolonged communication times lead topower consumption also [15]. It is importantto note that until recently studies did nottake power consumption under consideration[45–49]. Although it is for the market to decide, solutionsthat do take power consumption <strong>in</strong>to account would have aclear-cut advantage.New wireless-oriented protocols, like [31, 47, 50], can bedesigned with all the above considerations <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d, and thereforeperform much better than <strong>TCP</strong> under a number of scenarios.Although specialized transport protocols, or evenprotocol stacks like WAP, may provide the framework for thedevelopment of wireless brows<strong>in</strong>g, e-mail, and calendar services,users will still require access to all other critical <strong>in</strong>formationlike databases, file shar<strong>in</strong>g, and other network services.Today this can be done only on top of <strong>TCP</strong>. Otherwise, specializednew applications must be built for all currently exist<strong>in</strong>gapplications, which is rather uneconomical, and maybe noteven realistic. <strong>TCP</strong> has an advantage over any new proposalbecause it has proven to be robust over the years, it is widelydeployed, there is a vast store of experience with it, and iteases the task of ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g compatibility with the rest of theInternet.TAXONOMY OF SOLUTIONSThe research community has been very active <strong>in</strong> try<strong>in</strong>g tosolve the issues related to <strong>TCP</strong> performance <strong>in</strong> the wirelessdoma<strong>in</strong>. Some researchers have attempted to provide solutionsat the data l<strong>in</strong>k layer (LL), thereby attempt<strong>in</strong>g to hidethe “deficiencies” of the wireless channel from <strong>TCP</strong>. Othershave <strong>in</strong>troduced modifications to <strong>TCP</strong> so that it performs betterunder the new conditions. Last but not least, there are anumber of proposals for new transport protocols, optimizedfor wireless networks.LINK-LAYER SOLUTIONSTime (ms)As noted earlier, the major problem for a reliable transportprotocol like <strong>TCP</strong> arises because of the different nature of thewireless medium. Therefore, it is reasonable to attempt toattack the problem at its root cause. The LL protocol thatruns on top of the physical layer has immediate knowledge of3570135140280320Web server connection to<strong>Wired</strong> client : Mobile clientWeb server'sCwnd (segments)2 : 02 : 23 : 24 : 25 : 26 : 2HTTP requestDatatransferonly forthewiredclient■ FIGURE 3. Time diagram of simultaneous HTTP requests from two hosts with differentRTTs. <strong>TCP</strong> <strong>in</strong>itial w<strong>in</strong>dow (IW) is set to 2 segments, the client uses delayedacknowledgments, and no losses occur. For simplicity the congestion w<strong>in</strong>dow(cwnd) is presented <strong>in</strong> terms of number of segments <strong>in</strong>stead of bytes.SYNSYN-ACKHTTP requestSYNSYN-ACKdropped frames and thus can respond faster than higher-levelprotocols. At the same time, the LL protocol has more controlover the physical layer protocol. Hence, alleviat<strong>in</strong>g the<strong>in</strong>efficiencies of the wireless medium at the LL provides thetransport layer protocol with a dependable communicationchannel, similar <strong>in</strong> characteristics to a wired channel. In thisway, the transmission media heterogeneity <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> thenetwork rema<strong>in</strong>s transparent to the exist<strong>in</strong>g software andhardware <strong>in</strong>frastructure, and does not necessitate any changesto current <strong>TCP</strong> implementationsUnfortunately, mak<strong>in</strong>g a wireless channel look like a wiredchannel is not an easy task. The LL protocol will have toensure relatively reliable delivery of packets. This is usuallyimplemented us<strong>in</strong>g an automatic repeat request (ARQ)scheme and/or by means of FEC. For example, Mobitex (seeAppendix) uses FEC at the physical layer and ARQ at theLL. ARQ works well when the error rates are low. High errorrates can lead to a large volume of retransmission and caneven cause a complete “black-out” <strong>in</strong> the connection. On theother hand, FEC is not very well suited for channels that donot have large bandwidth, as is the case for many categoriesof wireless. FEC can detect and reverse a limited number ofbits, but the penalty <strong>in</strong> bandwidth can be considerable. Forexample, the raw bit rate for CDPD, which uses FEC, is 19.2kb/s, while the actual user bit rate is 9–13 kb/s [16]. In addition,the authors <strong>in</strong> [51] argue that the use of FEC meansmore power consumption and computation delays per packet.Tabbane [16] also notes that FEC requires fast digital signalprocess<strong>in</strong>g chips, which do <strong>in</strong>deed consume additional power.A question that still rema<strong>in</strong>s unresolved is whether the LLprotocol should be aware of <strong>TCP</strong> work<strong>in</strong>gs or not. Early studies[14] have shown that a <strong>TCP</strong>-unaware LL protocol mayhide the wireless l<strong>in</strong>k errors from <strong>TCP</strong>, but at the same timelead to worse overall performance. For example, upon the lossof a packet over the wireless l<strong>in</strong>k, the LL protocol will retransmitthe packet without wait<strong>in</strong>g for a <strong>TCP</strong> retransmission.However, a <strong>TCP</strong>-unaware LL protocol will not suppress theduplicate acknowledgements, which can cause a <strong>TCP</strong> retransmission<strong>in</strong> addition to the LL retransmission [43]. This duplicatedeffort leads to worse performance and wastes scarceIEEE Communications Surveys • • Fourth Quarter 2000 5

esources, i.e. wireless bandwidth and battery power. It hasbeen noted that LL retransmission timers must expire fasterthan <strong>TCP</strong>’s <strong>in</strong> order to avoid this duplicated effort. Moreover,the LL protocol should try to avoid trigger<strong>in</strong>g fast retransmitat the <strong>TCP</strong> sender, for example by not deliver<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>gframes out of order.<strong>TCP</strong>-Aware LL Protocols — The most prom<strong>in</strong>ent proposal <strong>in</strong>this category is the snoop protocol [12]. Snoop was designedso that the wired <strong>in</strong>frastructure of the network would need nochanges. A snoop agent must, however, reside at the base station(BS), while the mobile host would need to run the snoopprotocol. The BS snoop agent <strong>in</strong>spects every <strong>TCP</strong> segmentthat is sent to or received from the wireless hosts that areroam<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> its cell. We will not go <strong>in</strong>to the details of the protocol,but it is useful to present the salient po<strong>in</strong>ts of its work<strong>in</strong>gs.The snoop agent ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>s a cache of unacknowledgeddata segments dest<strong>in</strong>ed for the mobile host. When the snoopagent receives a duplicate acknowledgment from the mobilehost dest<strong>in</strong>ed for the fixed host, it retransmits the miss<strong>in</strong>g segmentand suppresses the duplicate acknowledgment <strong>in</strong>stead offorward<strong>in</strong>g it to the fixed host. Snoop also uses timeouts tolocally retransmit segments, if needed. These timeouts are lesscoarse than the de facto <strong>TCP</strong> timeout [5], and therefore expiresooner, thus lead<strong>in</strong>g to a local retransmission with<strong>in</strong> the timespan of a <strong>TCP</strong> timeout. Snoop utilizes the ability of a LL protocolto respond fast, and at the same time uses the available<strong>in</strong>formation to keep <strong>TCP</strong> “happy” with the exist<strong>in</strong>g networkconnection. However, it should be noted that <strong>TCP</strong>-levelretransmissions do happen, mostly due to timeouts at thesender.<strong>TCP</strong> Reno with snoop has been shown to achieve muchbetter performance than both <strong>TCP</strong> Reno alone and otherend-to-end protocols [43]. Moreover, the authors demonstratedthat the use of a selective acknowledgements schemeimproves performance. Snoop has been tested mostly underscenarios <strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>g an environment composed of a two-hoppath with a wireless LAN at the receiver side. The authorsalso conducted tests <strong>in</strong> an environment composed of the wiredWAN and a wireless LAN: the connection path <strong>in</strong>cluded a 16-hop route <strong>in</strong>side a wired WAN, with the 17th hop be<strong>in</strong>g thewireless LAN. In this configuration, the proportion of thetotal RTT that is due to the wireless part of the connectionpath is smaller than <strong>in</strong> the two-hop scenario.One of the key aspects of snoop’s superior performance isthe ability to respond to losses faster than <strong>TCP</strong>. However,snoop was designed for small RTTs <strong>in</strong> the wireless part of thepath, so it may not achieve superior performance when theseRTTs are large. Indeed, S<strong>in</strong>ha et al. found that <strong>TCP</strong> NewReno[52] with snoop does not yield better performance <strong>in</strong> wirelessWAN scenarios [31]. As expla<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the Appendix, wirelessWANs suffer from large RTTs and low data rates, two factorsthat are important for snoop to work efficiently. Essentially,the proportion of the total connection RTT that is due to thewireless path is very high, so snoop cannot react to losses fastenough to prevent <strong>TCP</strong> retransmissions: LL and <strong>TCP</strong> retransmissions<strong>in</strong>terfere, lead<strong>in</strong>g to worse performance. F<strong>in</strong>ally,snoop does not perform well when long or frequent disconnectionsare common [53].<strong>TCP</strong>-Unaware LL Protocols — <strong>TCP</strong>-unaware LL protocols,<strong>in</strong> pr<strong>in</strong>ciple, help to preserve protocol-layer modularity, andas such can be extended to accommodate transport protocolsother than <strong>TCP</strong>.TULIP — The Transport Unaware L<strong>in</strong>k Improvement Protocol(TULIP) [51] was designed for half-duplex wireless channelswith limited bandwidth. TULIP is not aware of the transportprotocol per se, but it is aware of the type of servicerequested (e.g., reliable service for <strong>TCP</strong> vs. unreliable forUDP). In other words, TULIP requires the network protocol(<strong>in</strong> this case IP) to <strong>in</strong>dicate if a particular packet requests areliable packet delivery service or not. Though TULIP isunaware of <strong>TCP</strong>’s work<strong>in</strong>gs, it was nevertheless designed with<strong>TCP</strong> <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d. For example, TULIP attempts to prevent the<strong>TCP</strong> sender from receiv<strong>in</strong>g three duplicate acknowledgementsby deliver<strong>in</strong>g only <strong>in</strong>-order <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g frames to IP.Like snoop, TULIP locally buffers packets and uses anARQ scheme to attempt to recover from losses on the wirelessl<strong>in</strong>k, before the <strong>TCP</strong> sender times out. TULIP’s timersrely on a maximum propagation time <strong>in</strong> the wireless channel.An <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g po<strong>in</strong>t is that TULIP does not offer a reliabledelivery for <strong>TCP</strong> acknowledgements. However, the authors donot specify how a <strong>TCP</strong>-unaware LL protocol is able to differentiatebetween pure <strong>TCP</strong> acknowledgements and <strong>TCP</strong> segments.The developers of TULIP show that, at least overhalf-duplex radio l<strong>in</strong>ks, a <strong>TCP</strong>-uncoupled LL solution is<strong>in</strong>deed possible and can yield better performance than <strong>TCP</strong>awareLL protocols.Delayed Duplicate Acknowledgments — Delayed duplicateacknowledgements (DDA) [54] is a LL <strong>TCP</strong>-unaware proposalthat attempts to mimic the work<strong>in</strong>gs of snoop. The pr<strong>in</strong>cipleis the same as with snoop, i.e., wireless losses are detectedat the BS and lost segments are retransmitted locally. Theauthors specify that each <strong>TCP</strong> data segment must be encapsulated<strong>in</strong> a s<strong>in</strong>gle LL frame, and each <strong>TCP</strong> ACK should beencapsulated <strong>in</strong> a s<strong>in</strong>gle LL ACK. DDA uses differentsequence numbers for its frames than <strong>TCP</strong> does for its segments.The protocol does not attempt to deliver the packets<strong>in</strong>-order to higher protocols.A loss is detected at the LL when a LL-duplicate acknowledgement(which encapsulates a <strong>TCP</strong> ACK) reaches the basestation. The BS delays the send<strong>in</strong>g of the duplicate ACKs tothe <strong>TCP</strong> sender by an amount of time d. At the same time itretransmits the lost segment locally. Further duplicate ACKsare also delayed. If an ACK arrives <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g that the retransmittedpacket has been received, then the duplicate acknowledgmentsare not sent on to the <strong>TCP</strong> sender. If the time dexpires then all duplicate ACKs are released and, probably,the <strong>TCP</strong> sender goes <strong>in</strong>to fast retransmit. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to theauthors, this scheme works well <strong>in</strong> cases where snoop alsoworks satisfactorily, thus it will not perform well on slow wirelessl<strong>in</strong>ks. The protocol is still <strong>in</strong> its <strong>in</strong>fancy and a number ofissues rema<strong>in</strong> to be resolved, such as the optimal value for d,but it seems that under certa<strong>in</strong> conditions it can perform well,almost as well as snoop.SPLIT CONNECTIONSProposals <strong>in</strong> this category, such as Indirect <strong>TCP</strong> (I-<strong>TCP</strong>) [55],came out very early. The basic idea here is that s<strong>in</strong>ce we havetwo completely different classes of subnetworks (wired andwireless), we could split each <strong>TCP</strong> connection <strong>in</strong>to two connectionsat the po<strong>in</strong>t where the two subnetworks meet, i.e., atthe base station. The BS keeps one <strong>TCP</strong> connection with thefixed host, while at the same time it uses another protocoldesigned for better performance over wireless l<strong>in</strong>ks for themobile host. The BS is entitled to acknowledge the segmentsas soon as it receives them [55]. However, this means that it ispossible for the acknowledgement of a particular segment toarrive at the sender before the segment actually reaches therecipient [43]. Obviously this violates <strong>TCP</strong> semantics.6IEEE Communications Surveys • • Fourth Quarter 2000

I-<strong>TCP</strong> does not handle handoffs efficiently, s<strong>in</strong>ce the <strong>TCP</strong>state must be transferred between base stations. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to[56], handoffs may take several hundreds of milliseconds to becompleted, thus lead<strong>in</strong>g to degraded <strong>TCP</strong> performance [57].Moreover, crashes <strong>in</strong> the base station result <strong>in</strong> <strong>TCP</strong> connectionterm<strong>in</strong>ation. I-<strong>TCP</strong> is also not suitable for cases wherethe wireless l<strong>in</strong>k is not the last part of a connection path,because we could end up splitt<strong>in</strong>g a particular connection severaltimes if different comb<strong>in</strong>ations of subnetworks are<strong>in</strong>volved, lead<strong>in</strong>g to performance degradation.M-<strong>TCP</strong> [53] also splits <strong>TCP</strong> connections but preserves <strong>TCP</strong>semantics, and does a better job than <strong>TCP</strong> <strong>in</strong> handl<strong>in</strong>g highBERs, frequent (if short) and prolonged (if not frequent) disconnectionsdue to user roam<strong>in</strong>g, blackouts, etc. However,M-<strong>TCP</strong> requires a LL protocol to recover from losses <strong>in</strong> thewireless l<strong>in</strong>k. It is <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g to note that Brown and S<strong>in</strong>ghpropose another version of M-<strong>TCP</strong> (Compressed M-<strong>TCP</strong>)that uses compression to alleviate the problem of limitedbandwidth <strong>in</strong> WWANs: data is compressed at the (wired)sender and decompressed at the (mobile) receiver. Compressioncan be very effective for certa<strong>in</strong> k<strong>in</strong>ds of data, but typicallycosts more energy and does not necessarily translate <strong>in</strong>tofaster user-perceived response times, especially for devicesthat have limited process<strong>in</strong>g power.<strong>TCP</strong> MODIFICATIONS<strong>TCP</strong> has been undergo<strong>in</strong>g constant modifications andimprovements s<strong>in</strong>ce its earliest days. In this section we discuss,<strong>in</strong> the context of wired-<strong>cum</strong>-wireless networks, some of themore recent modifications, though by no means are all ofthese modifications aimed at the problems of such networks.<strong>TCP</strong> SACK — <strong>TCP</strong> selective acknowledgments options (<strong>TCP</strong>SACK) [58] were proposed as a means to alleviate <strong>TCP</strong>’s <strong>in</strong>efficiency<strong>in</strong> handl<strong>in</strong>g multiple drops <strong>in</strong> a s<strong>in</strong>gle w<strong>in</strong>dow of data[15, 59]. The use of selective acknowledgements is optional,and the two communicat<strong>in</strong>g parties have to negotiate dur<strong>in</strong>gthe connection setup whether SACK is to be supported.In contrast with the standard <strong>cum</strong>ulative <strong>TCP</strong> ACKs, aSACK can convey <strong>in</strong>formation to the sender about multiplenon-contiguous blocks of successfully transmitted data segments.That is, <strong>TCP</strong> SACK enables the receiver to <strong>in</strong>form thesender about segments that were received out of order. DuplicateACKs <strong>in</strong>dicate the earliest <strong>in</strong>-order segment that is currentlymiss<strong>in</strong>g, and that other, later segments have beenreceived, but do not specify which ones. Thus, <strong>TCP</strong> SACKallows the sender to avoid retransmitt<strong>in</strong>g segments whose successfuldelivery at the other end is not evident from the duplicateACKs that arrive at the sender.The <strong>TCP</strong> SACK specification states explicitly that standardcongestion control algorithms, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g <strong>TCP</strong> timeouts, arenot affected by the proposal. <strong>TCP</strong> SACK kicks <strong>in</strong> only whenthree duplicate ACKs arrive at the sender. At that po<strong>in</strong>t, thesender can skip the retransmission of all SACKed segments,and retransmit the first unacknowledged, un-SACKed datasegment. Therefore, SACK will not improve performance <strong>in</strong>cases where the sender w<strong>in</strong>dow size is not sufficiently large toallow for at least four segments <strong>in</strong> flight. This problem arises<strong>in</strong> cases where the bandwidth×delay product is small, or aftera number of consecutive segment losses, which cause the congestionw<strong>in</strong>dow to shr<strong>in</strong>k [44]. After a retransmission timeoutoccurs, all SACKed segments are considered “un-SACKed,”and the sender must retransmit the oldest outstand<strong>in</strong>g segment<strong>in</strong> the send<strong>in</strong>g w<strong>in</strong>dow [58].Although <strong>TCP</strong> SACK has been shown to achieve betterperformance than standard <strong>TCP</strong> under certa<strong>in</strong> scenarios [43,59], there are a number of cases for which <strong>TCP</strong> SACK doesnot offer any significant performance improvement. Forexample, Balakrishnan et al. reported that for certa<strong>in</strong> traces<strong>TCP</strong> Reno enhanced with SACK avoided only 4 percent ofthe retransmission timeouts because of the small congestionw<strong>in</strong>dows [60]. Particularly for mobile hosts, it has not yet beendemonstrated that the SACK-<strong>in</strong>troduced complexity, whichimplies more power consumption and <strong>in</strong>creased memoryrequirements, is worth implement<strong>in</strong>g. Even <strong>in</strong> the case ofwired-only networks, different studies have reached differ<strong>in</strong>gconclusions, so a consensus has not yet been achieved on theuse of SACKs. <strong>TCP</strong> SACK is not currently part of the <strong>TCP</strong>specification [1, 3], but seems to be implemented <strong>in</strong> a numberof popular operat<strong>in</strong>g systems, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Microsoft W<strong>in</strong>dows 98[61].<strong>TCP</strong> FACK — <strong>TCP</strong> forward acknowledgment (<strong>TCP</strong> FACK)[62] attempts to decouple the <strong>TCP</strong> congestion control algorithmfrom data recovery. The aim of <strong>TCP</strong> FACK is to estimatemore accurately the amount of transmitted butunacknowledged data <strong>in</strong> the network, and hence make <strong>in</strong>telligentdecisions about the data that should be (re)transmitted.<strong>TCP</strong> FACK is designed to complement SACK <strong>in</strong> achiev<strong>in</strong>gsuperior performance. It <strong>in</strong>troduces a sender variable thatkeeps track of the “forward-most” data (<strong>in</strong> the sense of “segmentwith the highest sequence number”) which has arrivedat the receiver (snd.fack). In addition, the sender must alsokeep track of the amount of retransmitted data (retran_data).Based on these variables and the <strong>in</strong>formation stored <strong>in</strong> standard<strong>TCP</strong> sender variables, i.e. the next sequence number tobe sent (snd.nxt) [1], the sender is able to accurately estimatethe amount of outstand<strong>in</strong>g data <strong>in</strong> the network (acwnd) [62]:acwnd = snd.nxt – snd.fack + retran_dataUs<strong>in</strong>g this estimate, <strong>TCP</strong> FACK can recover from episodesof heavy loss better than <strong>TCP</strong> Reno with or without SACK.<strong>TCP</strong> FACK has been shown to perform better than <strong>TCP</strong>Reno, and <strong>TCP</strong> Reno with SACK, under certa<strong>in</strong> conditions[62]. However, it was never really tested for wired-<strong>cum</strong>-wirelessenvironments, and is more or less targeted toward improv<strong>in</strong>g<strong>TCP</strong>’s performance when losses are due to congestionrather than random losses.<strong>TCP</strong> Santa Cruz — <strong>TCP</strong> Santa Cruz [63] <strong>in</strong>cludes new congestioncontrol and error recovery strategies. It is a protocolthat is designed with transmission-media heterogeneity <strong>in</strong>m<strong>in</strong>d, and is effective at handl<strong>in</strong>g asymmetric and/or lossyl<strong>in</strong>ks, limited bandwidth, and variable delays. For each segment<strong>TCP</strong> Santa Cruz keeps an entry record<strong>in</strong>g the time thesegment was sent by the sender and the time it was receivedby the receiver. Thus, the sender can calculate the time <strong>in</strong>terval,S j,i , between the transmission of segment j and someother, preced<strong>in</strong>g segment i, and the <strong>in</strong>ter-arrival time, R j,i , ofthe correspond<strong>in</strong>g data packets at the receiver. Based on this<strong>in</strong>formation, the protocol can deduce whether congestion isbuild<strong>in</strong>g up or if network conditions are improv<strong>in</strong>g or rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gsteady [63]. <strong>TCP</strong> Santa Cruz proposes changes <strong>in</strong> the congestioncontrol, slow start, and retransmission algorithms <strong>in</strong>order to take advantage of the <strong>in</strong>creased amount of <strong>in</strong>formationthat is available to the sender. The growth of the congestionw<strong>in</strong>dow is decoupled from the number of returned ACKs.Moreover, the protocol uses a selective acknowledgementsscheme to improve performance for multiple losses <strong>in</strong> a s<strong>in</strong>glew<strong>in</strong>dow of data.<strong>TCP</strong> Santa Cruz performs better than <strong>TCP</strong> Reno andVegas under certa<strong>in</strong> simulated scenarios [63], <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g filetransfers over a three-hop path with a bottleneck l<strong>in</strong>k, and aIEEE Communications Surveys • • Fourth Quarter 2000 7

one-hop transfer over an asymmetric l<strong>in</strong>k [63, 64]. However,the authors do not address the issue of how to calculate accuratelyS j,i and R j,i when the receiver uses delayed ACKs. Inaddition, the relative complexity that is <strong>in</strong>troduced raisespower consumption issues. However, these complexities aremostly <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> the sender, which for most practical purposescould mean limited additional power consumption formobile hosts.Changes to Other <strong>TCP</strong> Mechanics — Many researchershave proposed changes <strong>in</strong> <strong>TCP</strong> mechanisms as a means ofimprov<strong>in</strong>g <strong>TCP</strong> performance. Some of the proposals havebeen widely accepted and adopted <strong>in</strong> <strong>TCP</strong> standards, whileothers are still under <strong>in</strong>vestigation. Additional <strong>in</strong>formationcan be found <strong>in</strong> [65, 66].ACK Generation <strong>TCP</strong> Strategies — ACKs return<strong>in</strong>g from areceiver play multiple roles <strong>in</strong> <strong>TCP</strong>. They are used for reliabilitypurposes (as part of the slid<strong>in</strong>g w<strong>in</strong>dow algorithm), for<strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g the sender’s transmission rate, and for congestioncontrol. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to [3], dur<strong>in</strong>g Slow Start a <strong>TCP</strong> sender<strong>in</strong>crements its congestion w<strong>in</strong>dow (cwnd) by at most onesender’s maximum segment size (SMSS) for each ACKreceived that acknowledges new data. For example, a <strong>cum</strong>ulativeACK for two segments and a <strong>cum</strong>ulative ACK for onesegment, both acknowledg<strong>in</strong>g new data, would cause the same<strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> cwnd, possibly one SMSS.Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the orig<strong>in</strong>al <strong>TCP</strong> specification [1], receiversacknowledge every <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g segment. On the other hand, thelatest RFC on <strong>TCP</strong> congestion control [3] states that a <strong>TCP</strong>receiver “should” [67] use the delayed ACK algorithm. Thisalgorithm [68] gives the receiver the option to delay an ACKif it is for an <strong>in</strong>-order segment, but must acknowledge everysecond full-sized segment. Of course, this presupposes areceiver that does not have any data to send back to thesender, and thus does not piggyback ACKs. Thus, if no lossesoccur the receiver would send a <strong>cum</strong>ulative ACK only everysecond <strong>in</strong>-order arriv<strong>in</strong>g segment. However, the receiver mustsend an ACK with<strong>in</strong> 500 ms of the arrival of the first unacknowledgedsegment. In the event of an out-of-order segment,the receiver must immediately send a duplicate acknowledgement.Most current <strong>TCP</strong> implementations do <strong>in</strong>deed implementthe delayed ACKs algorithm. Delayed ACKs savenetwork resources and, <strong>in</strong> the case of a battery-operated wirelesshost, energy expenditure (though it was not proposedwith this aim <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d).Allman has studied [69] the effect of the delayed ACKsalgorithm, as well as other schemes, for wired networks wheredrops occur only due to congestion. The implications of randomlosses due to fad<strong>in</strong>g wireless channels and the effect of alimited bandwidth/longer RTTs environment have not beenstudied with respect to the different ACK generation algorithms.Nevertheless, we present Allman’s conclusions herebecause the proposed algorithms may be of some use <strong>in</strong> thewired-<strong>cum</strong>-wireless doma<strong>in</strong>.First, the delayed ACKs algorithm essentially doubles theamount of time a <strong>TCP</strong> sender spends <strong>in</strong> Slow Start. Thismeans that an even larger proportion of short flows spendmost of the time <strong>in</strong> Slow Start, without tak<strong>in</strong>g full advantage,where it is available, of network bandwidth. Alternative mechanismsstudied <strong>in</strong>clude acknowledg<strong>in</strong>g every segment, DelayedACKs After Slow Start (DAASS), unlimited byte count<strong>in</strong>gand limited byte count<strong>in</strong>g [69].Acknowledg<strong>in</strong>g every segment is more aggressive thanus<strong>in</strong>g delayed ACKs, but leads to slightly better performance<strong>in</strong> terms of throughput [69]. In particular, an improvement of28 percent has been measured for short flows. On the otherhand, acknowledg<strong>in</strong>g every segment leads to more segmentlosses, because the <strong>TCP</strong> sender is <strong>in</strong>structed to be moreaggressive, which can lead to congestion build-up. Moreover,as was demonstrated <strong>in</strong> [44], acknowledg<strong>in</strong>g every segmentleads, at least <strong>in</strong> a number of scenarios, to worse performance:first, because the sender is encouraged to undertakeunsuccessful segment transmissions; and second, because thereceiver consumes twice the power and bandwidth for thetransmission of ACKs.DAASS attempts to limit the amount of time spent <strong>in</strong> SlowStart by employ<strong>in</strong>g the ACK-every-segment algorithm while <strong>in</strong>slow start and us<strong>in</strong>g the delayed ACKs algorithm only dur<strong>in</strong>gcongestion avoidance. DAASS also improves <strong>TCP</strong> throughput,and achieves exactly the same results for short flows as doesthe acknowledg<strong>in</strong>g of every segment mentioned above, s<strong>in</strong>ce<strong>in</strong> this case the algorithms are the same. DAASS causes lesscongestion build-up than acknowledg<strong>in</strong>g every segment, butmore than the standard <strong>TCP</strong> delayed ACKs algorithm [69].Unlimited byte count<strong>in</strong>g (UBC) uses the number of bytesacknowledged as the metric for the expansion of cwnd: cwndis <strong>in</strong>creased by as many bytes as are acknowledged. Thisdecouples the w<strong>in</strong>dow expansion from the acknowledgmentgeneration algorithm at the receiver. However, it proves to betoo aggressive and may lead to worse performance. On theother hand, limited byte count<strong>in</strong>g (LBC), where the total<strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> cwnd is limited to three SMSS, seems to improvethe performance, but not as much as acknowledg<strong>in</strong>g everysegment and DAASS.As a last word, it is worth not<strong>in</strong>g that other researchershave proposed to lower the <strong>TCP</strong> retransmission thresholdfrom three duplicate acknowledgments to two. This proposalstems from the fact that for a wide category of networks thebandwidth × delay product is not sufficient to allow for atleast four SMSS segments to be unacknowledged. Consequently,the number of outstand<strong>in</strong>g segments does not permitFast Retransmit to kick <strong>in</strong>, and losses are detected only bymeans of timeouts. For example, L<strong>in</strong> and Kung reported that85 percent of the timeouts found <strong>in</strong> a set of Internet traceswere not preceded by a Fast Retransmit [70]. Lower<strong>in</strong>g theretransmission threshold may solve this problem. On the otherhand, lower<strong>in</strong>g the retransmission threshold does not necessarilylead to better performance under all cir<strong>cum</strong>stances [44].ACK Pac<strong>in</strong>g — The standard <strong>TCP</strong> ACK generation mechanismsproduce bursty traffic. For example, if the sender is <strong>in</strong>Slow Start it will send two new segments for each ACKreceived. Bursty traffic can <strong>in</strong>cur packet losses and lowerthroughput <strong>in</strong> the context of a rather unfairer environment.Many researchers, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g [71, 72], have proposed to “pace”the transmission of segments by send<strong>in</strong>g them <strong>in</strong> a spaced-outfashion dur<strong>in</strong>g the entire RTT. Note that pac<strong>in</strong>g is a ratebasedscheme <strong>in</strong> the sense that the <strong>TCP</strong> sender sends segmentsat a predeterm<strong>in</strong>ed rate, not accord<strong>in</strong>g to the flow of<strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g ACKs. Theoretically, pac<strong>in</strong>g has many merits,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the potential for smaller queu<strong>in</strong>g delays, thus lead<strong>in</strong>gto better performance.However, Aggarwal et al. [73] use extensive simulations toshow that although pac<strong>in</strong>g can improve fairness and throughput<strong>in</strong> many cases, it can also worsen performance significantly<strong>in</strong> many others. Pac<strong>in</strong>g can cause global synchronization,which is known to lead to poor l<strong>in</strong>k utilization [74]. As a lastword, note that pac<strong>in</strong>g is ma<strong>in</strong>ly aimed at deal<strong>in</strong>g with congestion-relatedlosses and, <strong>in</strong> view of [73], it may not be suitablefor wired-<strong>cum</strong>-wireless environments.Increase <strong>TCP</strong>’s Initial Congestion W<strong>in</strong>dow – Allman et al.[75] proposed the <strong>in</strong>crease of the <strong>in</strong>itial congestion w<strong>in</strong>dow8IEEE Communications Surveys • • Fourth Quarter 2000

(IW) to more than one SMSS. Simulation studies have shownthat this modification can lead to better performance (up to25 percent) [75], especially for short flows. Concerns wereraised, however, regard<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>creased possibility of droppedsegments, <strong>in</strong> particular at congested routers or l<strong>in</strong>ks. Shepardand Partridge [76] studied the case where a <strong>TCP</strong> receiver isconnected to the Internet over a 9.6 kb/s l<strong>in</strong>k, through arouter with enough buffer space to accommodate only threesegments, each conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 1024 bytes. When the sender usesan IW of four segments it is guaranteed that it will experiencea drop <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>itial phase of the connection. The study concludedthat the performance achieved when IW is four segmentsis no worse than when it is only one. Nevertheless, thelatest RFC def<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>TCP</strong>’s congestion control [3] specifies that“the <strong>in</strong>itial value of cwnd, MUST be less than or equal to2×SMSS bytes and MUST NOT be more than two segments.”The members of the IETF <strong>TCP</strong> Implementation Work<strong>in</strong>gGroup opted for a gradual <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> IW s<strong>in</strong>ce empirical datafrom actual networks on the effect of <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g IW were notavailable at the time.Increas<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>itial congestion w<strong>in</strong>dow can be advantageousfor short flows and connections that exhibit large propagationdelays. Note that these modifications are <strong>in</strong>tendedonly for the <strong>in</strong>itial congestion w<strong>in</strong>dow: the loss w<strong>in</strong>dow, i.e.the w<strong>in</strong>dow used after a loss has been detected, and therestart w<strong>in</strong>dow, which is used when the sender restarts theconnection after an idle period, are not affected. The specifiedvalue for these w<strong>in</strong>dows rema<strong>in</strong>s one SMSS.Explicit Congestion Notification — As po<strong>in</strong>ted out earlier,<strong>TCP</strong> Congestion Control is ma<strong>in</strong>ly governed by the detectionof lost or dropped segments. When a sender detects segmentlosses, it assumes that this is due to congestion and that itshould therefore lower its send<strong>in</strong>g rate. This approach isbased on the fact that until recently routers did not providefeedback to the sender, and used a rather simple queu<strong>in</strong>gstrategy, namely drop tail: when a router runs out of bufferspace, the latest <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g segments are dropped. <strong>TCP</strong> withExplicit Congestion Notification (ECN) calls for more functionalityfrom the routers [77, 78]. The routers should <strong>in</strong>formthe <strong>TCP</strong> sender of <strong>in</strong>cipient congestion, signal<strong>in</strong>g that thesend<strong>in</strong>g rate should be lowered. In this way, the sender is<strong>in</strong>formed on time about congestion buildup and segmentdrops can be avoided [79].By explicitly signal<strong>in</strong>g out when congestion is build<strong>in</strong>g up,ECN can also be used for wired-<strong>cum</strong>-wireless environments. Ifthe entire <strong>in</strong>ternetwork<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>frastructure were capable of convey<strong>in</strong>gECNs, a mobile host could reasonably <strong>in</strong>fer that drops<strong>in</strong> the absence of ECNs must be due to random losses, andhence that congestion control algorithms should not beemployed, but rather that the current send<strong>in</strong>g rate should besusta<strong>in</strong>ed. ECN is also power conserv<strong>in</strong>g, because the routersdo not drop packets to <strong>in</strong>dicate congestion, so only a m<strong>in</strong>imalnumber of segments are lost [79], except, of course, the oneslost <strong>in</strong> the wireless path. ECN can also lead to improved overall<strong>TCP</strong> performance by avoid<strong>in</strong>g retransmissions and timeouts[77–80].Explicit Loss Notification — In contrast to ECN, ExplicitLoss Notification (ELN) was proposed for wireless networks[43]. Instead of implicitly deduc<strong>in</strong>g when a drop is due to randomlosses, it is preferable to be <strong>in</strong>formed explicitly of a lossresult<strong>in</strong>g from errors <strong>in</strong> a wireless l<strong>in</strong>k. If it were possible toexplicitly <strong>in</strong>dicate when a particular loss is due to errors<strong>in</strong>duced by the wireless l<strong>in</strong>k, then <strong>TCP</strong> could be modified soas to refra<strong>in</strong> from go<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to congestion avoidance. However,such a scheme is very difficult to implement and, to ourknowledge, no efficient solution has appeared <strong>in</strong> the literature.Fast Retransmits — Caceres and Iftode [57] discuss <strong>TCP</strong>’sperformance degradation when handoffs occur as a mobileuser roams, e.g., <strong>in</strong>side a build<strong>in</strong>g. The authors have experimentedwith microcellular networks, i.e. wireless LANs withcells of a few meters <strong>in</strong> diameter. These networks offer goodraw bit rate (at the time the article was published, 2 Mb/s forIEEE 802.11; currently, with IEEE 802.11b, it can be up to 11Mb/s [81]). While bandwidth is not the ma<strong>in</strong> issue <strong>in</strong> thesenetworks, handoffs can have a big impact on <strong>TCP</strong> throughput,and therefore on the mobile user’s experience.The authors explore situations where the cells are overlapp<strong>in</strong>g,adjacent, or otherwise. <strong>TCP</strong> throughput suffers <strong>in</strong> allthese cases. Even <strong>in</strong> the case of overlapp<strong>in</strong>g cells the throughputis less, though by a mere six percent. The case where thehandoff needs one second to complete leads to a period of 2.8seconds of complete loss of communication at the transportlevel.Dur<strong>in</strong>g this period, <strong>TCP</strong> loses segments <strong>in</strong> the forwardpath and acknowledgments <strong>in</strong> the return path. The absence ofacknowledgments means that Fast Retransmit will not kick <strong>in</strong>,and so the <strong>TCP</strong> sender must wait for a timeout. The authorspropose changes to Mobile IP at the mobile host so thatMobile IP <strong>in</strong>forms <strong>TCP</strong> when a handoff is completed. Then,the receiver’s <strong>TCP</strong> sends duplicate acknowledgements to <strong>in</strong>itiateFast Retransmit at the sender <strong>TCP</strong>. Thus, the sender doesnot have to wait for a timeout and takes full advantage ofMobile IP’s knowledge about handoffs. However, the FastRetransmits approach aims only at deal<strong>in</strong>g with handoffs anddoes not accommodate losses due to wireless channel fad<strong>in</strong>g.NEW TRANSPORT PROTOCOLSAs mentioned earlier, new transport protocols can be designedto perform better than <strong>TCP</strong> <strong>in</strong> purely wireless networks. However,these protocols are <strong>in</strong> their <strong>in</strong>fancy and have not yetbeen tested on a wide scale.<strong>Wireless</strong> Transmission Control Protocol — The <strong>Wireless</strong>Transmission Control Protocol (W<strong>TCP</strong>) [31] is designed toprovide a reliable transport protocol for CDPD [16, 26], and<strong>in</strong> general for WWANs that exhibit low bandwidth and highlatencies. W<strong>TCP</strong> is used when a mobile host needs to connectthrough a proxy to access <strong>in</strong>formation. S<strong>in</strong>ha et al. [31] notethat this is the case for most current deployments of WWANs.Hence, W<strong>TCP</strong> is a proposal that attempts to solve the problemof transmission-media heterogeneity <strong>in</strong> a “split connections”fashion.W<strong>TCP</strong> uses algorithms similar to those of standard <strong>TCP</strong>for connection management and flow control. However, it followsa different approach with regard to congestion control.First, W<strong>TCP</strong> is rate-based with the rate control done at thereceiver. That is, the receiver is responsible for sett<strong>in</strong>g theappropriate rate for the sender to use. The receiver, upon thearrival of each <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g segment, employs an algorithm [31]to determ<strong>in</strong>e whether to ask the sender to <strong>in</strong>crease, decrease,or ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> the current send<strong>in</strong>g rate. This <strong>in</strong>formation is conveyedback to the sender through <strong>cum</strong>ulative ACKs. Transmissioncontrol <strong>in</strong> W<strong>TCP</strong> is governed by the <strong>in</strong>ter-packetdelay as measured at the receiver.Second, W<strong>TCP</strong> attempts to predict when a segment loss isdue to transmission errors or to congestion. In short, whilethe network is deemed to be uncongested, the receiver keepsstatistics for non-congestion-related segment losses. Based onthis <strong>in</strong>formation, the receiver signals the sender to cont<strong>in</strong>ueIEEE Communications Surveys • • Fourth Quarter 2000 9

<strong>Wireless</strong> datagram protocolNon-IP-based wireless bearerse.g., GSM SMS, GSM USSD<strong>Wireless</strong> application environment<strong>Wireless</strong> session protocol<strong>Wireless</strong> session protocol<strong>Wireless</strong> transport layer security■ FIGURE 4. The WAP protocol stack [23].transmitt<strong>in</strong>g with the same rate if the loss is estimated to bedue to transmission errors, or to decrease the send<strong>in</strong>g rate ifcongestion is deemed to be the cause of these losses. Thismechanism, though promis<strong>in</strong>g, has not yet been exhaustivelytested.In contrast with <strong>TCP</strong>, W<strong>TCP</strong> does not use an ARQ schemeto assure reliability of transfers. The authors believe that oneof the ma<strong>in</strong> reasons for the sub-optimal performance of <strong>TCP</strong><strong>in</strong> WWANs is <strong>in</strong>accurate retransmission timeout estimation.In order to alleviate this <strong>in</strong>efficiency W<strong>TCP</strong> employs a schemewith SACKs and probes. The receiver-generated acknowledgementsact both as <strong>cum</strong>ulative ACKs and as SACKs. Thusthe sender can verify whether certa<strong>in</strong> segments were receivedand retransmit the miss<strong>in</strong>g ones. However, ACKs are notalways generated <strong>in</strong> response to <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g segments. In fact,the sender must specify to the receiver how often to send anACK. The receiver can also send a SACK <strong>in</strong> the event of outof-ordersegments. If the sender does not receive an ACKdur<strong>in</strong>g the specified period, it goes <strong>in</strong>to blackout mode [31]. Ifthe sender does not have any more segments to send, and atthe same time it has not received a confirmation that all outstand<strong>in</strong>gsegments were received, then it will use probe segmentsto elicit receiver ACKs.W<strong>TCP</strong> has been shown [31] to perform better than <strong>TCP</strong>NewReno [52] and <strong>TCP</strong> Vegas [82, 83], at least under certa<strong>in</strong>scenarios. Be that as it may, the receiver <strong>in</strong> W<strong>TCP</strong> is considerablymore complicated than <strong>in</strong> <strong>TCP</strong>; this could lead to<strong>in</strong>creased power consumption, s<strong>in</strong>ce usually the mobile hostplays the role of the receiver.Wave-and-Wait Protocol and <strong>TCP</strong>-Prob<strong>in</strong>g — The Waveand-WaitProtocol (WWP) [47] and <strong>TCP</strong>-Prob<strong>in</strong>g [48] sharesome similarities with W<strong>TCP</strong>, discussed earlier. Like W<strong>TCP</strong>,WWP has the receiver monitor <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g segments and set anappropriate transmission rate for the sender to use. BothWWP and <strong>TCP</strong>-Prob<strong>in</strong>g use a structured exchange of short,energy-efficient prob<strong>in</strong>g segments between sender and receiverto ascerta<strong>in</strong>, <strong>in</strong> the event of lost segments, whether the lossis due to transient (random or transmission) errors or morepersistent conditions (congestion, fad<strong>in</strong>g, blackouts, etc.).<strong>TCP</strong>-Prob<strong>in</strong>g then attempts to adjust the sender congestioncontrol mechanism accord<strong>in</strong>gly. WWP’s congestion controlmechanism, on the other hand, consists of sett<strong>in</strong>g an appropriate“wave” level, where a wave is a group of data segmentsthat are transmitted back-to-back.WIRELESS APPLICATION PROTOCOLUser datagram protocolIP-based wireless bearerse.g., GPRS, CDPD, IS-95The <strong>Wireless</strong> Application Protocol (WAP) is an attempt todef<strong>in</strong>e an <strong>in</strong>dustry-wide specification for develop<strong>in</strong>g applicationsthat operate over wireless networks [50]. The WAPForum [84] decided not to def<strong>in</strong>e a specificationaimed at a particular set of actual devices, butrather to create a protocol stack and applicationenvironment that can allow a broader class ofdevices to communicate efficiently over wirelessnetworks.WAP has appeared <strong>in</strong> the popular press as the“wireless Web.” However, this is not strictly correct,not only because other “wireless Web” solutionshave been proposed (e.g., NTT DoCoMo’s i-mode[85, 86]), but also because it goes aga<strong>in</strong>st the veryphilosophy of WAP, at least <strong>in</strong> its current <strong>in</strong>carnation.Mann [30] notes that the “WAP user paradigmis one where users are able to make small, specific,focused requests for small chunks (typically lessthan 1000 bytes), not browse random Web sites.”Although first-generation WAP is more or less targeted at“smart” mobile phones, it does not exclude PDAs, two-waypagers, and other devices. In fact, even more powerful devices,such as laptop computers, can use WAP. WAP assumes thatthe mobile device has limited process<strong>in</strong>g power and memory,and is connected to a network with rather limited data rates(typically less than 10 kb/s) and high latencies. The network isassumed to be unreliable [30]. Moreover, WAP was designedwith power consumption <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d: the target devices areassumed to have limited battery lifetime, so every effort mustbe made to conserve energy. Other device characteristics aresmall screen size and limited data entry capabilities.WAP <strong>in</strong>troduces a new protocol stack (Fig. 4). The WAPApplication Environment (WAE) <strong>in</strong>cludes a microbrowserspecification, the wireless markup language (WML), a script<strong>in</strong>glanguage (WMLScript), and a framework for wireless telephonyapplications [30].WSP, the <strong>Wireless</strong> Session Protocol, provides functionalitysimilar to HTTP/1.1 [42], <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g long-lived sessions. WSPsupports reliable connection-oriented session services, whichcan be suspended and resumed at a later time [50], over WTP(<strong>Wireless</strong> Transaction Protocol). Note that resum<strong>in</strong>g a WSPsession is less costly <strong>in</strong> terms of signal exchanges for themobile client than establish<strong>in</strong>g a new one. WSP’s ability toresume sessions saves scarce network resources and preservesbattery power. WSP also supports unreliable connectionlesssessions over WTP or WDP (<strong>Wireless</strong> Datagram Protocol).Last but not least, WSP allows for capability and contentnegotiation, asynchronous content push to the client, and multipleasynchronous transactions [50].WTP adds reliability on top of datagram services suppliedby either WDP [84] or UDP [87], offer<strong>in</strong>g three classes of service:• Unreliable one-way requests• Reliable one-way requests• Reliable request-reply transactions [23]It has no explicit connection setup or teardown, and usesunique identifier numbers (similar to segment sequence numbers<strong>in</strong> <strong>TCP</strong>), acknowledgements, duplicate removal, andretransmissions to ensure reliable transactions. WTP allowsthe user to optionally confirm the receipt of every message.F<strong>in</strong>ally, WTP is message-oriented, that is, the basic unit of<strong>in</strong>terchange is an entire message, not a byte stream as <strong>in</strong> <strong>TCP</strong>[50]). WTP offers no security mechanisms; optional security,as well as data compression and encryption, is provided by the<strong>Wireless</strong> Transport Layer Security (WTLS) protocol [84].WDP is the transport layer protocol of the WAP architecture,provid<strong>in</strong>g unreliable datagram service to the higher layers.It aims to give a consistent network service to the higherlayers, <strong>in</strong>dependent of the data-capable bearer services of thedifferent underly<strong>in</strong>g network types (Fig. 4). WDP must pro-10IEEE Communications Surveys • • Fourth Quarter 2000

GatewayOrig<strong>in</strong> serverRadio towerEncoded requestHTTP requestWAEuser agentEncoded responseEncoders anddecodersHTTP responseStatic anddynamic content■ FIGURE 5. The WAP programm<strong>in</strong>g model [50].vide a multiplex<strong>in</strong>g/demultiplex<strong>in</strong>gfunctionality, and basic error detection.In addition, it must handle segmentationand reassembly. In fact, ifthe bearer network supports IP (e.g.,CDPD, GPRS), then UDP is used<strong>in</strong>stead of WDP, because IP handlesthat. If the underly<strong>in</strong>g network doesnot use IP for rout<strong>in</strong>g, then an adaptationlayer is needed <strong>in</strong> conjunctionwith WDP [23].Clearly, WAP follows anapproach where<strong>in</strong> transfer reliabilityis added on top of an unreliabledatagram service. Hence, much of<strong>Wireless</strong> networkMotient (formerly ARDIS) 4.8–19.2Mobitex (by C<strong>in</strong>gular) 8CDPD 19.2Ricochet (by Metricom) 28.8–128GPRS Up to 170<strong>TCP</strong>’s functionality is positioned at the presentation andapplication layers. This choice imposes certa<strong>in</strong> limitations, butus<strong>in</strong>g lightweight transport protocols such as UDP and WDPhas its merits, e.g., it allows the application developer tochoose the exact level of reliability needed by the application.Another key aspect of WAP is that all connections betweena mobile host and an orig<strong>in</strong> server pass through a proxy, theWAP gateway (Fig. 5). The proxy uses the WAP protocolstack to communicate with the wireless device, and standardHTPP/<strong>TCP</strong>/IP to communicate with the orig<strong>in</strong> server. Thus,the WAP protocol stack is essentially a “split connections”proposal.A typical scenario <strong>in</strong>volves a user issu<strong>in</strong>g a request on hisdevice. The device will use the WAP protocol stack to communicatewith the proxy. The proxy receives the request,translates it <strong>in</strong>to an HTTP request, and uses a standard<strong>TCP</strong>/IP wired network to connect with the orig<strong>in</strong> server. TheWAP gateway is responsible for encod<strong>in</strong>g the responses of theorig<strong>in</strong> server <strong>in</strong>to a compact b<strong>in</strong>ary format and convey<strong>in</strong>g it tothe mobile device us<strong>in</strong>g the WAP protocols. WAP uses b<strong>in</strong>aryformats <strong>in</strong>stead of, for example, the standard text formats forHTTP, <strong>in</strong> order to m<strong>in</strong>imize the amount of data that must betransmitted and limit the process<strong>in</strong>g that needs to be done atthe mobile host (see Compressed M-<strong>TCP</strong> <strong>in</strong> an earlier section).In this way less power is expended for each request.Furthermore, a WAP gateway typically supports a DNS service<strong>in</strong> order to accelerate name lookups, and can use cach<strong>in</strong>gand distillation to enhance performance [23].WAP is <strong>in</strong>tended to be as compatible as possible with theexist<strong>in</strong>g Internet, given the device limitations mentionedabove. Potentially, one could foresee a merg<strong>in</strong>g of the WAPstack with <strong>TCP</strong>/IP. We shall not pursue the details of WAPany further; the <strong>in</strong>terested reader can f<strong>in</strong>d a wealth of <strong>in</strong>formation<strong>in</strong> [23, 30, 50] and at the WAP Forum web site [84].Bandwidth (kb/s)■ Table 1. Data transer rates provided by widearea wireless data networks [11, 22, 28, 88, 91].CONCLUSION<strong>TCP</strong> has been shown to performpoorly <strong>in</strong> wireless environments <strong>in</strong>terms of achieved throughput due tothe factors exam<strong>in</strong>ed earlier. Theconsensus of the research communityis that the use of “traditional”<strong>TCP</strong> <strong>in</strong> wireless environments is nota very attractive choice. While <strong>TCP</strong>is needed for a wired-<strong>cum</strong>-wirelessInternet, the current version(s) isnot adequate for the task. Improv<strong>in</strong>g<strong>TCP</strong> performance under theseconditions has been a very activearea of research over the last several years. However,researchers have more or less focused on specific, ad hocproblems, and there appears to be no general solution so far.Solutions that work extremely well under some conditionsperform poorly when these conditions cease to exist. Forexample, solutions proposed for wireless LANs do not performwell <strong>in</strong> wireless WANs, and vice versa. Moreover, mostof the work <strong>in</strong> this area used throughput as the ma<strong>in</strong> criterionfor judg<strong>in</strong>g the merit of a proposal. To pass muster, new proposalswill have to demonstrate their improved performancenot only <strong>in</strong> terms of throughput but also <strong>in</strong> terms of powerconsumption.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe author gratefully acknowledges the <strong>in</strong>valuable assistanceof Professor Husse<strong>in</strong> Badr <strong>in</strong> the preparation of this article.APPENDIX: WIRELESS DATA NETWORKSEarlier we <strong>in</strong>troduced the various wireless networks and classifiedthem accord<strong>in</strong>g to coverage area <strong>in</strong>to wireless LANsand WANs. In addition, computer networks, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g wireless,can be classified <strong>in</strong>to packet switch<strong>in</strong>g and circuit switch<strong>in</strong>gnetworks [6, 16]. This Appendix presents yet anothercategorization, which is based on the k<strong>in</strong>d of services offeredand the user mobility supported.Full User Mobility — Wide Area <strong>Wireless</strong> Data Networks(WAWDNs) <strong>in</strong>clude systems such as the Cellular DigitalPacket Data (CDPD) [26], Mobitex [16, 88], Advanced RadioData Information System (ARDIS) [89], and the GeneralPacket Radio Service (GPRS) [16]. These packet-switchednetworks allow the user to roam almost everywhere. ForIEEE Communications Surveys • • Fourth Quarter 2000 11

Cellular networkBandwidth (kb/s)example, special attention has beengiven to the ARDIS network 1 so thatcoverage <strong>in</strong>cludes not only openspaces but also build<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>teriors [90].Moreover, an ARDIS base stationcan cover an area of 15–25 km <strong>in</strong>diameter. The user is able to movewith relatively high speeds and rema<strong>in</strong>connected, though at rather slow datathroughput rates (Table 1).CDPD was designed to use channelsof the Advanced Mobile PhoneService (AMPS), the first generationIS-95 (CDMA) 9.6–14.43G CDMA Up to 2400GSM 9.6GSM Phase 2+ 14.4, up to 384EDGE Up to 560UMTSanalog cellular network that do not carry voice traffic. Thesechannels are usually shared with AMPS, i.e., used only whenthere are no phone calls. However, the network operator canspecifically assign channels only for data traffic. As CDPDga<strong>in</strong>s popularity — and AMPS becomes obsolete — moreCDPD-dedicated channels can be allocated. CDPD can bedeployed at less cost than other wireless wide area networksbecause it utilizes the exist<strong>in</strong>g AMPS hardware and software<strong>in</strong>frastructure. CDPD is based on a CSMA/CD variant calleddigital sense multiple access [16] and offers IP-based services[26], which is a great advantage.Similar to CDPD, GPRS is normally embedded <strong>in</strong> a GSMnetwork [16]. GPRS uses packet switch<strong>in</strong>g and is provisioned<strong>in</strong> GSM Phase 2+. Its ma<strong>in</strong> objective is to provide standarddata transfer technologies like <strong>TCP</strong>/IP with a mobile radionetwork with significantly higher bit rates than the other systems,<strong>in</strong> contrast to which it was also designed with officeapplications <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d. The standard was f<strong>in</strong>alized by ETSI <strong>in</strong>late 1997, but to many it is a transitional technology towardsthird-generation cellular networks [16, 90]. GPRS is currentlybe<strong>in</strong>g deployed <strong>in</strong> many European countries. The reader canf<strong>in</strong>d more <strong>in</strong>formation about WAWDNs <strong>in</strong> [16, 23–26, 90]. Inaddition, [11] provides a rich glossary of terms used <strong>in</strong> thewireless <strong>in</strong>dustry.Cellular networks, like the Global System for Mobile communications(GSM) [25] and IS-95 [22] (commonly referredto as CDMA <strong>in</strong> the US), can also be used for wireless networkconnectivity, though <strong>in</strong> circuit switch<strong>in</strong>g fashion. Forexample, GSM offers transmission rates of up to 9.6 kb/s (14.4kb/s <strong>in</strong> GSM Phase 2+). The designers of GSM chose to offera reliable l<strong>in</strong>k layer protocol for data transmission called thenontransparent mode. Thus, packets are shielded from corruptionus<strong>in</strong>g FEC, and an ARQ scheme assures that lost or corruptedpackets will be delivered to the receiver [24]. However,as was noted earlier, a reliable <strong>TCP</strong>-unaware l<strong>in</strong>k layer protocolcould <strong>in</strong>terfere with <strong>TCP</strong> and yield worse performanceoverall. Table 2 presents the available data transfer bit ratesfor current cellular networks. The forthcom<strong>in</strong>g EnhancedData GSM Environment (EDGE) will provide speeds up to560 kb/s, and constitutes yet another transitional step towards■ Table 2. Data transfer rates provided by cellularnetworks [11, 22, 28, 91, 94].Service Bandwidth (kb/s) Transmission modeHigh <strong>in</strong>teractive multimedia 128 L<strong>in</strong>e-switchedHigh multimedia 2048 Packet-switchedMedium multimedia 384 Packet-switchedSwitched data 14.4 L<strong>in</strong>e-switchedthe Universal Mobile TelecommunicationsSystem (UMTS) [27].The IS-95 (also known ascdmaOne [11]) cellular network standarduses Direct Spectrum Code DivisionMultiple Access (DS-CDMA)and was designed to replace AMPS.Accord<strong>in</strong>g to Qualcomm, CDMAUp to 2048 (microcell) offers a ten-fold to fifteen-fold efficiency<strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> comparison withAMPS [24]. IS-95 achieves data transmissionrates up to 14.4 kb/s. Dataservices can be used simultaneouslywith voice traffic. Moreover, due to the advanced power controlneeded for CDMA [24], a mobile term<strong>in</strong>al never usesmore transmission power than needed. Practical tests haveshown that a mobile term<strong>in</strong>al transmits with less than 1 mW98 percent of the time. F<strong>in</strong>ally, due to the nature of CDMA,Rayleigh fad<strong>in</strong>g and multipath propagation do not degradethe performance significantly [24].Third-generation cellular networks, like UMTS [27, 28]and 3G CDMA [22], promise much higher data transfer rates.However, these networks have yet to be realized on a largescale. As far as <strong>TCP</strong> is concerned, higher transfer rates canalleviate some of the <strong>in</strong>efficiencies discussed earlier. Table 3presents the profiles def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the International Mobile TelephoneStandard 2000 (IMT-2000). Note that the maximumdata rate of 2 Mb/s is available only to slow-mov<strong>in</strong>g term<strong>in</strong>alsrelatively close to base stations. The “medium multimedia”data rate is available to mov<strong>in</strong>g term<strong>in</strong>als <strong>in</strong> urban and suburbanareas; term<strong>in</strong>als <strong>in</strong> rural areas are provided with lowerdata rates (up to 144 kb/s). Under these restrictions, UMTSwill not be able to deliver the high rates necessary for certa<strong>in</strong>applications.Portable <strong>Wireless</strong> Data — <strong>Wireless</strong> LANs offer portability,and even mobility, but <strong>in</strong> a rather limited area. They offerhigher transfer rates than the previous category of wirelessnetworks. Moreover, next-generation wireless LANs will provideeven more bandwidth to the user (Table 4).There has been considerable effort made to create wirelessATM networks [17, 93]. <strong>Wireless</strong> ATM can provide a reliablenetwork, solv<strong>in</strong>g many of the problems described earlier.However, it has yet to reach a f<strong>in</strong>al status; there are manyissues that still need to be resolved before it can be widelyimplemented [93].Ricochet, a service of Metricom [94], offers an alternativesolution, provid<strong>in</strong>g speeds up to 128 kb/s (Table 1). Users canaccess the Internet while they are <strong>in</strong> the coverage area, us<strong>in</strong>ga laptop or palmtop computer and a small wireless modem.However, Ricochet does not offer full mobility or handoffhandl<strong>in</strong>g dur<strong>in</strong>g onl<strong>in</strong>e sessions. In other words, if a user triesto access the Internet while <strong>in</strong> a mov<strong>in</strong>g car, the connectionmay drop.Fixed <strong>Wireless</strong> Data (Broadband <strong>Wireless</strong>) —The term fixed wireless data is used for wirelesspo<strong>in</strong>t-to-po<strong>in</strong>t networks that offer services to alocation, such as an office or home, through largercustomer-premises antennas than seen <strong>in</strong> themobile or portable setups. Fixed wireless canSimple messag<strong>in</strong>g 14.4 Packet-switchedVoice 16 L<strong>in</strong>e-switched■ Table 3. Service profiles def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> IMT-2000 [92].1 ARDIS was created <strong>in</strong> 1990 when Motorola and IBMmerged their bi-directional wide area data networks. In1995 Motorola took over 100 percent of the company.Motient acquired ARDIS <strong>in</strong> March 1998 [89].12IEEE Communications Surveys • • Fourth Quarter 2000

TypeBandwidth (Mb/s) Distance (m)HIPERLAN 1 Portable/mobile LAN 20 50–100HIPERLAN 2 Portable/mobile ATM 24 50–100HIPERLAN 3 Stationary local loop (ATM) 48 5000HIPERLAN 4 Po<strong>in</strong>t-to-po<strong>in</strong>t stationary 155 50–500■ Table 4. ETSI broadband radio access network standards.offer faster data throughputs than the preced<strong>in</strong>g categories,equivalent to T1 l<strong>in</strong>e speeds. Examples <strong>in</strong>clude the BroadbandRadio Access Networks [95] and the IEEE 802.16 Broadband<strong>Wireless</strong> Access standards [96].REFERENCES[1] J. B. Postel, “Transmission Control Protocol,” RFC 793, Sept.1981.[2] V. Jacobson, R. Braden, and D. Borman, “<strong>TCP</strong> Extensions forHigh Performance,” RFC 1323, May 1992.[3] M. Allman, V. Paxson, and W. R. Stevens, “<strong>TCP</strong> CongestionControl,” RFC 2581, Apr. 1999.[4] W. R. Stevens, <strong>TCP</strong>/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols,Addison-Wesley, 1994.[5] G. R. 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Walke, Mobile Radio Networks, John Wiley & Sons, 1999.[94] Metricom (, Apr. 2001.[95] European Telecommunications Standard Institute, BroadbandRadio Access Networks,, Apr. 2001.[96] IEEE P802.16, The Work<strong>in</strong>g Group for Broadband <strong>Wireless</strong>Access,, Apr. 2001.BIOGRAPHYKOSTAS PENTIKOUSIS ( is pursu<strong>in</strong>g a Ph.D. <strong>in</strong>Computer Science at the State University of New York at StonyBrook. His research <strong>in</strong>terests lie <strong>in</strong> the area of computer networks,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g transport and application-layer protocols, mobile comput<strong>in</strong>g,wireless communications, and network management. Hereceived a B.Sc. (honors) from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,and a M.Sc. from SUNY at Stony Brook, both <strong>in</strong> Computer Science.14IEEE Communications Surveys • • Fourth Quarter 2000

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